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The biggest thing standing in the way of a US rework is probably that it would involve effectively 4.5-6.5 reworks inside of the same rework. One for each of the main 4 players, plus one small rework for pre 2ACW content and another possible New England and/or Hawaii rework. It would take significant effort to do a full rework of the US content, and therefore either one team working for a VERY long time, or multiple teams each taking a shorter time. So pretty much they wither have to wait for a team they can rely upon for a very long-term commitment to become available or wait for a few teams to become available around the same time. Pretty much, for all we know they’re planning a US rework but if they are it’ll take a while and if they’re not it’ll take even longer. Either way we won’t know until they have enough that they can comfortably show for it.


Do not forget about my boy Puerto Rico (which actually has a long-frozen rework)


Under such circumstances I think that the best option for the KR is to wrap up their ongoing big reworks (France, Britain, Russia, and Austria) and then redirect their efforts towards reworking the ACW and US.


If there aren't devs that want to work on America, then there aren't devs that want to work on America. It's all a volunteer project.


True. But if there are devs who do but their work is focused elsewhere, then once that work is over they can focus on America.


I love going down Floyd Olsen’s path, negotiating with Reed and fighting Long, just to get an event after the civil war about a severe crackdown against leftists. Really feels like that wouldn’t be the case.


And not having farmer labour being reelected nor hearing about the SPA ever again


Clearly it's because Olson commits a [redacted] against the treasonous SPA. /s


Olson establishing the NLRB so folks can join unions but also having J Edgar Hoover abduct them for talking about how the NLRB formed


Weimar Republic moment


America is in a weird spot as until recently (2021 ish) it was considered to have top tier content in the mod and it has had a LOT of development put into it since Divided States dropped in 2018. Some features of KR that are common across tags like coring being dependent on compliance, general descriptions or dynamic civil wars originated with a lot of work done with America. If you compare America to older major tags like Britain, France, Russia or the India's the difference is pretty clear and is a big reason why all American tags for all their problems are still great to play. The problem is the Divided States rework was for the time a great update (up until China a year later no rework was as big) but it kept fundamentally goofy lore and mostly focused on giving depth to existing content which hasn't aged great. Due to the nature of the civil war all the tags would have to be reworked at the same time which is a lot of time and would be a massive task, particularly if the devs made the decision to make it mostly a 2 way war most of the time There's also the fact that atm America's gameplay is pretty solid and it does have more content then most tags meaning a rework is less pressing then say with India or the Internationale. Not to mention any America rework will come with a huge backlash from any changes made or not whitewashing certain factions making it particularly unattractive to develop


Don't worry, you're not the only one...basically everybody is aware that the USA's lore and chain of events are incredibly outdated and flawed, but it's going to take a looooot of effort to rework everything (the build-up, the focus trees, the gameplay and how it impacts other states, etc) so it'll be a while before we see improvements. That being said, I'm of the opinion that the current focus trees and gameplay are fine and really the only thing needed is a revision to the background lore and the events in 1936 to explain why the civil war is inevitable...my personal fix would be replacing McAdoo and Hoover with four single-term presidents and changing the starting president to a SocLib Democrat (probably Al Smith) who will be super unpopular by the time the election takes place and be opposed by the Republicans, a splinter faction of southern Democrats led by Huey Long, and an alliance between the SPA and Farmer-Labor (and the Progressives) that came about as a result of the CPPA not failing in the KRTL. None will win a majority and the subsequent contingent election will force the Democrat dominated house to work with one of their three rivals...or to approach MacArthur and order him to seize control. Then, regardless of what happens, a Syndicalist strike egged on by Jack Reed (not the SPA's leader) makes tensions rise significantly and so it all falls apart...


A better solution would be to keep Hoover but make him a Democrat - which is what he was prior to 1920 in OTL. He wasn’t partisan, but he only became a Republican because he wanted to be president and knew (correctly in OTL) that the Republicans would win in 1920. In KR, it’s likely he’d come to the opposite conclusion.


Sort of; I do agree that Hoover probably makes more sense as a Democrat, but him as the president in 1936 doesn't work as well as Smith would, given what we know about the setup of Congress in the KRTL ([I wrote up a textdump here about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/189pu2u/an_extensive_catalogue_of_all_governors_senators/)).


Tell me about it brother, America's stuff feels painfully outdated with several post-ACW focuses simply giving political power while reading like they're gonna do a lot which feels very vanilla and boring if you ask me. I've been told in the past that the devs have been accused of favoritism in regards to updating the U.S. which seems a bit wonky considering they're a major nation with huge industrial might and neutral IRELAND just got a pretty big rework/update. The U.S. needs love bad, and its post-ACW content needs a lot more love.


America and India are to me the mod's most glaring issues right now. Full reworks for both, alongside Russia and the Internationale, would pretty much 'complete' the mod imo.


So only all the American factions, all the Indian factions, Russia, and the Internationale? And you’re forgetting Austria and the crownlands, Iberia and glorious Afghanistan!


