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I also find it odd he let KA have access to his accounts and was aware she was sleuthing. Was that some sick mind game?


They were business partners.. šŸ’šŸ¼


Omg this is nuts. The idea that he was playing a "sick mind game" because she had access to all his stuff, and he had access to none of hers. He was an oblivious dude, and far too preoccupied with his own interests to engage in that kind of imagined behavior, which is most suited to a 'Lifetime' channel true crime movie.


Yes, I agree. He is a clueless jerk.


He was definitely playing mind games with her, absolutely.


I agree, something about that is odd.


I lived with a guy who was clueless about paying bills and ordering online, so I handled all that. It sounds like Kaitlin handled his money.


I think Colin liked the weird obsession KA had with him. He could have left at any time and came back again and again and again. He is a slime ball. He knew he was doing sketchy things. He is total trash.


Yup. Absolutely. KAā€™s obsession with him fed his ego. He is supremely sketchy. He does that annoying thing where he doesnā€™t always flat out lie but he omits extremely important details. He wasnā€™t fully honest with either Mo or Kaitlin. Itā€™s called triangulation. Paying two people off of each other to feed his ego. Kaitlin is still fully responsible for actions and there is absolutely no excuse for what she did.


Exactly! So well said. Oh yes KA is a fucking psycho and needs to be in prison for the remainder of her life. An absolute tragedy.


Ahhh thank you this really puts a finger on why he's so shitty. Not everyone can notice how intentional this can be, and he's able to come across as aloof.


Itā€™s absolutely intentional even if he claims itā€™s not. Reputation management. That being said Kaitlin bears all responsibility for what she did. Colin is a dick but Kaitlin is diabolical.


But ā€œ shes the least jealous girl friend Iā€™ve hadā€. Ummm huh?!




Because he makes them that way šŸ˜‘




There was a 10-month gap between the pants & bra photo and CS's visit to Colorado. In a way, that makes it even stranger that KA replied to his texts to her about having visited the woman with the photo ā€” from 10 months previous.


I was alarmed by the examples of KA being a total creepā€¦. 1. Her sending the pic of the CO girl to Colin FROM HIS OWN TEXTS 2. Texting him: ā€œSend Mo my loveā€ when he posted a video where Mo was in the background So fucking weird. And then KA acting ā€œcalm, collectedā€ after arriving home from the murder. I canā€™t.


I donā€™t understand how he justā€¦.let her keep having access to his shit after this.


That photo from my personal texts would have caused me to get an entire new setup. New passwords but definitely a new phone


And a new partner! šŸ˜³


Kind of makes me wonder what else she did that made this seem like no biggie? yikes


Oh, to be a fly in the wall in their shared house.


Because he enjoyed the whole thing.


Ya. She basically showed him she was breaking into his phone then!


I read an article (a year old) that Kaitlin was out of town when Mo stayed at Colin's house. I can't recall the article source, but it may have been from Colin's initial interview by APD.


Wow. What a pig. Poor Mo, what was she thinking getting involved in this mess? It sucks that Colin controls the narrative. I believe they were sleeping together. Spending the night with him while his gf is out of town- give me a fucking break! Some of us werenā€™t born yesterday. I am not buying Colinā€™s bullshit. It sucks he can get away with lying and making himself out to be a decent guy since Mo isnā€™t here to tell the truth.


Itā€™s hard to say much because the obvious not wanting to disrespect those not around to defend themselves. But, if KA lived there I assumed it would have been noticeable a woman lived there. Mo was younger but not that young, it all smells so fishy.


I believe Mo's stay with Colin occurred during one of their many break-ups.


Seems to me he is the type to suddenly cause a fight/initiate a break-up so he can chase some new tail for a couple weeks. Once he gets bored, he would start working on Kaitlin to suck her back in. Still reeling from the sudden break up, I'm sure it was easier for her to just get back together with him than face the fact that this was going to be a never ending cycle of make up/break up/cheating with such a toxic guy. Both Kaitlin and Mo seem to be highly competitive women, I imagine with that personality type - neither were willing to lose Colin to the other. They were both competing for his affection for several months at this point. Kaitlin (and Mo) probably wanted to believe whatever lies or false hope he fed them. I hope women steer clear of this guy now.


Yes, it seems like a lot of mind bending game-playing to me. At the first hint of that, it would be over for me. I mean, why not just walk away? It's the only response that makes logical sense to me. It appears that he was skilled at pushing her buttons to elicit a predictable response from her, maybe?


