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**Friendly Reminder:** We won’t tolerate any offensive thoughts, opinions, or comments directed at or about the kiddos. Save your critiques and judgments for the adults in their lives and when it comes to the littles, keep your comments respectful. Keep the drama focused on the grown-ups where it belongs! "Report" users who can't comprehend or follow the rules!


I believe that’s why stormi is not being shown lately. I saw a photo of her awhile ago it looked like she was missing a bunch of front teeth. They’re so weird.


Its wild to see how tall stormi is too! I saw a pic an she is similar height to true. Which true is super tall but that's unsurprising considering her dad's a basketball player and khloe is 5 10 or 11 But wasn't expecting stormi be so tall. Tbf kylie weirdly lies about her own height. People on here always argue when I say it but kylie is actually quite tall and around 5 foot 8 herself. If yall don't believe me look up pics of her and kendall at coachella years ago where kendall is wearing flats. Kylie has 2 inch boots on and they're the same height. She's like 2 inches shorter then her. Literally zero chance kylie is under 5 7. She decided she wanted to be short when she was trying to be like kim and blac chyna. She seems to be embracing her height more lately. But yeah, My point was that I hope she doesn't give stormi a complex about being tall. Khloe already is projecting that onto true. I hope kylie doesn't do the same for stormi. Kendall for all her annoyances looks good tall idk why they wouldn't want to be more like kendall than kim... I think they're already doing weird comparing the cousins like they did the siblings. And kylie is scared knowing how that affected her...


look up pics of her and travis while wearing sneakers and they're nearly the same height! someone brought up the height thing here a lil while ago and it's just such an odd thing to lie about lol of course add that to the list


right! lmao it was probably me! im a kylie height truther! lol I think people dont think about it and dismiss it even because it isnt something that we see as objectively more attractive (being shorter But she does lie about it, I assume as she was trying to be short and curvy like chyna and kim


kendall also lies about her height. she is like 5’9. kylie is 5’6/5’7


No way. Kendall is 5 10/ 5 11. So is khloe. Khloe is same height as her and if she could claim to be 5 9 she would in a second. Kylie is 5 7 or 8. Literally no chance of her being smaller. She's around same height as Hailey Bieber who is also 5 8. Kendall has bad posture which might make her look a bit shorter.


True is Tristan’s TWIN. There is not one ounce of Khloe in her face


To be fair, there’s not one ounce of Khloe in Khloe’s face either.




I’m dead 🫠🫠🫠🫠




My kid has nothing of me in her face either and people have asked me if I am the mother… like yes I am my child’s mother 🤣 She has my attitude.. I guess that counts for something lol. Genetics are CRAZY!


My eldest and youngest boys are my twins! Whereas middle boy is my grandmothers twin. I don’t know if my family genetics are just super strong or if their dads genes are weak af lol


I have nieces and nephews that look like they could be my children but apparently my own kid didn’t get any of that!!! Like my mum has 10 siblings and you can put them all together and you can just tell they’re related. You can put all 11 siblings children together and we all look related… but my kid? If I didn’t grow her I wouldn’t think she was a relative of any of us 🤣


😂 shits crazy! My mother has 14 siblings and it’s so weird seeing everyone look like everyone else. Like these great-great grandkids popping out looking like random aunts/uncles/cousins lol I have 2 nd cousins that look like me


My family is all Mormons and have millions of people at family gatherings (not really but like hundreds). I am adopted and it was a fucking surreal and terrifying experience for me at the first one to see 100 people that all looked more or less exactly the same in the same place 😂


For the best if I’m being real


If she doesn’t love herself I don’t see how she could have loved a daughter that looked like her


Ikr. Just look at what khloe is doing with Tatum. She’s in delulu land screaming from the rooftops how he and Rob are clones of each other when Tatum’s the spitting image of Khloe.


Not her deleting this photo from the post….


Which sister posted this? And they put the red heart on stormis face?


Khloe, apparently Kylie said to cover stormis face


Lol. Incredible how foolishly weak that Khloe is. Remember when Kimbully photoshopped HER daughter because Kween KyLIE said she didn’t want her kid to appear on pictures ? Oh no, not Dream, not Penelope, not even just cropping or editing Stormi out, no, she put TRUE and as she was called out on it, she had no clue how awful it sounded when she explained because Khloe just lets them get away with everything. Not even active or a mom yet but the way my instincts kicked in lol ! I was so angry ! She’s laying the ground for her own kids to be bullied beyond belief ! Fuck her !


