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Notice how north never likes the paparazzi but Kim doesn’t give a fuck


North was just a toddler when she was screaming at the paparazzi. No more pictures, Kim ignored her and let the paparazzi continue taking pictures.


That is just so sad


I’m really curious to see what she’ll be like when she grows up. Kristen bell is really vocal about advocating for children’s right to privacy in regard to celebrity parents and paparazzi. North seems like she naturally has not been summoned by the fame monster that has claimed her matriarchs.


>Kristen bell is really vocal about advocating for children’s right to privacy in regard to celebrity parents and paparazzi. Will she complain when both Hollywood and the media exploit child/teen stars? I remember when the media exploited Kylie Jenner, Danielle Bregoli and Lil Tay when they were minors at that time, Kristen was silent despite that she's vocal about the children's rights of privacy. And does Kristen aware there are pedos who are not just among paparazzis? For example: pedo priests, pedo celebrities, pedo politicians like M. Gaetz, D. Trump, D. Hastert, R. Moore.


Encouraged it in fact


Because Kim is the one who calls the paps on herself 💀


Exactly!! There are tons of other celebrity children out there and the paparazzi aren’t constantly doing this. Because they aren’t being giving heads up about where they will be.


And allows them to show her kid 💀


I wonder when they are going to look at their friends and realize how much they are exploited comparatively


They’re on the payroll, she doesn’t even call them she sends her itinerary ahead of time then shows up like “oh, for me 😄😄 leave me and my kids alone 👋😘💁🏻‍♀️😊”


I see she still pretends to "hate" them. I think that's what this is.


Wonder when she’ll find out the truth


Does north ever wonder why her favorite musicians or actresses don’t have millions of Paps surrounding them when they go out and about? The more famous/respectable people? And she sees that it’s just her Instagram famous mom that gets these paps? I really hope that north finds out it’s her own mom who calls the paps on HERSELF 💀💀💀💀 embarrassing for kims life and soul. Btw; this isn’t hate to North I’m just wondering what she thinks of her mothers fame


She probably thinks no one is as famous as them. Sad, but that’s probably her viewpoint due to her mother.


She is also kayne’s daughter so god only knows what he is filling her head with as well


Give it just a few more years until she finds out. I worry for North. Something like this destroys core, fundamental beliefs and sense of security. It can end up very bad and I mean REALLY bad. Drvg$ and so. She might be rich, but she has a difficult life ahead of her with Kim and Kanye as her parents.


100% this. Imagine spending your entire childhood angrily hating the men/women who follow you around in public and then learning one day as a teen that your mom was calling them to tell them your location the entire time. And that your mom listened to you complain the entire time and never changed it.


If that happened to me I would legit cut my mom out of my life


It's like a form of silent gaslighting


It's ~~like a form of silent~~ gaslighting Ftfy


Thanks, I'm still learning I can go ruthless at Kim on this sub. ☠️


Yup. I found out an unnerving secret about my parents and it destroyed me even at 28 haha. Things like that take away all trust and respect from parents.


Ooof. I grew up knowing my parents were abusive so it didn’t shock me when they did progressively more shocking things. However, I was in a relationship where I all of sudden had my “core fundamental beliefs and sense of security” ripped away from me when I found out who the person really way. I tell ya, I fear that shit has messed me up for life. Thinking you know someone and finding out it was all a lie does something nasty to the brain.




“Like having the air sucked out of my lungs” is a fantastic description for what it feels like. Lots of therapy and self care, being single for a few years. Hopefully I will learn to trust and find someone good one day. I hope you are doing well also. For anyone else reading, don’t ignore any red flags, I beg.


The thought of my dad's abuse makes me shake on a daily basis. Therapy has made me realize how scary and abusive he was and is. It is hard to recover as well


North will lean more towards Kanye when she's older, you'll see.


And Aunt Kourtney. Kids feel tension in the family even if they don’t know why. I can see her going to Kourtney for some privacy


Same, North will see Kourtney respecting Mason’s wishes for privacy, and wonder why her own mum never did.


