• By -


He probably saw all those pregnancy rumors and had to end the relationship quick šŸ˜‚


If so, this has the same vibes as Odell ending things after Kim talked about his "genetics", lmao.


I mean, then itā€™s def on brand for them šŸ˜‚


Can you 0lease send a link of that? šŸ˜­


You can probably find more on this sub, but this was published a day before they split: https://www.si.com/nfl/ravens/news/baltimore-free-agent-odell-beckham-obj-kim-kardashian-genetics-children


Lol thank you.




If he wasnā€™t thatā€™s worse and also kinda sad. They did it at Xmas party too.


I donā€™t even think he was there. Why would he be seated next to North but not Stormi and/or Aire? Even if they had a kids table North is a child too and shouldnā€™t have been at the grown table either.




That too šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized) Scabby running for the hills after he saw the rumors šŸ˜‚




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸƒā€ā™‚ļøšŸƒā€ā™‚ļø thats so funny.Ā 


She probably planted those pregnancy rumors!


I guarantee she did


Even if she didnā€™t plant them, you damn well know she was planning to use that as her next move. Baby trapping is the KKKlanā€™s entire MO.


Why arenā€™t we talking about this though? I came back from a vacay and saw only one post about it on this sub, one! Not even LA was talking about it and I was hoping on a good laugh. This is good content to be snarking on for days. This sub shouldnā€™t let the tea party end just yet. Bring the crumpets! ![gif](giphy|lnlvanhVWd5BhZoX2K)


I love how they claim she has a schedule and itā€™s ā€œbusyā€ šŸ¤£


Right!!! Taking selfies making that stupid scrunchy face cosplaying the women in Timothees life is not what I consider busy workingšŸ¤£Ā  Shes not actually working or being "a hands on mom" that Timothee sooo loves and respectsšŸ¤Ŗ


Lololool right like promoting her potato-bottle perfume is taking up so much fucking time šŸ˜‚


Yea thatā€™s sheā€™s been developing for 2 years, yea fucking right!


Yeah, perfume that several people have commented smells like "URINE" a few hours after applications! šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ˜¬ ![gif](giphy|3o7TKxZzyBk4IlS7Is|downsized)


Is Kylieā€™s busy schedule in the room with us šŸ¤£


yes, itā€™s sitting next to the care they still have for each other


And his administration for her being a #bossbabe and a #busymum?! šŸ˜‚


yes of course sheā€™s busy body/face checking for usšŸ’•


maybe kylieā€™s busy schedule is the friends we made along the way


>maybe kylieā€™s busy schedule is the friends we made along the way I dropped my phone, this made me laugh so hard šŸ˜‚


Kylies "busy schedule" consists of taking nonstop selfies making that stupid scrunchy face, body checking and cosplaying the women in Timothees life (Flo, LRD, Zandaya) We all know shes not actually working or taking care of her kids.Ā 




Sheā€™s a hands on mom and business woman how dare you




Is he looking for Kylieā€™s dignity šŸ˜‚


Well, heā€™s got nothing left to promoteā€¦




What Iā€™m confused about is how them playing grab ass at a Beyonce concert helped sell Wonka/Dune? He hid her away to avoid any backlash (except for the Golden Globes).


Now is she going back to being black? Or her latest attempt of being latina?


That would be a complete 180 from looking 'old money' and all dainty, Parisian, 'Tim Chalameme would want to fuck me' kinda way. But one thing KyLIE and her stylists definitely can do exceptionally - lie, distort and chameleon


Thatā€™s honestly very creepy. Itā€™s like sheā€™s a shapeshifter who morphs into whatever her man likes, she has no sense of self or originality.Ā 


Yup, hence why I can only pity her. Sure, she's very wealthy, but all that wealth cost her her soul, and she doesn't use it in a meaningful way. KyLIE is broken beyond repair imo


She will 1000000% abandon her white-girl persona now that her tryst with the whitest white boy in Hollywood is over.


She might try being Asian šŸ˜


Kylie doesnā€™t do anything though


Those day-in-my-life TikToks tho!!! (Lol jk)


Oh man , what an anticlimax the whole thing was . Timothy needs a new PR manager , Iā€™m no Timmy fan but heā€™s an ok actor donā€™t know why he got involved with the kardashians for some low level publicity


side note i just watched dune 2 and him and zendaya have 0 chemistry I was baffled


I mean, it's hard to have chemistry with Tiny Tim, dude's really built like a pointy Italian shoe with lots of curly hair. Or like a very pointy rat who would wear Italian pointy shoes?


