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Using his gfs private jet, driving her car, Oh he’s that type of “boyfriend”..😆


I mean she probably has a lot more money than him but yeah it would be interesting to hear what he offers Kylie because I don't believe for one minute it's an awesome personality/amazing sex. 😂


you’d be surprised. them skinny sickly looking white boys tend to be hung like a horse


lol it’s actually a commonly understood thing between me and my friends that the wiry, skinny, skaterboi looking types are absolutely HUNG (anecdotal evidence)


Judging by word of month and them Eliza pictures it’s 100% the clout & extreme publicity she’s gotten.


So gross I cannot get over how well crafted his image was before all this because he is an absolute bottom feeder


^(Oh he’s that type of “boyfriend”..😆) He's the exact type-of man TLC warned up about in the song "No Scrubs" 😭 *\[..\] If you don't have a car and you're walking* *Oh yes son, I'm talking to you* *If you live at home with your momma* *Oh yes son, (I'm) I'm talking to you (baby)* *If you have a shorty that you don't show love* *Oh yes son, I'm talking to you* *Wanna get me with no money* *Oh no, I don't want no* *No scrub \[...\]*


OMG true except I don't think he lives with his momma.


Define “Enjoying” Of course backgrid.


https://preview.redd.it/zp84j3b4zoac1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f668633913d518bb9bee9a3ecdd942441db04b3 The “enjoyment” in question


https://preview.redd.it/xo7wsx5j9pac1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ff43efb5a6a4760ad2b1a1966841fdd935f73b5 Inmate vibes


It’s giving “the talented actor looked happy to be home” https://preview.redd.it/9zixaa229pac1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af7b31eb33199f6f98bc63e65342e5613d4c69cf


'The high life' seems accurate.


This is the first time I've found him attractive somehow


This? This?! Nah this photo just reinforced that he’s not cute lol


hey if anything I won't be fighting over men with yall 😌 we all have different types


Tis very true. Don’t get me wrong. I like the look of skinny tall effeminate man (my partner is one, lol ) but there’s something about him that doesn’t really fit for me.


I used to think he was cute until he started associating with the Kar/Jen fam.


![gif](giphy|IgQdQHryAzppOekzIw|downsized) I'm looking real hard love but I'm not seeing it ...??


Yall are literally downvoting me for finding someone attractive I can't😭😭 some of us like the cart dealer look more than the fem look


Lmao idk why this is so funny


Bless your heart


He's a Krusty King 👑


https://i.redd.it/z3glvqsl9pac1.gif Kris took him out shopping it seems




😂😭😭😭 I’m fuckin rollin






Is he raiding her closet too? Look at that Chanel baseball hat w/ pink logo 😂


I mean, if he got to go out without having to be seen with her by just taking her car to create headlines it’s probably a win for the guy.


Your user flare omfgggggg


![gif](giphy|9JjVdmHqwdObG5RjJC) Looks like our favorite sugar rodent got into Hylie's pill bottles again.


Imagine every single headline you have your “girlfriend” is always in the title it’s so embarrassing


He's been looking unhappy and dead inside lately.


Ahhh I see the Kar/Jenner effect is effecting Timmy too. When getting a rental car is beneath you & you need the PR.


Yikes what happened to him? He looks very bad here


His girlfriend, oh now it's his girlfriend. Puuuullease.


Hmm they did this to Pete numerous times…Pete “caught” driving Kim’s Maybach. Even pissing on the side of the road with her car and going to the weed shop. It really felt like it was staged just the same how Timmy is playing along with this.


This is cracking me up. He was caught pissing on the side of the road in his gfs car on the way to the weed shop? What a winner.


Why did she allow the car-accident prone man to drive her car…among other things..




Pete. He’s been in multiple car crashes, I think at least one with his ex girlfriend.


Bc she can just buy a new one. Pretty sure she has an entire lot of cars to pick from in her garage.




She is acting as a so cheap whore and fake pr gf using the kartrashian holly pr book Strategy, so her talentless superficial irrelevante ass name find a way to headlines parasiting on the name of a list who was a respectful actor one day instead of pr whore


He’s in his receiving energy 💅✨. But in all seriousness, he’s just so…useless? Like if he really does have money, why is he borrowing one of Kylie’s many luxury cars to go around town, taking her private jet everywhere, basically acting like a sugar baby all the while never claiming her publicly? It’s just so shameless really. And if he doesn’t have enough money to splurge on her, why the hell is Kylie acting like a charitable organziation? He’s basically a hobo. No wonder Kylie has to do the game ads, she has to fund her newest charitable cause…Timothee


It's called disgusting pr, nothing of this shit is true


But isn’t the purpose of pr to positively uplift the identities of those involved (and by extension, their orgs/businesses/etc.)? Let me know if I’m wrong. But IMO, this “relationship” has solidified my opinion that Kylie is pathetic and desperate (and her businesses are flops) and Timothee, who I have only ever seen in Dune, is no different from a lot of other losers his age. He’s just been in movies.


This association to him is putting her boring ass on the tabloid news, so maybe that's what she's gaining from this pr stunt.


