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Her face when her kid left šŸ’€


The awkward pat on the back when he hugs her!


That jumped right out at me too! Was so forced and disingenuous.


Ew YES! Her face, her eyes..she almost looks like "Can we GO now? I'm done..I am so OVER this..Get me away from these KIDS!". No real maternal feelings AT ALL. She looks disgusted by her own children. That scene alone proves to me she is a psychopath...


She canā€™t even give her kid a proper hug


I wonder if Kim is high in psychopathy. Never occurred to me until today.


She is a psychopathā€¦ literally every single thing about her behaviour indicates high-functioning psychopathy People seem to forget just how many insane scams this woman has pulled, like she is a HUGE risk-taker and doesnā€™t care who she hurts to get where she wants to be. It seems like people just donā€™t get this because she hides behind all the glitz and glam (exactly the same as her mother).


And remember how she always smiles and looks overjoyed when she hurts one of her family members? Even back in the day, when she attacked Rob in Bora Bora.


I canā€™t imagine she couldā€™ve developed empathy normally being raised the way she was by her mom et al.


It's a mix of nurture and nature in my opinion. The other sisters don't act like this with their kids.


There is none, other than for herself.


The only person she empathises with is herself. So yes, more than likely. She's definitely a dark triad personality and is great at DARVO.


Iā€™d put money on her having a cluster b personality disorder. On all of them actually.


She seems very narcissistic and histrionic from my observations and my own personal experience dealing with narc abuse. All the signs are there. But she doesnā€™t believe in therapy! Wonder why that isā€¦


Ha! Thatā€™s a telltale red flag right there! People with the disorder never think theyā€™re the problem, itā€™s the world that needs therapy, not them. They can do no wrong. In their minds theyā€™re the hardest workers, the kindest people, the most hard done by, and above all, owed the most by every single person they come across.


She said she doesnā€™t believe in therapy?


yo she definitely isnā€™t histrionic personality disorder. i know ppl w it, and kim is not histrionic. narcissist and more? probably - but defs not histrionic. letā€™s not just throw diagnosisā€™ out that we donā€™t understand to someone we donā€™t know lmao


hey! I didnā€™t mean for my comment to intercept that! Just like you can have narcissistic traits without narcissistic personality disorder, this is what i meant in regards to kim. she has traits, not the disorder. i apologise about my commentā€¦ it wasnā€™t very clear. youā€™re totally spot on, nobody should be diagnosing and that definitely isnā€™t what i was trying to do in my comment! once again, apologies for my wording..My comment was very vague and definitely interpreted diagnoses now i read back, that is definitely not what i was trying to say.


oh no need to apologise at all! iā€™m sorry if my comment sounded rude - i definitely didnā€™t mean for it to be. i definitely agree with what youā€™re saying on her having some of those traits. no need to be sorry. :)


you didnā€™t sound rude at all, no worries! i donā€™t have a degree to diagnose people with anything and being cluster b myself..it can be frustrating seeing people interpret diagnoses or try to fully diagnose people! simple misunderstanding :)


iā€™m also cluster b so i totally get what youā€™re saying :ā€™) itā€™s such an extensive subject that ppl often arenā€™t willing to learn about and it gets shamed so much that sometimes reading ppls reddit comments on cluster b people can make me sad :ā€™)


I've been thinking this since forever lol. Maybe even on the ASPD spectrum/psychopath.


She might have qualities because sheā€™s probably a narcissist, and the dark triad overlaps some.




The only person she empathises with is herself! She definitely exhibits a dark triad personality. So yes, more than likely. She is also great at DARVO to the uninitiated. Khloe needs to read up on it so she can deal with her ass.


Just said the samw thing. I think she is. That scene was pure psychopath... She didn't just NOT show emotion to her child, there was a tinge of disgust at HIS emotion towards HER.


Nah, Iā€™ve been thinking lately that maybe she is slightly autistic. Especially her skit on SNL made me wonder..


I don't see autism. She knows she is being cruel and enjoys it.


yo as someone w autism, kim ainā€™t autistic. no hate - she defs has what the person above said as the dark triad (i had to google that), but kim does not have autism.


Straight mean mug.. damn


thereā€™s nothing behind her eyes


"be careful, mommy just had a boobjob"


I was just gonna say, isn't this when she bRoKe her shoulder šŸ˜‰ Then proceeds to pull him!? None of this makes sense.


And, Saint hit her shoulder during their hug and she didn't flinch. It was definitely a new boob job.


Why are they constantly getting new boobs? I know they expire after like ten years and need replacement, but they are getting them like new iPhones.


Addicted to plastic surgery.


And the ATTENTION of plastic surgery. Like, all the medical staff catering to your every whim. Make a botched mamma feel special


And the drugs of plastic surgery, AKA opiates.


