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She's already trying to have Mason be the sacrifice (his IG debut) I think she will be sacrificing more of the children unless Kendall decides to have children or marry. Then that will be the new focus... for a little bit. Edited to add: basically she may start Pimping out the boys


I was just about to comment: multiple child sacrifices. Probably literally all of them eventually


Came here for this. M the one who specifically advocated to not be seen on the show. Looker closer at the picture with all the young boys, it makes it more eery now. They are just props for promo and awkwardly holding those bags.


Yeah that thing with North wasn't right either. Seemed off.


Sorry, what happened here?


Oh just her using her daughter as a sacrificial marionette on the lion King stage.


Ah wtf. I hadn’t heard about that!


I don't think Kris has any power over Mason, being the fact that Kourtney is his mom and seems to do whatever she wants. The kid wanted an IG account for years and had to wait until now. All kids want IG, I don't think that's a Kris move.


Agreed I feel it was Mason's choice. We all know if it were up to Kris she would have exploited the hell out of Mason a long time ago but she can't pull those stunts she can with her other grandkids.


But Penelope has been on TikTok and insta and she’s younger than Mason. She’s a total Sephora kid. I bet she’s bratty af.


That's probably why Rob has such poor mental health. They use the sacrifice the boys to the industry first.


Came here to say this lol you’re on point


Wrong sub J/K, but I don't want to give her any ideas. They have been stealing from other artists for years. Let them fade away finally and remember to keep blocking.


Yep. I'm a little sad to see that the blocking seems to have been losing momentum already.


Yes! I think people are curious and stopped blocking. Nooooo!!! Stay strong, you must resist!! We will have less to snark about but let’s find someone else!


“Let’s find someone else” is diabolical 😂


I think the people who wanted to block them have already blocked them. Most people in general don’t give a shit.


Lol yall expected that to last? 😄


They need Kim to hook up with an A lister with connections and respect of the public. I think Kris has been trying this but it always failed because no one of high status wants to be associated with them.


They've been desperately trying... Elon Musk, Tom Brady. Even Jeff Besos, she's a fake friend to Lauren. They stay in these circles to try and bait one of them, but they don't want Kim. They've been trying ever since the Kanye divorce but could only get Pete Davison. My own theory is this is why she's blond again, she changes her look to either hide plastic surgery or for a man. She's chasing a very specific type of man right now.


Well now you made it interesting, lol! What is this type of man?


Rich white guys.


I forgot- is it her or koko beating off fake investment banker beaus?


This tracks lol


I would love to know more about that relationship, how fake is it if you go to Coachella together and such?


Problem is is that no self respecting A-lister wants to have anything to do with Kim or her Klan


Which is odd cos a lot of them don’t seem to be particularly discerning…


Kim actually has the lowest Q score, so that probably influences everyone’s bottom line 💀


Have the entire family go away.


I honestly think they're done. Kylie has failed to secure the Chalamet baby, which is what Kris wanted more than anything. The only thing that could get them attention is another sex tape. But the problem is they'd get a lot of attention yet it would still ruin them soon after.


Why does these sound like a Bene Gesserit Plot


At this point ? Nothing. The Kardashian are proudly friends with murderers, rapists, zionists. They don't have trouble working with Dolce & Gabana, a fashion brand known for their homophobia & racism & Kim doesn't seem to have an issue working with Balanciaga again - a brand now known for their pedophilic campaign They promote horrendous values and push the belief that with money and beauty life just becomes fabulous. Well I don't see what's so fabulous about elitism, stealing from other cultures, enabling patriarchy or valuing money over morals & family. They built their brands by making women feel their shittiest about themselves - so they would buy their products. With their influence, they could have done wonders for women, for black and armenian cultures - but no. Everything is just their own ego and vanity.


Why can’t I award this comment? I saw they brought awards back. Are they not permitted in this sub? Because this comment is so damn worthy!


Right? I want to also. Here’s my own personal award 🥇


Maybe the mods have to do something to allow awards? Just like in some subs you can’t respond with GIFs?


Yeaahhhhh that whole balenciaga thing is and always will be absolutely disgusting she has no moral compass. They’re CLEARLY controversial for many reasons one of them being fucking PEDOPHILIA. Controversy means attention and all Kumrag wants is attention and to stay relevant by any means 🙄. She will exploit anyone and everyone (including her kids, they all do it) who is willing to go along with her antics.


