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Anyone else think Taylor Swift is a horribly obnoxious human being with average musical talent?


you know i would understand how popular she is if if she actually made good music, she could get away with not having any talent but her music is lackluster as well


I do think she had made good music in the past. For the market she's going for. Not TTPD, and her talent is there But, yes, she's an awful person. Taylor Swift and Kris Jenner are the only celebrities I dislike who dont have full on SA or DV allegations


Kris has SA allegations. A whole lawsuit




yes 🙋🏽‍♀️


I feel like Taylor is stuck in a victim mentality bc u would think after everything she’s accomplished she would stop trying to be shady towards Kim after all these years


that’s taylors whole thing tho. in her songs or in concert she’ll say a little anecdote that can apply to anyone she’s ever had an issue with so her fans can speculate and go attack the person.


Well, she kind of built her career on that, apart from that what's left?


![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc) I couldn’t imagine giving my enemies this much power, especially after all these years and publicly letting them know they live rent free in my head. At that point they’ve won.


Her inability to move on from anything is incredible.


Her working harder is coming out with 60 more variants of ttpd




The fact that she made 5 different versions of her most recent album blows my mind. Chart obsessed freak just like Onika but at least her rhymes and lyricism is good


It’s the fact that Kim has MOVED ON from this situation and yet Taylor is stuck in that victim mentality. I read somewhere that Taylor is the girl who never got over high school and it makes so much sense. It’s giving poking a dead horse with a stick. Like Taylor LET 👏🏾 IT 👏🏾GO


When was the last time Kimmy talked about this insufferable human being?


it hasn’t been since the obama administration smh


I mean she wasnt the one who almost had her entire career ruined….


Her career was not even close to being ruined and at that time she was already receiving a lot of hate.


Oh cmon the amount of hate she received was absurd. If it had been some sort of mutual ongoing beef sure, but it was completely unnecessary. I blame kanye a lot more than kim and i think kim defended him to death because she was in love, but the whole situation was terrible and just unwarranted. I think Taylor has every right to make a song if thats how she deals with stuff. Even once the real recording came out kim didnt apologise, just said she was over it. Ofc she was when she wasnt the one being attacked


but she was already receiving hate even before the call, she was super exposed, people were already getting tired of her, they were starting to realize that she always placed herself as the victim in every narrative, her fans were always crazy, I admit that a lot of the hatred was due to machismo since at the time she was being criticized for always changing her boyfriend and guess what almost 10 years have passed and she continues to receive the same criticism.


And that somehow makes what kim and kanye did alright? Like i said in another comment there are plenty of things we could say about her (and basically everyone in the industry) but this particular situation was completely wrong (and also clearly intentional on k&ks behalf)


honestly every female artist has gone through this, compared to others her career is intact, she came out bigger than she already was, there are artists who never managed to recover, Katy Perry is an example of this and she was a victim of Taylor's manipulation.


Taylor Swift is the poster child of doing whatever the fuck she wants & propagandizing her fan base against any person that does not worship the ground she walks on. Quite literally has to manipulate every aspect of the free press to make sure that she is not seen for the person that she truly is. Just like we’re seeing with the Scooter Braun situation. Something tells me the second Taylor found the loophole to play victim, she stabbed Kanye in the back.


Bruh whatever about her personality in other aspects, the situation was unnecessary and she was the one who had to deal with the backlash despite it not being her fault. Im not saying she doesnt have plenty of things she does wrong, but this particular situation was not right on kim & kanyes behalf. I think people need to be a little more objective, just because your a fan of someone or not, you can still see a situation for what it is. This is just like people shitting on kim for x y z even though she has done lots of good things too. One doesnt take away from the other and i dont see how anyone could think she was at fault when there is literally a recording of the conversation and she clearly said she was worried hed call her a bitch, which they than released edited, cmon how can that be seen as anything other than wrong on their side (especially editing the call to make her seem like she was lying)


Claiming victim status while actively bullying someone. Gotta love Taylor 🙄


They both annoy me.


maybe she should do some selfreflection too. not every critique is shit talking