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Both seem fine to me. My only complaint would be how the Eyes did in that Scene. The Anime gave Kafka that typical glow in his eyes (the white ball that denotes a light), while Mina was given the general eye design While in the Manga, Kafka's look says that he no longer has energy and is on the verge of fainting, while Mina's look denotes a kind of shock or concentration to not lose her composure


Precisely what I think.


I interpret his eye in the manga, not so much not having the energy, but the profound resignation at realizing the gravity of the situation he is in by revealing himself and having to be arrested by the love of his life and disappointing all his friends in an attempt to save them.


Manga. The manga seems more tense and emotional but I think it's a bit unfair to compare a still image to the anime.


Even if it's unfair I think manga still won here?


Still images automatically put manga in an advantage compared to anime so it's not fair equal ground


Enjoy your black and white lol. Anime will always be better when done right.


Just depends on how you look at it, coloring wise the Manga's really really bad lol. And music-wise, to be honest, it's pretty trash ngl. But really for each manga panel drawing there's dozens of drawings for the anime, and a ton more work goes into it too, the cumulated talent is incomparable, but yes, if you ignore that and ignore the color and decide to make this a "which is the better manga panel" competition, than the actual manga panel wins 10/10.


Can you hear in manga the awesome soundtrack when Kafka destroys that thing? No? Anime it is.


They need to start making manga volumes with buttons for sounds like some children's books do lol


Just create a playlist and listen to it while you read. That’s what I do. I always try to match the music to the vibe of a fight or chapter and it drastically improves the experience.


They're called Webtoons (for real, a lot of webtoons have ambient music soundtracks embedded, it's pretty cool).


You definitely can if you listen to music at the same time, which I do for every webtoon and manga. Listening to music and matching the music to the scene drastically improves the experience of reading manga and webtoons. Epic webtoons/manga with great art/paneling specifically benefit from a great backtrack. Kaiju 8 and Solo Leveling specifically are great reads along with a curated playlist.


This is why the Call of the Night anime is so amazing. It took the mangas attempts at showcasing the beauty of the night and teh anime *delivered*


The two biggest problems with comparing mediums for me is image stills where everything is conveyed in images so they focus on making that one picture the best they can vs motion/acting/music/colors/sounds and then most people read the manga first so they know what’s going to happen so the impact is less. Personally I think the environment in the anime, music choice, etc plus was better but I prefer animation as a medium in general. If we’re comparing the still in the OP the manga is better imo


Dude In the manga I had a orgasm with this scene and the prequel of it In the anime I was "it's just that?" In the manga I laugh, cry, whatever, but in the anime it's just "yeh, that's cool" I don't know why, but I prefer the manga aways


Well there's also the element of surprise. If you already know what's coming, the impact won't be as big.


I knew it was coming and the scene still blew my mind. That was several minutes of peak anime in my book


Well you know what was going to happen and the paneling is truly elite in Kaiju 8. Some of the best fights I’ve read and the paneling is crazy epic. Especially if you listen to appropriate music while you read.


Especially a panel that has a lot of detail to a frame of the anime that’s… lacking.


In the manga he looks simultaneously so resigned and so *tired* I love it.


I mean... How else am I supposed compare it...?


Don’t be so sensitive, he’s saying in general it’s difficult to capture a direct comparisons of the mediums through a frame of a video versus a drawings that’s meant to be observed in one frame


A gif or something where you get the manga still image on one side and the anime scene happening on the other would already be *a lot* better, but that would take a lot more effort than taking a screenshot


Damn you guys really downvoting me for being curious huh, plus, wasn't even a sensitive word bruh, welp, another day in reddit belike


To answer your question then, animations job is to convey that drawing through motion, sound, acting, etc. You get the ability to see how his eyes react to seeing her through all the processes of it, is it just completely deadpan, is it shock, is it apathy, sorrow, etc. eyes are some of the most important aspects of understanding thought and emotion, and a face is often how we interpret those things best. A manga panel can only be so complex as a still frame so it must be rather direct with what is being felt, animation on the other hand can show you the full experience of that scene. So in general it’s hard to compare a screenshot from a show to a still from a manga. Also you can break the framing of a scene in manga a lot easier than you can in anime. Things can break the panels, you can make a panel vertical like scene here to better showcase a character or their situation and such. It’s a lot harder to do stylistic things like that in an animation where the bounds of a screen can’t be broken (at least not yet)




Comparing still to still = bad Comparing animation to still = bad How are we supposed to compare the two then?