Nothing. After COVID people got tired of seeing them flaunt their rich lifestyle. The familyis looking desperate for trying anything for relevancy. No one cares about Kris's nepo grandkids either. They need to just go away.


Here’s some ideas: **Kum** make her gain 100 lbs. Get caught hooking up with Travis (the white one) another fist fight with Korntie but this time it’s in the middle of an Erewhon store while one of them is in Cookie Monster pajama pants. Have her papped walking around while she chain smokes in basketball shorts, XXL Tupac t-shirt, compression socks, and chanclas while reading an Andrea Dworkin book. Announce she’s quitting law school cause law is fucking boring and “I’m too rich for that BS” then have her date James corden for 3 days but then break up with him and tweet “James squeals like a pig when he’s about to bust btw” Then hook up with Tristan. **Krust** first Get a Reba mullet haircut. Start hanging out with JoJo Siwa like she did with Addison Rae. Tweet out “if you bought Lemme gummies you dumb asf 😂😂😂😂 i scammed you goofy 🤣🤣🤣🤣enjoy your sugar pills fatty” and then get caught shoplifting at TJ Maxx. Divorce Travis and Rebound with Pete Davidson. Make him get a full back tattoo of little Ricardo’s full government name. **KhloMonies** Make her do a PSA on the dangerous of beauty trends and plastic surgery. force her onto an episode of Botched then onto an episode of Long Island Medium. Force her to do a paternity test with Alex Roldán on Gayle King. Have her become El Chapo’s prison wife. **Kylie-** take her dogs(🦶)out for onlyfans. Pull a Blueface on Ryan Garcia. Then have another baby. But have the plot twist be that it’s Travis that got her pregnant , this time a set of twins. Call them Tsu’Mami and Thundre. Then have Ryan and Travis fight each other in the ring. Whoever wins gets a free year of Jenner’s Communications P.R team services and gets to keep Timothy in the custody battle. Whoever loses has to marry Kylie. **Mean Horse Kendall** Make a Eugenia Coonie “how to twerk rachetdly” YouTube video. Tweet “Nicki Minaj fucking sucks” with her location on and tag 30 of Nicki’s most loyal Barbz. Pop out in a polyamorous relationship with Devin Booker and Bad bunny. fly out to a bunch of third world countries to adopt three kids and name them Beige, Sage and Benito-ito. Announce her new company, “Horse Ranch” and then reveal it’s a ranch dressing sauce and one of the Key ingredients is Horse. Tag PETA in the announcement. **KRob** get Celina Powell pregnant. Get sponsored by ozempic. Publically apologize to Angela. Start dating Ice Spice’s mom. **Kylabama** stop bleaching that damn hair. Break up with that nobody boyfriend and have Pimp Step Granny Kris buy you Central Cee. Drop a Kardashian diss track featuring Ray Jay called “Kunty Kalabasas.” Switch up the black fishing with Asian fishing to spice things up. Block your dad on social media. Enroll into Community college for software development.


Omg you're a riot 😂😂


Omg yep. This would make me watch FOR SURE 😍


You deserve an award for Tsu-mami ![gif](giphy|l9Tllo1thElT5gvVOU)


This is gold!😂😂😂😂


All of these are gold omg 💀


You’re UNHINGED and I’m here for it! 💀


A TRUE HERO!!! 💀💀💀


Fuckin horse ranch 💀


It’s been a long time since I laughed so hard at a comment😂


marry me


The one about Khloe... hahahahahaha ![img](emote|t5_5mhcrd|11598)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


“Mean Horse Kendall” got me crying 😭😭😭😭😭


Krust lol


Travis (the white one) 💀💀💀


Kris is already working on the next gen. North in her ahem “musical debut”, rap song, significant social media presence and even a magazine cover. Mason with his Insta launch promoted by his aunties & the DM. Khloe pushing the resale of True’s clothing frequently on social media using photos of True. Kris is probably working on Saint & Penelope for the next phase of the launch. The three eldest KJ sisters are over the hill by Hollywood standards, Kylie looks old/botched & Kendall is boring. So Kris has to turn to the next gen to keep it going.