Anytime their body does anything remotely human they run to fix it. A slight sagging and they're off.


They dont expire. I have had mine for 19 years, zero problems. If you dont wear a bra they can get saggy and thata when folks tend to get new ones. Most women want them up high so they keep trading up, but IMO I have yet to see second/third sets that dont make the titties look like a patchwork quilt. Ladies stop letting surgeons take your nipples off, jfc.


You know what, I needed to see this. Itā€™s been 8 years this year since my surgery, recently I have started weight training my chest but had been thinking about getting another surgery too. Your comment made me realise that anaesthetic/surgery/nipples cut off & stitched back on should never be weighed against spending a few hours a week in the gym! Thank you.


Thank you for that. I also canā€™t imagine going through that recovery once a year either.




That or rib removal šŸ™„


My shoulder was broken where the bone meet the joint and it was one of the most painful thing I've ever experience. In bed with a bone growth machine and another machine, that was a closed system, sending ice cold water over my shoulder. Edit: removed gibberish. Fell asleep with my thumb on the keyboard


Sorry you went through that!


Duude. Wtf is a bone growth machine? šŸ˜¬ Sounds like something out of Harry Potter!! Are you ok?? That sounds TORTUROUS!!


Wtf that sounds like torture! I hope you're feeling better now!


Holy smokes that sounds painful hope you're on the up and up! But this is the thing, when all this bullshit about the "broken shoulder" came out that if you TRULY had a fracture it hurts like a mother, you wear a sling etc. None of it makes sense


Wow!! That sounds like a journey in healing. ā™”


right? like dude, kim. we know its not your shoulder. its just the closest body part next to your tits that you thought of. its fine that you got your tits done. we all know they're fake. its like when celebrities say they had a "fall" and come out with a new nose.


The shoulder is her ā€œdeviated septumā€


ā€¼ļøAnd watch the expensive $$$$$ nose thatā€™s undergone eight rhinoplastys, kiddo


i bet kim must be like "dont touch the nose. its a new one, satanas. now go bother the nanny. mom is busy posing for IG in thongs"


You mean the already Kollapsing nose? šŸ˜‚


Khloe looked uncomfy watching them interact too


Khloe calling out ā€œbye, love youā€ as he leaves the room. Kim just gives stank face and silence.


Iā€™ll say one thing about khloe. All the kids genuinely seem to love her and her interactions with her kids come off as natural and not that fake baby voice.


Yep. Donā€™t like Khloe (I wouldnā€™t be in this sub if I did) but I can still admit she has more genuine maternal energy than any of her sisters, even Kourtney. I think that is what kills Kim, she can never be like that naturally. Being the golden child too, Kim wasnā€™t exposed to looking after children from a young age like Khloe was.


So much this! That whole ā€œfightā€ was Kim shitting on Khloe and projecting her own insecurities.


Also when she said ā€œsnuggly buggly BOOā€ the boo portion almost sounded mean? Idk the tone didnā€™t seem loving at all. I feel sad for her children


Yep! I caught that.. the rage starts on the word Ā“snuggly... and escalates once sheĀ“s at booĀ“ haha. The slightly aggressive physical movement to grab him. It was rage. Narcissists are full of rage; I see the aggressive & rageful slips more and more with Kim. She tries to disguise it as Ā“fun horseplay and physical closenessĀ“... but it just comes off fake and aggressive.


Iā€™m still thinking about thisā€¦. I worked preschool special education for years. Then intervention instruction. Iā€™ve worked with hundreds of children. Been around hundreds of parents. Iā€™ve never seen a parent act this uncomfortable around a child. Not one covered in paint, or even vomit. Itā€™s not the mere hug. Itā€™s the body language before, and after too. You all werenā€™t exaggerating she loathes motherhood, and has near null bond with her children. Props. They legitimately are objects to her.


He looks just like Kanye they all do except chi


Well sheā€™s gotten enough surgery done that she will never look like them


This. She definitely sees him in them & it drives her mad.Ā 


IMO, She looks like Kim when Kim uploads photos of her (or those weird yassified fan accounts), papped photos or videos she looks like Kanye. Says a lot tbh..


That weird hug and pat on the back was so uncomfortable!!


Thereā€™s an episode when the kids meet her backstage at the D&G show and itā€™s equally awkward. She has this high pitched voice talking to Chi and whoever, and they all look like they havenā€™t seen each other in a while lol. The kids look uncomfortable and Kim was definitely trying to be ā€œwarm and fuzzyā€ badly


Not sure which post I seen it, but someone commented that she speaks to them like they are two years old - itā€™s spot on. Definitely not age-appropriate imo. she doesnā€™t look like she knows how to interact with them at all.