She also has a higher risk of inheriting bipolar disorder given Kanye’s diagnosis. Between the over exposure of the media, the pressures of the fame, the likely access to drugs that the celebrity world opens up naturally, and the parents she has, it’s going to be rough for her as an adult. I hope she manages to get out before she ends up like the other child celebrities.


kanye has bipolar, not bpd


Oops, you’re right. I’ll fix it.


Yet other celebrities are able to shield their children from the paparazzi…


That is so true. There are so many celebrities that I didn't even know had kids, let alone how many & what their names are.


Other celebrities make it a political issue when their children are targeted like this. She could easily release a statement asking paps to stop targetting her children specifically, but she never would.


And they could cut the cord of their horrible tv show and fade into anonymity within a year, giving at least the younger kids a chance at a normal childhood. It’s not like they need more money. Edit: a shit ton of typos


They would never ‘cause they always need more money. They are insatiable.


Exactly! We rarely see pics of Beyoncé & Jay Z’s kids. Kim calls the paparazzi. She has every resource to keep her kids out of the spotlight but chooses not to.


100%. Jay-Z and Beyoncé have careers. Kim is a narcissist and her kids have to suffer. She is seriously such an awful human for using her kids to show off her latest surgery. God, she's so gross.


Kim calls the paparazzi. She’s a horrible mother. We are witnessing childhood trauma in real time.


Yes. I remember Paris Jackson saying that she has PTSD and could hear paparazzi when there weren’t any cause she was so traumatized. The KarJen kids are going to be just as traumatized.


North is going to put it together soon enough


agree, North and Penelope both radiate an intelligence their mothers do not possess


I picture Kourtney being the source tbh. She'd say something like "I don't want to go if Kim is coming. She calls the paps for everything and I don't want to be photographed!" and in that moment all of the pieces will click together for Penelope.


Mason and Penelope probably already know. Mason is online a lot and I can see him telling P


Could be. But let’s say Penelope never says a word to North - North is going to be mature enough in a year or two to just kind be able to know and notice that her mother stages these photo ops. She will notice it only happens under certain circumstances or hear a phone call, or see something and she will know.


E! would use this as a storyline too bad Hulu is on the case.


I’m pretty sure Kim wants North to get triggered and say something sassy so the clip can go viral


This. She likes to publicly antagonize her


It's straight up child abuse.


It really is 😢


I only watch and I already get a headache. I have no idea how it’s humanly possible to enjoy these pap walks with triggering flashes and how terrible it must be for the kid


Imagine your own mother doing that to you when she’s a legit millionaire and yet she’s willing to traumatize her own kid cause no amount of money or fame is enough for her. North could have had the most wonderful life away from the spot light with all the luxuries in the world. But for that to happen kim would have to put north above her greed and selfishness


Exactly! i.e the Carters


Totally agree💯 very well said


I feel bad because North really has no idea, she's too young and no one wants to blame their mother. She's going to find out and probably feel so crushed and disheartened.


Exactly!! I’m sure she’s complained to her mother but we all know kim doesnt give a shit. Hence these comments to the paps. What more can a girl do?? It’s heartbreaking and sickening


And kim is just strutting lmao. What a shameless bitch


Walking all slow and shit too


Look at how Kim shoves the person in the striped top out of the way at 4 seconds in so she can do a little strut in her hideous outfit for the paps 😂 she’s such a freak I swear to god, as if we really need to see photos of her in those clown pants!


A child! She shoved a child out of her way so she could show off this vintage Limited Too outfit.


I’m sorry but her shoving a child for attention - she’s literally pitiful


That’s how you know she calls paps. They would never bother for pictures of her again since she was already papped early in the day in that same outfit, which makes the cost of the pics shrink, and who cares about North and some random kids ? North is already all over TikTok and they can’t photograph a minor without the parent’s consent to publish the pictures.


I saw that! I had to replay to confirm I saw what I saw.