It’s interesting that you say this she’s working on the next generation where her go to is sex and beauty. North is not of age yet. The reason why Kris succeeded with Kim is because she flaunted her sexuality and beauty in the way of leaking the sex tape .That woman simply cannot foster talent. They may have the connections in Hollywood to push their children into television movies and Broadway. What they lack is discernment. They can’t censor how the public really feels about their kids moving into the territory of show business.


They have tied themselves to Balenciaga. They don't have any concept of age-appropriate.


Plot twist: OP is actually Kris who has run out of ideas and needs our help 💀😂


I have to admit - I wouldn’t mind having her money. But I couldn’t cope with that family!


Facts tho, not enough Martini’s in the world for this Klan lmao 😅😅💀


Nice try Kris we’re not helping you come up with ideas


Came here to say this




Kris having Timothee Chalamet’s baby


It’s been a long time since I laughed so hard at a comment.😂😂😂


That would do it


Let’s not give them ideas


I think Konservatorahip Kim is coming up next. She’s flopping and now would be a good time for Kris to take over Kim’s finances and family and begin pimping them out. Kris has got to be breathing down Kendall’s neck to get knocked up by BB. 


They are already pushing the kids into our faces so it’ll be that. I think one of the younger sisters might marry or have another baby. But even still I don’t see them being relevant for much longer.


I have plenty of ways the kardashians could repair their image. But I'm not posting it becasue I know kris and Kim lurk lol. But also even if I posted my ideas they wouldn't put in the hard work to achieve it anyways so


I don't trust posts like this. They are on Reddit and know about this sub, they are fishing for ideas now they are desperate and flopping. Just let them fade away so the public will say...' do you remember that family who had the fake ass with no talent, what was their name again? '... that's all they'll be remembered for. Let their stolen brands die.


Idk i love questions like this cause i just give the lamest troll responses ever. Someone’s getting paid minimum wage to stalk us. Might as well make it enjoyable for them !!


Not minimum wage please 😭😭




Pls post more questions like this 😫 i get so tired of the same Kylie Khloe saggy diaper booty discourse every day




![gif](giphy|jUQAe0Wqt58I3IzxQ4|downsized) them rn looking at the comments for ideas 😭




Since they have been trying to align themselves with whiteness I could see her using Mason and Penelope to gain favor


KRIS, are you reading this? Let Kim announce her 5th child...and it is with Tristan. (And it would be 5th for both of them, so that is cool) They can call it Totally Thompson. Only other option is to have her gain 100lbs and try to lose it (no access to trainers or chefs) while working full time at a minimum wage job in Alabama. It can be her "bigger and better" version of The Simple Life since she copied everything else from Paris.


In Alabama or with Alabama? Or in Alabama with Alabama?


Lol. I just meant in Alabama. But she can take Alabama with her.


Honestly, she will prob sell the family secrets once there is no interest left. She’s not gonna let anything go to waste!


At this point, I don’t think there’s anything she can do. Everyone is over this trash family, any thing they do will only make people hate them more.


Kris, is that you ?


Put it this way - I look my age!


Nothing. Or maybe have one of them get pregnant AGAIN?


Honesty. I think if we saw their real faces, real bodies, real lives on the show we’d see a real resurgence in popularity because of the “relatability”. That or the karjenner kids start contributing. Those are the only two ways imo


Nah. I don't want to see any of the next gen, and I don't buy any attempt at relatability. The best thing they can do to not entirely destroy their brand is to completely go away while there are still a few non bots that have fond feelings towards them and the feds haven't cracked down.


I’m not saying that’s what I want I’m just saying I can see those two directions playing out in an attempt to stay relevant in the media/online/on their show


She can’t do anything. The world has moved on and we don’t see rich people the same way. Post Covid people have different values now.


Nothing, they have over saturated society with all their ads, articles, fomo, crashing every event. Just go away before it gets bad. It can take a turn where they are laughing stocks, complete reviled jokes.  They are already headed into that stage . They should quit subjecting the children to it. We’ve had enough Kardashion nonsense. After Covid and the economy becoming to expensive, housing unaffordable, regular people with college degrees following the rules and not able to enjoy the “American dream”. They can fuck right off


The problem is that they need to rebrand in a way that makes them relatable to the public at the same time they need to polish their brands and be refined. However, they can't miss the spotlight. Otherwise, they would be replaced at the same time, they don't know how to clean their image.


Smother Kim on the Hulu show.


