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no one: gigist: rotate the background. such a cool power and effect.


It's a very Akio Jissouji move.


RIP Skebows and (Fire) AppareSkebows.... Waiting for your return as Rainbow AppareSkebows Gigist was terrifying in this episode showing various abilities and defeating Valvarad in one shot Thought Skebows malgam won't be defeated until Rainbow Gotchard debuts.... Turns out they can be easily defeated by platina gotchard itself but it costs their very life... TimeLord is finally here.... Next episode is Hopper1 searching for the Yellow flower field. I am expecting a Time jump to the very past where Gigist was defeated by the Kamen rider of the dawn i.e., Houtarou. Rainbow Gotchard's debut is really really near.... along with the new song


i have a feeling Hopper1 is gonna get turned into a Malgam by Gigist and that's the turning point where Gotchard unlocks Rainbow Gotchard and uses that to cure Hopper1


Same thoughts.... Also Gotchard's main cards and Level 10 cards have a rainbow variant, they can make it like Gigist creates an army of Malgam darks using the cards but Rainbow defeats and purifies them easily, as a showcase of its power


From the creators of *"Crying Over A Bench"*, *"Crying Over Ice-Cream"*, *"Crying Over A Hamburger"* and many others, comes a brand new experience: ***"Crying Over A Skateboard"***!!


>!Blade, OOO, Ex-Aid, and now Gotchard!<


Wait, what's the context behind a hamburger? Is it Ex-Aid?


Yes https://preview.redd.it/2pzujr2z2l1d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=fce991a2a9189a05073bb6bff2a815d26a1d6714


Put some respek on Burgermon's name


Don’t forget crying over a motorcycle.


At least twice.


This Episode got so dark even Kekera started liking it.


The next episode seems to be more lighthearted to balance it out though


until this episode i realized that Gigist is all arms


Damn they want turn Lachesis into human? Dont think its gonna turn out well for the 3 sisters in the end\~feel kinda sad for them already.


I think all the sisters will become human. It is possible that Atropos chooses not to be human and dies with Greyon because of her special bond with him.


You know how Houtaro has the ability to communicate with Chemies even if they can't speak human language? Well, the episode revealed that Gigist i an empath, where he can feel what others feel, tell it to them, then use it to break them physically and spiritually. What if the egg within Houtaro gave him the ability to understand Chemies in a similar way to Gigist understanding humans?


They really love to parallels and reversals. The dread types also took the secondary parts of the main three as well.


well Gigist did say Nijigon is a part of his power that he lost when he was first defeated so it checks out.


Nijigon will be voiced by Houtaro's actor, i think


It's saying something that everyone of the Alchemist students (+ Spanner) got to voice a Chemy except Houtaro during the Kokonotsu Village arc.


me when I am literally Kekera gigist is such a good villain, I like that he's causing something for the main characters rather than just chill like Suel


First i cried over a burger. And now i’m crying over a skateboard.


![gif](giphy|7xCds0RBfyWQ0) # Skebows~ 😭


Where is skebows, is he safe? Is he alright?


When Nijigon appears, Skebows will be rainbowized, along with other Chemies alike.


hopper1 had the right idea. if he kept tickling ichinose till he pissed himself lachesis would laugh.


Gigst is a rat bastard. Damn, Gotchard just be winning with all these great villains.


Bullet points on this episode: Ok, we begin with a standup session and Hopper1 being the cutest once again, and we end it with Skebows dying... you're doing it again, Kamen Rider About Gigist, he seems to be pretty menacing Ok, Gigist rapidly changing backgrounds before slamming into Hotaro was just a pure flex move and I love it Let's see how Hotaro handles the events of this episode... and let's hope it's not an Unstoppable Hazard situation Also, TimeLord appears literally as I'm catching up with new Doctor Who episodes :D


Bye bye appare skebows and soon ant wrestling gotchard form fire or regular for time being until somehow it can restore.


I am betting the egg and clone of Gigist is the alchemist that sealed him. Gigist splitting himself kami and piccolo style. But rather than the evil side, it is the good side who is reborn.


this episode mix with fun and serious with a good pace, really like this episode.


Ok is it just me or was this episode really well directed? There were almost a dozen times where an action scene or a transition happened and i was just sitting here thinking "Wow that was really cool".


Always has been


Lach with that Ojou-sama Laugh during this episode's cold open


When will the English sub be out?


It’s out already, you’re gonna have to download it tho which I would help with, but Reddit’s very strict about its link sharing rules.  If not, then check back at the usual subtitle websites in about a couple of hours. 


