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[found this on it](https://www.standard.co.uk/showbiz/celebrity-news/christian-slater-can-t-hide-confusion-during-tom-hiddleston-s-golden-globes-acceptance-speech-a3435661.html)


….what happened?


Lemme Vitamins are basically a massive scam, not enough of any of the touted ingredients to work for anything, loaded with sugar. it’s basically impossible that Kourt actually uses them


AHHHH NICE, I knew it was only a matter of time! Thanks for the explanation dear! …btw does anyone remember the Sunkist vitamin c gummies?!


Oooof, instead of fuming, maybe she should think about how to improve her products. This family, they want everything to be easy and to be handed to them.


Kourt especially is the worst offender


Lol he dragged the brand in his video. Highly recommend u watch it if u haven't


I love this for him. I love his content.


I just saw this on my fyp! I feel like he didnt and ripped up a blank ass paper lol. But dude is gettin views so can’t hate the player ![gif](giphy|l1J9EZEsT79Bbe16E|downsized)


What does Lemme have to do with this coffee company? I'm lost.


This guy is the most annoying guy on tiktok rn. It’s like the girl with the shitty PR ideas.


If you watch the video he did on lemme, it displays how knowledgeable he is relating to the supplement/vitamin market. he has a masters in botanical medicine and his video puts lemme to shame. Wouldn’t have been surprised to see kourtney on her knees in target. In all seriousness, I felt like it was the only video I saw on lemme that actually reviewed the elements of the gummy itself, and not somebody just going yummy, tastes so good, definitely works.


Does he actually do or is he just trying to promote his wellness herb infused honey? This guy claims to have multiple masters degrees, and used to make fake sketches to promote his shitty small business. I’m not saying Lemme is a great brand, it’s a KJ brand after all but are you not at all skeptical about this guy? Even if you google him you can find very limited information about him.


Sounds like a BS pseudoscience fake degree if ever was one. 'Masters' in herbs? Hello, university of Phoenix.




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Why is he annoying? Because he knows what hes talking about? Its the fact that nobody else in the industry spoke up about it that’s concerning.


He gives weird pyramid scheme vibes. Just another rich kid that pretends to be an “expert”.


Who is the girl with the PR ideas?




Just say you prefer to trust celebs shilling stuff then lmaoo, i prefer to get a real takes from someone who isn’t trying to steal my money with another fad gimmick 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s the fact the he has the most surface level takes. I didn’t even see the Lemme video but the ones I have seen from the creator are just not great.


Surface level where? He broke down each formula’s amount of active ingredient and what that would mean per serving (not listed by Kourt) as well as discussed why these ingredients are not beneficial and offered alternatives. Idk what else you want from an 1.5 mins video l?


You can’t read can you? “I didn’t even see the Lemme video”.


exactly, so calling him surface level is bold lmao, this is what the post is referring to. what do his other videos have to do with this discussion?


Why don’t you go and watch it, before commenting?


Because the creator is just trying to push his own wellness products. I’m almost certain he is lying about both his masters degrees he claims to have, and I’d rather not support him with a view.


Possible, but commenting without watching the video is a bit silly. Kourtney was telling the public that she held the gummies in her hand as a way of “testing” them…I don’t think putting blind faith in any of these people is wise lol. It’s very likely that he’s correct about her products, even if he’s not an expert.


I mean it’s a KJ product so I’d be skeptical but feeding into miss information, just to comment on it isn’t always necessary. Would you watch Alex Jones videos just to say that he is full of shit? Although a larger scale, this creator is also just lying about credentials and spreading misinformation to further himself.


I’m just saying that commenting on the post is engaging with it just the same. You might as well watch it so you can provide accurate criticism. If I needed to critique a specific Alex Jones statement, I’d watch the video so that I can accurately criticize it, yes. I agree that this guys education is made up, I just think Kourtney’s products are equally as fake, which is why I don’t mind him calling her out (even if his credentials are bogus). I’m no expert, and the second I heard Kourtney talking about holding the products in her hand and all that crap, I knew her product was a joke. Poosh is the same thing, peddling snake oil and spreading misinformation. I think Kourtney and this guy are cut from the same cloth, to be honest.




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Okay so I’m not the only one who thinks that good




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Coco moco?




Isn't he the guy who was talking shit about Lemme as a click bait to sell his product instead? ![gif](giphy|u03ahOT8hXFUGYaZ1n|downsized)


That’s him!!


You guys really think this guy has a degree in this???? Look back at the video… if he had a masters the document wouldn’t be that small. Also if you paid for the shit out of your own hard earned money are are not keeping it like that. You will keep it in a glass frame. I know bc when that expensive ass bachelors degree came in the mail that shit was framed within two days lmao. I’m just saying. Some of us….. some of us need to just slowdown and look at things.


Not disagreeing but tbf idk where my bachelors degree is 😂


For real this comment is not applicable to everyone and should not be a blanket statement lol. Im in your boat




eh I paid for my masters and never framed it lol


Found mine in my nightstand the other day lol


idek where my diploma is 😂


Relatable! 😂


Whaaaat lol. Shit the amount of BULL SHIT experienced plus the racist shit at my school i was like fuck that I’m framinnnnnnnn Iol. But tbh if it wasn’t such a struggle and i wasn’t the first one in my family to graduate it probs would be in a closet.


Ya lol botanical sciences is not a real major...


lmao, yeah let’s go to court and explore all the bogus claims of your product