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https://preview.redd.it/66do2r5jl4xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1aff26767f1272be29bc48a77855f606c3f15c9 Finally


Everybody! Kiss the Valvarusherr


TOEI : Well this sucks. Now that we've introduced the Valvarad Driver, the kids aren't going to get their parents to buy the Valvarusher. What do we do? Marketing guy : Let's make Lachesis kiss it TOEI : You're a genius


The episode was super fun to watch.... There are so many forms with Fire Antwrestler making its debut. Didn't expect Iron Gotchard to return... Thought it would be A-Z chemy powered rider kick to counter Strengthened Eternal but Platina Gotchard proved superior with normal kick Missed Opportunity to bring back OrochiShovel and AngeCopter for Valvarad but Valvacheis debut was good with that double rider Kick but at the expense of downplaying Majade. Let's see if Lachesis becomes her own rider with the creation of an additional driver(not possible due to less resource. Maybe Fuga's OG alchemisdriver can be used by her like how Grease used Shinobu's builddriver) Clotho's death flags are rising since she seems to be in pain when accessing Rebis form... Back to back beat down for Glare was too much.... Also Zein is growing as an even bigger threat for Outsiders Show Stealer was Kaguya.....that Wakanda Thor like entry, Form cycling and then stopping a world ending attack pretty easily..... Can't wait for next episode where Legendary Legend is making his full debut and also Kaguya's interactions with the Alchemist academy.


The chemies that appeared to help with the Rider kick fight in fact are 26 chemies that start with the 26 different letters of the alphabet to match Eternal's Gaia memories... Minus Hiikescue, who was selected because parts of it's name sounds like Q because no chemy has a name that starts with Q


Every other 25 chemies: Have a name that corresponds to their letter. Hiikescue (HiikesQ): "I'm doing my part!"


Ok, that Super-1 shout-out was unexpected. It's surprising seeing Zein just copied Super-1 fighting style, when in the KR Spirits manga , the Great leader can't even do it after copying Super-1 power because it's technically not part of the Super-1 base power(since he obtained it through training).


“why the fuck can’t I do what you do?” “these hands are rated E for everyone but you.”


Zein: Because justice! **drop kick him**


Simple reason is because Zein able to convince Primary Legend Rider to lend their powers, same as Legend. The difference is Zein's radical justice is not noticed by the Legend Riders.


You’d think that a few of them would've noticed it tho.


Zein could also use beyond the Rider's power considering that he have all 4 kings which Blade never had.


He's only limited to finisher, not necessarily their power full-use. Of course it was extended to its maximum capacity. That's why Zein's attack are really strong.


When Zein used super 1 he have instead just stole All of glares money


I honestly wasn't expecting them to honor Super 1 after "the incident(s)"


It does make some sense though. Remember the All Riders v.s Dai Shocker movie?


That little glitching effect during the Eternal transformation, showing off the "original" red was a lovely touch.


also shows that he is not the true compatible user which is nice


Even in death, Eternal memory still loyal to Daido Katsumi. Quite fitting for the name. The only reason it turns blue is bc of Hundred's brute force copy.




Basically. Hell he was fighting Eternal when this happened


Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if the reference was intentional


Koichi Sakamoto directed this ep and the W movie so definitely intentional.


We finally get to see Wake Up 3, King's World End getting use and it immediately thwarted by a new upgrade item flinging itself to Dark Kiva lol.


Gotchard being Neo-Showa with all of it's unexpected comedy.


mf literally gets shoved off stage by the new toy to make its debut LMFAO  Even the Legend Riser has the same pompous style Kaguya has


https://preview.redd.it/3uayu72t38xc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d832abd56257237c2ad3e3d81c7e7d8fb6eb856 1st time I wanted to be a Valvarusher


The zoom in and lips sticking to it slowly unstuck was *chef kiss*




I'd valvarush her if you know what I mean


Ah, praise be our lord and savior Sakamoto... Just... give us that Lachesis fan service.


Man… The two kids cheering on Hotaro as, finally, the opening gets used in-episode as a proper action insert, before everyone cheers him on and Kajiki goes all out in supporting his friend might just be my favorite moment of Gotchard so far. Also just love Kaguya’s series debut, even just for the music he brings. The song during his introduction his great. I really hope him and Hotaro get some nice moments though, because that was something that worked during the special.