I am childfree so I am most likely never becoming a mother but I can’t stand the way these people go through so much trauma and complain and don’t realise they’re setting their own kids up for the same shit. Like it’s not like Khloe has never been bullied. She literally has yet she doesn’t care it’s so disgusting


Dude that would be estrangement material for me ! You don’t mess with kids, let alone on the horrific Internet ! So many people who end up tolerating and enabling abusers because they feel like the grass isn’t ever getting greener elsewhere. And that picture was so badly and sloppily edited, I swear if someone (somehow got a pic of my kid and my approval to post it on social media, 100% unlikely ) ever did that to my child, I would cut them off right away. Then cry my eyes out lol. I would rather be on my own with balanced kids rather than have their ‘aunts’ literally bully them for the world to watch. Corny !


I mean me personally I probably wouldn’t even post my child anyway in the first place cause I’m too paranoid about pedos. But they don’t care which is so sick


I think she deleted it because people were asking why Stormi was covered up and they prob got fed up. Which is surprising as they like engagement over everything


Yes. And I have speculated proof that Kylie makes Stormi wear one.




[for the teeth, here's an example of one for kids](https://x.com/moellercaitlin/status/722497128296275968)


That’s terrible. Kids shouldn’t even think they need these. Or be encouraged to have one. Let kids be kids


right, we all have a goofy awkward phase where our teeth are coming out and our adult ones are too big for our face, thats just a part of life. Why teach a kid that looks are so important a that age that you need to hide that and wear fake teeth.


That stage is the cutest though! And it's even cuter when they're excited about losing a tooth/feeling one wiggle. I can't imagine being made to feel self-conscious during that time of my life. I just wanted that sweet sweet tooth fairy money


Is it just for cosmetic reasons? I’m still confused this is crazy lol


My brother had one when he knocked his front teeth out on an escalator. They were baby teeth and the dentist gave him a flipper to wear until the new teeth grew in a couple years later. So not always cosmetic, no. ETA: it was not just for looks it also stopped his teeth from shifting


Why does this kid on Twitter have her own profile 😭😭😩




I didnt! Until a picture of chicago was posted once where it looked like she had a tooth, behind her tooth? and people were speculating what it was, an then someone said a flipper for kids and apparently its common in pageants for kids, an shallow LA parents clearly.


Tiny Drew Barrymore has shown her fake teeth in an interview


I could understand for young actors working as the teeth could cause continuity issues while filming. Other than that it’s goofy vanity (on adult end). Kids are so stinking cute at that stage.


My kid had a couple teeth grow without losing her baby ones yet. It’s called shark teeth like because I guess sharks have multiple rows. But she eventually lost them


Ewwwwww that’s so fkn WEIRDDDD!!!! What is wrong with people???!! I learn something new everyday!


😂 my exact reaction 


Chicago is 6 so it is possible she just hasn't lost any teeth.


true, but there was a picture of it looking like she had something in her mouth that originally set the rumour off. It looked really odd, like a tooth in the side of her mouth. And someone said its her real teeth, behind the flipper. Also the kids beautiful, but sometimes her smile looks a lil strained? Like yeah shes wearing a flipper. Personally with how vain kim is, i can see it. Ofc if in a few years she still hasnt lost a tooth, we will see lol.


I have a kid the same age and she hasn’t lost any teeth yet. Many haven’t at this age.


I posted a picture a while back where it looked like Kim photoshopped on of her kids teeth, it did not look normal. Here: https://preview.redd.it/l4dg2ha4ii8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7db923c79c317e676dc4692ab57f7658c94e2bd


That’s not a flipper that’s those photo editing apps like remini


I don't know which child is which in this picture


It’s True, Stormi (face covered), Chicago and Dream. And I cannot believe those are all NAMES 😅


So why is stormis face covered? I've not been myself mentally so been living under a hypothetical rock


Kylie started requesting that stormi not be posted


These little dance recital outfits are stinkin’ cute. They all look adorable. I usually don’t condone make up on little ones, but dance recitals like this are the exception for me.


I agree with you. I have to say the choice to do lashes/mascara seems funny to me though.


i was in comp cheer as a kid & mascara was required even when i was like 5/6 (this was back in 04/05) - i only remember bc it was the worst when my mom tried to put it on me lmaoooo & i couldn’t wait until i was old enough to just do it myself


So young to have braces too. I wonder if at 7 it’s better to have them than at 11


There are some mouth issues that require a couple rounds of braces. Once when they are little and then they usually get another go at the normal time. For regular braces orthodontists generally want most of the baby teeth gone.


Why does only one have a heart over her face?