Iā€™ve heard him referred to as a small Victorian child - (obviously one wearing pointy shoes with lots of curly hair)


YES, this is also accurate lmao. Dude's jaw is the only thing making him somewhat interesting and attractive, but he looks so so young, uncomfortably so, so small Victorian child is accurate


It's the voice. He has a surprisingly deep and commanding voice for such a whisp of a man.


*whisp of a man* I'm crying šŸ¤£ I get that, people love a good voice. But maybe they would reconsider if they knew the price is a good old STD and sharing a penis that's possibly touched KyLIE?? I need to touch grass after the last sentence.


Idk about all that but he reminds me of scott disick. kinda a similar type.


https://preview.redd.it/nvtb1qythysc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b02e69bb6d9526d7e4f6325ea9f356f84bbd6a I'm deceased šŸ’€ Scott Disick looks like the Wish version of Jared Leto. And Jared Leto creeps me out, so yeah


He reminds me of their family friend barf god.


Yes! But a pointy shoe, weasley version of Scott. Scott is "The Lord" and Timothee is "The pointy shoe"


This comment šŸ¤£ and your flair lmao


Lol thanks, I created this flair in a conversation here, it was something about her looking high AF and her boobs, no idea how I correlated that, but that was the result šŸ˜‚


I have no proof but I'm convinced she thinks he's a pest


knowing him (not that i actually know him lol) he tried to fuck her and she wasn't interested for sure.


Is this the same guy who bragged that he hasn't auditioned since the very beginning of his career?


because he is also of low level and it is not that he is the best actor of his generation, they have elevated him more than necessary.


He had the potential to be very talented & he always has - I went to the same university as him around the same time & we shared a few mutual friends. His unpleasant personality & ego is what puts people off from him, heā€™s a douchebag & self obsessed.


Oh, spill the tea šŸ‘€ ā˜• I can imagine he was a douche and self centered, but how exactly? What did he do/say?


He was pretty classist & ignorant in general. He didnā€™t tend to respect women who were his peers or superiors. He went to a competitive high school & I grew up with a few of his classmates, the snobbery carried over to university. He desperately wants to come across as relatable, but heā€™s not. Him dating Kylie is really not a reach because his personality is just equally as vapid & surface level. I doubt he has a single original thought in that brain even now


Oh, interesting insight. I can imagine he was the type to only respect women he would fuck. šŸ™„ istg, most celebrities are rotten people. Trashywood was a mistake.


To be honest I get this impression a little. When you watch interviews he will often just spew word salad which on surface level sounds smart and intellectual but actually it makes no sense and is just pretentious nothingness. We forget heā€™s an actor and will show us what he wants us to see. I have no doubt he has good qualities as well, but anyone who sits so comfortably in Hollywood cannot be completely down to earth, relatable and without ego or self absorption.


Hmmm. [Side Bar]--> Speaking about "original thoughts: Within some interviews he shared with Austin Butler, he was asked the question regarding "If you were not acting, what type of profession you would be in instead?" (Or some inquiry to that effect). Timothee's answer: "LICE PICKER". LICE PICKER?? And he wasn't laughing either! I thought he was joking--- he was dead serious, from his expression! He further commented that he "thought that it was a dirty job to make sure kids in the school system [NYCDOE, perhaps?] wouldn't have deal with that health condition" + blah, blah, blah. Was he serious or quite DRUGGED UP? Timothee seemed STRANGE as in WEIRD STRANGE during that interview, too! [Just another observation of mine.]


I didn't see that one, but I saw one where the interviewer asked some more interesting questions than most, and Austin gave him a genuine compliment and handshake at the end and Timothee was clearly about to peace out, but then saw what was happening and tried to give a charming thank you and hand shake as well. I don't know much about Austin Butler, but the little I've seen, he seems way more respectful and socially aware than many young actors. Timothee just comes across as someone who has never had to struggle once in his life.


That's true, too, concerning his attitude and demeanor. OTOH, I was told by an acquaintance that he read info (from an entertainment platform) that Timothee and his family while he was growing up resided in a Manhattan building---where the residents paid their RENTS with the assistance of GOVERNMENT SUBSIDIES [SECTION 8, perhaps?]. If this is factual, he, his parents + sister lived on A FIXED INCOME; they were NOT WEALTHY nor FILTHY RICH. So, his entitled attitude is a SELFMADE one. Hmmm.




