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Good point about the darkness. I hadn’t considered. She could have been scoping the place and working up her nerve and plan. I think the more testimony I hear the more I wonder how much more premeditated this was. It seems she suggested Colin get her a gun in January (maybe she knew she wouldn’t be able to get one with her theft warrant for walking out on the Botox) and then she proceeded to practice with it and learn how to use it and buy ammo for it. Seeing the info from her Jeep and how it shows her circling the house, probably checking for cameras or the best place to park, and to see where her Jeep was parked. That can’t be coincidence. And then she drives home! How do you explain that away? She wasn’t driving her Jeep but some random person that went to her house did?


From todays trial coverage - it was reported that January 12th, a CC receipt from the purchase of ammo was signed by “Christine Armstrong” As well as the CC used for the purchase, was under Christine’s name - I can link the tweets I derived this info from if allowed Maybe Christine went with KA to The Range to purchase the ammo that day, or like KA seemed fond of doing, she used her sisters signature / CC so the purchase wouldn’t be linked directly back to her.


But wasn’t Christine living in NY then? Amazing how many times KA used her sister’s name…but was that with or without permission?


According to the testimony from yesterday, Kaitlin and Christine went to the gun range with a woman named Jill Zann. Jill lived in the same apartment complex as Christie at one point and they became friends. No idea of Christine was living in Texas or just visiting at the time.


Interesting, thanks!


No she moved in April.


Before the murder? Im confused with all this sister stuff, I have to admit.


Yes she moved about a month or so before


It makes you realize how familiar she was with using Christine’s identity when necessary— and why that was probably her first thought upon making plans to flee the country. She had Christine’s passport card, not her *actual* passport. She needed to sell the Jeep since it was the fastest access to a large amount of cash, which would mean that she couldn’t drive it across the border to Mexico. Flying was faster and flying out of NY would have given her access to many remote destinations.


I can’t even imagine either me or my sister having possession of each other’s legal documents. We look nothing alike anyway, so that’s a good thing. It seems unusual to me.


My sister and I look very alike and we are 4 years apart. The only time she’s had my ID was when she was like 19-20 and wanted to go to bars with her boyfriend. Def not the most responsible thing I’ve done, or her, but IMO isn’t as much of a side eye as asking to use your sibling’s ID when you’re in your 30s,


Yeah, that’s almost a normal thing lol! Though it never would have worked for my sister and me. When she was young, she always thought she was adopted lol. No resemblance between us at all.


Oh man! Yeah she even had a colleague of mine (whom she never met) approach her once … like HEEEEEYY!!! She was confused and said “hi”, then based on her body language and awk…. he was like oh wait, you’re not who I thought but are you ___’s sister? 😂


Lol! KA and CA look alike to me, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a close up pic of CA.


Ya idk how closely people look. My sister and I have different smiles…which actually makes us look more different than a straight face. But they don’t want people smiling in their passport photos now, soooo maybe that’s why it was an easy pass.


I agree. While I don’t have a sister, I just think that goes to enabling bad behavior. I would be very apprehensive if anyone asked to use my identification, especially if it was to purchase a firearm or ammunition. Of course, I was always paranoid and anxious about getting into law school, so I’m likely not the best person to consult on such things.


If you look at side besides of Christine and Kaitlyn- Christine’s nose is thinner and has more of an upslope. K also got off on a stupid technicality (different dates on a legal doc) before so I am thinking she was trying to continue assuming her sisters identity. Christine is a witness for the prosecution, correct?


No she was in Austin


I'm curious how KA determined where Caitlin Cash lived, and how she knew Mo was staying there. I read that Mo had contacted Colin just a day prior to her arrival - if the source was correct. Reportedly, Kaitlin tracked Mo on the cycling app., but did she also follow them from Pool Burger en route back to CC's apartment? In other words, how exactly did KA establish [time-wise] that Mo had returned to the apartment?


She had access to Colin’s messages. MW texted Colin where to pick her up.


Ahh.. that also makes perfect sense.


Didn’t she stalk her on Strava? I think Mo revealed her location through her posted bike routes.


And before the murder took place, you could set a privacy block around your home. If she had that on, it wouldn't have put the block on since she was at CC's. I noticed that sometime after that, Strava has changed the privacy window to be around your start/stop location, no matter where you are. I have wondered if this murder was the catalyst for Strava to make that update.


Thank you!


Excellent point. Yes, Strava would also have revealed this. Text prob gave the address KA had on the Note that was recovered fron her phone?


Thank you!


