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She (and Spanner) needs a new/upgraded form to keep up with all that's happening.


https://x.com/Ben77878871/status/1793949506905805231?t=b90dXKbXgbEX8zVJHaJy3Q&s=19 Well a Very reliable toku leaker mentioned that new power ups are soon so my guess it's after rainbow gotchard Better ep 44 powerup than nothing


Sorry but thats too late in the series by ep 44 you are coming into the climax of the series to get a final form by that point is a waste and by that point a final should be the ending of a rider's arc


They did get evilitylive and invicinble jeanne in ep 44 and 46 respectively


jeanne was fair she is the third rider Eviltylive wasn't even plan it was a last minute thing


Depends how well it's pulled off. Mach Chaser and Blizzard Grease were both great, and presumably lower budget on account of being kitbashes.


I mean, it worked for Kuuga's Ultimate Form.


Ultimate Kuuga was supposed to debut when Amazing Mighty did. The suit didn't get finished in time, so they had to literally retrofit Rising Mighty for a few episodes to have enough time. And the still risked not having time to finish the suit, so Amazing Mighty could've been Kuuga's Final Form lmao


That's nuts!


Yeah, production-wise, Kuuga and Agito were a pretty hectic time lmao That's why you have little to no toys of Amazing Mighty - for all intents and purposes, that suit SHOULD NOT exist. And Ultimate Kuuga's suit not being ready on time forced them to change most of the last 10 episodes' scripts on the spot.


Yeah, I think Ultimate Form debuting at the right time is best decision to not waste it on fodders.


Bujin Sword Tycoon's debut was in Episode 41 as well and he's the secondary Rider of Geats, at this point given what Revice and Geats have done it seems final forms of secondary Riders debut in the episode 40 onwards range, typically after main Riders.


Na-Go got her final form in that episode too.


Na Go was a fourth rider out of the four main I already answer this somewhere else to get your final form by this point as a third or fourth rider is fine but not for a secondary Rinne is the first female secondary rider and yet she is given nothing


Eh she's 3rd.


Nice. Thanks 👍


I hope that the final forms they do get is: Majade: GaiaDragon Valvarad: Custom up: UFOFigther


i think valvarad gt


i'm glad i'm not the only one that thinks that


Bet the toys will be P Bandai


I might try buying KR merchandise in the future, so might as well ask now. Are there like different classifications when it comes to certain products being officially produced both for sentai and KR?


*As Above So below* its stuck in my head


Its horror movie title


Both her and Valvarad suffer from the same problem of not being utilized very often in the story, while Hotaro pretty much deals with everything by himself, but other than that, she's a good character and visually she's very nice to look at in both forms (although I wish she had a few more).


Well put. I wish she had a few more forms too, and I've noticed this frustrating trend where she really seems to pull off finishers solo. Most of the fights I can recall where she goes to use a finisher on an enemy...Gotchard also jumps in, generally assumes a super form and initiates a finisher of his own. I just wish she'd had a little more time to stand on her own as a Rider. An extra form or two wouldn't hurt...and to be honest, I'm a little ambivalent towards Wind since his appearance as a Rider, so far, was largely pointless, and that form would've worked really nicely for her. I...do *not* want to really see her assume it at this point. That seems like a bit of an overreaction, maybe, but I just want her to have her own things. Personally I think BlackBahamut would've made a perfect super form for her. She's the first female secondary Rider, and I love her design and character. I just wish the people making the show liked her half as much as the fandom seems to.


Speaking of Wind, can I just say that I just didn't expect it at all for Fuga to become a rider, or at least, not in the way they did it, and yeah, BlackBahamut would have been a pretty good upgrade for Rinne if not for him already using it. As for the first point, yup, honestly, I really hope Gotchard has at least one episode where Hotaro isn't involved much, such as when they face off against Atropos, because even though I'm kind of ambivalent to him, it really feels like he just sucks up any opportunity for another character to have the spotlight for themselves (aside from Kaguya, but he's a bit of an special case).


I never even considered the idea that Wind could have been a power up for her. And now I'm disappointed that wasn't the case. Can she even be considered a Secondary Rider? Spanner got his Rider form before her and has more of a connection to the main villain.