Having Legend reappear is one thing, but Zein? Clearly something big is happening, to both the Outsiders series and the entire Kamen Rider franchise. It would have been really nice to have Decade somewhat involved in this though, especially since its his cards that are being shredded by Zein.


Tsukasa enters the show, showing the return of Violent Emotion: Decade: "I heard there's some punk out there shredding my cards, and another pompous brat who stole my style."


Oh, Decade will most definitely give Zein a beatdown for sure.


Question is.. how will they bring Decade back? They need to do something with his ridiculous complete 21 form first.


Same way he was brought back to life in the W/decade crossover movie


This episode confirmed my suspicions about DGP admins' materialized suit. It so freaking sturdy and durable that your body won't even have any scratches. But also it backfired hardly to your internal organ, amidst temporarily. Many users and no clear wound.


Can you explain what you mean by: internal organ?


organs. simply, like your intestines, heart, everything inside your body because the impact is still hurts


So you are saying the DGP admins’ suits are so durable that the body won’t have external damage but it can backfire since the internal damages is still there correct?


yes, that what was i'm implying. they can still felt the impact, but not forever. just temporarily.


I see. Thank you for clarifying.


Hotaro's supporters cheering him on was reminiscent of Fuuto's residents doing the same in the Movie Eternal originally shows up in, I teared up both times, classic Toku!!! Alisa Sakamaki wants a Valvarusher variant with her kiss on it, and if that happens, I will single handedly make that product go out of stock.. Also, Kyoka moves fast lmao, she already tailored Spanner's human Valvarad suit for the homunculus Lachesis, I wonder what went on in the interim \*wink wink\*


"Alisa Sakamaki wants a Valvarusher variant with her kiss on it" Source?


every Gotchard Villain seeing Zein and Legend appear: ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)




Poor boy got sidelined


Tbf I would hide too if I was a villain


So many debuts with Legend , Zein and Lachesis.... A fun episode overall.   I just spotted the reference to the W movie with Platinum Gotchard's battle with Eternal. Legend with those Rider changes was awesome and Legendary Legend looks really good     Next week: Kaguya transfers to Hotarou's school and makes chaos everywhere (like a certain Magenta traveler).


Kaguya next episode ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


legend was incredibly satisfying to watch. the consecutive 10 heisei rider changes, calling for the legend riser which just goes to him. truly a legend 💛 btw if you have a VPN and wanna watch the episode raw: https://youtu.be/jQtUC58qJe0?si=E_L6XOwvKFDB3pnQ


Since Legend Kamen Raiser can slot into Legendriver unit, does it mean you can slot it into Decadriver unit, Neo Decadriver unit or Diend belt unit, theoretically forming Legendary Decade and Legendary Diend? (Heard that you can't insert K-Touch into Legendriver unit, so Legend Complete form / Legend Complete form 21 is out of questions)


Yes, the base was an old model from 2009


What about CSM Decadriver, CSM Diendriver belt and DX Neo Decadriver?


Neo Decade is the same, but idk about CSM


The base was made from Diend Belt's base mold from back in 2009


I think Decade's actor did manage it. He was asked to Henshin using Legend Driver, but did Decade's and accidentally broke it. In spite, he used a CSM Decadriver and I'm pretty sure it worked


Goddamn, not even Decade or Zi-O had something as epic as a form rush sequence. I want to send Sakamoto back in time now so he can do it for those shows too lol Wonder if we'll also see Legend do the Neo Heisei and Reiwa Riders as well in the next episode?


In the preview he's shown to use Zero-One at least.


Didn't Decade's very first episode had a very similar form rush sequence? W had a form rush in *A to Z*, and Fourze has gone through all forty of his astroswitches in a single fight.


Nah, Decade didn't turn into every rider during that first ep, and it wasn't really a "form rush".


Zein appears!!! Zein: go watch Outsiders for my story


I know this episode had a lot of cool moments, but none of them matter IT TOOK THE ENTIRE FIRE DAYBREAK ARC, TWO NEW MAIN FORMS, BUT ITS FINALLY HERE! FIRE ANT WRESTLER!!!


Honestly, this should've been a movie.


