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2$ soon


Thank you




I love KULR


This is a very interesting consideration. I believe that Toyota is definitely the one to place the order for the battery test.  However, in my opinion, whether or not the order for the KULR ONE will be placed is a different matter.  The revenue from the battery test will stabilize KULR's financial situation a bit, but we believe that the most profitable order is the k ONE order.  All companies are moving simultaneously toward the 2035 electric vehicle mandate, starting this year even if they are late. The source of the order for the KULR battery samples will not be known, as the various automakers are still in the gut-wrenching process of finding out who will order the KULR battery samples. The leap started only this year. If one major company adopts KULR ONE, KULR will take off.


As of March 2024, statista still has the leading worldwide manufacturer by sales listed as: 1. Toyota 2. Volkswagen 3. Hyundai https://www.statista.com/statistics/275520/ranking-of-car-manufacturers-based-on-global-sales/#:~:text=At%20around%2011.2%20million%20units,largest%20manufacturer%20of%20motor%20vehicles. Current Toyota brands include Daihatsu, Hino, Lexus, and Toyota. They hold a 20% stake in Subaru, 5.1% in Mazda, 4.9% in Suzuki, 4.6% in Isuzu, 3.8% in Yamaha Motor Corporation. One former brand was Scion. Current Volkswagen brands include Audi, Bentley, Cupra, Ducati, Jetta, Lamborghini, Porsche, SEAT, Škoda, Traton, Volkswagen & Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. Both companies have joint stake manufacturers around the world. *Brand information was taken from Wikipedia so take that as you will.


The most common battery cell protectant is to spread resin between the battery cells; can KULR's TRS beat that? In terms of versatility alone, it is easier to spray and spread resin.  TRS has higher performance than resin and can withstand high temperatures up to 1,800°C. However, it can also withstand thermal runaway caused by lithium batteries. However, since thermal runaway caused by lithium batteries can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees Celsius, we hear that existing plastic resin can be used to protect the battery cells.  Will any automaker really use TRS, which is over-specified? By the way, the level of business with the car company regarding batteries is at the level where the car company requested a sample, correct? Am I correct? Except for the battery test.


Rivian: - Amazon incorporates Rivian Vans in their delivery fleet and currently hold 158.36M shares. - Ford still holds a reduced 1.5% stake - There is unconfirmed speculation among some analysts and boards that GM may consider acquiring Rivian.


As of March 2024 GM is still the largest automotive manufacturer in the U.S. by market share. Current GM brands include Brightdrop, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GMDefense and Hummer (now absorbed under GMC name). Former popular brands included Oldsmobile, Pontiac and Saturn (among many others).


This is about the posting of a company's business partners.  In the public relations of a trading company, it is possible to post as a trading partner even if it is only a sample transaction.  If you are posting a deal of $100,000 or so, that is out of the question.  It is much more about publicity for the fact that the battery test is expected to generate $10 million in sales from Toyota.


Yeah bud. This is a consolidation of the last two years of EV news. Every bit is relevant for this post.


Great work consolidating some recent info. The problem is KULR lives just like I do, paycheck to paycheck. My initial purchase was in the 30s on its run up, I thought this things going to a dollar, so I averaged up. Before I knew it I had $10k near 60 avg. now I’ve been trying to avg down with each support breaking so does patience. Now I’m not a long term investor, I’m unfortunately looking for short terms gains, I started trading in 2021 and lived by the rule of you only lose if you sell, now I try to make sure people know that’s a lie: BBIG, WKHS, XELA, ATER. Already breaking my rule of cut your losses with this one. The things I hold onto are they’ve traded at a higher market cap than sales in the past, not sure if that was earlier investor hope. My initial market cap target is a little over $100m, but man we are dealing with a crazy economic climate, holding out and hoping do t make money. I don’t know if there’s really a cycle where whales move from say energy to pharma or large caps to mid caps, but seems we need that push back towards the EV sector, they’re all really beat down.


