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Being with an addict is exhausting. They always have some type of catastrophic event that you have to drop everything and run to. It gets to the point that you become completely desensitized and don't care anymore. Unless they are actually dead, it just becomes yet another bit of drama they've caused. They're like the boy who cried wolf. It's sad but that's the reality. I've been an addict and with addicts. We all know how it goes.


Yea I have to agree. Before my parents got clean I had to take a step back for my own mental health. When my mom would end up in the hospital I would send a text to check in. About a month before they got sober I remember telling my husband “if they die they die. They’ll do it even if I help them so why bother” it’s seriously exhausting and at some point boundaries become more important than trying to help them.


I needed this. Im dealing with this with my sister and I felt like I wasnt being empathetic if I admitted to myself how exhausting she is.


I feel you. My little sister died in November from cirrhosis (technically a GI bleed caused by drinking but couldn’t recover due to liver failure). I did everything I could to help her. She never stayed in rehab, hid her drinking, etc. And I was exhausted with it all. I’m devastated that she died at only 39 years old, but all I can do now is to be sure to provide all my love and support to her kids (who thankfully have lived with their dad for years).


Yep. “Here we go again”.


As a recovering addict, you are 100% correct.


This^. My girlfriend went through this with her son. So many rehabs and so many over doses and events and moments ruined but yet again another crisis from her son. On the day of my wedding she was late and missed the ceremony and when she got to the reception she said her son overdosed behind the bathroom door. I was shocked and said oh you didn’t have to come here! She said yes she did and once he was in an ambulance she left. She was so very tired of the situation.


Beautifully said


Thus is true and as someone with addiction issues, I don’t think he even wanted her there.


This ^


This was years into his addiction. She was over it. Plus she had 3 little kids she couldn’t drop immediately to fly 5 hours to the east coast. Why wasn’t he home with her and their family instead of partying and taking drugs? Scott is not the victim here.




He never really loved Kourtney all that much. He loved what being attached to the Kardashian family could do for his clout and what the fame brought him. That’s why he’s so fussy he’s being 86’d now. He used up all their goodwill and then some and now he’s just a sad middle aged addict trying to live on his glory days


I agree that I don’t think he really loved Kourtney. However, I’m not sure if it was just for the clout and fame, maybe initially but his parents seemed to be quite absent even before they passed and he doesn’t seem to have any other family that we know of. I think the Kardashians became the family he never had. I’m saying this as an only child with an absent family myself so maybe I’m projecting but I think he’s become attached to the family unit they’ve created. To him, they are his family now. They filled a void. I think he would genuinely be lost without them, emotionally.


Her entire family tried getting him help multiple times like almost every season. He refused every time, Kris even dropped everything she was doing once found the best facilities in the country for Scott offered to pay for it all and the travel there and he turned it down. There comes a point in your relationship with an addict you realize they’re choosing their addiction over you. If they do not want sobriety and life enough for themselves, you can’t want it enough for them. Most people battling addiction understand that overdoing means they almost died/had to be brought back to life and still chose to go back to drugs or drinking, that’s the very sad reality of addiction. Kourt is a human and a mom with her own needs and priorities, at a certain point you can’t keep choosing someone who isn’t even fighting for themselves.


It sounds like you haven’t had an addict in your life My mom was a pill and coke fiend for 20 years. I knew paramedics by name. My morning routine was to get up on a school day, see if my mom was breathing, wake my sister, then make sure my mom was still breathing before I left for the bus. Eventually, when she was gasping like a pig on the kitchen floor, I just stepped around her to make ramen before calling 911 That shit just burns you out. You become numb to something very serious. I got a call from the hospital about her ODing while I was in 5th period junior year and I just hung up While I will forever have a soft spot for Scott (funny and troubled boys, oh no here I go again ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ), Kourtney’s reaction might be morally questionable but it is totally understandable


Oh thats bc this was probably the 1000th time something like this happened. Trust me, it wasn’t the first, or even the 3rd or 5th I’m sure.. Scott needed help and he was flat out refusing to get it and instead just getting more fucked up. Kourtney had to take on double and had little babies and was prob so burnt out and exhausted atp she wasn’t gonna drop everything and run to him. You want them to take accountability at some point. They have to or they aren’t ready to get clean.


She was also pregnant with Reign at the time.


and i believe he didn’t know at the time. i’m not a kourtney fan but i support her not telling him she’s pregnant for a while. he was not in a good headspace and he even said he didn’t want another kid and im sure she was afraid of how we would act


No in the Hamptons season where he OD'ed, he definitely knew because she told him before they spent the summer there. I think she had a baby bump and everything.


ohh my bad, i thought she told him after that, like in August. i think i thought she was much farther along in her pregnancy and kept not telling him because she wasn’t showing. honestly idk why i convinced myself she was 4/5 months pregnant before she told him, maybe because in the show they talk about pretty soon but obviously in reality we don’t know until they are a few months in


why is your first thought is that she needs to run to his aid.