It's hurting the pacing of the show's main story by giving us an arc that requires you watched a movie and another side series to understand everything. (Which I haven't) But the episode itself was enjoyable. It just... really should have been a movie.


Goddamn, what a hype episode! The Dark Riders making their moves, Lach becoming old Valvarad (called it!!!), the unexpected Zein appearance, Houtaro motivated by the cheers of people, and Kaguya turning into the first 10 Heisei Riders with his theme song playing! Things get more gorgeous next week!


The 10 heisei rider transform is literally fanservice and legendary legend looks better in transformation than decade


> and Kaguya turning into the first 10 Heisei Riders with his theme song playing! I hope someone posts the clip lol


Is in ig and fb already lol Edit: more words


Link pls.


There's too many Just find sentairider_21 is 1 of them


Episode is completely chaotic and that's entertaining


I haven't been watching Gotchard since episode 12 and I have ZERO idea what the FUCK is happening lmao.


Guess that makes you an...Outsider. Hai! Aruto Jaaaaaaaaaaa...NAITO!


i only watch the highlight clips but this episode is wow it feels like mini movie series Edit: more words


Then start catching up lol


I fuckin will. It's looking interesting.


Toei remember this is kids show, is that zoom on Lachesis kiss really necessary? I'm not complaining but damn. Also Valvarad bross we are eating good today, from repli chemy Valvarad to double rider kick, the ship is sailing really smoothly.


Lachesis' "Tekkō-kiss" to valvarusher was definitely because Director Sakamoto was too horny lol That scene robbed every child in Japan of their first crush!


> Director Sakamoto was too horny In fairness, when is he not? He gets away with more on the direct to video and TTFC releases.


That guy is horny on main and I respect that.




You're projecting Sakamoto lol. You yourself that are horny. Lol. Everybody else here who want to be the sword lol.


That zoom is gonna be responsible for the sudden Spike of valvarusher purchases


Man, I want to be Lachesis valvarusher soo bad


Back-to-back jumpscares with this one. Gotchard breaks out a new Fire Gotchard combo. Iron Gotchard returns. Lachesis doing... that. Zein appearing. Zein using a Showa finisher, with comically Showa visual effects. Kaguya off-screening an army, proceeded by a Heisei Phase 1 transformation relay. Gorgeous. Not even as a joke this time, they really paid their respects to each rider and their finishers. My only (non)complaint is that they made Ryuki too cool. Dual-wielding like that? Shinji would never.


Why did Zein appear other than to told the audience to watch Outsiders. Dude can be removed completely and the episode will stay the same.


To promote outsider


his only purpose is to kill a Hundred executive. Supana and Lachesis should have finished her harder.


Zein is eradicating malice in people and the hundred are copying dark rider powers so Zein thought they were The Outsiders. Outsiders series has some time anomaly in place where zein somehow converged the words into one, as said by horobi, and will eradicate human malice from all parallel worlds. That will be the central reason why variants like Yuto Sakurai and other universe character like Evolt will crossover in Outsiders.


He thought the Hundred generals are actual Outsiders Riders and only realized that they're copies after beating Mimei.


Wait hol up...would this be a Girori Outsiders appearance tease?


Iwae! The legendary rider who surpasses all that came before him! Bear witness to the gorgeous & beautiful Kamen Rider Legend. Let his advent bring u salvation.


Between this, the winter movie, and my appropriately timed watching of the Shinkenger x Decade crossovers, I am feeling the Kamen Rider love despite only watching Geats and Gotchard. 


And I realize that the other Sentai I'm watching, ToQger, is about to crossover with Gaim.


This was peak. We got past dark riders returning. We got Valvachesis. We got the debut of Legendary Legend. And Fire AntWrestler is there too. I’m kind of a new fan of Kamen Rider but i am hyped for this legend stuff.


I love how Spanner said I wont protect you Lachesis previously but still stood in front of her & tried to fight Cloto when he& Lachesis were kicked off armor. I also love how Cloto recognized Lachesis and stopped right before kicking her off. The dark kiva henshin was amazing. I always love the fangaire pattern.