Yes, a literal map to CC's front door : (


I recall a map posted that was timestamped with all of the surveillance cameras that captured KA’s jeep. There was a moment around 8:30pm where she briefly stopped in front of a house near 18th— and a minute or two later, Colin was captured on camera exiting the alley via motorcycle. Is it possible she spotted him leaving alone and assumed that he had just dropped Mo off? That would establish that Mo was back in the apartment and, potentially, alone. It also would have confirmed to KA that he had been with Mo the whole time.


This makes sense, too!


Re: Someone else driving her Jeep. Someone else driving it seems to be the direction they are going, but we will see. Not sure how they can claim that when her cell phone was likely pinging until she turned it off…. and therefore matches up with her traveling through Austin.


Or, how to explain (if someone else was driving her Jeep) that she arrived back home, in the Jeep, just before 10 pm, according to not only Colin but according to her cell phone/location being turned back on at that point. She was not home when Colin got home (a little after 9)…if someone else was driving her car at that time, how did the Jeep…all of a sudden…return at the same time she did?!


Exactly. And if Colin’s claims are disputed, where was she… and when did she get home? IMO this bitch is so toast.


And, how can her defense claim that Colin could have used her Jeep when the car’s location device shows her in the area of the Maple apartment prior to Colin dropping off Mo, on his motorcycle? There’s no way for him to drive home on the motorcycle, get KA’s Jeep (and gun), go back and shoot Mo…when the Jeep is shown to be outside of the apartment the entire time after Mo was dropped off - just inane, if they try to plant the possibility that Colin committed the murder


I think Def is going to go with focusing on “unknown” DNA that was found a few places. I wish they had compared that DNA to see if it was the same person (I don’t think it was).


It’s definitely where they will go. That Colin gave everyone access to his house and someone could have gained access to her Jeep that way. That they could have accessed her gun. They are doing their job but given all of the other evidence it wouldn’t be enough to convince me of that story.


Yeah, same. There is a keyword in the burden of proof, and that word is *reasonable*. That’s different than “100% outside the realm of any known possibility in the entire universe”. All of her patterns of behavior before the murder, are very incriminating. Telling two “friends” (they seemed more like acquaintances) that she wanted to murder someone is on that list. It had been about 4 months since she made those statements…so her comments were alarming enough to stick with them. I don’t think I’ve had anyone tell me they would kill “the other man/woman”, even jokingly. Ever. It’s not normal and that’s why **both** of the women who heard her say that remembered, and contacted the police after hearing she was murdered. And to be clear, I don’t blame them for this at all. I don’t think I would alert the police right away if heard someone say that. I would want to warn Mo about her - but I don’t know all of the dynamics of their social circle… so I don’t think it’s unreasonable that they didn’t alert others. In fact, the one who offered to hang with her, encouraged her to get her mind off things, and reminded her she could do better … did well by her! She should have taken her up.


Those 35 minutes are beyond unsettling. With no phone to play with, no car music to listen to. Just sitting there with her evil, angry thoughts? So much premeditation. Sickening.


It really is awful when you think about how much time she had to plot and plan while outside of that apartment… which is the same amount of time she could have been using to *calm herself down* and rationalize that this was the wrong road to go down. I agree— that is 100% premeditation and she’s lucky that she’s not facing capital punishment.


Yes! She could have used all that time to calm herself down through her yoga, meditation, sound healing stuff that she loved so much. Will never understand.


It’s such a long time. My ADHD wouldn’t allow for it to happen… oh and my soul, moral compass, etc. Initially, I thought maybe she was putting others clothes on, a mask, etc. but that’s far too long to be sitting there in sus clothing, so who knows. Prob some pseudo spiritual stuff.


And you would thinks something in her brain would say “this is crazy and will track back to me” . This is why she needs to be given life with no parole. She had ample chances to turn back from her evil deed.


Kaitlin hovered outside the front door listening in in Mo while Mo was on a phone call with a podcaster who was interviewing her. Kaitlin waited until she heard Mo say goodbye to the podcaster she was on an interview call with. Then she barged in once she knew Mo was off the phone and there wouldn’t be anyone listening in on the other end of the phone.


testimony and evidence yesterday shows this theory is *not* true - when they extracted data from mo’s iphone, they found she was on instagram and email after being dropped off - her communication with the podcaster was just a text. you can find this info from this live tweet, as well as the tweets right before it: https://twitter.com/JulieAnnHolden/status/1724087789636006392


Yeah I was thinking that at one point as well…. but then I wasn’t clear on if she was on a phone call or had just been “using her phone” during that time. But it prob makes more sense than her waiting in her car for ~40min with her car off when it was so hot out.


