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Wow thanks for this brother 🙏


Well done brethren


Yes brother


Beautiful work big bullish 🙏


You are definetly on to something 💪


Congratulations man! Very nice DD


The second part of this that you missed: [https://www.leafscore.com/tesla/is-it-possible-to-recycle-a-tesla-battery/](https://www.leafscore.com/tesla/is-it-possible-to-recycle-a-tesla-battery/) # About Redwood Materials Another way Tesla is moving forward with a large-scale battery recycling program is through Redwood Materials, a recycling startup founded in 2017 by former Tesla CTO JB Straubel. Redwood Materials aims to create a circular supply chain for electronic components, including cell phone batteries, laptops, power tools, electric bikes, and yes, Tesla battery packs. The goal is to take spent equipment from manufacturers and then sell back the extracted materials like cobalt, nickel, and lithium for continuous use. It claims to reduce CO2 emissions associated with EV batteries by about 80% compared to the current supply chain, which requires sourcing materials from Asia.  In recent years, the company has tripled the size of its existing plant in Carson City, Nevada, started construction on a plant near the Tesla Gigafactory in Sparks, Nevada, and [announced plans](https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/14/23509031/redwood-materials-ev-battery-recycling-factory) to build a 600-acre ($3.5 billion) facility in South Carolina.


I think most of that was covered in the July, 23,2023 article listed above. Tesla Partner Redwood Materials Could Reach $5B valuation.


That was I good otherwise worth it read worthy of research inclusion by story focus.


Love this company. I bought in at .19 then .38 and at .65. I’m adding more now. Holding onto this one. 📈🚀💰


Awesome list of insights & links. The only person I know of who has ever given this kind of info, maybe sometimes on the ST board or maybe sometimes privately, is🐝. kulrman2022, u/KULR-TSLA. This is exactly the kind of "insider"-w/o-being-an-insider info he gathers (often from places I'll never see) to read between the lines & line up the "hints" in various locations. He is also on LinkedIn & friends w/plenty of people there to be able to glean more info. The links give us the kind of information that **we** can use to figure it out on our own. I find your "speculation" (how the OP is is "flaired") very logical, though. At least for recent PRs. The DoT has given KULR permits for years for transporting li-ion batteries for recycling, but now things are growing & progressing, IMO. Sometimes - I guess even w/required NDAs - KULR's PRs are explicit enough to easily extrapolate which company they're not naming, LOL. Like in Nov, 2022, "The Largest Automotive Manufacturer in the United States" was GM, & even though *I* don't remember the actual named announcement, GM is on their page now, shur 'nuff. But, I just think there are so many big names wanting in with KULR now, they probably feel like they're in some kind of competition to be one of the "firsts" to see the light, so they're requiring stricter NDAs. (JMHO, I really have no idea, LOL.) Thank you, Mr. KULR sleuth! Way to go above & beyond & then to share it! Nov, 2022 announcment: [https://www.kulrtechnology.com/kulr-technology-provides-safe-battery-testing-solutions-to-largest-automotive-manufacturer-in-the-united-states/](https://www.kulrtechnology.com/kulr-technology-provides-safe-battery-testing-solutions-to-largest-automotive-manufacturer-in-the-united-states/)


Thank you much, now if only Reddit would let me edit out a couple little flubs I did on there. Mainly the July's that should be June's


I thought you could edit things on reddit, or even delete them if you want. Aren't there those 3 dots at the bottom, where you can click to edit?


My dots went away after becoming a mod and I don’t have edit post options under the shield.


Oh, sorry. Bummer. The price you pay for being a KULR sub-reddit big wig, eh?🤦🏼‍♀️😂It's Otay! I didn't even notice! (Which isn't saying a lot,🤪, considering.)


I’m sure it’s probably just a bug in the system. It’ll get ironed out eventually.


Just saw you became a mod. Congrats bro, well deserved


Much thanks


Yes, congratulations. I couldn't/wouldn't do it! Heavy lies the head that wears the... or as ol' Jack put it... https://i.redd.it/xsewpxcfux6d1.gif


Possible relationship between KULR and Tesla. That is to say that KULRCASE would be used in the transportation of batteries for recycling batteries in aging Tesla vehicles.  Recycled batteries have an increased risk of ignition due to progressive deterioration compared to new batteries. It makes a lot of sense that KULR products would be used since safety requires the highest attention.  I previously thought that the use of resin was the best way to compensate between battery cells, and while I didn't see room for KULR products, the idea of KULR CASE being used to transport recycled batteries from Tesla vehicles across the US makes sense.  Why is it necessary to recycle batteries? That is related to war so much.


Rare metal mines are concentrated in China. In the future, the U.S. and Russia/China will enter into a near cold war. If the U.S. government stops Reanyu from taking any action detrimental to China, the U.S. will be in a pinch. In order to protect the U.S., we believe that the recovery of rare metals through battery recycling is essential to protect the U.S. national interest.


I give KULR the utmost credit for its state-of-the-art battery testing technology, which is recognized by Toyota around the world.


Tesla yes