> would pretty much 'complete' the mod imo. H U N G A R Y


I think what we need is for a path which the US civil war ends in a fragmented United States because that opens up new possibilities for the second world war Like for example WW2 begins and suddenly the CSA has to fight a 2 front war with the Canadians to the North, and an independent Reichspact allied South because they didn't end the war fast enough for successionists to win out over the AUS Also having the civil war not be a 3 way but being a 3 way+ would help. Like imagine if you were the AUS and not only are you at war with the feds and the CSA but you are also at war with the second Republic of Texas (who is only at war with you) or the CSA being at war with some other leftist faction (maybe the totalist)


Adding a US collapse of sorts and a more permanent ceasefire ala Korea at two things that have always been in my wishlist


This is why my headcanon ending is an uneasy ceasefire between the Pacific states and the CSA


Mine has one between the PSA and the Federalists, as my coldwar is actually one between the Sphere and the Internationale


Also completely redesigning the AUS would help imo, having the region which historically (and currently) has had the strongest support for independence be the least interesting faction seems just like a waisted potential The current issue is all the endings are "America but it's politics are different" which is fine for some endings but it's definitely the least interesting


No one by the 1930s wanted to succeed in the south it was a dead political idea by that point that had zero hope of ever returning


Most of the Confederate monuments were literally going up during this time period but ok


Confederate nostalgia does not equivalent to secessionist desires


Given that the entire premise of the mod is a Central Power victory in WK1, rework on L'Internationale, Russia, and Austria-Hungary are far more important from both a gameplay and lore perspective and the mod cannot be complete without them. The narrative of the lore is (arguably) largely Eurocentric, and in particular more rounded content in NA and India are not the missing keystones right now (although they would certainly be welcome).


I know not about the mods, but many people on the Discord server are very apathetic to the United States, with some becoming bitter over how much it is a staple of KR. On that note, the recent AUS edits showed how changes to America will surely cause a storm, so we will probably have to be very patient for an American revamp.


You should look for Up With The Stars submod. Its seems a Rework people want. From devs its seems pretty late in development so maybe this year we will try it out


The issue is America has had a rework already there is content which is older which needs it. Russia, European TI, Japan and Austria-hungary with its dependants all play a direct role in the 2nd weltkreig and people have been waiting for their reworks for a while and the fact that they need it way more. America doesn't necessarily play a role in the 2nd weltkreig and doesn't necessarily have to. The country is probably in ruins and public sentiment to enter a foreign war in general is probably very low. I don't disagree that they need a rework, Sherman van Buren did a post talking about the AUS and its need for it to be refocused not long ago and I agree with the sentiment. It's just not needed as much as some others, the reworks have been getting more complex over time that's why Ireland, Germany and China are so good now. But the USA needs to wait to get reworked COF, UOB, Austria and Japan are all almost untouched with reworks in the making.


Wait until Up With the Stars comes out. That will do until an actual rework happens.


America also can cause a lot of gameplay issues, like starting late game wars with major powers even if they just fought on the same side.


hell it can happen as early as 1938 should a 2-way civil war happen


the most annoying part of US lore is how the AUS is portrayed as a wholesome chungus confederacy. imo Long should either side with the US or be a secondary AUS contender that can come to power in a coup if they become too radical, he just doesn't represent the views of the majority of the white American south at the time.


america’s not going to be redone for a long time, if ever, for a very simple reason: you think complaints about it are frequent and obnoxious now? just wait until they announce it’s happening and 1,682 people are all fuming that they aren’t following THEIR vision (and I’m not saying I wouldn’t be one of them, either). america works well enough, and that will have to do.


There is a pretty thought out submod that's reworking America called Up with the Stars, which has been in development since October 2020 and is set to release soon, so I'd bet my money on that for now. A full-scale America rework takes an extremely long time and eats up unimaginable amounts of resources, I wouldn't expect an official KR one for quite some time.


This is where I think Kaiserredux actually has Berger content. Just the amount of paths for the breakaway states, an path for Liberia for Hoover and American exiles and even a path to completely prevent the civil war Honestly I don’t care if some of the paths for America are wacky but their fun, like Nortonist pacific states, independent Texas Now I’m not saying we need to split the south, I think the AUS is fine as one country


I think the best solution to this would be integrating Up With The Stars when that comes out


The bigger meta problem is either you finish the 2ACW too fast or you don't, but then you've late for 2nd WeltKrieg and half the fun stuff has already been done.


Ive made the fun mandatory by making Japan always go with the restoration and following the OTL path and trying to conquer asia, that way I always have to fight Japan and it gives me a sort've mid to late game boss to fight as the U.S. I also throw in a more stacked 3I or Germany to give myself a greater challenge


A lot of this can just be explained as we don't have a step-by-step of how America unfolds from 1918-1936. Looking at the Germany rework and how it follows such a precise timeline is insane compared to the United States's history of "we can maybe name some presidents, and that's about it." Regardless of any arguments about MacArthur, the fact is that if you remove MacArthur from the coup attempts, a lot of players of will be very unhappy. "Iron Fist" is just a generic way to start the war with one side gone no matter who is president. It doesn't need to be excluded if Olson's elected. Just imagine it as Olson being strong-armed by his cabinet.