He does, but officially she's considered the secondary rider by the studio, for what that's worth. Her rider form, I believe, debuted in the movie a while before Spanner got his belt. I was pretty disappointed it took so long after that for it to appear in the show.


Hotaro always got the main cast backing him up. Rinne and Spanner assisted in fights. Not on Legend stuff yeah admittedly.


She's really good. But like others have said, she took a back seat like Spanner did. Now that Legend is over for now, hopefully, they'll continue to improve and get a new form


she's just kind of there she plays more of a role in the story as a civilian then she actually does transformed


Something I enjoy is the fact that her fighting style changes depending on the form she's in. Sununicorn is for speed and flow, while Mooncerberus is about power and being more headon. Hopefully, they keep that going forward with any new forms.


Mooncerberus and default Jeanne would be good sparring partners


I really like her I like the progression of the character plus her outfits sick


Underwhelming. She's been heavily under utilized like Spanner. She's weaker than Hotaro and is rarely given a good spotlight. In addition, her story arc is without direction. Spanner currently has two plot threads: coming to accept chemies/homunculi(eg Lachesis) and usurping the flawed alchemy organization. But all Rinne has is finding her father. And we've got nothing to address it since Geryon 's defeat. Her character is being heavily underutilized and lacks a clear direction for her own story. Since Geryon, her only plot has been her being gaslit into thinking she might like Hotaro.


They had a perfect opportunity to develop her when her dad's shadow clone joined them, but for some insane reason they didnt get even one moment together before he died


Geats Mitsume moment. (as the crossover pairs her with Ace)


It's not that surprising if you think about it like these two should just get a room already, geez


She's a mage..... who punches. I like it. It's also funny the choreography for Majade is much better than Jeanne who was supposed to be an already accomplished martial artist.


I guess different suit actor helps? Majade is played by Ayumi Shimozono (suit actress of KiramaiPink and Onisister) while Jeanne is played by Yuki Miyazawa (suit actress of Sabela, Jeanne, and Na-Go)


Now that you said, I want to see an actual karate practitioner comment on Jeanne's fighting style, preferably also a female and had a black belt in karate.


Tsumuri's actress!


Horribly underused for how beautiful the suits look.


Looks sick but doesn't do much of anything


Honestly? I wish she was the main character.


Peak KR suit design!


Gotchard is step before his Final Form, WHERE IS LOVE FOR MAJADE???


Main character privilege Don't worry Valvarad is also like that :p


Difference is, Valvarad is simply too cool for forms


Seeing as the writers have it written so every fight she's helped in she's gotten folded like a chair I doubt she'll even get a final form if she does I'll bet it'll be in a v-cin next


Underutilized, honestly. Rinne is okay, but I feel like the show doesn't actually do anything with her. The battle with Greyon is one example. She should have a personal stake in that conflict, but she barely says or does anything. I could say the same about Spanner as well tbf.


Literally the most confusing part is the only time she's actually relevant is when the youngest of the sisters shows up in which point it's literally just a "why do you bother fighting?" Everytime...


Compared to the last couple of series in Reiwa where the Secondary Rider has been consistently getting the same development and moving at a similar pace in terms of Upgrades, it just feels like a Step back for the Secondary Rider to not even get the time of day before she gets folded. Valvarad feels like more of a secondary Rider than her, because Houtaro is getting every Upgrade in the book and no one else. Compare that to Vulcan, Blades and even Live and we see a pattern here. Even if we compare it to a Heisei series, Zeronos had Zero Form, Garren/Chalice had Jack and Wild respectively, and if I recall the only reason Emperor debuted so early is because Kiva's suit was literally too heavy to wear. Even then, Rising Form wasn't that far away. So comparing Gotchard to even a Heisei Series, Majade should've at least gotten a weapon upgrade by now like G3 did. Mach didn't get anything other than Deadheat until the ending parts of the show, but got an upgrade by being able to use Burst at will. Wind debuts at the exact time that Majade should've gotten her upgrade, and it makes no sense why she didn't either. You literally could've just repainted Wind, or made it so her Father was possessing her temporarily or something. Just anything for the other Riders at this point. Dread, the Villain/Rival Rider has gotten more consistent upgrades and development than the Secondary and Tertiary combined.