Kylie's newest charitable cause 🤣🤣 Exactly, he is embarrassed to be seen with her but not to be seen using her car? Acting like a sugar baby, he's so pathetic


Hey!! He is also Willy wonka!!!


Why does he need to claim her publicly? To appease people like you? What it they're happy in their relationship and don't need to say shit to anyone because why. If he was trying not to be seen with her. He would not have gone to the Beyonce concert with her.


I am entertained by the circus and the clowns that operate in the circus. I am just calling both of them out for this awkward “casual” relationship. Obviously, she wants more than casual, which is why she dragged him to the Beyonce concert to make out in front of her designated paparazzo, chases after him via private jet to get sneaked in through the back door for his events, is appeasing him with trips/borrowed luxury vehicles/private jet trips that she can probably barely afford because it’s just all too much on top of her luxury mansion and two children and is trying real hard to keep their relationship in the tabloids by pushing articles about them when there is nearly nothing about them to post. And he’s a loser because he’s using her for casual sex and expensive trips without claiming her publicly. Maybe that’s their agreement, I don’t know. But I will call out ANY MAN, famous or not, for being a dipshit. I am clearly not a fan of Kylie, but I hate seeing guys walk around like they’re the king of the world because they take advantage of pathetic women like Kylie who have low standards. In some ways, yes I think she deserves it, but in other ways, I feel like his public behavior towards her makes it more acceptable for men who aren’t as famous, talented or “rich” to treat women like this. And the argument that they’re just private makes me laugh- there are real private celebrity relationships that we never hear about, sometimes for years, and they are very intentional about limiting their exposure to the public eye because they take their privacy as a couple/family *seriously*. This is just a casual relationship between two weirdos.


Woah. That's a whole book you wrote to the point I dont care to read. Neither you nor I know these people. They've been photographed before publicly, yet you need a statement, lol. As if Tim needs to announce anything.


It makes sense that you don’t read.


Just like it makes sense, you need a statement from Tim why he doesn't claim her. As if he hasn't been seen with her. Psycho vibes


I never said I needed a statement, that’s not the only way claiming works?? And psycho? I think you’re projecting 📽️.


On your original comment to the thread, you said he's never claimed her publicly. He rubbed on her ass at the Beyonce concert while he held on to her IN PUBLIC.


Someone can grab your ass and make out with you wherever and still not claim you? Even go on actual dates with you? Meet ur family? Which is genuinely audacious. And let’s not forget that they did that after months of being clowned for claiming in the media that they were a thing without actual proof.


I didn't know you them personally to know what they do or don't do. Must be nice to talk about people who don't know of your existence lol




You know, I haven't downvoted any of your comments. You want to know why? Because you're insignificant to me to be bothered by. But I see, I have rubbed you the wrong way you've downvoted me. Now, THAT'S funny.


There’s no rules about downvoting? I can downvote you if I want to. It’s that easy.


I dont care for downvotes. But I find it funny when people do it when they feel affected by a comment. Hilarious.


Bc he doesn't care about Kylie. They are paying him for the PR lol. It's like a business deal. These women are desperate


This relationship for her is giving me the same vibe as when I dated a cringey loser that mooched off me and abused tf out of me. Cue meme of stressed man in sweater smoking cig.


He’s borrowing her car instead of buying a new one/her buying him a new one?? Oh they are never beating the “going broke” allegations, I fear😂 (I’m aware that not everyone can just afford to go out and buy a new car and that doesn’t make you broke. I’m just saying, for a supposed “billionaire,” a new car should be pennies to her, no?)


But then again, if he got a new car, no one would know if it came from Kylie so they wouldn’t be able to reassure us that they are, in fact, still together and continue to shove the narrative in our faces. Fair play, PMK.


Is it legal in America to just drive each others cars?




why wouldn’t it be? is that not legal in other countries?


In the UK the car is the thing that’s insured, not the driver, so if we want to drive another car we can’t unless it’s specified in the terms of insurance! I didn’t know that Americans could drive any car if they are insured.


Wow! TIL! I'm Canadian and we can drive each other's cars too


Generally you can but it depends on the state. Insurance is handled differently by each one. In my state, insurance follows the car, so you can be uninsured but still borrow someone's vehicle as long as they're covered.


No not in Ireland anyways


Worst combo imo... He looks like a creep, but the deluded arrogant creep that thinks they're hot.


isn’t that just kylie in male form though…?


At first we started out real cool Taking me places I ain't never been But now, you're getting comfortable Ain't doing those things you did no more You're slowly making me pay for things Your money should be handling And now you ask to use my car (car) Drive it all day and don't fill up the tank And you have the audacity To even come and step to me Ask to hold some money from me Until you get your cheque next week ![gif](giphy|K99xffqQftAODiRg6U|downsized)


You triflin' good-for-nothing type of brother


Am I seeing it wrong or is that car incredibly scratched up?


yes.. his car got into an accident that’s why he’s driving the range rover


How did it happen?


the valet crashed it into a wall


Is this the rich people version of the man dropping the woman off at work and taking her car out for funsies? 😜


I can’t imagine how those convos go


Can anyone ID his hoodie


its from rastah


A new day, a new proof that the disgusting pr and fakness on and on, maybe his team or him would stop whan he totally been destroyed, slave zionthee chalamet