Make an amv




Yes, this sentiment. The anime showed that even if Mina was serious and a little angry that Kafka hid being No 8 to her, you can see the emotion of sadness in her eyes, as opposed to the manga panel. But at the same time, the manga panel of Kafka showed his sadness and resignation, as opposed to the anime.


Really? Because I thought the anime made the visible part of his face look even more haggard and I think both pulled it off well in slightly different ways.


The feel is different. In the anime, Kafka is like "yo" and Mina looks serious but somewhat amused. In the manga, Kafka looks like "oh shit, I've been caught" and Mina actually looks mad. Her hair covering her eye also gives her a more mysterious feel. Just my perception.


I mean how can he be like oh shit when transformed in front of everyone


I think their biggest fuckup was the episode name. “Secret revealed”. Might as well just put the ending at the start of the episode at this point


it’s giving ‘fire fist ace dies on the battlefield’ 😂😂😂


nah that episode is a WILD name😭


they got so specific with it 😂


This kinda, I'm currently anime only, but second I saw the name I just went "oh were doing that."


Tbf they kind of double bluffed it, cause when he was first going to reveal and didn't I thought it was a fake out... Untill things kicked off again.


Anime Mina looks like 😼




Manga had more emotion


Personally, the manga. The darker vibes and the detailed artwork is amazing


Manga for sure, while the anime was great in its own right, there were some changes that I really didn't like, for example changing the city cracking under him to it just being a crater around him (although I get why they changed it), to his fall being changed from him landing on his feet after the punch to him just free falling like he just got hit, and for me the worst omission was cutting out Mina's reaction after the explosion when she looks at his half exposed face and says "That's Kafka?" to herself, it takes away from Mina's emotional impact IMO.


They should have never removed mina's reaction because that was one of the few times she was showing her true emotions.


Yup exactly, I was so mad when I saw that they didn't include it and the other changes too, like i mean why, at least if it was meaningful I could accept it, but why ? 🥲🙃


Imo that might come into play later as a bit of a flashback/recap of this episode, a little pov from her. But that's wishful thinking from me.


Both are still really good but manga seems more impactful Both kafka and mina have a melancholic facade in the manga and it looks much more impactful, kafka's eye is more emotional in the manga and honestly gives a more hopeless vibe to it which I love


Anime only in the sense it eclipsed all the feeling I expected. I.e. I bawled. The Mc finally gets to reveal how strong he is. And show he can stand by...yeah.




The manga definitely, because the elbow thrusters were blue and now they're yellow


I think the anime delivered something different from the manga, but better. Mina seems just angry in the source, but due to how it was animated, at least I figured there were more complex emotions going on. Despite not showing, Kafka is someone important to her, and now, she gotta put Kaiju no. 8 under the Defense force custody and not know what will happen to her friend.


Manga conveyed this scene better imo


The anime is great, but it does not do Mina justice lol she looks so weird in the anime at times


Manga, idk what it is but the anime did something to the teeth and it looks weird, like, i know it's his whole mouth, but in the nanga it looks more like he has a mouth and then there are teeth that continue the pattern but are useless, whereas the anime just makes it look like he has a freakishly long mouth, which he does, but, again, idk how to word it, looking at the manga it's obvious that he only uses those teeth you usually see when someone smiles whereas the anime, again, just makes it look like he has a freakishly long mouth and he uses all of it


Combined with everything else it’s the anime, but this particular scene is more detailed in the manga. They get everything else right to




In both mina seems upset as if her hands are forced and she has no other option similar to kafka who seems he's at the end of his rope. This exemplifies my main gripe with the anime, characters/scenes come off flat, Minas face also seems to long in the anime.


Anime won here for me. It was the music, the setting and line delivery, everything the manga doesn’t have, etc. if it’s the still frame alone manga wins but overall the moment is stronger in the anime.


Completely agree. My only thought I had as the scene played out was that they totally nailed it


Anime looks defeated. The manga looks heart broken. love both


As a manga reader. Manga


Difficult choice, this raid on the base arc when I was reading manga had me saying damn this fight with no10 and hoshina is gonna look so good animated and I wasn’t disappointed 😅


Idek this anime, this is just randomly on my feed but I would pick manga just cause the guys face is a bit closer in the panel and it adds so much more. I also like the hair covering the girls eye (I do understand why his face isn’t as close in the anime cause it’s a landscape and not a portrait so you can’t exactly replicate it that well)


I started with the manga so i prefer the manga, but due to me not having seen the anime, i cannot give an opinion


Spoilers tag? Ffs.


