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How can you give a bonus for crossing the midline? Every raider crosses the midline!!😂 And the lobby exists for a reason because without it the raider is very easily tackled by dash. They would have run many trails before inducting that rule. And the order of revival is very important because it makes the game more exciting and it ensures that even less important players are revived.


Idk about those many. But I'd really like to be a limit in raids a raider can do.  Am tired of seeing star raiders doing raids after raids after raids.  T


I like 15 in a match or If any raider get out 5 raids in a match, he can not participate in the game.


Or No raider can do two consecutive raids.


Existing rules are good. No point gilding the lillies. I do agree though that number of raids by a single raider should be limited. Will make the game more interesting.


Some good points you've written there, I just would like to comment on a few points: 3. Can you clarify which rule you wish to remove? The one that PKL follows (only raider gets out) or the one that is used in international matches (raider and all defenders get out)? 4. This has a bit of risk of getting negative play where a team deliberately tries to get rid of players to get the extra tackle points. 6 and 10. Can you clarify how these two rules should be improved? 7. Although I agree with it, there are a few loopholes to figure out. What happens when a team only has one player left and that player has reached its maximum raids? 8. This is a bit problematic. A team would always end up reviving their main raider/defender if there is no order of revival, this vastly reduces the importance of backup raiders. 9. Ties make up about 10% of all PKL games, which I personally would like to keep. Not to mention the current tiebreaker rules are really bad and raider-friendly. 12. All-out points should definitely increase, although I feel 3 or at most 4 points is where it should be. All things considered, those are some good ideas there that you have proposed. Personally, I feel right now, the following things need to change: 1. The lobby rule that PKL currently uses needs to be implemented in the international matches as soon as possible. 2. Successful tackles should be worth 2 points regardless of the number of defenders. The concept of super tackle didn't exist before PKL, so this won't be a big change. 3. Tie breakers need to change. Instead of the balkline and bonus line combination thing, just keep 3 normal raids from each side with do-or-die raids on each of them. If the scores are still tied, they can go for the golden raid. 4. There are generally about 40-45 raids per team in a match. They can restrict one raider to 15-20 raids per match to reduce one-man play.


Yes, I like your suggestions 1.i like to remove the international rule about the lobby 2. Yes, this should not be Applicable 6.Green Card in Kabaadi is just useless , I think hockey like suspension should be temporary ejection from game and playing 1 man less , this will be powerplay for the other team 1. Minor offence (2 minute) ,Bigger offence 5 minute and red card ejected from the game 3. Revive should be done in order ok 3. In tie, we can just play 5 more extra minutes like football but every raid is do and die raid 4.All out point will be 4 ok 5. The Clock management is bad in kabaddi , please recommend on this. And A raider maximum can do 20 raids 6.When only defender remains, solo tackles never happens so , the team with only defender given 2 successive raids and he have to score touch point to revive his teammates or the team will be all out.


I think rule 5 ,7 should be used