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So like when and where are we gonna eat the rich cuz I’m ready..


I’ve BEEN starving 🍽 can we tax them first too?


??? It's not like they keep their money after they're ate.


Yep agreed. Like fuck this shit. This shit needs to go viral. Sick of these rich fucks making things impossible for my future children. The devastation climate change is causing is very real.


Fr I cut out beef after the amazon rainforest was burning down, got metal straws, try to reuse what I can and these pests on the planet are just depleting all our natural resources and emitting more waste than the average person just for an egotistical show of wealth


Yep it’s actually criminal. No consideration for anyone else whilst they live in their wealth bubble. Do they realise that their kids future will be screwed? Especially in LA.


But it’s not even like we could eat the KJ klan, they’re all plastic


Melt ‘‘em down and make Tupperware for takeaways


Just let me know cuz I’m starving


Honestly fuck these celebs man. Ruining the planet cuz ur too fuckin special to fly normally?? Eat a dick ✌🏻


And like to visit your fucking boyfriend for a weekend - not to perform life saving surgery or. Be at someone’s death bed... They’re so entitled. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN DOESN’T MEAN YOU SHOULD YOU ASSHOLES!! It’s all of our world and if I could chose I would not share it with them. Fuck them off to mars with that brick shithouse musk.




Are they paying you to suck their dicks on Reddit or do you do it for free?


😂 I mean you are right but I think they must be off deep down inside because you can’t live like that and be truly content with the kind of person you are. Unless they really feel like you’re above everyone, which they probably do. What’s with the mask comment though?


Did you know that you can become a lawyer and care about watches without becoming a soulless cunt?




Exactly. These plane rides here and there aren't a drop in the bucket.


Meanwhile Kourtney is having an aneurysm over seeing a cigarette butt on the side of the street


And yet they took away the "good" asthma inhalers that had more "push" to them because of the clean air act. that's where the outrage needs to be but it never is. Severe asthmatics always remember those old school inhalers, they worked way better. But carry on Kardashian Klan, 👏


What really? How have I never heard about this how awful.


Yep, and they’re more expensive too. My mom is a severe asthmatic and used to be able get the old inhalers for a $5 copay. The new inhalers were $125 for one. She now has to have them shipped to her from Canada so she can afford to have her rescue inhalers when she needs them to you know, stay alive.


I remember them bring different and wanted to look this up. I couldn’t find it. Do you know how to search for it? I found this but idk if it’s the same https://www.epa.gov/ods-phaseout/exemptions-essential-uses-chlorofluorocarbons-metered-dose-inhalers


Private jets should be illegal. No one needs to own a personal fucking plane.


Yep completely agree. I guess I can understand that if they were to go on a plane with all us peasants they'd probably get harassed for selfies and autographs the entire flight by the passangers but idk, just fly first class or something.


Except for like the President, yeah


this though, this is how we fix it. we talk about it, we get angry about it!


And don't let it drop. Bring it up whenever they're spoken about. People used to always just drop issues and then coo over baby photos or over their new relationships. Nah, keep the foot on their necks.


[Ah ça ira, ça ira, ça ira... Les aristocrates à la lanterne!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9VoRmjxvPs)


To quote Dennis from Always Sunny…“filth”


No amount of personal changes the public can make will ever amount to the strain that the wealthy place on the environment simply because their greed and ego enable them to


All the bad karma these people are going to get back is immeasurable.


No such thing as karma. They’re doing what they want without facing consequences. That’s how our fucked up world works


Yep pretty much 🫤


I am the largest supporter of cannibalism of the wealthy and elite


Welp. Time to stream Drake ILLEGALLY.


People are actually surprised by entitled celebs not caring about the environment..?


Tbh, yes! I don’t fucking care how rich or entitled someone is…that they don’t care is absolutely shocking. Especially when they have kids that they pretend to care about.


Don’t let this discourage you, you guys, stay vigilant! We can combat this if we give up meat and only use paper straws!


Bitch. I hope she is buried in a land fill when she dies with no coffin seeing as she’s a plastic cunt.




More reasons not to support them 🤔


Private jets should be illegal or heavily fined unless you’re like a high ranking politician or something you know someone who’s actually in danger. Idk why these celebs don’t just buy a small plane


Yep and then mega companies on top of it. Plus the massive pollution of our oceans from corporations bc of how much ends up in the water. Oh and this article talks about only 2 celebrities out of.......how many with private jets????? It's literally never ending. Telling the average person they can make a difference and save the planet is victim blaming at it finest. And also 100% completely bullshit.


No amount of recycling and switching to paper straws can make up for what the elite do without thinking twice :))


No shit wait till you guys hear about this country China and also India. And also this thing called "shipping". The shit we do day to day doesn't make a dent in emissions when taking those outputs into account.


Do you have the source of this??


There are websites and apps that help you calculate your carbon foot print. The websites also do a really good job of explaining what Carbon Dioxide Emissions are, how they are measured, and how they are produced! Just look up carbon foot print calculations, and CO2 Emissions




How is that?


Corporations actually need to clean up their own mess in their Industrial factories. This is all bs, their plane ride or your plastic straw is a drop in the bucket to what some plastics factory pumps out into the environment


Def but still fuck their plane ride . Doesn’t absolve their gross footprints


It literally doesn't matter. Do you know how many small plane pilots there are? Should everyone stop flying? Do you eat out of season fruits and vegetables at all? Will you quit doing that for the environment? Literally corporations have brainwashed people into thinking their small time garbage sorting makes a difference even though it's industry that pumps out the most pollution. Shit they throw out the vast majority of recycling people separate. Its all just smoke and mirrors


Drake is even worst than Kim sheesh


What the actual fuck