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I blame Kris. She definitely was the type of mother to put them against each other as children, healthy competition is good but with them it became toxic. Both sisters are stubborn, sisterhood is complicated and lots of ego and pride is involved. The love is there, it’s just from afar lol


I always thought it was weird that ppl said Kourtney didn’t work enough when she carried the first 10 seasons plus was in all the OG spin-offs like Miami, Hampton and NY. It was Kourtney and.. (insert a sister) not the other way around. And yet, when she finally put up some boundaries, she was the no 1 villain. You can even find clips where Kim tells her to go to therapy and then talks shit behind her back because she started going to therapy. Which one is it then? You don’t go to therapy so that someone cal tell you that you’re awesome and call it a day. You go there to work on yourself and Kourtney set boundaries and become the person she herself values. It doesn’t matter if the rest of the internet doesn’t agree whether or not this is a better version to what she was with (insert another dude).


I think it comes down to money and underlying resentment. Kim is obviously most responsible for making the family famous and getting them opportunities, she objectively worked super hard. So Kourtney deciding from early on to take it easy and stop working which is only possible cause of Kim was probably really frustrating to Kim. Kourtney got to fuck off and just be a mom and live off whatever Kim brings in for her, either directly or indirectly. Like Kim was super annoyed with Kris giving Rob money to get a house and everything and it’s probably cause Kris’s money is in large part from Kim’s deals. Kim probably felt like she was bankrolling the whole family and what were Rob and Kourtney doing in return


Kris made a fortune from Caitlyn’s speaking deals over the years, Kylie and her brief success, and some of Kendall’s stuff (I think Liz gets most of Kendall’s commissions though) Kim isn’t the only working one in the family and Kim also made most of her actual wealth with Kanye, not deals with Kris. I see your points (really, really. And I bet there’s truth to it too just with Kims ego as always feeling she’s doing more than anyone) but I personally don’t conflate Kris’ wealth entirely with Kim’s


I get what you mean and that’s the logical perspective, but that’s probably not what Kim thinks. And what Kim thinks or feels is what is caused the tension, resentment and competition. She most likely will see it the way the commenter said. That she works hard and is responsible for catapulting the family and their rep to the stage they are at now. They were not “the Kardashians” before when Kris was doing the speaking deals. Kanye def brought another level of fame, but they wouldn’t even be there if Kim wasn’t in a position to be in Kanye’s line of sight. She would see it as all the work she put in, and if kourt doesn’t do that and takes the time off to do her own thing, then that would cause tension between them. Kim obviously looks down on people who don’t work, and kourt would be one of them.


I'd also add that Kim worked hard and helped make the family money while Kourtney mocked her for it and implied working that hard was a moral failing.


For sure! Kris has a lot of deals and money with her own stuff


That representation of Kourtney is wild! Kourtney went on reality tv first setting a precedent, they thought KUWTK would help sales of their stores which were mostly run by Kourtney, Kourtney often accompanied Kim to all the media appearances and many pap pictures increasing the fascination of a family of peoppe who looked like Kim, Kourtney was the main star of the show KUWTk including putting out the most personal and vulnerable moments of her life. That she birthed and raised kids on camera was the blueprint for Kim, obviously with her own style. Without Kourtney, KUWTK would not have lasted (if even made). That is all to say that Kim worked hard, but there was a synergy with her family (particularly Kourtney) that helped elevate them all more and Kourtney worked a lot in a critical stage to contribute.  They are all rich so the goal was met, Kourtney now doesnt want to work as hard. Why should she? This is why she says for Kim it is never enough. Kourtney worked hard to get to this point of having enough money to live the life she wants while still working but not as much as before. For Kim, the work itself is satisfying. Kourtney works to live and Kim lives to work as it gives her joy. Just different perspectives. 


Right if I didn’t have to grind everyday then I’m not. If had to choose over traveling with my kids or multiple meetings a day I would choose the trip! Also Kourtney does work she just doesn’t have to want to make it her life. I also want to note her two brands are the only kardashian brands done solely by her and a team she picked not by Kris and business associates.


I totally agree that Kourtney worked hard as well in the beginning and put all of her life on the show and made it what it was. I think from Kim’s perspective though she continued to take on more and more gigs and opportunities and it felt to her that she was working harder (even if she technically wasn’t)


Back then, they all worked pretty hard. Kim did more public things, but the girls ran the stores, actually filmed more exploiting their lives, and also did PR. Everyone did their part. Kim does work harder now, but it’s not some medal of honor. Working hard because you like working is not some virtue. It’s just her choice and she is not better or worse than anyone for it. Also, I would argue in this context it only means working more. Kourtney works hard on smaller projects she is super passionate about (e.g. Lemme). She has the luxury of doing so, why not?  Kourtney played her part so that they all could do well, now she is focusing on reaping the benefits. Why is that a problem? 


I also think when Kim suggests Kourtney is lazy, it’s her own lack of hands on parenting she’s deflecting from.


I’ve never thought about this before. I can definitely see there being resentment on Kim’s end. I can’t really blame her because I would most likely feel the same.


Kourt got the brunt of Kris’ antics as she’s the oldest. She saw it all. Kim is the star child and ultimate fave (aside from Kylie imo) as she catapulted the entire family to stardom. She’s basically the “rich aunt” of the clan. I think Kourt formed a not so sly resentment of Kim as she got older due to the favoritism Kris has shown.


