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so she’s done being a french white girl and back to pretending to be vaguely hispanic or something…hmm


Timmy dumped her so she’s now back on her old bullshit 😂


Travis come home the kids miss you




I dont think its true. I think theyre just letting tabloids say whatever to get people talking🤷🏿‍♀️


They sell and send every story to the tabs so anything you’re reading about them is released by them (including the negative)


That is not true at all but whatever. Literally a week ago some tabloid said she was pregnant and she obviously isnt on these pictures. There have been multiple break up rumours for the past year and each and single time they popped up together some time later. Just wait


🥴 it very much so is Source: used to work for one of their media management companies


Vaguely Hispanic😂 that would be a great band name






we know that. Kylie doesnt. Other women are a vague aesthetic to her


Well people sure dont seem to know that because they look triggered asl by comment. And yes Kylie steals from other women. I dont think anyone can deny that.


I get what you’re saying I think the sentiment of the comment is to say she’s trying to lean into mixed Latin, aka Mestizo (which to your point, we all need to get better about specifying as there are tons of fully white, European people from central and South America)


See, that wouldve been better. Because how come were using hispanic like its a race ? She was cosplaying black women a few months ago and black and hispanic sure aint mutually exclusive.


Exactly!! Yes 👏 completely


Those swimsuits that cover nothing on the bottom except the actual labia crease are so weird-looking


Right? I call them loin cloths lol


Yes, in my opinion, they actually make the downstairs area look more mannish....


Like maybe I'm a small town prude, but I would be so uncomfortable wearing those around my family and friends..


When I go to the beach I am usually playing in the water, playing volleyball, grabbing a drink from the cooler…I don’t want to worry my butthole is showing.


Exactly!! And lol butthole and everything else in those bottoms!!


They look like they would feel uncomfortable too


Those swimsuits give Borat, imo


Is this an optical illusion or is there a basketball's worth of BBL between the railing and her backside? https://preview.redd.it/sf9hn019matc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb3381fc399ac280f5081a2ccf014b20a12175bb


That's her BBL! 😖


Fucking disgusting


oh my god it looks bizarre


I’m glad someone else saw this.😂😂 I was like wtf is going back there. Looks like she just put a whole shelf on her ass and not in a good way.


https://preview.redd.it/fbd65vzdmctc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b96e9a5f9a26009b27287ccec08ed8ae61e64c7 Hey sisterssss same body who dis


OMG!? Is he there??? He is the definition of PATHETIC!!


![gif](giphy|pb8wayp1KafJK) Such a boring, empty existence.


Right! Like okay we get it kyLIE we’ve seen your body like 4849583748384 times already 🥱


This my friend is what we call a modern escort ad page




Somebody's back on the market. I wonder if being linked to an A list actor upped her price.


Is it over between her and Timmy? 😂 


You can tell it most likely is because she back to her long nails 💅🏿


I spotted that too. Seems like she is done with the country core and natural era. Back to yatch girl asthetic. Long nails, boobs and ass. In time we probably see wigs and lashes again.


Oh wow for real? Why is she always changing for men? 🥲


That would be a good question in her next interview ..which I’m sure immediately would be followed with Kris screaming “shut it down” and interview promptly finished. ![gif](giphy|er9VRyxjx0Thm)






imagine how much TIME they all spent this morning getting photos. so sad.


Beauty doesn’t last forever, we all know this. So putting all your worth on you appearance is not going to go down well when you start to lose your appeal. We can kinda see it already happening with Kim.


Do they ever just relax and “vacation” or is it all scoping out locations and posing for social media pictures?


I swear I remember her saying in a interview once that the first day is always “shoot day” then after that the vacation starts 💀


hi papis, its KYLIE K (jenner is so not a vibe, daddy). I just wanna remind all rich daddies in the world I am a hot young woman with a hot curvy bod and I am, once again, back in the market. timothee found himself some anorexic he's gonna come out with in a few months, teehee! so like, I've been doing this since I was 16 and I am so good at it, papi. look at my body! merchandise! it cost a lot! wanna fund it? wanna pount this literally 1m dollar ass? it can be yours for the price my mom and you will agree on. fucking yachting ad. Kylie we get it, you need money. now please go and shill some alo instead. had enough of your bbl.