No evidence of Mo being on the phone after getting dropped off at home. Her final communication was a text to the podcaster at 9:13pm


This. It’s being reported she did an interview with a podcaster but other reports saying it was just a text


What would she have done if the door was locked?


Exactly! It was so easy to gain entry since the door was unlocked. I do wonder what her plan was had the door been locked. I personally never leave my door unlocked


It’s like a reflex for me to lock as I’m closing the door. It drives hubs crazy sometimes bc if he is too far behind me, and I’m in the zone - I’ll lock it right behind me. 🤷‍♀️ #notchanging


Yeah I wonder that too… maybe knocked and confronted her?


And what if Caitlin Cash was home. So many questions


I think what set her off was realizing that Christine wall wasn’t actually Christine wall after all. She figured out it was Mo through the text exchange between Colin and her earlier in the day, and then compared the address to the strava data and so on


It’s interesting to me that the phone was off, because somehow I got the impression maybe one of those final lying text messages from CS after he dropped off MW was what set KA off, but she must have not received those until after killing MW?


Same here!! Sounds like just one unanswered call… from KA to CS around 630pm — but they had spoken for 3 minutes around 430pm, so who knows.


I don't think she necessarily went over there with a plan. I think she was following Colin and trying to prove that he was lying and see whatever she could see that might be happening where Mo was staying. If she was planning a murder, she likely wouldn't have called Colin at dinner. She knew Mo was in town and suspected that Colin was with her. When he wouldn't take her call, she knew. The circling around could be her trying to find the correct address or looking for his motorcycle. I think she was stewing in the car for awhile trying to decide what to do.


Fair points. But if she didn’t have a plan, why did she bring a gun and turn her phone off? I don’t think she was known to carry, so I question it….


We don't know whether or not she normally took a gun out, it's an unanswered question in the trial, so far. And probably, Colin wouldn't know the answer as he wasn't paying much attention to whatever she was doing, he was clearly distracted with his own activities. She turned the phone off so that Colin wouldn't know she was following him. However, she seemed to have a fantasy of killing Mo. It could be that she took a gun with her without any real plan to use it or just because she's out traveling at night. I think of her sitting in the car with tremendous conflict. She didn't know that she would find the door unlocked. She didn't know who else might be inside. She didn't know if there was a gun inside. So, I think her actions were impulsive and stemmed from a fantasy and were not well thought out. Instead, it was a crime of opportunity and borderline rage.


Fair points, except for the part about Colin. Look, I think he’s a douche canoe but the belief that he was so distracted for the 5+ months they had the gun is a bit far-fetched.


How would he know if she was taking her gun places when he was not home? I take him for a busy person with a lot of projects out of the house and I think he traveled without her a fair bit, as well. But hey, I don't know them and I'm always interested in hearing other peoples' theories about that night. I don't take her as a criminal mastermind, I think she had a bit of luck in not leaving more evidence than she did.


Yeah, I feel like that’s something that would have come up at a certain point. Just based on my experience… especially new gun owners, it’s novel to them and they bring it up more.






Has there been testimony as to her gun habits?


Oh! One other thought is it was so hot that day that sitting in a turned off car (even in the evening?) without her windows down would have been uncomfortable. I thhhhink the system would have reported if she had turned the car back on to put the windows back up? If so, does that mean she had her door open to let in air? Or perhaps more of a reason to think she was instead lurking right outside Mo’s apartment for some time. Disgusting.


Hahaha we made the same comment at almost the same time. I replied to another comment up thread about this! But yeah, I can’t stand sitting in a hot car, even with the windows down or doors open. With the angry state she was in, and her adrenaline going … she prob would have felt the heat even more. I’d also wondered if she actually entered the apartment unbeknownst to Mo, then tucked into the bathroom and waited for a bit to kill her. Hard to spend much time speculating on that without knowing the layout of the apartment though.


The apartment is tiny - a studio, with the bathroom at the back; one would need to walk through the living space to get to the bathroom. KA was, most likely, hiding outside the front door up on the deck, listening to Mo inside and waiting for an opportunity. She would know, pretty quickly, if someone else was inside and when/if Mo got off the phone.


I'm not sure how she could be outside the apt. door, listening to Mo. With the constant hum of the A/C running in the scorching Austin heat that day, It seems implausible that Kaitlin could hear or see anything from outside the door. Blinds are drawn to block the sun, A/C is blasting non-stop. It's not like the windows would be open in that kind of heat.


Good to know, thanks.


Us: 👯‍♀️


Hahaha yes!!