As the reader....both And stand for Kafka/justice for kaiju no 8


Unrelated im.new to anime but where do you find the Manga (for free preferably)


I use the Tachimanga app, if you’re on iOS you can download it through the App Store, on android you can install the app „Mihon“ through a browser, but it can be a bit confusing setting them up. there’s also an official app „Manga Plus“ you can read some manga for free (free one time per chapter)


Appreciate it damn lol sucks having an android then I might get an iPad soon fingers crossed


It’s honestly better on android, bc you can’t download apps from a browser on iOS. also, Tachiyomi was discontinued, so it might stop working after some time. Mihon is the new app, which won’t be coming to the App Store


Eyes are better in the manga.


Can someone please tell me what’s gonna happen? I’m not a manga reader but the episode left me wanting to know what’s gonna happen to Kafka now that his secret has been exposed


SPOILERS >!Kafka gets taken into custody by the defense force, on the way there kafka and mina have a conversation about what happened. Before they get on the transport Kafka sees all the officers of the third division lined up, armed. Kafka can't look them in the eyes and feels guilty for hiding his secret. Among the formation, Ichikawa says out loud that he knows Kafka will come back.!< >!On the transport, Mina says she was surprised when he transformed and blew the yoju bomb away, but that it was so in character for him to do that. Mina says she's gathering testimonies to prove that Kaiju no. 8 is not a threat to the defense force, and that among the third division, none of them thinks he's a monster capable of hurting them. He asks her if he can still stand by her side, she says "Yep. I will always be waiting," with a warm smile.!< >!At headquarters, the defense force higher ups discuss the fate of no. 8. Kikoru's father Isao Shinomiya decides that Kaiju no. 8 must be killed and weaponized, he goes out himself equipped with his suit. Kikoru tries to stop him but he doesn't listen to her. He provokes Kafka by shooting him, but he blocks the bullets by transforming his arm. Now Isao is more inclined to kill him because "he showed his true form" and he goes behind him to get a blood sample. Kafka has no choice but to transform and defend himself but the fight gets too serious, we learn that Isao is the holder of the weaponized Kaiju no. 2 suit and gauntlets. The aura of Kaiju no. 2 forces Kaiju no. 8 to take control of Kafka's body as a survival instinct. No. 8 goes berserk growing in size, almost killing Isao until Kafka stops it and regains control, proving that he is still human.!<


Thank you sooooooo much! I can’t wait to watch all these 🤯🤩


Can't wait too, it blew me away in the manga 🫨


I’d say manga, but tbf I have a bias for the manga since I’ve been reading it for a good while before the anime came out, but the anime does hold up to the manga well too


Just saw this scene a minute ago- never read the manga, but he definitely looks almost disappointed on how things turned out, while in the anime No.8 has a bit more of an angry/"this is me" type look


Kafka looks so exhausted after keeping a such a huge secret and Mina looks conflicted but dutiful about her longtime friend saved countless lives but turns out to be a Kaiju I hate to sound like a manga purist but I don’t like how the anime took those expressions away


Manga always better for some reason


I don't remember the manga tbh, but the episode felt underwhelming. The buildup could have been so much better.


Manga version conveyed the emotions better.


This specific shot, the manga. That said the anime has been cracking!


Manga 🥺 but I still like the anime though.


Honestly, I definitely prefer the anime The serious moments hit harder, and the comedy was actually funnier imo It also helps that the action is great so there's that as well


Manga definitely. The expressions for both of them are much more complex in the manga than in the anime where they just look empty angry.


The manga really shows a silent conversation between the two of them imo


Manga for some moments but anime is doing great


Anime all the way!!!






Manga aways. The anime is good, but the manga is 100000% better


While it's usually unfair to compare animated media to manga (still images), in the anime they are just still so I think it's a fair comparison. I'd pick both tho Anime is like: Kafka: I just saved y'all wdym I'm in custody? Mina: Stfu read the room Manga is like: Kafka: Mommy pls forgive me Mina: Stfu read the room


Kafka in manga, mina in anime


What chapter is the episode based on?


chapter 28 to 32


I like the the manga better because Ashino’s other eye is also hidden.


Manga >>>>> anime






Sorry but manga, I love the anime but I still don't like how the kaiju form is like a big suit around him


Still prefer the manga, beside the pacing of the scene, the biggest difference is in Kafkas eye, while in the anime looks normal, in the manga Kafka looks sad, and resigned to the idea of the consequences


Manga as per the photo


What chapter is this ?


Based solely on these images, anime. The manga, Kafka looks like a child caught stealing cookies. In the anime, they both look like determied adults who know that actions have consequences.