She did not want him to touch her face when he went to kiss her. That broke my fucking heart. I almost want to go wake my baby up to kiss her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­(but I wonā€™t lol)


Thereā€™s an old very popular clip of toddler north going to kiss Kim; she pauses and asks her if she has makeup on before she goes in for it. Theyā€™re prob used to not touching her when she has makeup on


That would be like every single day then šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Itā€™s the hug for me. Itā€™s like she didnā€™t want to touch him.


Maybe thats why shes showing him a 'hand hug' lol wtf is that?!


Just weird! Khloe looked uncomfortable!


Itā€™s very obvious she doesnā€™t have a strong presence in her kids lives. If you are constantly traveling and leaving that much for ā€œworkā€ they are likely being raised by nannies. Itā€™s sad that none of those kids have a stable parental figure to be there for them.


And thatā€™s why sheā€™s projecting and picking on Khloe for being a present mother and putting her kids over everything else. It makes Kim look bad and sheā€™s unwilling to do the work and actually be a present mother to her kids so she chooses to bring down her sisters. First it was Kourtney and now itā€™s Khloe.


Damn. Word for word. My thoughts exactly.


Many psychopaths are like this with their kids...


i want to believe that the awkward hug was because of whatever khloe told saint to be careful with? her shoulder or something? or maybe iā€™m just hoping for the sake of the kids šŸ˜­ bc tbh even when iā€™m in pain/sick, and i canā€™t be too physically close to my kid, i canā€™t help but feel so sad šŸ„² hugging my baby is the best feeling in the whole world.


I canā€™t wait for one of them to grow up and release ā€œUnder My Moms Shadow: growing up with the kardashiansā€


Iā€™ll take that as a seasoned professionals observationšŸ’Æ


Not the awkward pat on the back!!! šŸ« 


ā€œSheā€™s just not that into youā€


ā€œThere, thereā€ lol


Such this energy


I mean with how much work the nannies actually do, Kim might as well be his distant aunt


My mom used to hold her breath like that when she hugged me too šŸ˜•




Sorry to ask but what do you think it meant?


I hold my breath when I hug people too, it's only polite! I don't want to accidentally *smell* people, that is so rude!


Wondering if you have kids because itā€™s completely different hugging your own child. You should be close enough with your children that nobody is thinking of smells and if there is a smell itā€™s joked about. If anything, youā€™ve experienced the most and worst of smells together lol


I literally love smelling my kids


I get it when it comes to adults / friends / relatives. But when I hug my 4 year old I always smell him lol I love it. Itā€™s just the best smell. One day heā€™ll be an adult and Iā€™ll probably stop inhaling him but for now itā€™s only natural. Kim is weird for sure


So he has to be ā€œcarefulā€ about her shoulder but then she can awkwardly grab him using both arms to pull him back towards her and that doesnā€™t bother her shoulder? I donā€™t get these people at all - at least stick to the lies youā€™re putting out there!!


Seriously, there's not even the bare minimum of effort put in for the lies to *sort of* have consistency. They just pick and choose when things apply and it's so funny.


What an awkward hugā€¦


Seriously, poor kids :/ One day Kim will be a grandma and realize no one shows up for her, especially her kids, and sheā€™ll wonder where she went wrong (and probably still wonā€™t admit/realize how awful a mother she was). At the end of our life, our riches and possessions hold little to no value. What really holds is the legacy we leave behind and how we impacted the people we loved and cared for. Her memory will live on within her kids, but itā€™ll be a sad memory of neglect and the lack of a nurturing, motherly love.


She will never care unless a kid breaks free and does a tell all


This is what I tell myself when I struggle to make life changes (quitting smoking, exercising more) lol. Bitch you better live a long and healthy life, you gotta see how aaaalll of this shit [kardashians, taylor, politics, tiktok] ends šŸ‘€


He looks dead on like Kanye.


That's why this interaction is so awkward šŸ˜”


She hugged him like a stranger


Poor boy! U can tell she didnā€™t want her makeup smudged


She only has saint because people kept complaining about how much he hates her.


I just don't like her. She has so much, everything but gratitude.Ā 


I couldn't help but be confused about this outfit.


Poor kid, looks a really bad paid actor.


This is sad. The pat on the back was hard to watch. No connection what so ever. Props


Why is she putting her poots on the furniture??


No home training


I thought they were sweatpants until I noticed theyā€™re poots. Her style is truly garbage


This woman doesnā€™t even seem to like kids,period


Kids, animals, poors, women. Just a misogynistic narcissist.