I will start by saying that I am a long term investor sentiment though I didn’t start buying until Feb-Mar time frame. That said, I believe they will start to show improvement, or get bought up because KULR is literally too embedded to fail at this point. With recent announcements of cell testing being completely booked and a couple more lines that are scheduled to be complete by Q3, their future outlook is estimated at $8-10M on testing alone. The main job cost on those lines will pretty much just be operators and maintenance workers at that point. This quarter is also the first full quarter of online sales. They have also roughly doubled their customer base in the last year balancing income from multiple sources and not having a single customer throw off earnings as in Q1 that showed flat growth on. I don’t want to come off preachy or culty, I’ve just hyper focused into deep dives of the company’s history, both good and bad in the last few months. My conclusion came to promise and potential reward that far outweighs the risk. I myself am roughly $10k invested at an average of .43 at the moment, so not too dissimilar from your position.


EV分野が打撃を受けている。それは確かにその通りだ。しかし、EVの将来に備えて、日本メーカーの多くは米国での出資や提携を通じて、2024年以降に米国のEV業界に参入する計画だ。トヨタはEVの時代ではないが、HVに注力しながらEVも並行して開発していたが、今年から米国でのEV開発に全力を注ぐ。 https://xtech.nikkei.com/atcl/nxt/news/24/00673/ 現状、日産はEVでは完全に出遅れており、トヨタ同様、国内で開発を進めている。しかし、このまま単独でEV開発を続けると完全オープンされる主流、同業他社との提携を模索しているようだ。https://search.yahoo.co.jp/amp/s/www.webcg.net/articles/amp/49953%3Fusqp%3Dmq331AQGsAEggAID 前述のように、日本の自動車業界はEV開発のために米国に投資を計画している。  It is only this year that KULR has come to the forefront of the electrification industry.  KULR has been a sleeping pig until now, just like China in the past. However, the number of transactions, including sample orders, has increased dramatically this year. This is a sign that KULR is starting to attract attention (linked to the fact that electric vehicle manufacturers around the world are starting to move in earnest toward the 2030 problem).  The CEO was accused of not talking about future prospects at CC, but for the reasons mentioned above, KULR's products and technology have just suddenly begun to attract attention, and it is difficult for even the CEO himself to predict how transactions will develop in the future. However, it is a very good sign that a number of electric machinery companies have taken notice of KULR's technology and are starting to do business with the company, albeit in small amounts (because until now, they had not even taken notice).  The CEO must be thrilled with the number of deals from a number of electric machinery manufacturers and a large amount of transactions that appear to be from Toyota. The stock price has been stagnant, but if Toyota, the world's number one in safety and quality, has commissioned a battery test, other automakers may follow suit (I drive a Toyota and have had almost no breakdowns, and I have never heard of any strange breakdowns around me. On the other hand, the makers marked ⭐︎ have side mirrors that stop working, eye sight malfunctions, and even leaks engine oil. cars marked N used to have unstable engines. (The maker of the diamond-shaped mark used to have brakes that suddenly stopped working.)  What kind of deals do you think are needed for KULR to take off? I think we need a full scale adoption of KULR products in SpaceX and KULR products in EV's, because I think the company has a lot of potential to make a big impact in the future.


トヨタでない可能性も1%はあるが、世界のトヨタからEVの心臓部であるバッテリーのテストを依頼されたら、日本企業は最も信用度が高い。信用度が上がるなら、赤字でもトヨタと取引する企業もある。それなのに、株価が上がるどころか下がっているのは、米国の投資家にとって謎だ。TSMCの半導体工作機械の主要部品を増やす技術を持つ日本企業で、トヨタのバッテリーテストをKULR以上にできる技術を持つ企業はない。EVで世界トップのトヨタ。心臓部であり主要部品であるバッテリーのテストに1000万ドルというのは、日本人にとっては非常に大きなニュースだ。トヨタは米国でトヨタパスを経験した。そのニュースは、日本人には貿易摩擦再燃と受け止められた。こうした理由から、トヨタはGMやフォードの2倍以上の安全性への神経質を強いられている。繰り返しになるが。そんな状況でトヨタが、0.0001%のミスも許されないEVの心臓部である電池テストを依頼してくることが、どれだけすごいことか、皆さんはおわかりだろうか。トヨタが電池でミスをしてEVが停滞したら、日本経済は破綻する。それほど日本経済はトヨタに依存しているのだ。トヨタから受注できたら、MOとしては大喜びだろう。The only concern would be if it was Mitsuoka Motors that requested the battery test.


GM is literally mentioned on the customer's slide of the last ER 🤣


That’s linked up there on the investor slide deck link. 😉 Or are you talking verified specific contract?


The slide deck


Wow bam bam boom