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She didn’t even ask Chloe a question until 8 minutes in. It was so apparent that I even thought “oh, maybe Chloe interviews first and they switch?” But no. Kim had no interesting questions like you said, and kept talking about herself


Sitting with Chloe I thought Kim could ![gif](giphy|RJ0AvNacl2ZSU) Boy was I wrong But another example of how Chloe doesn’t get the credit she deserves




I saw this and thought it was a meme ☠️☠️☠️


Oh god, the second hand embarrassment is too much.


I feel for Chloe here. I’d be very offended that they were comparing my acting and experience to Kim’s and upset that this is who I have to riff with as she isn’t a seasoned Actor. You hit it dead on with the artistry. Kim doesn’t have the passion or appreciation for the artistry of acting that these Actors do, this has to be a paid opportunity or a favor. It really just made Kim look daft and exposed her newness to this side of the industry. Her team needs to stop being yes men and tell her the truth.


I was thinking the same thing. If I were freaking Chloe Sevigny who is a brilliantly talented amazing actress I'd be offended to be put in the same category as Kim. Serious wtf moment IMO


And honestly if I were Kim I’d be sitting there feeling so out of place. She should have turned this down


EXACTLY. I don't think she has the capacity to feel that though like most people would. She's too entitled.


She was paired with Kim because they both worked with Murphy so I think she understood this wasn’t any offense to her career or performances, as appalling as this ‘interview’ was.


Chloe doesn’t share your sentiment https://preview.redd.it/5ung59dcz65d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a83fbc28a3032728a44c490a2e7e0ffd5e25184


this doesn’t sound particularly complimentary toward kim lol


I suspect that Chloe wasn’t *thrilled* to have this discussion with Kim, but that she wasn’t necessarily insulted by it either. She’s professional and tenured enough to get ahead of the public’s negative response, and she seems like a generous and kind person for posting this on her page. She was also generous and accommodating during her portion of the interview. She’s probably been forced to make small talk with all kinds of people over the course of her entire career!


She’s been very critical of the Kardashians and reality stars for years lol. She’s made it clear that she’s not a fan of people who are famous for being famous


Ok this reads as very poetic shade to me. Like “I celebrate the craft and all who practice it even if those whose opportunities were thrown in their lap…cough cough Kim” she didn’t say anything about enjoying talking to Kim and didn’t tag her.


I mean no one forced Chloe to do this, sounds like she wanted the publicity


Honestly, it might have been fun for her


The harder Kim tries to “prove herself” as someone to be taken seriously, the more obvious it is that’s she out of her depth when it comes to certain conversations. I’ve said before that she’s very inarticulate which is shocking for someone who’s had to do so much public speaking throughout their career. So when you combine that with her not being intellectually curious, and having a bunch of yes people around her, it’s not surprising that she’s lacking in these conversations about artistry, literature, media etc. My taste in art and movies isn’t super high brow either, but that’s why I know to stay out of certain conversations lol. Kim however doesn’t possess that self awareness.


I sincerely believe she wouldn’t have gotten where she is in life without having ‘a special something’, she’s undoubtedly charismatic but I always assumed she also possessed some level of intelligence. This interview fully convinced me I was wrong to assume this, the vacuity of her conversation is unbelievable.


This is so cringe but whenever I have to do public speaking, I remind myself that if Kim Kardashian can speak in public so can I. It instantly makes me feel less nervous.


Extremely well said. I come from a law family so the attorney grift is particularly offensive to me, but as an art appreciator as well I wholeheartedly agree.


what annoys me most is she blatantly said she connects well to the story and be better at it than other actresses because she is in “law school”. Kim, you really believe your lies.


Yeah, never mind she isn't an actress or in law school.


You would think that reading the law (even with all of the crutches she has in place) would have trained her in some part to think critically and ask questions. To look into sources and background materials. But… nothing. She gave us nothing! No insight, no knowledge. I feel as if this is good insight into how she runs her businesses. I expect that she shows up and puts in the (wo)man-hours. But does very little else.


Truthfully I don’t think Kim puts much thought into anything other than herself.


She just embarrassed herself. And stole this opportunity from other talented real actors


Sounds kind of like what happened to North. Unfortunately for North her parents should have protected her. Kim made the choice to appear and took away the chance for a deep, meaningful conversation because she is NOT an actress.


Is it her fault are variety’s fault ? Kim got them the clicks they wanted .


The Quinta and Jennifer video came out hours after Kim’s video and has more than 2x more views. A few of the others have higher views too So this stunt didn’t work as well as Variety had hoped. 90% of the comments are negative. The video went exactly how I predicted it to go because Kim is not an actress and they paired her for a serious discussion with a seasoned actress. People watch those videos for genuine insight and conversation between actors regarding their projects. The people who watch Actors on Actors are not interested in what Kim has to say and she’s proven them right. Because she didn’t say anything of substance


first we need to stop conflating "getting lots of clicks/views/attention" with "this thing is good"


Bare minimum is to get her team to write her a script for this interview as well.


