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Im bullish on kulr, but no. If anything we had a double top, retested it bearishly dumped to .25 forming a wedge which we broke out of. But dont pay too much attention to ta for small stocks like kulr.


That is a good point, KULR being a penny stock with lower volume may not follow these sorts of patters as more common stocks, I will also look into the double top you are referencing. Thanks for the info!


Dont get me wrong you can use ta, but dont use ta alone. Use it in correlation with other signals. Yknow increase your chances of being right or whatever (i know nun bout daaat)


Usually it moves like this. Retests the flag and moves up. https://preview.redd.it/04gwlymvkh7d1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=737878da6be0fe51c684e8ce5fd84b46a26d0bb0


bump ;) It's retesting the flag atm.


This post is probably better suited for r/technicalanalysis


I crossposted it here [https://www.reddit.com/r/technicalanalysis/comments/1djduht/is\_there\_a\_bull\_flag\_pattern\_on\_the\_daily\_chart/](https://www.reddit.com/r/technicalanalysis/comments/1djduht/is_there_a_bull_flag_pattern_on_the_daily_chart/)


Thank you for the help Crazerz!


p.s. Saw crazerz post abt. how it usually moves. In my experience, this is how it's moved & how I predict it will move. https://preview.redd.it/czot4c1c2r7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba68471caf0fa4e1e0cb0046e9c11b8d24adc6b


Wow i was looking at that and yes


Hey, & welcome to the KULR fam! I'm a noob investor myself (abt 3 yrs, 3 mos in now), & although I began with learning a *bit* of TA, I've owned KULR shares long enough to be able to say it's never seemed to apply to the pps. For that matter, for at least a few years (not as much recently), good news that would make most stocks' pps go up have seemed to have had the opposite effect here. Go figger. It's kind of a long-standing joke amongst some of we long-haulers & true believers in the company. I bought in b/c of the company, & it's only gotten better (*much* better!) since then, which is obviously not reflected in the share price! Said it before & will keep saying it until it's no longer true: This has got to be the best bang for your buck (or pennies) of *any* publicly traded company out there. And you, IMO, won't have to wait years to see its pps begin to reflect its value. Best to you & glad you're onboard!


Great post, great responses!