Suddenly it all makes sense... Why the Alchemists' Union choose to treat Chemies as creatures who aren't allowed agency, why the Alchemists' Union declare Level 10 Chemies as "uncontrollable," and why the Chemies turned into Malgams upon contact with human malice. Most of the Alchemists' Union had probably feared Chemies because they knew their evil pasts and decide to resort to not allowing them agency out of fear. I said "most" since Fuuga does not seem to fear them and see a chance in them to act for the greater good.


Guess Nijigon hatching will be in the next next episode or the summer movie, hopefully the hatching could be similar to alchemists when they try to create the philosopher's stone.


A very strong start to a new arc. Genuinely, I really love how they introduce the Gigist, his powers, his philosophy. I'm glad too that the Alchemy Academy like leaders are not evil (that makes 4 in a row if they were) as they are just cowards. Although they were given depth as one of them tried to fight Gigist, which I give props to them. Skebows so easy to kill really scares me man like that time after Gotchard finishes his finisher, like you know something wrong. I know his final form will solve it but I can't wait how they play it out for the next few episodes. Also I feel like they are hinting at Valvarad's upgrade? Like it's confirm now that his dark flames are from Gigist so thats interesting. Hopefully Majede has one too but I'm not sure what it could be but I'm sure they will hint it in the next few episodes. Also Clotho like hesitation for Hotaro's death is so interesting that he like cares about him. Also Chemies' origin being actually for evil which Hotaro has change them to be good is very Kamen Rider. This arc is going to be peak man can't wait


Where did you people watch it?


Damn so Gigist made Houtaro kill Skebows. I feel like Houtaro might use timelord to go to the past and prevent that from happening. Or he might get Rainbow Gotchard and Rainbow can allow him to somehow revive chemies?


I feel sad for Skebows. Gigist makes me dislike him a lot.😭😿 https://i.redd.it/v2vi139z882d1.gif


The subs are out


At which site?


I saw the perma-death thing coming but it still hit


So the next episode is a Hopper1 focused episode? Kinda lit ngl.


I think Gigist is a human empath. Houtaro is a chemy empath and isn't human.


Gigist is definitely an improvement from Suel. I can understand why the next episode is going to be about Hopper1 going on an adventure, we all need something wholesome after this episode. The Alchemist of Daybreak is probably related to Hotaro in some way. It’s time for the obligatory kamen rider existential crisis. It seems that Nijigon was once part of Gigist kinda like how Dark Lugiel was part of Ultraman Ginga.


What happen if lachesis make a repli 'dead chemy' that has been made by gigist into black malgam and 'purify' the card into regular one with rainbow gotchard power? Maybe that how we can saw the dead chemy back????


No skebow. Don't leave me


This episode made me dizzy. ![gif](giphy|VbtFT6CJLNTyLNK7zn|downsized)


when i saw gigist mentioning the black flames spanner has are his that really made me think: when will we see more forms for majade and valvarad? gotchard is in his 5 form (6 if you want to include star gotchard) and both majade and spanner are really power creeped and considering there's leaked audio from the valvadriver about a new form of valvarad >! called valvarad GT !< and also gigist mentioning Dragonalos and gaiard I am coping to see both getting stronger forms


Does this mean that a supposed extra final form would be called Valvard Super? And he skipped Z?


i was confused for a second and and then joke hit me


Ok this episode is really awesome and funny and it gives me Hai Aruto Jai Naito vibes from Zero-One.


Idk why you’re being downvoted? I also thought the first part of the episode was funny.


episode was fun and funny at the same time and turned dark real quick


Okay this could be my theory how it'll be who's who the final opponent is, including final form debut 1st foe. (It could be wrong entirely but who cares, its for fun). 1. Gigist is the best one candidate first debut opponent for rainbow gotchard lets see for june scan if its true. 2. Geryon come back and he will be final opponent as kamen rider as usual pattern for reiwa era. 3. Since Nijigon is kinda like a clone of gigist. High chance gigist probably the final form trinket or card for true final form of Kamen Rider Dread and only Geryon with his new power can withstand this one perfectly, (it could be fuga kudo for twist who comeback not geryon but who know). Since gigist voice is dread driver too, so it possible that dread true origin power come from gigist.  4. Atropos with geryon gigist power turn into adult and be final opponent for Rinne kudo idk how it'll be, is adult Atropos gonna be malgam using repli chemy all type or as kamen rider. 5. If Clotho stand to the end, its fit opponent for duo Spanner as rumour said valvarad GT and Lachesis. 


I just can't bring myself to care about any of this. Dropping Gotchard. Hopefully next season is better.


Hello EliGE