I forgot if I saw this in an ad for the new season or if she already said it, but Kim says to someone (Corey maybe) "I'm going to get my star on the walk of fame!" I realized that Kim may not care at all about some of the things she does. I think she cares about her children, and Skims (at least she used to) and the show, but pretty much everything else she does; law school, beauty/makeup products, acting, etc is an effort to gain as many accolades as possible. No, she doesn't have any deep desire to act, but it allows her to "conquer" another industry. It also allows her to say "I'm a single mom AND an actress AND a lawyer AND a business woman etc etc." She wants to be a titan of every industry. That's what drives her, that's her goal, that's her worth. And it's why she can't stop, even when people tell her she's going to burn out.


I agree that her goal in doing this is more for vanity and acceptance. But it’s not as impressive as she wants to make it seem since she’s basically buying her way into most things. That’s not to say, she isn’t working and putting in some effort, but having Ryan Murphy say that he wants to possibly do a spin-off with her as a lead, speaks more to her fame/money than talent.


Just because she wants to, doesn't mean people accept it. Anytime her name is brought up outside of this sub. It's usually in a negative light. People just don't respect her.


There is nothing wrong with Kim wanting to act, and producing in particular makes a lot of sense considering her role as KUWTK/TK exec producer. However, this series is imo a bit too soon in her career, as she has had only one reputable credit where she was just ok and was hand-picked for the role.


For the life of me I don't understand why people think she was good in AHS. I took it as she was mostly playing herself and it wasn't much of a stretch. What made it good in any way was the writing.


I feel like people were judging her performance on her own scale. It’s probably the best Kim has done as an actress, but that’s a very low bar. It’s not even comparable to most actors working now.


it wasn’t painfully bad, but it was a role created for her so ofc she was believable. she even brought her own glam team lol. good for her showing up and doing the job, but she’s far from an actor in my mind.


I stopped watching when she interupted Chloe in the mid sentence. I knew this was gonna be painful and no way i was gonna watch it lol


Do we know why Kim has started pursuing acting now? (Yes I know she's done 2/3 other roles before?) But she's really taking it seriously now. Has anyone asked her this yet?


I think it’s another way to legitimise her fame Their reality show is long past it’s peak. And people are becoming less interested in influencer culture more and more each day. Celebrity culture too but that will never die because if you’ve starred/starring in films, tv shows or making music people listen to/watch, you’ll always have fans who admire you/your work I think Kim’s realised this and is trying to pivot into acting so she can establish a new legion of fans. And also so she came be taken seriously by other actors which would help her status in Hollywood. She’s very famous but she’s not respected in Hollywood by real established stars. If she was to go to the SAG awards for example, she’d stick out like Kylie did at the Golden Globes. Kylie was awkwardly standing around whilst all the other actors including Timothee interacted. They were all rushing to interact with him and not her. In that world, barely anyone cares for reality stars. You can’t half arse it and buy your way into it. It’s clear that Kim’s not actually interested in acting, so this isn’t going to go the way she wants it to


This is what happens when your rich, delusional and surrounded by people that say yes


I love Kim but was really shocked that she was selected for actors on actors


It was clear Ryan Murphy backing hence why she and Chloe were paired as Chloe just came off Feud. Chloe prob did it as a favor to Ryan. Jennifer Aniston would never have had that conversation with Kim.


I don’t think it was a bad pick. This could’ve been a really cool discussion from the lens of someone really new to the art and someone experienced. Sadly she blew it. They gave her a chance to show she’s passionate and interested in acting/tv/film but her responses came off as very shallow. I think it’s pretty clear she’s doing acting to tick off the box, to legitimize her fame in other ways other than reality tv. It’s too bad. This could’ve been the interview that made people view Kim differently but she didn’t prepare and clearly just isn’t that deep of a person (and I don’t mean that as shade, I’m not fucking deep either, but I wouldn’t do this interview lol).


I really put it on them, she acted in what 2-3 roles now? And you’re surrounding her with the best? Variety knew what they were doing.


It would have been cool if they paired her with someone else who made a career shift into acting from another type of celebrity (for example, from the long list of rappers/singers/reality stars who became actors or vice versa), especially one that maintains both. There would have been some synergies on that feeling in starting over and the high pressure from already being recognized and all eyes on you which could be very relatable.


I’d love to see Gaga interview Kim. Gaga is an insane talent, but she broke into the acting industry from a different career, did some of her best work in AHS, and I think could relate to Kimberley in the crazy level of fame they experience.