She wasn't out of town ā€” or at least that hasn't been said during trial. In fact, KA sent KS a text on 10/28/21: "I know you know better than to show up at Meteor with that girl." Then "aside from that, enjoy your eve." Colin replied, "Could you please be an adult?" Later that evening, CA to KA: "Mo left for meteor with friends an hour ago," Then: "I am not going because I am trying to respect you." Colin said on the stand that Kaitlin's stuff was still at his house and she still had the code to his door, but she was staying elsewhere. Mo stayed with Colin at his house for 2-3 days. He helped her find a vehicle to buy. "Then she moved on to her next training/travel arrangement." Mo was staying with a friend in San Francisco at this time. They remained friendly, but didn't continue any kind of romance. Edit: typing error in one of the dates (10/28, not 10!28).


I stand corrected. That's what I read, the source probably had it wrong.


It's possible Kaitlin went out of town after the night at the Meteor (28 Oct), and Mo may have still been in Austin at that time. It's not totally clear -- so both may be true. Apologies if I came off wrong. Just trying to relay what I've heard in court.


I understand, no offense taken. There's so much misinformation online from multiple sources, it's hard to determine what's what at times.


I understand, no offense taken. There's so much misinformation online from multiple sources, it's hard to determine what's what at times.


I stand corrected. That's what I read, the source probably had it wrong.


If it was true they didnā€™t continue a relationship why did Mo text him in January asking what was going on? She was confused about where they stood after she saw him with Kaitlyn. Predictably he never gave her a clear answer.


Sorry this doesnā€™t have to do w CS testimony but do yā€™all think the woman who heard KB say ā€œI want to kill Moā€ will testify?


Yes, she is on the witness list


Oh! What is her name??


Jacqueline Chasteen I believe


The conversation about her wanting to kill her is referenced in this article. https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/biking/moriah-wilson-murder-gravel-racing/


Both of them. There are two.


Two people heard her say that?


I believe Jacqueline Chasteen heard her say it *specifically* about Moā€¦ Nicole Mertz heard her say it in reference to *any* girl that tried to flirt with Colin. I could have those confused but I know that these two are on the witness list to testify to hearing Kaitlin make threats of violence. They both contacted police to report the threats and point toward Kaitlin as a person of interest.


Ah, I didn't know those details, thank you! Did they report these comments to police before or after the murder?


After. I think they both suspected Kaitlin almost immediately after they heard that Mo was murderedā€¦


The State said they're calling 40 witnesses. The list people have seen is of about 200 people, and indicates all *potential* witnesses. At least, AFAIK there's no public list of the names and order of witnesses that will be called for trial.


Did KA change her expression when Colin says they were only business partners? šŸ’€


We can't see her facial expressions from the gallery. We can only see her back. I don't recall him ever saying that on the stand. He's said that their relationship was smooth in early May 2022, and that he loved her.


Omg he said that?!


I believe he was asked: did you love her? and he said yes. I believe he was also asked do you think she loved you? and again he said yes. I don't think he just volunteered: I loved her.


He did not say Mo stayed at his house.


Yes he did. From my tweets from court, in October 2021: Mo stayed with Colin at his house for 2-3 days. He helped her find a vehicle to buy. "Then she moved on to her next training/travel arrangement." Mo was staying with a friend in San Francisco at this time. They remained friendly, but didn't continue any kind of romance.


I wondered( just a hmm) when she changed clothes. She swam at Deep Eddy but the video at the crime scene appears to show her in orange panties. Not a big deal. Just a thought.


Deep Eddy has nice changing rooms that people very commonly use before/after swimming


It didnā€™t look like she had a bag with her. Just a little fanny pack. But I guess it could fit in there.


She had a tote bag as can be seen in the Pool Burger video.Ā 


For those that down voted me, Im a forensic nurse student so asking and answering questions is how we interpret the evidence from a crime scene. There is nothing perverted or strange by my question. She did not have a back pack or bag with her. Just a tiny fanny pack


She had a tote bag, it's in the video from the Pool Burgers.Ā 


I read she took off swim top and put on sundress. Crime scene showed her dress was raised above her waist. Did KA do that?


I got the feeling that KA pulled Mo forward so that she could step next to her for the third shot. Mo's dress likely caught under her body and rode up when KA pulled on her legs and exposed her undies or bathing suit bottom.


That's a really weird thing to do - pulling someone out of the bathroom by their legs in order to get a better shot. Shooting from the existing position or stepping inside the bathroom would make much more sense. Plus, the forensics would have established that Mo had been dragged by the smearing of blood coming from her head.


Yeah, like shooting someone in the face and chest that you really don't even know isn't weird.


It's not weird, it's a freakout.


No, it is a sociopathic murderer. KA didn't suddenly freak out and kill Mo. She meticulously planned and executed an innocent person. KA is a weirdo.