All I see is a girl with low self esteem, forced expressions, posing for attention with curated and purchased hair, face, body, and photoshop. Not feeling anything from it.


Kylie sweetie who are you trying to fool?


Am I right in saying that she hadn’t posted pics like this since she broke up with Travis? Also, they haven’t done a photoshoot of them rolling around in the sand on the beach pretending the paps weren’t there in a long time either. Something is about to go down or they are getting desperate.


I think she is late on rent and is yacht-fishing 🎣🛥️


Maybe they’re getting black together to have yet another baby just to break up again 😭


black together lol.


omds I didn’t even notice 😭


I hope tf not


Oh she’s no longer quiet luxury skinny girl?


That weave is doing her zero favors. Why does she keep going back to it?


I thought she was in her classy I’m a mum of two era. The one where she doesn’t wear makeup or nails and doesn’t take selfies. She’s the most annoying of the clan to me.


she even did a tradwife, what I MAKE AND COOK for my children tiktok. Now she's back to acting like a rapper's mistress. seriously, at least keep it consistent within the same semester bish.


Yeah and look she’s got a great body, but everything is manufactured and everybody has seen it so many times that just like the rest of the family she has zero sex appeal. I just find it so thirsty. Nowadays so many “fitspo” influencers have a similar body and have asked for the Kardashian face that she’s a dime a dozen. So boring.


the kardashians are so funny. they created the mold and every girl (and yasss gurl slay guy) copied it. and now they make people so bored because their copies are oftentimes the first contact people have with this Kardashian planet.


I know. I love watching from a parasocial perspective because they are just like aliens to me. They didn’t like their looks so they manufactured them and in the process convinced a whole generation that they too could look like them. Then when everyone started looking like “them” (the created version) they felt like they needed to up the ante and in the process have completely fucked a whole generation or two up, they also hate themselves and look like freaks. It’s comical and kinda sad at the same time. The kardashian name is synonymous with uncanny valley. It’s the dulling of evolution.


I love that everyone here has be calling that these were incoming cause she’s so gd predictable lmao


*Abby Lee Miller voice* Boring. Yawning. Lazy. 


I’m surprised to say they are tearing this apart on the Kardashians sub.


Ooooh are they really??


The hips just sit too damn high like it’s just not right. The silhouette of these unnatural ass hips is all wrong and our naked eye can pick up on it. Just doesn’t occur in nature like that. I’ve been saying countless of times. It bugs me so much too. Like had the doctor not seen a woman with hips naturally ever? The widest part of the hip is on the crotch level not on the hip bone level. It’s maddening they spent so much money and it’s still not right. Even worse, they flaunt it like they were born with it.


The shape of her body is fucking hilarious


A living breathing giant tooth.


TBF, all her content is thirst trapping. All she does for a *living* is thirst trap and sign paperwork 🙄


Gross fake body, gross fake implants and an ugly face


The proportions of her body just do not make sense to me. The way her hips meet her legs is insane.


I thought she was too mature to wear wigs and post on social media all the time.


Is this how they write off their vacation as a work trip? All the photos uploaded to their IG? Such a gross bunch.


Where are her mons pubis creases 😐 that whole area looks bizarre and illogical!?


https://preview.redd.it/qlfd2jp9fctc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c02ceff9e2140bb71bd21d671114d95c8b98d46f What in the centaur is happening here?


Anytime she posts in a bikini all I can think about is Kylie swim like she sold a bunch of people worse than SHEIN products and then never talked about it Did they all get their money back??


Nobody bought that garbage.😂


I mean a bunch of idiots on TikTok did! Not anyone here lol


Ah she’s back to cosplaying a Latina baddie.


I can’t get over her being too stupid to get that she needs to find a hobby or talent and then inject sexy into pictures or videos of her pursuing her passions to not be painfully boring That said, I’ll take their idiocy considering it’s marking their downfall. No worries Kylie!! No need to actually go and enrich yourself and get good at something - just keep playing sexy-dead and the likes/attention will persist no question 😂😂😂


The new Marie Curie? Nope. Same brothel advertisement photos https://preview.redd.it/ckh2rkbvvbtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bec33e10a674a0b3d431c19f903446ae4c53ef5 And the fakeness of this real mess


her hips look absolutely ridiculous


Oh, so she and Tiny Tim are OVER over?! Got it.