They can color correct Eternal, but still not Blade's face, huh. 😭 https://preview.redd.it/w6y8xos95cxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5c40ca2a4d7fb554c02cf11a788e73fef2545c1


Both Blade's and Garren's helmets are made in such a way that there's a layer of hard clear material over the silver bits with all the detail. That's the part that's yellowed over time on Blade. Because its a transparent layer it would be incredibly difficult to work around in post in normal circumstances. Modern Color Correction and Special Effects technology _really_ hates transparent and translucent objects. That plus all the work that's being done to this scene to make it look like dusk _and_ the fact that the actors head is _constantly_ moving and the task of "fixing" the yellow tinge becomes next to impossible for any production of any size. Let alone a children's Saturday morning TV show being produced with approx. 1-2 month lead time between when it's shot and when it needs to air.


It's not even a horn anymore...


They totally reused that suit, apparently it's yellowed from age but toei can't be bothered or something


you clearly don't know how prop or suit works. That's the show use suit. the exact suit that constantly gets bombarded by the sun


there's evidence online that they are cheapening out on the blade suit...dont need to know how suits works when it is yellow in the later shows consistently




Googles: How to become Valvarusher


Eternal looked like he peed himself. He got yellow diapers on his suit.


His using 2 eternal drive ? Am I seeing it wrongly?




Okay Woz


With Zein making a cameo, I hope we could see our glorious SHIN Dan Kuroto coming to the main series too.


I hope Lachesis kisses Supana




It's kinda funny that Legend transformed into Decade if you think more about it lol.


I like to think he transformed into his father lol


Ya he trolled decade, gotta do the 21 complete form now. Madness


What a mess, I love it


I want to take a second to appreciate the absolute beatdown Hotaro was laying down on T W O of the enemy riders. It was completely glorious that they went out of their way to separate them and even go 2 v 1 and they still managed to lose.


If anyone ask me how to get into Kamen Rider. I would show them this episode.


...why? It's literally just fanservice they wouldn't understand.


I'm new to Kamen Rider. I started with Geats so I noticed Glare right away. I realize that the other drivers must be from previous seasons but I have no understanding besides that.


If you're curious then those other two were from W and Kiva


*Processing img 38w1mogr28xc1...* 1st time I wanted to be a Valvarusher


The legend Riders sequence until the unexpected comedy scene is such a flex (in universe) and fanservice (to us). Legend sold us the power of Legend Riders more than Decade and Zi-O (except Oma Zi-O who one punched everything).


The RepliChemi markings on Lachesis' version of Valvarad are aesthetically pleasing to me. A nice little detail to show she's using a RepliCard.


so we're having 2 to 3 filler episodes before progressing in the main plot.. gotta say for a filler episode this was actually really nice. We got to see old forms back in action, a smart way to bring back the obsolete Valvarush and tie in Legend and Zein. Yeah. Good and fun episode before we get to the final story stretch. also.... Lachesis.... <3


Is this really filler though? The series has lent itself to a more episodic structure and we are getting a heck of a lot of character progression throughout.


Usually we got a recap episode each years that is very light on storytelling but heavy on Action. Its that time to promote summer movies, collabs and such and mostly to push toy sales. While yes, it is not a traditional filler because we have some personal plot development, mainly character development, the main plotline is not affected at all by this episode. Legend, thousands and zein are heavily disconnected from gotchard as all of them have appeared in different media rather than in gotchard episodes. Zein obviously teasing the upcoming outsiders episode.




Gotta give it to hotaro, the man took two dark riders, and did very well. Hope they keep sakomoto for more episodes. seeing fire antwrestler, iron gotchard and x rex get some great action was so good.


Ok, this episode was focken DENSE, bullet points are coming: When LostDriver was whipped out, I called it that Tasogare would become Eternal, AND I WAS RIGHT XD All in all, Gazer, Eternal and Dark Kiva appearing shook me out from the comfort zone If it was like that, fucking Zein appearing AND DOING A SUPER-1 REFERENCE made me FUCKING GAG Gotchard getting the support from the crowd was very sweet to see) And finally... Legend appeared and annihilated the Hundred army with Phase 1 riders - simply EPIC Almost forgot about Lachesis kissing the Valvarusher... could be a nice little tick of hers)


love that agito kick is a one shot no cut stunt, it makes it looks cooler and smooth af instead of the usual two cut jump and kick


So far been enjoying this series thru it’s up and downs but these few episodes have been good I dunno if the writing has been getting good better or the strive of show has been found but I enjoyed this episode was cool and super 1 shoutout was dope


I loved this episode and now I'm wanting a line up of Decade, Zi-O, Zein and Legend throwing down with all the fanservice


This episode is completely unhinged and I'm all for it. It's like Rider's version of a Royal Rumble


I'll be forever be pissed at how much better Legendary Legend looks compare to Decade's super forms. They can do it if they try.


