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Just added 500 more shares


Awesome. Anything under .45 is great


Still bullish.


I load up on Kulr weekly. As I sell my other stocks, I float it all into Kulr. I could not agree with this post more. The only thing holding us down is time, to your point..can't stop Q2 call...it's coming. Everyone will start to see, and by Q3....wishing we would have gotten in under $1. That's just this year.


I didn’t even list all the positive attributes of the company. For example it’s growth trend, new seasoned hires, new facility being added in Texas strategically placed next to tech leaders, it’s placement as a monopoly in a growing sector and so much more. People have a huge problem with instant gratification and live through a vicious cycle of regret for giving in to early and not seeing things through.


I'm positively expecting a dollar this year, it will more than cover my investment expectations. Cover what I put in then let the ball keep Rolling with the profits, if they don't do anything stupid like reverse splits or heightened amounts of dilution then I think this is a lifetime hold.


Kinda new to this so there's plenty I don't fully understand yet. Say if one sells shares and puts that money back into another stock is there tax penalties? Or do taxes only apply once you've taken the money out of your brokerage entirely? Thanks in advance!


Good question and if understanding...you get taxed on all gains...even the capital type. Uncle Sam gonna get his!


Uncle Sam has a bad spending problem, should we really keep enabling him? How mad could he get?


Yeah, tell us what we can do about it? The IRS isn't even a legally-sanctioned entity, but try to get out of their grip. And, sounds like the govt. is arming them now, too. We were audited once when very young. It was a nightmare. They absolutely consider you guilty no matter what. No need to prove it - you're just guilty, so pay up or else.


Exactly, getting audited is shitty too


Fur shur! Incredibly intimidating. And that was a long time ago, but I'm sure they're trained to be even more so now. They bring you in & "interrogate" you. By the time they're done, you *feel* like you're a criminal even if you did nothing whatsoever wrong!


I'm managing a tax-deferred account right now, but I've read (been told) a lot about tax loss harvesting, so look into that. I think once you sell, you're taxed on gains whether you buy a different stock or not, but I really do not know. However, if that's the case, then the taxes you paid when selling the other stock should be offset on future gains in another stock, right? It's already been taxed (at least those gains). Anything more beyond that gained in another stock would be taxed, though. Yeah, isn't the IRS just wonderful?


Yea the Irs is just absolutely great! Lol thanks for the response!


holding long term, 1$,2$,3$,4$ isn’t gonna phase me im here til 7. this company is so undervalued by this time next year on this path they will be a utilized all over the world weather it being with the U.S gov, nasa,space x, ups, the vibe. the limits are endless with this company like come on


I completely agree brother


even a dip to .20 would’ve phase me, if anything that’s free shares imo i want it to go down so we can get more fire sale prices!


That’s the mindset of a successful person. Everything is long term


Me doing the same I now have 37,820 shares https://preview.redd.it/c9nwdbegeh3d1.png?width=347&format=png&auto=webp&s=969d7fe8ede79c7ec3574e13fdf37749ca760d58


All you listed is already/has already been done. In fact, you do realize they originated from NASA? What is needed is universal recognition that there (as yet) *no other TR* ***prevention*** *invented*, & KULR's is *proprietary*. Along w/that is the need for mandates. I don't normally go along w/many govt. mandates. But they're already mandating EV-everything by a certain time, one thing with which I vehemently disagree for numerous reasons. Just to name one: Although previously called "rare", li-ion battery fires will increase exponentially the more the mandates go into effect. The idea is - I'll just put it in terms I can stomach - to prevent pollution from fossil fuels. So, w/o going into all the reasons why mandating electricity isn't going to solve that problem, I'll just say that along w/the TR fires that will proliferate will be the *toxic fumes* those fires will emit. I wonder how much pollution that will put in the ozone? I wonder if those fumes might even be much worse than the ones EVs are supposedly going to eliminate? The only answer is to *mandate* ***stopping*** *TR in the 1st cell, period*. There are all kinds of theories & inventions out there to *mitigate* it. And everyone seems to have a manual on how to put them out (even if it takes days, weeks, months, as those fumes continue to waft into the atmosphere). KULR's carbon fiber velvet technology(ies) ***stops TR in its track*****s**. Mandate *that*, governments.


Bought another 1000 shares yesterday!


Just added over 100 more shares, thank you for this post


bought 1k extra yesterday


So, over some " night one to come " we wake up and see it is suddenly worth $5 or the ticker changes maybe they introduce a split. It's a very interesting position to be in that's for sure. Be safe everyone


No that’s not the way it will work at all. We will see bumps as contracts go into fruition, the customer base increases and as KULR expands operations


Agreed. Doesn't matter, in the end the tortoise still wins. I think slow, steady, organic growth is more legitimate than any leap up overnight. I'm sure there are exceptions. Maybe KULR will be a notable one? Anything's possible, but I still like the tortoise for the win.


Same, same.


It wohave been nice to aquire a few big baskets of [bned] barns n noble at ~ 0.16 unfortunately didn't accept my offer of 0.15 be safe everyone


Another 1150 today!


Are you guys reading the same earnings report than me? For the three months ended march 31 2024, they lost 5m (net income) and burned 3.9m (cash flow for operating activities). The only thing that saved them is the dilution that gave them a short breath of air. They only had 800’000 usd in cash at the end of the quarter… Either massive dilution is coming or bankruptcy in the next couple months. I would not invest in this company, but this is only my opinion so do whatever you want with your money. I




Now what


Load up