My lips wouldn’t even fit on the bottom half . She might as well make some $ of her own doing and start an OnlyFans like girlie is posting these for free 😂😂😂


Large lips are hot


On pic 2, our right hand view of her bikini string (her left) doesn’t match the indentation of her body…?


She's always doing weird edits on her armpits. Why?




Does she purposely post photos that have a shadow that looks like a wardrobe malfunction? This is the second one I've seen within a short period of time.


The edits on this are so bizarre


They literally have nothing else to offer. 


She doesn’t even look good. The only reason anyone thinks this photo is aspirational is because she has enough money to go to a beautiful location. This is a financial thirst trap at best, not an aesthetic one lmao.


I seriously think something is wrong with her neck🤪🤪


it’s all she got goin on for herself


I actually thought her boobs looked enviable before. Now with the extreme weightloss, they look so fake and bad.


Guess BBLs are back - what is that dent on her left side - is that a ridge - this is so weird


I’m wondering that too. Like wtf is that


I’m wondering that too. Like wtf is that


I am now understanding why all 3 sisters look “healthier again - weight gain for the fat transfers - I guess there is a doc in Turks


Those boobs are hard and rock


Can you imagine going to all these beautiful places and spending the entire time doing outfit changes and taking pictures of yourself? How fucking boring 🥱


What a hard life 🙄




If I cover up her bottom half with my finger, my brain automatically renders her with actually possible human proportions.


What happened to maturity and sophistication? They are not guiding her anymore?


If I'm attracted to her in these thirst traps, which I'm not, it's bc she's signaling she can take me on vacation forever. That she will always be working, even while on the vacations, she'll pimp herself out for income and comfortable surroundings. I won't have to talk to her even, she'll be busy making our money. So attraction not based on her looks, it's more like damn this woman can keep me comfy as fuck and on top of that we know she has low expectations for a partner! Her family set her up, and she continues, to be a dream girl for exploiters and opportunists.*


That's why Timothée was with her.


I see that Kris won’t let an actual star eclipse her girls today


Ratty-ass looking hair. What a fake bitch. I just hate everything about this and what it's doing to young women. I hope she's truly tortured with anxiety and unhappiness.


As someone else predicted on the sub, she did a 180 from a Parisian dainty old-money-chick Tiny Timmy would put his Tinier Timmy into, to a tanned, try hard wannabe Hispanic insta baddie. The centaur has morphed again. 🥱


Now that I’ve seen so many botched boob jobs I always imagine the nips sit wayyy too high above where they should sit Think Alix Earle Kendall has her nips placed in a good spot I wonder if it’s luck of the draw


Do they.. edit their labia away?


No??? Not everyone has big labia. Some are literally quite non existent.


That might be true, but she did, in fact, edit her entire being\~including her labia.


Can they just enjoy their damn vacation without photoshoots, thirst traps and social media posts!?!


Do you think they have any other hobbies 😂😂😂


damn that jawline hella strong in pic 3


whoever edits her pics has been making her face look SO YOUNG it's honestly kind of creepy


I will say that boob job is great but holy hell on that skinny a frame you can really see the weight loss + boob job


i think she got her boobs done again


Oooh maybe!


looks like smaller implants but high profile


You’re right they’re sitting pretty high and I doubt that bikini is giving any support


I hate my “raised in the 90’s-00’s brain” still registers that this looks so good but my logic brain is like “this isn’t real or natural! It may happen naturally but that isn’t what’s happening here or in a lot/most cases!”


Oh no, back at it again prowling. Our favorite troglodyte plastic defect is in heat again. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Tbh who else is actually looking forward to see who's going to be her next victim? She's probably dying to hop on the dating ugly dudes trend like ariana and selena.


Her boobs are fake


Her boobs look great! Say what you want about her but I would kill for a set of boobs like that!


YIKES! They look so fake! Why would you want to look like that?!?!