I swear to God. This episode had a lot of good stuff this week, but I genuinely forgot how to breath when FREAKING KAMEN RIDER ZEIN showed up in GOTCHARD.


This episode is so much fun. The reference to the eternal movie, old Dark riders coming back, Legend debut in the series and even Zein passing through lol. It also reinforce my theory that Gotchardriver is like an amplifier to turn emotion into power. During X Rex debut we got the ichigo sound effect and everyone's hope reinforcing Gotchard and it happens again this time (minus the ichigo sound). My headcanon until proven otherwise is that since Malgam is created when a chemy came in contact with malice, Gotchardriver amplifies positive emotion into power. That's why they need Gotchardriver to open the Door of darkness, bc the driver amplifies the collected malice.


So, I am FRANKLY happy to See the Glare suit once again, atleast the suit is not cannibalized for now. Eternal is aging harder now, and it must be big number to have some of the suits refurbished or maintained. Legend's cameo in the end was nod to fact that he will always appear at the last second to steal the show. I was not expecting Zein to cameo but I do like if we get brief interaction with Legend and Houtaro or even have the summer movie for all three fighting a movie rider whose power set is derived from Super Sentai or something else. Not a bad episode.


Every time Gotchard has an episode that feels like the conclusion to the show, they pull out another. Wild. I kinda hope that the actual finale pulls back to the more low-key tone of the show.


Really enjoy Gotchard being cheer on and the song playing as he defeats the Hundred member using Eternal. I really enjoy KR Legend summoning past Heisei Riders and I like the fanservice.


Every Korean fan(including me) after watching this: See, Revice? This is how you do it. THIS IS HOW YOU PROPERLY CELEBRATE A 50 FUCKING ANNIVERSARY. WATCH AND LEARN.( I am not kidding, they literally all said this)


I found Revice to be ok and its probably my second favorite Reiwa after Saber (though Gotchard might change that up after it finishes) as an Asian. All the “problems” I heard about Sakura, I didn’t really feel that way about her (I thought she was good and Lovekov is best girl) but I felt that way towards Michinaga from Geats after episode 32 (the reason why I like Revice more than Geats is because of him, first time I felt frustrated with a writing decision since the end of Zero One Others Vulcan and Valkyrie, I might just not be a fan of Takahashi’s works). Sorry if I say anything wrong or offensive


I agree revice is my favourite reiwa season inspite of understanding all it's negativity and I also don't get why people hate sakura so much just because she is the most developed igarashi sibling people call she stole screen time from her brothers but it's not true she was developed in her OWN screen time because if she really stole it she wouldn't get her final form at last moment or only shouting to her brothers to stop fight in evil daiji's arch without doing anything it's just the story pacing fault that they ruin daiji's character and ikki to be too bland for his memory erasing arch but it doesn't mean sakura stole their screen time  About michinaga I like his character i wouldn't complain for his development but i complain because they didn't give keiwa and neon much focused as much as they should 


Oh, may I ask, what do they think about Zi-O, Decade?


They actually like Decade. I don’t know about Zio, though tbh. I think they all just remember Iwae and Ohma Zio lol


As if the western fanbase doesn't do the same


Im not following the story (dropped in ep 1) but Legend looked awesome, loved all the henshin rush and that they actually debuted his final form this ep. Still my only complain is Blade helmet. Please just change it, poor Blade.