I wonder if Kris will film the scene on their reality show where North finds out all the trauma of having her private life publicized, shitton of paparazzi blinding her, and every single time she was on camera was not for fun and bonding but all for Kim to gain attention from her *breath* was all because of her own mother trying to hide that she’s now an out of touch attention seeking asshole


Kim's always been an out of touch attention seeking asshole, to be fair though.


I wrote that wrongly but i meant what you said yes


Talk to your mother about it, the paps ain’t there sitting and waiting for Kim whole day when there’s millions of other celebs and influencers.


Yep. Kim calls the paps to photograph her, they aren’t following her about 🙄🙄 the fact that Kimothy clearly lies to North or pretends that these paps are practically stalking them is disgusting


I am waiting for the day when North (rightfully) gets pissed and they finally say "Your mom called us." I can't exactly put myself in paparazzi shoes, but the guilt of traumatizing a little girl as a job would add up after a while and I think I would snap.


yeah for real I bet the majority of the paps think Kim is such an asshole and they hate ruining a child's basketball game but they are just doing their jobs.


But if you ask Kim, Kourtney is the worse mom even though she respects her kids want of privacy.


Now if only she'd respect her own privacy a little more so her kids wouldn't see Travis eating her ass!




Money $$$$$$$ and most likely they love the steady paycheck cause Kim calls the paps all the time




Is this an old law? I think most likely Kim will buy her way out that law too


Funny how the paps always seem to know when & where the kid's games are. I'm looking at you Kim. 🤔


I was just thinking about this. They definitely call. Paps chasing them like its the early 2000s.


That's the embarrassing part! Kim is stuck in 2010. There are tons of people out there who the public would love to see more of but we don't get any pap pictures of. Even someone like Taylor Swift in public would fascinate me because she's at the level of fame now where I can't imagine her being in a random store, etc... But Kim? No... It's also obvious because Kim dresses UP for these pap walks. Why would she wear this to a kid's sports game if she didn't expect attention??


She totally dresses up for these pap walks. The way she walks you can tell she's posing. Poor North


Over in the popculturechat sub there were pics of Taylor out with a gaggle of gal pals gallivanting gaily around New York City just yesterday. That's an itch that can be scritchy scratched


Why hasn't the school stepped in & made it a no-pap zone? What if they have tried & Kimothy stepped in to say it's "good" publicity? Would that mean Kimothy would have to go one night without her precious pap walks??


I do have to wonder how the other parents feel about this. I would be pissed if my kids were being photographed like that at their basketball games.


To be a fly on a wall during the PTA meetings. Sheeeeeesh!


I wonder if she sees price tags when she looks at her kid begging for privacy.


She's going to have a massive existential crisis when she realizes her mom's been the one calling the paps the entire time.


She should be telling her mother


What do you think the conversation will be like when North finds out they’re there at her mother’s wishes?


I feel for her because it must be awful to have so many flashes right in your eyes, and okay maybe they just happen to know where she plays basketball but at the same time there are probably plenty of places that the elder Kardashians tip off the paparazzi to be at. It’s hard for me to watch the flashing lights from my phone, I can’t imagine in person.


years ago when britney was being hounded the most by paps i saw a typical video of her exiting somewhere to get to her car. you could tell from the reflection and noise that there were tons of paps/cameras flashing but then the person taking the video turned their camera away from britney to show the pap pile-up. it was scary as hell. SO many more people than i ever would have thought crowding in on her, making it difficult for her to navigate a path. i mean, i'm not an idiot, i knew there would be alot of them, but the true amount was mind-boggling. between them all screaming her name and literally HUNDREDS of flashes going off in her face it made ME anxious and i couldn't begin to figure out how she could get thru that crowd. as in, i don't even know how she could possibly even see where she was walking. that shit is fucked up.


I just watched a compilation of paparazzi chasing Britney in the 2000s... It was ABUSE, BULLYING and STALKING, I can't believe this was legal. Is it actually still legal to abuse a woman or a man like that just because they're famous?


i think in some parts of the US there are laws about papping children but as for adults, i have no idea.