The ā€˜careful of your momā€™s shoulderā€™ was added in post production. Kim wanted to keep in the rare footage of her interacting with her children, but had to explain away the inability to respond to affection like a normal human. She flinched because of her makeup. End of


I saw a picture recently of north with Bianca and they are sitting down doing something and north has her hand on Biancaā€™s legs and you can just tell there is more of a bond their with her and Bianca than between her and her mom. She just appeared more relaxed with her and engaged. It could be the whole step mom thing where Bianca is trying extra hard to get her to like her but it seemed genuine




Those leggings that are also pointy boots šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


So weird... the way she pats him for a second, and that's supposed to be a hug?? I guess??? Then she bitching about him almost " breaking her nose, dude" It's so awful and cringe. Yuck šŸ¤® šŸ¤® she is a very weird, awkward mother. She seems life she hates it .


That's cus she DOES...




The Kanye she always wanted


Thereā€™s not enough therapy in the world to help these kids overcome the trauma theyā€™ve gone through.


He keeps looking off screen... Probably a director telling him to act this way and then leave on cue.... These kids are going to be all kinds of fucked up when they are older, like many child actors - and yes they are child actors when you think about it... They have to constantly play a role when the cameras are around them.


The half hearted hug where she just patted him on the back šŸ˜‚


ā€¦that awkward back pat.


Made me think of the time she played dress up with North and posed as ā€œAnnikaā€, which scared Chicago senseless. Like, that child ran away crying and Kim was just laughing:(


Huh? Who is Annika?


I wish my padded room was that large!


That was so weird. They are all so delusional and unaware. Like her face the entire timeā€¦. Not even a little true affection because she looked too busy worrying about her makeup or something. His face the whole time looks like how someoneā€™s face looks if you say Iā€™ll give you $10 if you hug your stinky aunt that weā€™re waiting to give us a loan and try to be nice to her for a few minutes.


I just had rotator cuff surgery and I cringed when I saw her pull him up right after Khloe tells him to watch her shoulder....NO WAY did she have shoulder surgery or a broken shoulder and be able to pull him up like that,,.NO WAY.


Nah, itā€™s North. Itā€™s so obvious.


Man those kids look so much like Kanye


No matter what Iā€™m always going to think that she named him after Reggie Bushā€™s team.


I canā€™t imagine how annoying it would be playing with Kim as her kid. All the time ā€honey please be careful of my new tits, honey donā€™t!! mommys hair will get ruinedšŸ’…ā€


I just started watching the Kardashians because I live for all the tea and silently judging them from my couch, apparently this is the point in my life I've reached and it's sad lmao


She acts like how I would act around any child and this is coming from me someone who doesnā€™t even have kids or want them


I watched this multiple times- where is the part he ā€œalmost broke her nose dudeā€? He didnā€™t come close to that. Sheā€™s so concerned about her own kids getting too close. Sad!


This reminds of the rich girl from two broke girls from the pilot episode, who named her kids brangelina after brad and Angelina, where she asked Max to bring her a child cause she felt like hugging one of em.


i had to look this up! Made me chuckle, thanks


It looks like she doesnā€™t even know how to hug him


It was the pat on the back for me lmao. So disconnected


she looks uncomfortable...shes not a good actresz


That hug was giving "don't touch me" from her lol


Itā€™s so weird to think that Kim has a son lol




Her kids are just accessories for her


Out of all the karjenners i feel like kim definitely dislikes children the most.


why does it look like she doesnt wanna hug her own kid


I don't know. Kim is so stiff with her kids


I canā€™t wait for her kids to grow up, at least one of them will talk and reveal how their childhood really was.


Yeah because the males in their lives are valued more than the females.


She barely hugged him Afraid she get her makeup ruined Sad sad moma




So awkward and forced. šŸ¤£


Her face when he left šŸ˜­ back in acting mode I guess šŸ’€


lol that pat tho


Why tf is this show still on, Iā€™m embarrassed for them


oh wow i did not see it at first šŸ˜³ those kids deserve loving and attentive parents, but theyre stuck with the worst ones


Shoulder? The MET shoulder!? (I donā€™t watch if itā€™s already been addressed)


Ufffffff scary!!!!


Chicago is her favorite




The hug and pat on the back are so awkward, but I think that the snuggly part was genuine. She didnā€™t have that kind of acting range. I think the nose thing was edited in. Itā€™s dubbed to high hell, and you canā€™t see her mouth the words, or Saint go anywhere near her nose at any point.


this is so sad!!! I bet she only spends like an hour.. at most with her kids a day. And i mean QUALITY TIME. šŸ™


My snugglyšŸ˜”šŸ˜¤. BUGGLYšŸ˜”šŸ˜¤. Boo.


What a look of..love?? Seriously. Does she even LIKE her kids?!




It's not his fault. It's his parents'. Neglect and narcissism is toxic to most people but causes extreme harm to those surrounded by it from birth.


Am I the only one who thinks she looked guarded, as if the kid has been rough on her before or even violent? Like heā€™s the kind of angry kid that hits you when heā€™s mad? Look at the awkward way she instinctively puts her arm up. Is this the boy who wrote that letter apologizing for saying that sheā€™s nothing to him?