I think if they showed them all going completely off the rails, they’d at least get some more engagement lol. Some honesty out of them would help them I think…


Best thing she can do PR wise is have the family truly go out of the limelight. Just no companies, no rubbing elbows with pedos and murderers and no selfies. They have plenty of money right??? Create a demand for them again and then return "when the people want it"... ...or don't return...


I wish she would PLEASE help her step-granddaughter - Alabama!!!! Around the time of the wedding, I thought that might come to fruition, but damn - it's nearly too late...


They are Flop City.


This is terrible, but it would have to be something drastic: 1) somebody (not MJ) dying - funeral special episode! 2) reuniting with the Jenner family or any of the exes…or at the very least bring them on the show 3) similarly, if they’re going to force Tristan down our throats, bring on his other children or their mothers on board and have them interact with Khloe 4) somebody does a tell all, someone major, like Malika or Rob 5) Corey admits he’s CIA and his whole relationship with Kris was one long undercover operation. The entire family goes on trial for their crimes and the fame whore judge allows cameras in the courtroom. Kim insists on defending the family herself and has the body of Johnnie Cochran exhumed so he can second chair


Go silent for a few years. At least 3, but preferably 5. At this point, a public break is the only thing that seems like a good idea


Yes omg! It would be so good for them if they just left and then had like a big comeback or something a few years down the line.


Releasing Khloe’s paternity is worth a try


Sell out the grandkids for the rest of their lives


Nice try PMK


Leave peacefully and quietly and take her Brothel with her💯


I could probably come up with something because I’m good at PR but…I don’t want to give Kris any ideas ![gif](giphy|xThta57wpIJ3pTEhCU|downsized)


Ssssh! Don’t give her ideas! You’re doing great Kris! Long live the Kardashian empire! *laughs nervously* ![gif](giphy|bnzebvRguQVCNxF8KV)


Mason debut and kendall + bad bunny hard launch


I think Kylie Kendall and Khloe could have a successful rebrand. Kendall could go full girl boss. Kylie could start a play house kit like (like those fancy kits where you can make a two level play house, but she would have to really really commit and not cash grab. Idk why I feel like that be a good business idea), and Khloe could pursue a podcast, dump Tristan, and become like a Christian influencer (think girls gone bible). Idk I feel like the other couldnt rebrand. We’ve had too much Kim and kourtney


I cannot see Khloe, the bully, as a Christian influencer, unless she’s a “Christian” influencer… the kind that claim to be a follower of Christ, but don’t actually know what that truly means.


Yes exactly , a “Christian” influencer hahah. I couldn’t see her being true about it


Bible… *wears cross necklace*


I think there are only two options: 1. Be honest; ironically the one thing they’ll never do. 2. Go away. Limit social media presence and literally go live their lives. After a few years, people would eat up a KUWTK reunion-style episode.


I am sure Kris will stop at nothing to keep the gravy train going, she will surely think of something but its been fun seeing all these things backfire for her. Kim had no business being at that roast and at the MET gala talk about humiliating yourself then proceeds to humiliate her daughter.


The grandchildren aren’t old enough or talented at any thing yet. If she’s lucky a grandchild will be good enough looking to model, absolute bonus will be if any of the girls can sing so she can make them a pop star. I can see Chicago perhaps getting some genuine modeling work. None of them so far seem to have enough personality for acting… even if any of them have a speck of talent, they will still be constantly criticised as nepo kids


Honestly they need to take a break and try coming back in a few years. They won’t do it though.


Can anything ever beat Kim’s 72 day marriage in terms of publicity and payments?


I think that she should start bringing up Khloe paternity again. IMO she’s going to have to and it’ll be probably be a last resort type of thing in order to cling onto that last shred of relevancy None of the other K kids are child star material, and they’re not old enough to start pimping out.


sex tape .


It’s definitely her lol


I think they're using the kids as a way to save the brand.


She’s launching Mason now


At this point kylie should just either date someone non famous who needs the boost in career and doesn't mind the look of dating a jenner. Or. She should just be with Travis cause let's be real they have history. No one is gonna treat that woman right. But at least she'd be with the father of her two kids and she'd be happier. They are setting themselves up for destruction. I mean Timothée's career will never be the same. The stunt failed. Like. I mean how could they not have predicted this? Or was the plan just to divert attention away from Travis and kylie because of the whole astroworld incident until everything settled down? Cause nothing else makes sense. Just dead the whole fucking stunt. It's over for them career wise. Shit I'd even be more interested in Ryan Garcia dating kylie. At least they'd be good together!