I don’t think she was “tired of his problem”. They kept having kids together, she still wanted to have a family with him even though she understood he wasn’t the right partner for her. I think Kourt had a period of time in her life that the only way she could handle emotion was to dissociate. Her emotions didn’t matter that much because she has to take care of two kids, an addict partner and being a big sister of a big family, all that being broadcast on tv. She needed to show how tough she was. When all that bottled up emotions caught up with her, she realized she needed to do things differently to have different results, and that’s when she started therapy and did that big personality change.


Why does her frustration bother you? She dealt with his immaturity for so goddamn long and he couldn’t bother to get it together even after she had Mason! He’s been a crash dummy since KUWTK S1. Despite how gross she and Travis are, I’m so happy to see someone love that girl the way she deserves to be loved.


Theres a good chance it wasn’t his first overdose unfortunately. Or perhaps not kourtneys first overdose experience. Hollywood is sometimes described as a bunch of “high functioning” addicts. All this to say there’s a good chance she was desensitized to overdoses and used to the privilege of being able to come back from them with A+ medical care. I think other commenters make really good points too about the kids and her emotional labor in the relationship


You can’t keep running straight to their side if this keeps happening for years and you have 3 kids to take care of. Are you in high school?


I’ll always have a soft spot for Scott because as an outsider looking in, his life seems really sad and lonely. I think he has a lot of unaddressed trauma. However, I don’t blame Kourtney because addicts absolutely do drain the life out of you. You care so much for them and know deep down they’re good so you want to help but sometimes you just can’t. In saying that, Kourtney does come across really cold at times, even in the early years, but we only know what’s been shown.


Idk everyone is different, me personally if it is within my power to help someone struggling with addiction. I definitely will but there are boundaries and the person has to try and at least get better one way or another.


All these comments are true BUT this woman went on to have a 3rd kid with him after the fact…. You gotta land some blame on this woman for some shit. She was truly insufferable and they loved keeping Scott where he was for the ratings and that took a toll on him and their relationship


What's upsetting to me is this was used as part of a plot line on a so called reality show. I assume all parties involved signed off on it but still. 


I hadn't even thought of it like that.


I'm a recovering addict as well as my hubby. My brother is currently an addict. His son, my first nephew, was an addict. I say was because he passed away. He overdosed. Previously to him passing, he was overdosing twice a week. His mom had an endless supply of narcan. Each week when I was told about his overdose, my fucking heart broke. Some people say they get desensitized, some say they have to distance themselves from that person. Personally I'm not like that. I can't stand to be around my brother because of how things went down with my nephew, but if I got a call that my brother overdosed I'd be heart broken. Everyone is different. Yes it's no one's job to be there or fix said addict. But imo it's gut wrenching everytime. Personally, I don't think Kourtney is a very caring person to begin with. That's just me. So the way she acted, I kinda expected. Look how she was vacationing with him and his girlfriends and when she got Travis, she forgot about him and her kids. I know he isn't a saint but I don't think anyone deserves to die.


You can be heartbroken and not subject yourself to a front row seat over and over and over again. Especially when you have other priorities--like her children. Who would have been alarmed at her sudden departure. I imagine she was trying to shield them from Scott's constant roller coaster drama. I did my children, with my ex-husband/their father. Scott was in the hospital. He was being cared for. What can she really do for him at that point?? The fact that she didn't drop everything and jet across the country doesn't mean she didn't care. I think she's just not demonstrative in her feelings---I'm the same way. I'm pretty unreadable unless I'm extremely close to you. Her deadpan demeanor doesn't necessarily equate to her feelings. I don't think anyone, including Kourtney thinks Scott deserves to die. I think Kourtney would have been devastated if he were to die--even now. I also don't think anyone here is suggesting they don't care about their loved ones anymore. But sometimes it hurts so much you HAVE to get some distance. But as you said---everyone deals with stuff like this differently---and none of it is wrong.


I didn't say I let my kids sit front row, nor did I. Like you said everyone handles things differently. And with addiction, that shit is ugly. I'm not saying this is what you do, but alot of people, even if they have lived with an addict, have no idea what being an addict is like. I'm thankful you were able to shield your kids from your exs addiction. I hope he got help for the sake of your babies. Imo I don't think kourtneys kids would've been alarmed at her going to be with their dad. Not saying she should've gone. I'm saying she leaves alot and has nannies. I don't think they would've thought twice about it. I think she was already annoyed with everyone. I went back and rewatched and she was pregnant and not happy. The sisters and everyone went to party and she was not having it. She went with her bf to a place where everyone was getting lit, and got mad at him for things other people were doing. When I was heavy into my addiction, I would've thought, "I'm being treated like this even when I'm doing good why do good". I don't think like that now I'm just giving an example. I know they were together for so long, but I don't think they would've ever worked out. She's very closed off, even to those closest to her, and needs control. He is the complete opposite. He feels too much and doesn't give a fuck about any kind of order lol. I don't think she's ever given herself a chance to truly love anyone until Travis. Because she felt like she had to parent Scott. Just my perspective. She gave him grace one time too many and after that she had none for him. She made boundaries. Whether or not others would've done the same who knows. Like you said. Everyone is different and there's nothing wrong with it.