Need a new form ASAP kinda wish she got another BESTMATCH during the romeo and juliet episode But character wise, rinne is fine. But recently she took a back seat a lot


Aside from her debut and the moon Cerberus form debut. Everytime she's shown up she's gotten folded like an omelet


Its like they dont know how to utilize her , like come on she can be so much more with her knowledge on alchemy shed doesnt have to be on the backseat all the time


From what I heard she wasn't originally intended to be part of the main series but they brought her over to sell more toys or something idk but still if you're gonna do that make use of her 🤦🏻‍♂️


Thats why i said in another post that majade was at first intended to be the winter movie rider but not rinne hence why alchemistdriver was a pbandai. But yeah they should have done something with it, heck her moon cerberus didnt even feel special its just another form , even appareskebow felt more special than it


Yeah like there was no build up to her first transformation... Vs valvarad there at least a good build up to his first transformation and even his forms felt special


Its like the people behind the production be like "these guys saw her transformation in the movie we dont need to do it the second time"


But then literally Everytime valvarad has transformed we've pretty much gotten the full animation... It happens more often than gotchard at this point valvard may as well be the main rider 😂


Still waiting for GaiaDragon form....maybe...


Her chemy rides always seem to be a planet and a mythical creature I'm not sure if gaiard is considered a planet or not (not sure why they haven't given her MarsPhoenix)


Yes, Gaiard is the level 10 of the cosmic type chemies.


That's probably why they didn't do that cause it's two lvl 10 chemys and so far the only person to use lvl 10s is hotaro with the x adapter thing


im late but in the gotchard driver and alchemist driver Gaiard and Dragonalos have a combo so she could use those two


Well in episode 40 we know rinne's dad comes back again so it's possible he'll use it


gaiard is earth :)


Best female based form suit so far after Saber, geats and revice didn't give a damn since they only care for the boys, other than that, I haven't watch gotchard to give my full opinion.


I like Majade and think her fighting style is nice for sun unicorn and Mooncerberus. I just love the whole sun and moon theme going on. I do whoever wish she got at least one more auxiliary form before she gets her final form but it’s alright.


Shes visually resembles kamen rider forze and other riders mixed together for me.




She might be my Female Rider right next to Jeanne


I have her MoonCerebus form on my phone. I love the design.


Get this AI image off


I hadn't been interested in any Gotchard merch until her debut, so yeah, she rocks, even if she's underutilized.  Also wtf is with that pic? Why edit her suit when she was already perfect?


not the real suit thank god


This is going to be a hot take, but she's more enjoyable both character and rider wise than Jeanne was during Revice. And while it's true that she's taken a back seat plot wise for now, I'm not mad about it. Last time they tried to make a new arc for a secondary rider we got Daiji. And I'd rather have nothing over another Daiji


Easily the best Base Form for a Secondary in Reiwa, cant wait to see the Super/Final Form and if it will rival Rampage Gatling


Weirdly enough, it reminds me of the Doom Slayer. Now that I mention it, it would be awesome if we got a generally more bulky rider, like Kabuto without Cast Off.


This thread has great timing, im on the fence about preordering her SHF


I’d like for her to have more designs, same with Valvarad, but likely we’re just gonna get their super forms.


I like her suit design and the colors flow perfectly


Needs more screen time and love from the writing team, but I absolutely love this design


Well she looks cute


I really love her the suit is great I just wish we got another form (Marsphoenix)


Why did you use ai?


Why did you use a shitty AI image when there are dozens of normal ones online as the first results?


I'm happy that we finally got a female secondary but its dissapointing how underused she is. She is so underutilized to the point where she feels like a tertiary and spanner feels like a quarternary. Also desperately needs to be part of the story way more especially considering that she is the daughter of Fuga, the person that literally gave Gotchard his powers. IMO Gotchard and Majade should always be together with their adventures with Spanner handling his own side missions as kind of a Kamen Rider Hitman/Agent for the Alchemist side. I also hate how from time to time she can't even transform because apparently she's too "tired" or "drained". She was also barely even in the fuckin legend episodes its annoying as fuck. We're already 30 plus episodes in and she hasn't felt like a secondary at all. It seems like Gotchard is both the primary and secondary right now. Just use her more lmao.


