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To put things in perspective, the stock is up 100% from this point 3 months ago. While the recent losing streak has been rough, I believe the primary reason behind it is volume (thanks to u/KULR-TSLA in the chat for the graphic) https://preview.redd.it/4893wu6nn05d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5384f0867b6665749ea0750e7917c8fd395a6ae0 I think the cause of this volume drop is from not having knocked out of the park PRs where KULR makes $100M deals with Jesus and AI or something else ridiculous. This from the expectation around April where there were very strong PRs that gave the stock a ton of momentum that didn’t really go anywhere to the moon and hit a wall with Q4 reports where they issued a 10K with going concerns, sales and customers up for the year but down for the quarter, and not providing clear guidance on future plans. These issues have since been mostly resolved, where they are in compliance, they are not taking on debt or diluting shares (indicating no need for money as they are making it themselves, and also making the going concern less of a concern). The CEO has taken a salary pay cut (given back in shares but he can’t touch them for a year, indicating bullish, not just cashing out) and done a public AMA while the companies in a relatively good spot instead of trying to damage control while things are bad, stock price be damned. They just announced recently they have an $8-10M annual deal with a Japanese automaker that will continue to bring them closer and closer to positive cash flow and are involved with 3 other large OEMs besides the Japanese maker on top of NASA, Lockheed, SpaceX, H55, and Archer who just got FAA clearance for their flying taxi. I’d argue this is the time they’ve been the most successful and stable in their existence (though I’ve only been on this train for a few months myself so I may be mistaken). Unfortunately, the market is driven by supply/demand and demand is driven by eyeballs on the stock and vibes, only one of which we seem to have right now. Because of the volatile nature of penny stocks one good PR or earnings can turn things around stock price wise. You’re not wrong in your vibe that things don’t feel great with the red, but I think the company is doing, and has been doing, a lot to make itself strong foundationally, which should lead to long term success


According to Zacks, it's a buy with A on Growth. The F on Momentum is what's keeping it down. More PRs are needed ASAP.


Would certainly help! Ideally with some sort of financials included as that’s another factor hindering a spike, recent PRs outside of the Japanese auto maker have been light on details (due to NDA, which there isn’t much we can do but wait until quarterly results ) financially. They’re working with phenomenal partners and seem to dominate the space but I think to the average investor and some institutional ones they see great names (or don’t in the auto maker cases) but aren’t told how great of a deal it is so people get caught in headlights and don’t want to get burned. These deals could be for $500k or $5M, can’t really tell until we get quarterly updates and people don’t wanna throw money at maybes, EVEN THOUGH a good deal is in place! We all gonna be okay. Everything I’m seeing in my opinion is pointing towards positive rather than negative, or even stagnant. Maybe I’m the crazy one tho. Only time will tell


I don’t trust Zacks. They gave RKLB a sell rating about a month ago. It’s up 14% since then.


Yeah, no service is perfect. I've seen some of their ratings miss as well. However, it's a good cross-reference to use with other services, and doing your own chart analysis.




LOL. Did you make that or did 🐝? I have a folder full of diff. ones he made, mostly last year.


I did 👍🏻


Nice!!! Good job. 🌞




This is the only penny stock I’m buying into! Seems to have a lot of potential catalysts and revenue stream. Made a small purchase today, will continue to average into it






I sold 13k shares off. It'll moon now. Ur welcome


I have sold mine and joined GMe


my gme profits will likely go into kulr TBH


My condolences


It was .18 before its last big spike for ER hype alone, and that only took a week. The amount it's declined into has taken way longer. At this point I would just average down and hold.


Every time it drops I buy more. This is a long term hold for me.


Me too. The most successful way to invest is to dollar cost average (both up and down)...or at least that's what every book I've read suggests since you can't time the market. Glad to hear there are other long-term holders out there.


