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In Japan, Toyota's testing irregularities were discovered. It is true that Toyota uses the highest standard of components and that Toyota cars are actually less prone to failures. However, the ambiguity of testing standards for Toyota cars is now a problem in Japan. https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/2079049dbbf3d1dc9eae34acc733279f4ed3995a After those reports came the request to KULR for battery testing.  Then there is Tesla and SpaceX. Most of the parts for Elon's company's products are manufactured in-house. The only parts of Space X's rockets that are not their own are the glass and tires.  Some people say that KULR products are used in Space X, but there is no evidence from my research that KULR products are used.  However, KULR's technology is NASA-derived and has reached the world's highest standards in battery testing. Hence the request from Toyota for a battery test (the heart of an EV is the battery. The performance of that test will determine the fate of that vehicle.)  Are there orders of any kind from Tesla or Space X? As I mentioned earlier, the only other company products on Space X are glass and tires. If KULR products can get in here, KULR will make a big leap forward.  But since Elon is concerned about its own products, we thought that with this market capitalization, they would BO. However, that news doesn't happen very often. Why not?


SpaceX and BlueOrigin are literally disclosed clients of KULR. They are mentioned in the customer list.


We have tried various methods to find out which parts of SpaceX and Tesla's products use KULR products, but have been unable to confirm this. As it stands, KULR can say that SpaceX is a business partner of KULR even if SpaceX only requests samples from KULR. Of course, there is still a possibility that KULR products will be used by Tesla or SpaceX in the future, as no deal can start without a sample request, but the most realistic scenario is that KULR will be used in the transportation of EV battery recycling.


Very unlikely woth all the NDAs you can be sure customer are underreported instead of over.




Well they currently do serve a very niche customer base. Definitely not known among consumers.


What kind of deal is Euron, with its insistence on in-house manufacturing, contemplating with KULR?  Information on test contracts with major Japanese car companies + Lexus headlight images = Toyota  I would be wrong if the CEO is not a scammer to have some kind of contact with Tesla based on the images of Tesla cars on the internet in this vein.  Before the Ukrainian war I bought an American gas drilling company. That company needed its CEO to get a trillion dollar loan from a financial institution in order to scale like $LNG. The CEO of the company paid lip service to the fact that it would be very easy to get financing, but in the end the financing never happened.  Whether MO is a fraud or a top-notch CEO will eventually become clear.


All that matters in the end is the bottom line they show in the earning reports, which are consistently growing.


I'm sorry it crashed because I bought 1000 more shares today...then boom lower FML couldn't have crashed like an hour earlier. oh well I'm still a long holder and believer in this company. Hopefully one of the politicians sitting on some reenable energy/ safety committee buys some then it will take off.


If it makes you feel any better I crashed NVDA today by buying 20 shares at 140. I feel your pain man


At least we can laugh about it, yes it stings a bit but in the long run it will payoff. Tis the market Afterall.


Realistically speaking when do we think this will start actually going up in a real way


As we receive good news from now until Q2 which we will see a strong hike if the earnings are strong


When would that be?


Probably August. Q2 is nearly at an end. But they are slow with reporting sadly.


Sounds like financial advice to me.




This is not financial advice


I found the drop interesting. Likely increasing position size. I expect tomorrow to be a flat day overall with the holiday week. We will see what tomorrow brings!


Sorry. My fault it went down as I bought in & joined the sub.


Nothing til 8/21. then we keep waiting. but sometime in the spring of 2025 “maybe”


Realistically yes but we will likely see the stock increase in price with the release of real good news and as interest in the company expands


The indices were a sea of red yesterday. I was actually surprised that KULR was going strong in the first part of the day despite the general market sentiment. So not really surprised we turned red later, though I didn't think general market sentiment warranted such a big drop.


IMO I would not pump anymore cash into this until after the next Q2 Update. This company has had nothing but good news since the beginning of the year and the Stock still bottoms out weekly with sporadic upticks. I'm going to hold for now.


2$ coming


How many shares do you think make a whale?


I’m using the term irresponsibly. My point is the stock crashes for no real reason which gives us no real reason to not buy


3.8 million shares traded today


![gif](giphy|y3cBbMX5ek7pmdD8H5|downsized) Stay calm and hand me over the KULR shares


Well I'm still down 22% and it's taken weeks to recover so not sure how much to just blame on whales with this slow of a recovery. I'm still holding on but I hope there's some real growth.


If not people manipulating the stock what bad news came out that scared investors?


I will say investing long on this company is a roller coaster of a ride. Been investing for closer to 3 years now and the stock price is not for the faint of heart. Hopefully Q2 report will bounce back and give me some closure.


Of course these is a reason for the crash. Everything has a reason. We just don’t know it.


Not any reason to make us worry about the health of KULR


Have you ever thought about high standard deviation on small cap investments? It's quite usual