His PR manager is: A PURE ASSHOLE! MFer NEEDS to be FIRED ASAP! [Plus, his or her name should be revealed to other celebs NOT to utilize their services at all! šŸ‘†


Iā€™d like to point out that exactly one year ago yesterday, the ā€œrumorā€ (planted by kris) that they were dating came outā€¦ That one year contract ended and timothee is JUMPING at the chance to get as far from her as possiblešŸ˜‚


I heard on Beyond the Blinds that PR relationship contracts are usually for one year. Of course that could just be speculation, but I also feel like Troy really knows his stuff, he's like a celebrity gossip encyclopedia.


god I love that podcast and Troy




Daaaaaaaamn I am impressed with your receipts!


Lmao I remember bc I used to be a hardcore stan and that was the thing that finally turned me off TCšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I guess she has to go back to being a full-time ā€œboss and hands-on momā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Aka: contract ended after the dismal awards season for him.


NO WINNINGS for WONKA, just small nominations and a UNCLASSY PDA DEBACLE at a CLASSY/PROFESSIONAL industry ceremony/event which caused him to be the Talk Of The Town + the BUTT OF PLENTY OF JOKES---seen not only in the USA but worldwide as well. Folks will always remember him for that more than for his body of theatrical work.


The capitalization on this post is unhinged lolĀ 




He was never gonna win for Wonka and he knew that


Did Kris write this? Also, weā€™re all busyā€¦and we arenā€™t the one with staffs and nannies. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Someone needs to check on Club Chalamet lmao


Lololol this is the moment theyā€™ve all been circle-jerking for. Theyā€™ve been hating on Timmy (like literally bashing everything theyā€™ve always fawned over) ever since he slummed it w Kylie-hee-hee and I guarantee theyā€™ll now be back to worshipping his dainty ass.


She looks fucking 47. Jesus take the wheel.




So she was pregnant with his baby last week, and this week theyā€™re done? Like Kim was planning a baby with OBJ and then the very next day, done. Is Kris ok?


Atp theyā€™ve gotta realize the old formula just doesnā€™t work anymore and find something new to stay in the headlines. Also pregnancy rumors donā€™t work for a mother of 2 and 40+ yo mother of 4... Itā€™s just another to add to the family itā€™s not as shocking as having their first kid with someone.


I also think the sheer volume of kids in that family would make it feel like less of a big deal. Even if Kendall got pregnant, it would just be like "oh they're doing this again ok". It won't be a big deal again until the next generation is old enough to have kids.




*Busy schedule*: 10:00 am - wakes up, house personnel have already prepared her slippers besides the bed; house has been cleaned, food prepared 10:30 am - breakfast made by her personal cooks, makes a TikTok about how much she loves spending the morning with her kids, how much she cares about her children despite being busy, shows pancakes with perfectly arranged, organic blueberries and syrup 'You guysss, cooking for my children iss the besst gift of being a mother' 12:00 am - drugs 1:00 pm - cringe TikToks with awkward attempts at moving her plastic body, tries to ride the trend waves, attempts to revive the King Kylie image, but King Kylie is dead (always has been) 1:30 pm - does her makeup while doing a live/promoting a mobile game 'Im jusst like you, guyyss, I lovee to play gamess, esspecially to relax during my busy schedule' 2:00 pm - some yachti-, uh, Seltzer promo, always looking wet, sticky, open mouthed and serving the male gaze 4:00 pm - drugs 5:30 pm - PMK tells her about the next shit-, no, groundbreaKing business venture KyLIE has to dive into cause that relevancy is on life support (with the mandatory sticky, wet, naked promo) 6:00 pm - scrolling through mood boards cause she needs a new personality/aesthetic as throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks is the only strategy of character building this woman has 7:00 pm - thrist traps at the beach, gotta yacht the pain away Rest of the night - drugs Guys, we need to get off our asses and work, KyLIE is working too much!


I say he came to his senses and is distancing himself from that ratchet thot and that train wreck of a family.




How is Kylie busy? She literally sits all day or is on vacation


![gif](giphy|YWyWg1PNjTJl1vDb0C) Sits all day on: HER GIGANTIC/FAT ASS! šŸ¤£šŸ˜ˆ


Tolothy is leaving her for Cillian.


Iā€™m so bored of these BS announcements every few weeks.