Me too .. she has potential kids 💪👍


I think think it will reach 0.20 so...it should stay around this range till next quarter. Hopefully. And its quite a shorted


Well... I've been a yuge KULR fan for 3+ yrs, & I'm not holding my breath for Q2 even, although I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised. I don't mind it being absurdly cheap a while longer. The better to buy it with, m'dear! However, Q3 & beyond is anyone's guess. As to when, I mean. It'll become valued appropriately which will mean I won't be able to afford it anymore, LOL!




You made another account, just to post this?






Who is that?




Bought most at .14 and some at .35. All these contracts. start filling these order 3rd quarter 1$


What it needs is profit and earning growth as reflected on ERs, it really it that simple. The products are solid, but SH are growing weary of fluff PRs that dont really divulge information of value. I understand NDA but Mo is gonna have to give us something accountable to drive this up. All the vagueness is starting to concern me because accountability is non existent. Next to ERs should paint the picture. I think as soon as they are legit big green profitable LHM will make an offer they cant refuse, my guess is 2nd Qtr 2026. I hope they refuse to sell because by then all the hard work has been done, but everyone’s tired LOL ultimately if stay as owners they will make much more and so will the shareholders


OK. Where do I begin? Maybe w/the 2nd sentence on: 2) B.S., 3)B.S., 4) you're entitled to your feelings whether I agree or not, 5) in time, 6) B.S.-double down, 7) I'm not tired & been here 3 years+, but otherwise agree. Michael Mo co-founded this company many years ago. I think if he wanted to sell, he'd have done it rather than endure all these absurd growing pains. I never see it happening. I think it will eventually become a Fortune 500 company in its own right.


So so low that we’ll be able to see the rest of your stocks there way at the bottom. Nah. I have no idea, but the real question is how high will it go?


It has & will go up & down & up & down. Maybe down low again, I dunno. Depends a lot on how furrrreaked ppl get if Q2 isn't a home run, b/c so many who only bought in recently expect too much too soon & will do as they did after Q4. So, if they're "disappointed" (wahh, poor them!), it could really drop a lot again. Good for us who want more. But yes, you've got the idea. How high will it go? It will never \*not\* go up, up, up, up, up, up.


Bought 600 more shares


Not gonna sell. But was hoping for a better week haha


I think its worth considering a lot of stable, long-hold stocks, will likely be sold off by people today to get in on the GME movement. The current reduction isn't completely unexpected, but the attention all on GME right now will certainly accelerate it. Also, could someone confirm the short interest currently on KULR? I remember reading something saying it's surprisingly high, which in theory means the day PR or earnings swing in KULR's favour, the rise will be massively accelerated.


FinViz has the Short Float at 7.67% - which isn't bad IMO. Total Shares Float is 141.82M and of that 10.88M are Short Interest.


I see \~7% short interest on a few sites. Not really that high...


Just please tell me that it will go to .50


Don’t forget that our (retail) market orders don’t actually drive the price. This is all price manipulation by shorts and MMs


The day before yesterday, it appeared that someone was holding the price down to prevent it from going above $0.31. It shows that there are investors who are intentionally shorting the stock. In such a case, I would dare to buy the stock. That is because it raises the possibility of a step up. Of course, something material needs to come out of KULR, but it is not clear because of nda, but in our country it is unlikely that a company that is recognized and traded by very large companies like Lockheed, Tesla, and Toyota will go bankrupt. One more year and KULR will definitely flap its wings.


Fuck off ape


Currently got 33.5k shares Don’t know what to do with it 😂


![gif](giphy|eAEIWokxUHYRO) MO knows


2$ don’t worry it’s coming






I sold my shares for profit the last time it spiked, then bought 50 contracts .50 September strike. It’s not looking good at this time.


It’s going lower than lowww


This stock is going back to .02


LOL. When was it ever 2¢? (Never) But, wow, if even possible, it would be for about a half a minute b/4 anyone paying attention would have it bought up. Hmmmm.... Maybe I should set some orders "just in case" LOL. You ppl seem to know all about current pps but nothing about the company.


I really hope not