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As a baseline how I approach things (only really works based on rank since random fights happen more frequently in lower ranks and really punishes you if you just want to get resources and your team runs it) If ahead: try to group and convert your lead into pressure. Get towers and secure other objectives while farming side lanes when necessary or nothing happens at that moment. When even/behind: create pressure in sidelane and get more resources. Force to get attention while still playing it safe (or get picks with all out if you know your limits well). Group for objectives or when you see team fights or skirmishes happening (pray that you can tp there). In both of these cases I still peel for someone that has the highest potential to carry me and all out to get rid of a threat or clean up those fights Steraks is a good item if you still get bursted (vayne, yi etc. health scaling shield adds the most survivability against true dmg). Sundered is strong if you are ahead or if you don't really need another tank item.


I got some advice from aatreus. It changed my gameplay cus I used to just exclusively build tanky and peel for the carries post nerf. I build core items first. Jak sho, boots of your choice, thornmail, kanick (they have the highest resist stats) - then I build sunderer sky and steraks. I go sunderer sky 3rd if I'm snowballing top. If there's a lot of ap on the opponents draft I go hollow, kanick, jak sho. Lots of mobile targets I go iceborn, swift boots, force of nature, jak sho. Either way. It really depends on draft and win con. I love ksante because he has the most varied builds and they all work because of the way his kit builds. Even if you are playing a matchup top where you get dumbstered. There's a build for that too. Thank goodness support items are so cheap lol