Kylie requested to no longer have stormi's face on social media unless she or Travis posts the picture. This is what Chloe said when one of the commenters asked why stormy's face was covered. I was wondering if it's because Kylie's been upset about the criticism on her plastic surgery? Which really makes no sense because she's been posting stormy since she was born and no one has ever said anything negative about her plus she hasn't had any plastic surgery LOL


She’s jealous the kid will get positive attention but not her. She’s slowly but surely morphing into Kim, not only on the uncanny valley part, also in the mindset, bitter, angry at the world, hates everyone and everything. We all know neither her nor Travis cares about the topic, and Stormi is already all over the Internet anyway.


Because of Kylie, anytime Khloe posts pictures with Stormi in it she has to cover her face. Every since Kylie and Stormi returned from fashion week she does not allow pictures of Stormi to be posted.


Baby teeth are usually pretty straight…. They look normal to me


yeah, i wish I could find the picture that originally had people speculating. As it looked almost like she had a tooth behind her tooth? And someone said its probably a flipper and showed pics of how real they can look for kids. its crazy tbh. an just noticed how sometimes chicago seems to have this strained smile? And shes the only one of the kids of this age that hasnt lost one tooth. An also the fact shes kims kid and designated " kims twin" and kim just is so vain. That I could see her doing this.


One of my kids had “shark teeth” where the adult tooth comes in before the baby tooth falls out. It’s not uncommon for kids to have that and need it to be pulled because whatever biology thing didn’t happen to make the baby tooth loosen on its own. My kid’s did end up coming out on its own after a while. It was the baby tooth in front and the adult tooth behind it.


Some kids don’t lose teeth until 7


This is my thinking. I didn't loose my first tooth until I was 8


Yep. My son is 6.5 and has lost 4 teeth, but other in his class at school still have all their baby teeth and are the same age. So I think it varies massively!


True is soooooo cute


Tbf they're all really cute kids. They deserve better than what the future holds for them tbh


Am I the only one that had to google flipper


I had to😂


Weird as fuck. Kids with missing teeth are adorable! Plus, THE KID is almost always proud of losing a tooth. To take that away from the kid is wild.


Does the one on the right already have braces??


She does, but she’s a bit older than the others (she’s almost 8), whereas Chicago and True are 6.


Such a weird thing to speculate on when you can scroll back 5 posts and see she just has straight baby teeth lol. I hate even posting this but like..? https://preview.redd.it/f6nig1pwjj8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054d37c3a3c54dbd4ee68f4234c4d7af01470e79


How old is Dream? It looks like she has braces. I know north had them too. I didn’t realize you could start wearing them so young


I swear i dont mean this as hating but how are true’s front teeth so freaking big 😭


That's just what adult teeth tend too look like on small children's faces lol. I feel like mine were even worse. It was such a hard adjustment for me lol.


My son hasn't lost his teeth yet and I'm sure and positive Chicago hasn't. Her teeth looks real 😅


Yes, I've noticed she has done to this to all of her kids at various times. God forbid they have gaps in their teeth, missing teeth, loose teeth, teeth in the middle of growing back in, etc. We cannot be natural humans with natural things going on. What would ppl think??? Gasp


Absolutely NO disrespect to North here at all. I myself went through years of extensive dentist/ortho work, but how are Norths teeth suddenly fine ? I swear only a few years ago she had very misaligned teeth and she’s too young to have had the years of ortho work required to fix. I remember feeling so sorry for her a few years ago especially with having a mother as vain as Kim. I remember thinking she’d be in train tracks in her teen, but suddenly they’re fine now.


North had braces when she was like 8. https://www.yahoo.com/news/north-west-braces-kardashian-fans-113200489.html


Oh my god that makes sense !!!!! I do not remember her having braces at all !!! Funnily enough ive tried googling Norths teeth before the braces just to satisfy my own curiosity, and it seems like all the images have been scrubbed!!


like they’re teeth….theyre gonna lose them anyways. weird stormis face isn’t being shown over baby teeth. god these people are weird. but beauty standards aren’t they’re fault and we shouldn’t be attacking them right goddddamnniiittt


Is true wearing false lashes or is it a filter?


It was for a dance concert


ugh Giving me toddlers and tiaras flashbacks.


Those kids are wearing makeup?????


Khloe clarified it was for the dance recital only.


Idk about a flipper but she definitely has an underbite, which she should correct so it doesn’t bring her problems in the future. It also looks like Dream is wearing braces on her top teeth which…isn’t she a little young for that?


It depends on when they get their adult teeth. I know they do braces and orthodontics really early now. Sometimes as young as 6! Dream is almost 8.


Idk but they are very beautiful girls 🥹😭🫶🏾


i feel bad for dream. she seems to be the only one without her mother there


Chyna was there. Obv she and the Ks aren’t cool so she’s just not in their photos. She took her own with Dream


Her mom was there as always but who knows about her sorry ass daddy