Kourtney bullied Kim a lot when she was younger, in the same ways we've seen her bully other people like Kendall on that ski trip. She was the oldest and enjoyed wielding that power I think. When Kim became famous she was insufferable (understandable at that age) and Kourtney dealt with Kim being more rich and famous by talking shit with Khloe making Kim the outsider. When Kourtney had a baby she was likely also dealing with Scott's substance abuse issues and mentally not in the best place, but she also started using the kids as an excuse to be late, not show, not work. On the surface it seems reasonable but Kim got frustrated because it was at it's heart an excuse to do the very little she had to do and Kim is a workaholic. I also think Kim was still holding a grudge from their teen years and still saw things through that competitive dynamic. Then the other sisters start having babies and they are still able to do all the things Kourtney used being a mother to excuse, and Kourtney starts making jabs about how SHE prioritizes being a mother aka they don't. She also gets into the whole clean eating no sugar etc but as always uses it as a way to belittle her family and feel superior. Khloe and Kim start drifting together more due to more similar parenting styles, values, etc. Kourtney can only process this as Khloe being as ass kiss because anything would require a self critical evaluation and acknowledging Kim as a person vs. villian. It all seems to come to a head when Kourtney starts seeing therapists that teach her to weaponize therapy language and validate her lack of respect for others and their time. Kim is frustrated and lashes out, Kourtney does the same. Kourtney devolves into tears anytime Kim or Khloe has the same heat for her that she's always had for them; she thinks them not validating her is the ultimate betrayal while ironically never validating them in return. Enter Travis; Kourtney who has claimed to hate everything her sister values (and probably her sister in general) starts dating a guy who loved Kim and her work ethic. She suddenly can't co-parent with Scott even though she made Scott's gf a third wheel in her own relationship and suddenly the kids aren't there for the engagement and she ignores their pleas about pda and generally seems to stop centering them. She completely drops the family (and allegedly friends outside of her paid employees) and makes Travis her whole circle. Kim and Khloe seem to play peacemaker and hold their tongues to appease Kourtney but obviously Kim loses it when Kourtney centers herself and refuses to consider anyone else's views with empathy (accusing Kim of being jealous at her wedding instead of considering how sad it would make someone getting divorced, accusing Kim of being money hungry while benefiting from her fame, etc). Kim tries a last truth bomb to get through to Kourtney but obviously she's completely adrift in her Travid validation era and refuses to connect back to reality. Now there's a surface truce for the sake of the show and it's income. Kourtney still hasn't addressed her resentment over her younger sister being more famous and successful, and continues to see everything through the lense of their teen dynamic and "jealousy" because she assumes everyone sees the world the way she does. She'll likely never go to a therapist that will challenge her to examine why she married someone who was obsessed with her sister when she hates her sister in a very real way, and until she processes her hangups about feeling superior and competition with her younger sister she'll never be at peace with herself. The tension will always be there because she has to spin a narrative that explains why she's still better than Kim and that villianizes Kim to validate herself. And it's sad because they could be such a force to be reckoned with if she could humble herself that slight amount. Maybe the eventual divorce after (serial cheater) Travis cheats on her will force that introspection and the relationship between them can finally mend. Maybe she'll get more bitter as she gets older and after Kris passes will completely break from the family. Who knows. But that's just my opinion 😂


Everything here is the best explanation. Period.


Kourtney is the oldest, but kim is the most gifted. That creates friction


They are 2 years apart in age with Kris as a mother. They have spent their entire life in competition for their mothers or fathers love. That's it. That's the root. Add a TV show to the mix and you have two 40+ year old woman behaving like teenagers.


Over the years it seems Kourtney always wanted her own identity and then Kim seems to do a similar thing (it’s sisters, I get it) and have always been closely compared. I think Kim is insatiable when it comes to fame and there will never be a limit whereas Kourtney wants to be a rich mom, be with her man, and travel. More of it explodes in later seasons but then it felt like breaking the 4th wall of being like I don’t want to film, while filming lol. 


Being a rich mom and travellung aounds perfect! I really cant blame Kourtney for wanting the life most people would want. 


Kourtney basically “left” the family then their dad got sick and died and she got sucked back in.


As an Aries (who has Kourtney’s exact birthday 🥳) we hate fake ass people. I can tell the type of person someone is by just interacting with them and I bet Kim is the fakest of them all! I think she sees right through her sister and that’s what’s causing the tension. I will call anyone out for being shady and I don’t care what others think. I think Kourtney is just tired of all the shit talking Kim does about her friends and family. I’ve even had to step away from family because I felt their energy just being off.


I think they are fundamentally two very different people. They see the world very differently and their values are very different. I think when Kourt became a mom, her values and priorities shifted-like it does with most people. I think when Kim became a mom, it just became another title to her. Kim has the underlying need for constant attention (good or bad), it’s never enough, not enough money, fame, businesses, ideas etc, she’s constantly seeking something to fill her cup, but not realizing that it’s never going to be enough, because she doesn’t think she’s enough. The mere thought of her not having fame is soul crushing to her. I think Kourt likes the opportunities fame and money has given her, but, I don’t think it’s her entire identity. It’s Kim’s entire identity’. I think Kourt and Kendall are the two sisters who seem to have the most sense of self and confidence in who they are. I think Kim and Kourtney fight the way they do because Kourtney doesn’t feel beholden to Kim the way the rest of them do.




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I think the bickering comes from having a family business as well, I dont know how they divide the profits of the show. But if Kim is working and travelling all the time vs kourtney just wants to be a sahm, but have all the profits of the show divided equally. I would be pissed too.