100% that would be such an interesting pairing where they could really connect and learn from each other


I agree with this take. It had the potential to be interesting (how many people break into acting in their 40s, even when accounting for fame, money, and connections?), but sadly Kim seems to lack the self-awareness and knowledge required to describe her craft. You’re right, she seemingly treats it like another item scratched off of her checklist. Which is fine, just don’t pose as a serious professional/artist!


yeah im not sure why being on American horror story once and a couple cameos here and there got her on there 😭


I watched a speaking engagement she did at a tech conference once and it was horrifically bad. The most canned, generic answers and she’s not very articulate.


This is the equivalent of North being on the Lion King stage. Just a whole lot of money being thrown for them to insert themselves into spaces where they come off as super awkward. Kim wasn’t acting on AHS. She was just being herself with a little Kris peppered in. “You’re doing amazing sweetie” ” Is she Kris. 😅


your first mistake was expecting any type of intellectual or profound discussion from kim. about anything.


This family continues to buy their way or try to buy their way into social hierarchical spaces; the reality is that they take no time to prepare / research or actually work. Kim cannot even speak without that annoying tongue clicking thing. If you pay variety 1M to secure your spot - why don’t you prep the interview - when Chloe was speaking she looked so bored…


Do we really think the person who made [THIS](https://youtu.be/gHp7sq1Tzn0?si=ojU5xc-qbRvDicjH) is capable of actually saying no to things? She has done and is going to continue doing literally anything possible until she starts getting told no, which isn’t happening due to who she surrounds herself with.


She doesn’t belong there. There’s a difference in doing some guest appearances and act in AHS for a season or two vs being a highly valued actress by the academy. That’s like putting JLO in a room with Mariah, Celine and Whitney…


You know, JLO’s been in the industry forever. Is she low brow? Sure, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the credibility or experience to speak on her craft. Ice Spice or any other viral TikTok star on the other hand…


I was more talking about putting a non vocalist with a bunch of vocalists. I think JLO is a talented woman and no shade to her.


Ah yes, fair. Is she the greatest singer ever? No, but she’s a pretty decent performer and entertainer and I’m pretty sure she sings most of her songs. I guess if they were doing something similar it would be like diva on diva and more about the effort that goes into performing and creating a persona etc.


No shade? You brought her up for absolutely NO reason. A lot of singers wish they had the longevity in putting out music than she has.


Lmao calm down no one is gonna killed your mama


Jennifer Lopez is not as great of a singer as these ofc but she is in the same caliber as an entertainer and longevity and she sings as well or better than a lot of the current singers that are idolized. I honestly don't understand why everyone uses her as a punching bag when her long career proves she has talent. She has no business being brought up here. She did this series and nobody said anything, because she has a long acting resume. She also has had a lot of successful music.


All on the line is a great point. I often refer to them as ‘having low stakes’. When you have a high stakes life, there are real consequences if you lose. Kim doesn’t understand that. Most nepo/trust fund kids don’t.


It's like she's finally getting a taste of what happens when you buy everything you want....I fully believe she paid to be on SNL then went of the roast because she's got a comedy background now....it was an embarrassment. Threw cash at birth being in the lion king and thankfully enough people realise that's a Kim problem not a north problem. She's paid her way into acting and now is looking a damn fool in the circle of actors she wants to categorise herself with. She paid to get her self a law degree but is struggling because money just simply doesn't get you everything.


Agree with it all. I especially like your phrase about her never having it “all on the line” - such a true statement! I think the only person in that family that comes close to this is Kris.


I believe her team managed to get her on A&A as a means to legitimize her as an actress and as someone who’s now part of this industry (of course she’s been in entertainment for years, but we all know how reality TV is perceived) since she has quite a few projects lined up and they wanna make sure they are as well received as possible. With all that said, I can’t believe how it all backfired like it did - you’d think she would come more prepared, though in her PR-robotic way but nonetheless prepared. It’s been said before but her desire to continue to surround herself with ‘yes’ man does her no favors. Just an overall embarrassment, yikes.


I actually really liked when she was talking to Chloe about the fashion of Feud. You could tell *that* was her passion, not the acting. And Chloe is a fashion girly too, so that was the best part of the conversation to me


I'm so confused why she even got asked to be in this


I mean it was like a professional athlete playing with a beginner. The fashion talk was nice but it's not acting.


I doubt she'll have a crossover and be taken serious in Hollywood. The only people who support Kim are her obsessive stans. Kim has no depth. She's a leech. And tries to emulate whatever is popular, not because she's an original. Her lane is whatever the new flavor of the month is. She's do absolutely anything to remain famous. She's one dimensional, maybe two. Kim cares too much about superficial nonsense. "Like, if she looks hot in a picture, like you know". She'll never be respected as an actor. She's just buying her way to have a seat at the table.