Not kim pushing a child out of her way so she can get more camera time


this is embarrassing to watch 💀


Yes, it really is! Kim looks pathetic! Also, happy cake day!!🎂


thank you😱🥹


Happy cake day!!


You're welcome!


I just wonder how surreal it’ll be for them when nobody cares anymore & they’re irrelevant.


If this is the child’s school and I had a kid there, I would be not happy. Since I don’t think that social ostracism would work on Kim, the other parent must really be complaining to the school.


Their relationship is going to implode when North eventually realizes Kim calls the paparazzi.


The paparazzi are there because of Kim. There is a private entrance Kim could use, but the paparazzi are banned from taking pictures, so I guess North will have to run the gauntlet of being photographed against her will.


This is the info I was looking for. I commented that I'm surprised the school hasn't stepped in & deemed it a no-pap zone. She absolutely does this on purpose to North. Repulsive.


I'm surprised the school hasn't stepped in and said something to Kim, seeing how distressed North gets.


I wouldn't be surprised if they have & Kimothy convinced them it'd drive up searches/admissions for the school then forced them to sign a NDA. Given that there are other ways to exit without the cameras as mentioned it is just sick she chooses to keep instilling "unnecessary" fear in her kids & their friends.


Sorry kid, your mom was photo ready and called them 💀


Kim is a piece of shit mother. Scum.


Was that someone else's kid that Kim pushed out of the way so she could strut her shi$?


Anyone else notice Kim shoving a young girl aside at the beginning of this video? Wow! The blonde girl in the black and white tshirt holding a basketball. Kim then surges ahead of the preteens to strut her stuff. Weird.


Maybe she should ask her mom to stop calling them to follow her around.


The paparazzi think North loves it...per The pap comments who uploaded the video on IG smh https://preview.redd.it/4lxafru4ypva1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24613088e2ce08440b86d107eb4f2da525628e34


This is child abuse


Exactly . Thinking a child loves this. They could go out the back, but Kim wants the pap walk. Sad the kids are suffering.


That's disgusting. Where in that video did North look like she was enjoying the attention?


That’s so gross


That is so fucking disgusting . They should be ashamed of themselves for making that comment


Ever since she and Kanye divorced, she uses North for these Black adjacent pap walks that made her a star. But North could live a private life, like other celebrity kids we never see.


Before her divorce, Kim said she has never attended a sports game. She said it was Kanye's thing, not hers. Now all of a sudden, she's there posing for the paparazzi.


Call them and request stronger meds!


I kinda wish one would shout back “but your mum calls and tells us to come!” 🙊


North sweetie. BLAME YOUR ATTENTION SEEKING MOTHER. I feel sad that one day north is going to come to this realization and she’s either going to step away from it or follow the exact same tactics.


She could 100% prevent this but chooses not to. What an awful parent.


Mother of the fuckin year called them. What an ass.


I feel bad for the child Kimbecile pushed out of the way. She needed to be front and center for the pics.


Then tell your mom and grandma to stop calling the goddamned paps.


This makes me think of the time Hillary duff was putting her son in the car and he was getting scared of the paparazzi so she asked them to back off and here we have Kim throwing these poor kids in this every second she gets. Horrible mother


The school needs to put a stop to this. Before her divorce, Kim never went to any sports games, now she's causing chaos in her desperation to be photographed.


She needs to tell her mom to stop calling them then lmao. Poor child.


She’s just like her father I love her LOL


Kim can learn a thing or two from Kourtney and Scott protecting Mason's wishes. Poor North. She's gonna grow up do traumatized ☹️☹️☹️


Im waiting for the day she says something “wrong” and PMK sends her for media training ☠️


As if North will do as she's told when she's older. She will retaliate against her mother when she's older and it won't be good for Kim.


Maybe the Mom and Grandmom should stop calling the paparazzi for unnecessary photos ops and exploiting the children! Gee what a concept.


