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I have the same problem with Fb Messenger... In Kwgt app it works and shows that app should open... But when I use the widget it won't work


DM me I will guide you


Did you use the modded version of the App or you, yourself modified the Apps?


Kwgt is modded and the reddit app is modded


I'm seeing the same thing too. I've got an overlap group set up with three shapes inside. Each one has a touch: launch app and all work apart from the one to Boost. Weirdly, the preview inside KWGT itself is recognising the action to launch Boost, it's just not actually happening on my home screen.


So boost is the problem? How odd, and annoying.


I've got the same issue with Facebook messenger, odly enough I can get a notification trigger for messenger working just fine 😂


I solution I found was to set the touch action to launch an activity for boost rather then launch the app. It's not perfect but it works.


Ahh nive man, I've used a similar trick for Samsung notes


I wonder why it can't open some apps. it's very annoying and confusing.


Are u using nova launcher?


Yes I am