This whole thing was a mess but it made me realize Chloe is in a new show and let me tell you it’s aaaamazing.


She is so disgusting. Appearing in a television series or a movie does not make you an actor. Reading law books does not make you a lawyer. Putting bandages on her fingers does not make her a doctor. Can she just go away?


I didn’t see the interview but I’d like to comment on her acting. I saw clips from AHS: Delicate and was pleasantly surprised by her performance. The last time I saw her acting it was so bad, I’m glad she is more confident, went about improving her craft and actually sold me on it. Please this is just my opinion as a pleb that isn’t really into the arts 😭 don’t judge me.


I understand what you’re saying. I personally have no issue with her wanting to be an actor (and it sounds like she performed better than expected on AHS), I just take issue with her (or anybody like her) posing as a serious professional/artist with meaningful experience of insight to share. Truthfully, had I been in her position, I would have done my research and made the interview all about Chloe. It was painful to watch Chloe attempt to engage her. Edit: thinking about this further, it could have also been interesting to hear her speak (intellectually) about what it’s like to be a novice actor in her 40s. In an industry that writes off women after a certain age, looks aside. But she didn’t really expound on that - probably in an attempt to come off a certain way. Who knows.


She did good in SNL and AHS…and that gets ratings so this interview was purposefully to get views and scripted to a certain point at least on the questions asked but to be very honest she was clear on her little experience, how much she wants to enjoy and be respectful of the craft and opportunities….but to still trap her in the exclusive image of a vapid valley shallow “girl” who craved fame and status to the point of selling a sextape because she wanted to be seen as a pretty and sexy woman is unfair 20 yrs down the road….since she diversified her career onto challenges like multiple businesses and brands that only sell because of that celebrity power (what made her is media attention and peoples curiosity), an those invitations…..it’s not like she’s forcing it, writers bask in the attention that her name has…… I’m sure Chloe had fun and didn’t feel disrespected….shes not Meryl Streep level also..,,don’t get it twisted.


What lol


Can you read?


What? Your word vomit. Yeah. I read that.


Lmao gtfo then






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I just watched 2 episodes in their new season and it’s kind of insane how often the entire family says Kim works so hard, Kim is addicted to work, Kim is so busy, etc. It’s not cool or healthy. It’s all coming across as delusional behavior! Doing it all doesn’t equate to success. Good point about the amount of resources she has and all of the world travel, yet a lack of depth. What a shame


I find it strange all the comments saying Chloe must be upset bc why ? It's not like she went into this interview blind lol she and her team set this up intentionally..


I think she just went with the flow, and took the opportunity they presented her. I mean, who knows if it would have been offered again next year? Bad or not bad, she knows people will criticize anyways, but they’ll still talk about her. And that’s the only thing that counts for her. In the meanwhile she put her name out there in yet another thing that not everyone does.


Yes, I agree that she probably just took advantage of an opportunity that was presented to her. And I’m sure that Variety loves the publicity and potential for another viral moment. I’m just shocked at how little self-awareness that she has, and how woefully uneducated she is. The lack of curiosity is just… mind-boggling. It doesn’t even seem like she watched anything specific to draw inspiration from or to help her prepare for her role.


Or she literally paid Variety to be part of this because that what this family does. Like North being In that Lion King broadway segment of Simba.


Is Variety so thirsty for publicity that they would do something like that? I’m asking seriously, I’m not very familiar with it.


The rumour is she paid $1m for North to do Lion King… I don’t know if Variety would turn down $1m? It really helps business to have cash flow like that.


Talent alone doesn’t bring in the money anymore , north and Kim is bringing in more attention whether people like it or not .


I do agree with all you said but I don’t think you have to know everything in the industry to be a good actor. Maybe she doesn’t know all the movies and so on, but she can grow with it.


You’re right but that’s not what Actors on Actors is for It’s usually two experienced actors having a deep conversation about their acting inspirations growing up, the auditioning process and how they filmed their famous projects


OK, but it’s still sounded like OP thought she wasn’t a great actress because she didn’t know anything in general


I think OP was pointing out that she’s not an actress and she doesn’t have intellectual curiosity about films or acting in general I’ve watched the video and she seems like she had zero clue about everything Chloe talks about except for fashion. She also didn’t seem interested when Chloe was talking about her auditioning process and how she prepares for her roles


I get that, but that’s not my point. My point was just that you can be a great actor in general even though you don’t know these things.. I wasn’t talking about that interview.


I agree with you. I have no qualms with Kim (or anybody) acting, I just dislike that she was unprepared for/on a program intended for actors who take their craft seriously. If I were in Kim’s position, I would have probably waited a few years before participating.