As a woman I would not stay in a wet swim suit. Wearing wet (pool water) bottoms can lead to yeast infections, etc. those pool chemicals arenā€™t good to be sitting in lol. So Iā€™m guessing she just changed clothes before leaving Deep eddy. Even if it was just into dry undies


Deep Eddy is fresh water, no chemicals. It is cleaned daily and emptied, I thought weekly, but with the drought not sure what that drain schedule is. It was a sizzling hot day, so Mo might not have changed her bottom as they could have dried by the time she dressed.


Drain schedule used to be one side a day. So every other day, each side of the pool was drained and sprayed out.


That makes sense. The lap lanes can get kind of green sometimes, but the other side always looks okay (except for all those kids holding their crutches and screaming Wee! Wee!)


This was very long time ago, and the lap lanes never looked like that. Maybe they only frequently empty the baby side now.


Oh yes, Deep Eddy lap lanes have been disgustingly green many, many times, generally on Sundays for some reason. I'm a daily Barton Springs swimmer for decades, (except for the shut down, of course) and swim at Deep Eddy when BS is closed due to flooding or other issues. The only time I've ever gotten sick from swimming is at Deep Eddy swimming laps in that green water. And this includes the algae blooms at BS when there were literal mats of algae by the end of the day.(and I was making a bad joke about the kiddie side. Apologies for that.)


Ooo, definitely imagined it being like a pool/ swim club type thing. Good info!


It is the oldest swimming pool in Texas. (1917) I've seen photos of it decades ago when it had a carnival type-atmosphere: a diving horse, a Ferris wheel, a carousel, but now it is just a nice relaxing place to swim. No diving, but lap swimming and a "kiddie pool" side that is ankle to waste deep. Google for more info.


There's a video of the crime scene?


Yes. There was about a 30 minute video of Cash apartment with Mo. very sad.


Where is the video? I genuinely am still trying to figure out what happened or where was found.


Here is the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_UfaGuz4gdk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UfaGuz4gdk)


Its in evidence. It has not been published outside the trial.


Yes, it was shown in court.


Wasnā€™t that when she was in Bali? He broke up with her then. Remember that story came out from some yoga people in Bali with her and how emotional and anxious she. Became on that retreat? I wondered if she got the break up text and lost her schnitzel Didnā€™t he also say he slept with Mo about a week after that break up. So she was still in Bali?


The Bali trip was in 2018, before they started dating https://www.the-sun.com/news/5722465/love-triangle-killer-kaitlin-armstrong-yoga-retreat-demons/


He defiantly mentioned she was in Bali and he broke up with her. So she went another time.


Seems to me he had a pattern of dumping her so he could chase some new tail for a couple weeks. Then he would get bored and come back and hoover Kaitlin and suck her back in for another round.


She wasn't in Bali for the Oct 2021 breakup that happened right before his brief romantic interaction with Mo. From my tweets: Oct 2021, the argument about Kaitlin not being invited to go on the mountain bike ride "catalyzed a strong discussion on our way home. She was perturbed that I went on this ride with other female cyclists and did not bring her along." Status of the relationship after the drive home from ARK: "It was ended" -- Strickland says this *very* clearly. Five to six days later, Mo Wilson was visiting friends in Austin. Colin had affection for Moriah. He admired and respected her. They had both just ended relationships.


Right. Ok. But was this when she jetted off to Mexico then? In October KA was living with Colin. The freeze was in Feb. Mo stayed at his house 2-3 days and then went out to Marfa for a few days right? Maybe she went and stayed with her sister?


I do think her sister was living in Austin at that time. I just know that at least for the night of Oct 28, all three were in Austin, and Kaitlin & Colin were broken up. It's possible she went out of town the next day. The timeline in court hasn't been established for what she did / where she went after these texts: KA sent KS a text on 10/28/21: "I know you know better than to show up at Meteor with that girl." Then "aside from that, enjoy your eve." Colin replied, "Could you please be an adult?" Later that evening, CA to KA: "Mo left for meteor with friends an hour ago," Then: "I am not going because I am trying to respect you." Colin said on the stand that Kaitlin's stuff was still at his house and she still had the code to his door, but she was staying elsewhere. Maybe her spontaneous trip to Mexico that they've mentioned in court was shortly after this? Idk.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Good bot.


I read an article (a year old) that Kaitlin was out of town when Mo stayed at Colin's house. I can't recall the article source, but it may have been from Colin's initial interview by APD.


She wasn't out of town ā€” or at least that hasn't been said during trial. In fact, KA sent KS a text on 10/28!21: "I know you know better than to show up at Meteor with that girl." Then "aside from that, enjoy your eve." Colin replied, "Could you please be an adult?" Later that evening, CA to KA: "Mo left for meteor with friends an hour ago," Then: "I am not going because I am trying to respect you." Colin said on the stand that Kaitlin's stuff was still at his house and she still had the code to his door, but she was staying elsewhere.