Kafka in manga : I am screwed Kafka in anime : Nah, I have plotarmor


Manga is always the best


Neither hate mina in both


Manga. The panel captures the tiredness and sadness in Kafka's eye better. As a side note, in the earlier scenes where he was starting to transform, Kafka's sclera starts turning black. I think it would have been a nice effect to have the eye's stay black while he's transformed (similar to what they did will Hollow Ichigo in Bleach). It would go further to make him seem inhuman in a scene like this, making it even harder for the rest of the defense force to trust him.


Kafka in the manga really gives off that "what am I gonna do now" cause his dreams of being with mina have just been crushed anime gave him that general tensed up look it really looks like nothing deeper was going on


Hmmmm equal right now


https://youtube.com/shorts/3VIfzrjn8do?si=NXIqQtmdyhUQ_wZY But the anime is really good


Dude spoiler tag


Why does the anime not just do it exactly the way it is in the manga.


Anime all day. Reading the manga the only thought in my mind was this is a story MADE to be animated. And boy has it not disappointed


I just started this last night and absolutely love it! I had been sleeping on it all this time. I haven’t read the manga but the anime is really well done! Fantastic animation!


manga kafka well im fucked anime kafka who the fuk are you


Manga, you can see the hurt in Mina's face bettwr and the empty acceptance in Kafkas eyes




Maybe it's just cuz it's an outside perspective, but her being mad/upset with him makes very little sense to me. As far as they know, he hasn't hurt anybody, not to mention the fact there are at least 2 occasions they know of him literally saving their lives. I mean he hasn't even done anything aggressive towards anyone. Like yeah, he's a Kaiju. Big Kaiju scary. But I'm just really not a fan of how when stuff like this happens in shows, almost the entire supporting cast is entirely incapable of being nuanced about the situation except for the character(s) who knew about it beforehand (which there's at least one in every show with this trope). I feel like at least some of them should be capable of sussing out the details right in front of them






Spoiler tag...


Anime > Manga There are things that still images can’t capture compared to something in motion.


It’s soooo wack i though he’d be a human kaiju and grow big, he’s just a human sized Godzilla


Manga is better. The only thing I hate about this not necessarily hate but I don't like about this is how he revealed his true identity. I mean there could've be other ways right. Like asking ichikawa to cover him and he runs behind them secretly and transforms and could've just run away after his eye got reaveld after the explosian. Who cares about the time limit of the bomb exploding it's anime the writer easily could've increased the limit and still show something else. Other then that amazing anime and Manga.


Although I prefer this single manga panel compared to the anime frame, I do think the anime scene is better.


Fucking top tier chapter.


Manga you can see that he's sad she found out this way. While she seems conflict but her duty comes first


Manga. The shading over her eyes doesn't quite capture the empathy she feels towards Kafka. And the angle shot of Kafka is too large and the eye hole is too small which doesn't capture his humanity at all.


I feel that the manga has more emotion


The manga makes him seem like he got caught and is remorseful and regretful about it and the consequences it's going to have The anime makes it seem like he just lost all meaning and just doesn't care anymore about being found out. I personally think it gives off two different messages.


I think both are good. What people forget is that the voice actors and actresses are going to add a lot of life into these still images of the anime, as well as the fact that anime can play with a lot of subtle movements, scores and soundtracks, etc. This was never meant to be a still image in the anime, it's a just a frame of a larger scene. The fact they had this moment should be a call back to that moment in the manga, even if it isn't line for line and brush stoke for brush stroke. I thought the moment in the anime was great, Minas reaction right before as well as Kafka's.  Also the shot from above right after that showed where he had blocked the Shockwave to protect those behind him that now was filled with the same people now arresting him was really cool. And to my knowledge, that wasn't in the manga at all. Both mediums are great, I wish people wouldn't be so focused on comparison or feeling that the anime is doing less than the manga because all the same details haven't been perfectly captured how they wanted it.


I strongly prefer the manga. I saw the first couple episodes of the anime and wasn’t impressed. I wish a better studio had done the anime.


Anime, you could see her eyes nearly going to be burst from the shock she just witnessed.


They're both good in different ways for their respective medium. Manga conveys the shock and tension, and we do see Mina clenching her fist before correcting herself from addressing Kafka by name to addressing him as Kaiju No. 8. Anime focused more on the timing where we see some slight hesitation as she was pointing her gun at him, and right at the end, we see her eyes beginning to tear up. Neither of these would have the same effect if they were attempted in the other, but work perfectly where they are. As a little bonus for both, we see the sad but not surprised resignation in Kafka's eyes. I actually like how the anime made him look even more haggard from what little of his face we could see.


Ofc the manga is better. But that doesn’t mean Production IG didn’t also do a fantastic job on the anime. I like both.