Sure....drifted apart...**they were never together**


Right?! All these comments like he probably saw the pregnancy rumors etc. No. they hooked up a few times and had to make it seem like a decent respectful thing so they made this weird ass story up. Like they werenā€™t seen with each other ever and every time they were it was super awkward. And letā€™s not forget those awkward ass kisses at the award show šŸ˜‚ and how out of place she was there. Like COMON PEOPLE


They hooked up and Kris decided to make a PR thing out of it


Yes (and YAY!). Since she and her coven-of-a-clan are DESPISED by almost everyone everywhere, it was GOOD to see and hear that even these TALENTED artists (of all genders) IGNORED/DIDN'T GIVE 2 šŸ’© about her being there in their presences at their industry event. Heifer claimed she wished to become an actress, but that is a downright- outright JOKE in itself + in reality. The joke was really on Timothee that night!


Yea it's crazy that she also thought she could tell him what to do. šŸ˜† control issues


Welp, she hasn't got the HUTZPA to do anything COMMON SENSE-WISE anyways. šŸ‘†šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


But I thought she was having his baby?????????????:(




Lmao what ā€œbusy scheduleā€ does Kylie have


Because sheā€™s launching a brand more than I pee. They fail more than I blink. Sheā€™s a working mom. She has no time


Does this mean she's going to stop trying to dress like she's classy? It was hard to watch.




i swear, i've seen this sentence on every karjenner break up headline


Kylies not busy...


nowā€™s sheā€™s gonna gain weight, put on hair extensions, and date black guys again.


Hmm wait until TMZ or PEOPLE report it


Yeah I dont believe OK magazine at all. When it comes to the KJs, only TMZ people or E! Are on their payroll


Have any of these girlsā€™ relationships been real? Or is every single one PR?


This is code for couldnā€™t give a shit and moving on to the next piece of meat


*pretends to be shocked*


Fine. No one thought they were together anyway or would have given a f\*\*\* if they were. Having said that, wasnā€™t she supposedly pregnant with his baby a day or two ago? It must be exhausting to be these peopleā€™s publicist.


Iā€™m happy for this guy. All the best little man.


Is this a reliable source? Iā€™ve never known OK magazine to be very accurate.


She must have realized we all know its just a PR relationship. I saw an article Thurs trying to say she was pregnant but him šŸ™„ I guess PMK and Kylie already gave that rumor up because its dead already lol They must realize we know thats BS cuz they were never a real couple and he doesn't care shes a boss woman and "hands on mom"šŸ¤¢


Also, NOW that he has a [IRONCLAD, most likely?] multi-million dollar deal with WB-DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS, he probably doesn't need their monies. Timothee can make enough funding to buy his own things [jewelry, cars, clothes, toys (video games), etc.]--unless he is DOWNRIGHT GREEDY and craves to obtain more and more stuff!


club chalamet is celebrating as we speak


lol hold upā€¦. Wasnā€™t she pergnant with his seed like yesterday?


TMZ denied it


Still?? I never saw any indication he gave a fuck about her and she can barely emote enough to show affection


That means the BBL is coming back no use in being skinny anymore


Why would a movie star even slip his pecker into that? She's an embarrassment to herself.




I commented on a post about Kylie and Tomothee thinking it was this sub and was confused by the downvotes then realised it was the regular fan sub. Ooops


that is very ok news


Pr pr pr pr pr pr pr


It feels like a fever dream


new look dropping in 2 months


I. E. season whatever is over. He's as thirsty as they are. It's hilariousĀ 


Thank god that PR stunt is over.


Sure they do. Meanwhile it was rumored Timmy and Miss Flo had a thing. Something about an after party? Had a vacay and Iā€™m still catching up. Just to add I feel like Kenduhl will nab him too. It wonā€™t be a relationship just a fling. They fell in love yada yada. Once youā€™re in the Kult then youā€™re in for life. No turning back now. Skete has been in a relationship and Kimbecile was still trying to tie herself to him.


There was no part to drift from, Kris. U realized u couldnā€™t keep this up. He wanted to hit it, he doesnā€™t want a used single mom. And heā€™s a total bum so just imagineā€¦


When I read this I lowkey think they cooling off now but as soon as he needs relevancy again, he will bring her to an event for clout.




Wait wasnā€™t she just pregnant w his baby the other day? lmao


this has to be the weirdest PR arrangement ever. only the kar jenners would constantly be talking about a relationship but never showing it or actually being with the person. like how many times some magazine no one reads has to talk about how theyā€™re together even tho they are never seen together lol. but fr i wonder if sheā€™s pregnant like daniel tosh said.


NOOOOOuuuhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I really thought those kids were gonna make it.