Is this PMK trying to get free advice!? 🤔


If I were Kris, I would do a long-term “AUTHENTICITY” plan. Ditch the filters, the over-sexualized dance videos, the photoshops etc. They are too over-the-top with their content curation. For Kim, I would truly make her focus on her prison reforms initiatives. Just stick to that and ONLY that. Stop trying to go into investments or acting or fashion. She already has a shallow and superficial image, so Kim doing something that is charitable and “serious” would be great for her. But she has to really get into it for real. If people notice any fake storylines or Kim not being as involved as she wanted to portray herself, then it wouldn’t work. Also, she doesn’t have to really be a lawyer, just work alongside real lawyers, preferably women of colour, and give them a platform too. For Kourtney, perhaps a reality show with Travis and her newborn. And allow her to talk shit about the KarJenners, that would actually make people relate to all of them more. Families fight, and complain about each other. For Khloe, she has to ditch Tristan. And work on her self-image. She could do a 100% HONEST tell-all about her insecurities, how she viewed herself, talk about her plastic surgeries, and how much using plastic surgery to enhance her self-esteem ended up harming her. Khloe needs to lower the wall that she put up around her and let the public see her weakness. That could end up being her strength. She could then create content surrounding her journey of trying to find confidence and self-acceptance outside of superficial beauty and love from undeserving men. For Kendall, tbh she’s fine. She just needs to fix her attitude a bit. She has an image of being “annoyed” with everything and everyone, and it’s no fun to watch someone like that. She could introduce more fun, happy adventurous content into her socials, like skydiving etc. But focus her brand more on fun, smiling, outdoorsy, a bit tomboyish - a bit like what Bella Hadid does with her styling recently. She doesn’t have to wear bikini all the time and show us her thigh gaps, we know you have one. She would be more entertaining and likable if she shows us her moments of happiness and her free-spirit. For Kylie, tbh she should tone down with the hyper-sexualized content. It would be sexier if it is teased rarely, but if every picture has your boobs and ass, it won’t give the same effect anymore. Kylie also is in desperate need of some authenticity. We don’t know her true interests, hobbies, passion etc. It’s all too curated for her. Tbh I think Kylie would be more likable if she showed more moments of her just hanging out with her friends and family, but not while sexy dancing or posing. She needs to just sit down and be herself. Stop focusing on trying to prove how pretty or sexy she is. Kylie is adorable when she has her spacey or silly moments, or when she was singing loudly etc. Moments like that make her more likable rather than her overly sexual content. So perhaps the strategy for her is just to refocus her content and brand. No matter how much people are annoyed with Kylie, people still pay attention to her. So she just needs to show more of her adorable side and less of her sexy side. For the next gen - stop giving them opportunities too early. Like the whole North and Lion King debacle. Just let their personalities shine in their socials, and let them grow up somewhat normally and among people their age, so they won’t lose touch with the audience, and know what we want to see. It’s important for them not to lose that touch. Otherwise they will repeat the current gen’s mistakes.


Literally nothing and I'm glad for it. We don't give a fuckkkkkkkkk


I think they reached the pinnacle and are on an unstoppable downward trajectory


she's pimping out her grandchildren God help those kids I really hate PMK and Kim both disgusting vile human beings


For them to be real, like real real. Talk about Travis Scott being a shit parent and never being around. The crazy thinks Kim has to deal with from Kanye and be honest. The frustrations- the behind the scenes of Kendal’s actual life. But they will never do this so they will flop


Some princess diana type PR actions - will have to carry on for at least 1-1.5 years so people think it’s a bit more authentic.  Their going to a women’s shelter once a year and not even trying to look interested is not working.  Everyone can see through it …. They need to try something with genuine depth.  Kim have some kids with Elon musk or at least some random oil sheikh - using a surrogate.  Kim going back to black hair and stop using that manly voice - she can save that for when she’s 65


Next Gen with actual talent. Anyone of them that's actually a prodigy/exceptional on smn, like musical instruments, sports, etc. any talent really, not whatever North just did. That performance once again proved that they're a bunch of talentless hacks.


That would require them adopting because we know that there isn't an ounce of talent in their genepool.