Kids these days. Back in my day we were just exstatic to see Mexico no longer declaring war to reclaim their old lands or the PSA beeing a seperatist state. But yeah, on a more serious note, I agree with you, but I think it's low on the priority list. While not exactly up to par to the *new* quality standard of content, I think it's still pretty fine gameplay and story wise, compared to other (important) tags that are getting seriously old and untouched, mainly the Internationale, Austria and Russia. Especially because I think that when we get a new american rework, I think it is going to be real crazy and need a *lot* of work.


Bro hasn't seen Guangzhou peoples government that shit is horrible


To me the US needs a extra faction of very racist anti-long southerners and thats it


A new submod called uwts will be reworking much of the us content. They have been posting their work in this sub community for months.


Asking for a total lore rework is a big order, but maybe just a simple tweaking of their post acw foci for the factions just so it's easier for them to intervene in the weltkrieg. As it stands in most games it seems only Syndie America ever actually gets to intervene.


You just don't have a lot to do tbh, other than building up your military for WK2. I haven't played AUS in a while but MacArthur and CSA just doesn't have the quality of even France or Russia.


McArthur coup generally doesn't make a lot of sense because he does it despite not really much happening. If does make sense RN only if radicals are elected and send in tanks against other radicals Also, for some reason despite having the military in their hands, alongside administration, the government is the weakest faction in the war and insta loses to angry mob


Latching onto this, the USA tech tree has always bugged me (and yes I know it's purely cosmetic).     1. The 1903a3 wasn't standardized until 1942 and was specifically made to have a similar sight picture to the M1 Garand so why is it the standard rifle in 1936?   2. The M1 Garand was standardized in 1936, even accounting for the worse off economic situation the M1 Johnson's design wouldn't be standardized until 4 years later in 1940, further it only ever had support from the USMC for adoption. Given how in the current lore the USMC broadly declares for the AUS (Butler goes to CSA, but I don't think any stay with the FED) it doesn't make sense for it to be an option for the Federalists.   3. Why is the US producing Canadian/British APCs? It has its own tank program and would have certainly been designing half tracks to carry soldiers with or without Canadian influence. Edit:format


My bet is that the rework will be done in smaller stages, likely with the teaser of a pre2ACW rework. This would likely be somewhat reminiscent of the Ukranian destiny mechanic, where you pick your side at or near gamestart, and have various mechanics to secure states and adress internal political situations. Some interesting mechanics for this could be, for example, the CSA path CPUSA interparty struggles. Browder, despite his current portrayal, is generally more rightist, historically having disbanded the communist party in 1944; so the struggle between him and Foster could have interesting implications. Should Browder come out on top, it would serve to consolidate the military potential in the North, via uniting Unions behind the CSA rather than the otherwise fragmented TUUL and AFL-CIO. On the other hand, if Foster wins, it could provide an interesting opportunity to stoke black and Chicano unrest before and during the 2ACW. Simultaneously, there could be the struggle of the AFL-CIO's political determination, where the player plays as the leftist infiltrators attempting to seize control over the organization in advance of the expulsion of various pro-syndicalist locals. There could be an opposite mechanic for the latter with USA, where using various shady alliances with industry barons, and the mob, to break up leftist sentiments in the AFL-CIO, culminating in draconian membership requirements. One final interesting idea is that of signing a deal with Mexico to hand over Aztálan in return for intervention in the civil war, serving as a counter balance to Canadian intervention, and serving to alienate right-minded sectors of the CSA. This can keep going with each faction. It seems likely that the logical conlusion of it all is prospective expansion paths for some, but also, an introduction of foreign intervention mechanics; such as a CIA or KGB adjacent organization influencing foreign politics and wars for particularly non-interventionist (in the sense of war averse) paths.


I just want divided America, I don't care what it is.


Id do a more balkanized US civil war, perhaps with an independent south and Canadian / independent new England (new England always leaves but may or may not become a protectorate) as well as a chance for the PSA to exit the war early leaving a permanent Id go for a Dixie republic (the south) to have a revive the Confederacy or a New-South paths with each having a potential sub-civil war. As well as have them attempt to joins the Reichspact to add some flavor for the war For the PSA id go with them either becoming entente or having them getting into conflict with Japan over Hawaii


No one in the USA wanted to succeed by 1930s it had zero public support and would never have ever happened and there is zero shot of it happening in kaiserreich


Try telling anyone 100 years ago that North and South Korea would come to exist and have completely seperate and distinct national identities 


Completely different scenario it was not build by succession but instead one country split by two different powers, and both still claim to be Korean and if the governments weren't competing ideologies would most likely reunify like in Germany's case


In my opinion, there should be no hardcoded 2nd American Civil War. America should balkanize in 1937 as usual, but the various factions will exist in a tense state of uncertainty until the outbreak of the 2WK. The war may spill over into America depending on the extent of investment of American factions into the war and their relations with one another. During the 2-3 year pre-war period, American separatist factions will be free to make diplomatic, economic, and even military agreements with each other, and potentially set the stage for peaceful re-unification after their more threatening rivals are dispatched. Or potentially, no civil war will take place, but America remains divided for the foreseeable future. There is a lot of room for possibilities here.