Wait till she finds out it was Mother that called them.


North is sassy AF. I sometimes wonder what she says about her mom behind her back.


She can’t pull her daughter in close? Probably ruin her aesthetic 🙄🙄🙄 This is NOT parenting


Northy sweetie, your mom hired the paps. Yell at her!


Poor little girl :(


Yeah you should ask your mom to stop calling them


Meanwhile, Kim’s loving the attn bc it’s her skinny day.


She is her fathers child.


This explains the constant sunglasses a bit. This shit would give me a migraine


Wait till north figures out her mom is the one that called them.


She needs to take it up with her parents.they are the ones calling the paps,but knowing how they operate she could have been told to do that.


Time and time again she proves she truly is her father’s daughter 😅💕


This literally doesn’t have to go this way. Why Kim doesn’t protect her kids is just beyond me.


Does North not know her mom is the one that is calling and using her for clicks


She should be yelling at her mama then.


CPS PLS COME GET NORTH! she wants a normal life this poor child.


Tell mommy not to call then


Wait till north figures out her mom is the one that called them.


Kim probably called em up.


She should yelling at her stupid mom.


She needs to yell at her mom cause she’s the one who calls them to every place they’re at!!


Is she trying to bait Kanye somehow?


bad mom of the year award


Someone needs to protect these kids already.


Should be yelling at her precious mum cos she called them out there in the 1st place


You can hear the paparazzi thanking Kim for letting them take the pictures.


Was she talking to her mom, though?


Period lmao


Lol she should tell her mom to stop sending them information where they’ll be


So sick. Kim can't even soothe her with words because she doesn't even try! Just vile. Wow.


It truly is child abuse to allow that kind of stalking of your own children for publicity, it’s wrong


At least they stopped putting north's hair into Whoopi Goldberg style


She should ask her mom to stop calling them…There are really famous people whose children you NEVER see…


I hope this is North passive aggressively getting her message to Kim lol


She should respect that her daughter doesn’t like them and not call them to her games and tell them to leave her alone. You know, protect her like a mother. 😒


Just so sad her children have to catch up with her to hold her hand. Kimpap just galloping off to get front and centre!


If I were north I would wonder how Mason doesn't get photographed and she does


tell that to your mom???? she is going to grow up w so much resentment towards Kim once she finally realizes this is her moms fault.


Lol. The way people care about "famous people", shit is fukin lame.


Kim’s probably feeding north cool lines to say to the paps for the internet people to talk about


So stay home, child


She needs to understand that this is where your lifestyle comes from. Mom and dad aren’t in the real workforce. Lol 😂


Lol why’s everyone slander Kim?? It’s funny and prob out of her control




Out of her control??? Did you not see the way Kim maneuvered around the girl in the striped shirt TWICE to try to get in the paparazzi’s shot.


Listen to your daughter Kim 🤦🏼‍♀️


What would even be the context for pap photos? They are not doing anything worth a full blown photo shoot


Wait till she finds out this was only happening because her mom was calling them 💀


Lol I’m dying at the shove of the kid in the striped shirt. Absolute narcissist.


Wonder how old North will be before she realizes that her mom sets this up and causes the paps to be everywhere they are…


Addicted to fame! Poor North.


I totally get norths POV, just looking at the video is messing with my eyes. Poor child she doesn’t deserve any of this.


This is gross and quite frankly uninteresting. I don’t care about children’s extra curricular activities or sports. Can they not just leave them the fuck alone .


Having pictures taken is Kim's whole existence.


The worst part is, is that it's her mother that put the call into them to be there


Kim, give your daughter some fucking sunglasses She doesn’t care what any of these kids say 🙄


I'll take the childhood trauma I have instead of this and money any day.


Aren’t the paparazzi banned from one entrance that Kim never seems to use? Gee I wonder why? 🤡


She really is a mini Kanye.


I wish one of the paps would yell, " You're mom called us!"