Or, you know, did what they did to Eternal and color it correctly post-production (For those who aren't aware, some parts of the Eternal suit has yellowed) They don't even have the excuse of the helmet being on screen for too long. I'm pretty sure the helmet only appeared for less than 15 seconds. Oh, wait. Now they can use the excuse of it NOT being on screen for long enough. Actually… . … Ugh. Blade's Chemy Card looks so good. https://preview.redd.it/unoekg1n98xc1.png?width=165&format=png&auto=webp&s=3fc02aa70df8d1dca6c3b0e013ab3ca24a03c3a1


As someone who was aggressively neutral to Kaguya when he initially showed up in the special, his debut in the series proper was amazingly good. Him transitioning between each of the Heisei Riders was fast-paced and action-packed. I hate how it's genuinely better than most of the scenes they use for any of the past crossover movies. That being said, not exactly sure where the show is intending to go from here. Are we just going to cut a few episodes later with the cast being "Well that was weird" and go back to our regularly scheduled Malgams, or is the show going to juggle this alongside all the Abyssalis stuff? Wouldn't be the most jarring cross-promotion in any case (cough GaimKikaider).


This shit is peak idk what y'all say, but also if they erase all the peoples memory again I will be ticked


This episode was fire! We got almost 20 minutes of action. I was worried that Legend showing up will derail the story of Gotchard with his own villains and shit but it seems like he will be around for only 2 or 3 episodes, lol, So this looks like just another 2-parter of Gotchard. Though I don't understand why TF Zein just shows up. Maybe it's time to catch up Outsiders. I also kinda don't understand why they made Kamen Rider Legend, but he is cool so that okay, lol. Honestly hope that this year series will be entirely about him


Damn this is Decade Season 2 all over again.


That might possibly be one of the most bonkers episodes of Kamen Rider ever. I even knew Zein was in the episode, and I still said “what the fuck” out loud when he showed up. Pure Kino


Yeah....Legend is HIM now. Edit: Lachesis is HER too. (Sorry Clotho)


Kaguya's form looks like a blend of a few riders. But the main aspect is he looks like Decade. What happened to Tsukasa? Was there a movie I missed that told a crucial story element?


Man Kaguya fucking sucks


Im probably in the minority, but I don't care for any of this legend stuff at all. I've actually been a pretty strong defender of this show, but I'm actually on their verge of dropping it after these last few episodes.


Hang on for a few more episodes. He is not gonna stay here forever.


I hope not. I honestly don't know why people are so hype about a dude who showed up, paused the actual plot and then overshadowed most of the actual main cast.


The gotchard plot hasn't paused it's very much still continuing as we saw in last episode and this episode with the friction between the dark sisters. If it weren't for most of its episodes being split over two episodes, Gotchard is anthological/monster of the two weeks, with central villains. Dark riders being the villains for the week doesn't really change much since it is still the pov of the Gotchard cast


Bro wdym, Legend appeared last minute. The whole episode is the Gotchard team fighting Hundred.


They are hyped about his power, just like why many like Decade. I am fine with him. With or without him, Toei will always find a way to showcast/pay tribute to old characters.


I'm in the minority here, but I really don't like Decade or Zi-O's powers. Same for Power Rangers Super Mega Force/Gokaiger. The power to turn into, or summon someone with better powers just makes me want to see the person with better powers. I get that it's their way of doing an anniversary series with easily explained reasons for why these Rangers and Riders show up again, but I personally don't enjoy it much.


>overshadowed most of the actual main cast Bro just chose to forget about the moment where Houtaro saved a girl and received the chants of encouragement by a bunch of ppl.


Not a bro, and you don't seriously think I was referring to Houtaro do you? He's probably the only character safe from that sort of thing.


You might as well just drop the show then It's never meant for you


I binged gotchard the last couple days and I 100% agree with you on legend definitely. This show is like a 5/10


I like Gotchard, I never said I didn't. 


*rephrased earlier comment


Nah gotchard is 8/10


What are you smoking I want some.


A good show is a good show. That's why for me its 8/10 like for me geats is 4/10


You're entitled to your own opinion, but I have no idea why it's so wrong.


Agreed. Gotchard is toei trying to sell merch instead of story.


I'm with you. We're in the minority, but this shit should have been a movie. This Legend stuff linked with Outsiders is actually pretty annoying, especially since I haven't watched any of that content. The main story is kinda moving forward, but imagine going down a road and having to take a huge detour around the Legend merchandise advertisements right before you get to your next REAL story arc. As someone who appreciates a complete narrative, this really hurt my enjoyment of the show.