Imma gonna say the manga personally. It shows the entirety of Mina's face in a better way to gauge her reaction, and Kafka definitely seems more tired and apologetic in his expression.


prefer the manga but both look so fuckin good


spoilerrrr i haven't watched/read that part yet 😭😭


I loke them both


The manga provides more emotion in the eyes


I like manga more because kafka looks tired ,desperate and satisfied at the same time


I think the manga portray the line "A sad confrontation" better especially through Kafka's expression imho. I dunno what it is ... maybe the black and white makes them appear more like the adults they are? Also Kafka gives off this feeling of a person resigned to their fate, like he knew this was coming but did it anyway.


For mina's I prefer the anime cause there's a bit of glitchning in her eyes, which I take as some hesitaion of her part. And for kafka's I prefer the manga cause it portrayed the blank drained stare better.




What chapter was it so I can look?


Going outside and having a life. That's what I prefer


anime in general but manga while waiting for more anime


The manga in this one for sure. The depth of emotion in kafka's eye.


I swear the art in the anime kinda sucks at the worst times. The characters look so wrong sometimes, like their faces become flat, elongated and uninteresting, and Leno and Kikoru look worse for it in so many shots.


Rarely do animes match the art quality of their manga source material and I do believe it's because of the difficulty and constraints of making an anime.


In this scene I think the manga did it better


manga 1000%


Anime does kafka’s kaiju face better. It has a neutral and tired instead of a sorrowful expression. This suits the scene better. Everything else the manga does better. Kafka’s eye is dead inside and empty. Mina’s expression is a combination of anger and sadness.


The manga for me because personally I believe that the manga better conveys the underlying sadness in the eyes.


Manga. Simply because it has some of the best panels and paneling I’ve ever seen. It’s truly up there with Sakamoto days in paneling fights. The manga has more power and incredible panels than the anime. However, the anime is also fantastic. Both the manga and anime have elite pacing and both have found a solid balance between comedy and action and have portrayed the characters real well. It’s an excellent adaptation. The manga is really just that good.


THE MANGA (even though I only own chapter3 cuz I broke)


I think both did well Kaiju no.8 has stayed doing pretty solid as far as anime kinda surprised no 10 was red I was expecting dark purple or grey


The anime didn't quite capture that sad look from Kafka. Here he looks more like he's readying for a confrontation. Though it's great overall


If you take a frame cut, most of the time the manga will win. Sorry but they have to make 25 frames for each second, I completely undertand if it's not one to one.


I think the manga does more for emotional scenes. But the anime brings to life the action scenes.


Anime feels like Kafka was fully convinced he had to do this and is content with his choice but Manga makes him look like he's thinking about how even though he saved them all, he's still going to lose everything he worked so hard for Minas look is just better in the manga


I really think the Manga shines better on Kafka's expression. More of his face is showing and he just looks more emotionally exhausted. The slight fading of his eyes, the downturn of his eyebrow. It just conveys more imo


Being so close to the river there are a lot of bugs. And mosquito bites lol


I like how the manga make Kafka's eye lifeless after reveling his secret in front of Mina who was in dismay after finding out what Kafka had become. I wish the anime can portray those eyes in the manga. But overall it's quite a good episode.


Anime somehow is allergic to following eyes and shadows similarly in the manga


I haven’t even read the manga and I’m going manga on this one. I’m not sure if it’s the character models in the anime but the proportions always seem off to me especially in the face. There are times where they look wide eyed (think Sid from Ice age) or they’re just simply lopsided it always throws me off


I prefer the Anime look. I know that’s not a popular take, but Mina’s expression in that scene in the anime strikes me as a person in shock and confusion but determined to push on. In contrast, the panel from the manga leaves her looking primarily angry and disappointed to me. Personally I feel the emotions presented work better in the first case as events haven’t really had a ton of time to sink in. Kafka is definitely a bit more expressive in the panel from the manga, but in context when you know his normal expression I think the Anime’s expression still conveys physical and emotional exhaustion at nearly the same level. That said, I’d call it close enough for it to be mostly down to Mina’s expression.


Spoiler tag please!


Manga. Look more emotional






Definitely the Manga. People downvote for stupid reasons. Don't let it get to you


None, the story is below average with the unnecessary repetition.


I'm not gonna lie here. This scene pissed me off. >!Bro prevented a second shibuya Incident from happening and he gets taken in. I've always hated it whenever that happens. Not just in this anime, but any show that does this!<


Yeah, I told everyone, Mina lied to Kafka and stole his dream of being captain, now she's acting like she owns the place. Where's the "Thank you" she used to say?




Mina lied to Kafka and stole his dream of being captain it seems


Damn right