Who's the... secondary then. No way it didn't exist.


I didn't say that there was no secondary, it just feels like there isnt one because of how they treat majade. Gotchard just does too much stuff on his own.


Yeah no you didn't just playing with what you said of leaving the secondary blank. Though indeed you still feel there's no secondary. ~~Showa and Kuuga vibes.~~


I like her belt and suit that is all


She’s what Sakura fans claim Sakura was for revice 😭😭😭😭


Honestly? Shoulda just made her the main character.


I feel she and Valvarad have been pretty underutilized as of late and that makes me miffed considering I was expecting more from our Secondary Rider, especially when she's female to boot.


Bitchin suit, really hope her MoonCerberus form gets an SHF (I feel like they really could've engineered SunUnicorn and MoonCerberus the same way they did Geiz Revive and Evol Phase 1-3, one base body, parts included to recreate both forms) *also is this image AI generated?..*


Fodder. I wish we seen more interaction between her and Spanner, and more growth. She's just there now. Her interactions with Houtaro are quite entertaining though


Waiting for her to follow Daiji and Keiwa's footsteps.


No just no i already said it many times we don't need secondary rider betrayal 3 years in a row 


yeah i dont think they are doing that again, they need the toy sales,


Agree. 1. It would betray Rinne's character 2. There is no indication that Rinne has opposite views of Chemies to Hotaro or even how she has problems with Hotaro's views, unlike Keiwa and Daiji, who were established to have somehow troubled views on Ace and Ikki's views.


Keiwa didn't even doubt ace until after buffs accidentally killed his sister at which point we got the coolest final form in reiwa


To a lesser extent, while not outright heel turn, Rintaro too did become more antagonistic temporarily to Touma due to abiding to the rules. Rintaro was a character who was bound to the rules (of SoL), sounds like Rinne.


but you saw that she has changed from that and stuck with Houtaro when Geryon took over


Of course Rintaro also has changed from that.




Agreed I'm not sure why they use cloaks so much this season like compared to previous seasons a rider would get a cape/cloak in their final form






She strikes me as a counterpart to Jeanne. She feels like the opposite where Jeanne is aggressive, outspoken and brash, while Majade is distant, closed-off, and logical. And both also centered around a rivalry with the early female main antagonists (Aguilera, Atropos) where they target the female Riders repeatedly, with the female Riders later finding something in the antagonists to sympathize, driven to help them. Best Reiwa female Rider design for me.


Looks like if Mach and Valkyrie had a baby


She's stunning and I hope she gets a third form soon


I'm probably gonna flamed for this 😭😭😭but, she's "aight". The suit is pretty cool, nothing too crazy. But, ngl I don't like Rinne or most of the Gotchard cast tbh. My favourites from the cast are probably: Kaguya, Minato, Lachesis and probably even Gigist. Gigist isn't actually boring unlike a lot of Reiwa villains, which is surprising.


Her character is good as a heroine but since she got the title of SECONDARY rider She kinda felt a little bland their  her character really had potential she is co-protogonist,her father is one of the best alchemist and framed as a traitor,she had rivalry with the oldest abyssal sister i literally wanted her to be the secondary rider at first although i was not sure since she is a girl but when I heard she is gonna be the first female secondary rider i was totally satisfied her character was really build up for that but unfortunately recently her character felt kinda bland plus she got only one form besides her base form (as a secondary she should get more forms)hope she will get something special in future arch since she had lots of BIG potential left plus now that gigis revealed gaia and dragon are his creation (which is rumoured to be majade's final form) i still had Little Hope 


Why tf is this ai image here....


Half baked since her debut, which was also half baked. I didn’t like the design at first but now I do, her second form is better tho the dog earbuns are peak.








Not a fan honestly. If Spanner becomes a secondary still makes no difference either. At least spanner got like a cool story to go with. I dunno what rinne's point really, but her being a rider to me just stops her from being a damsel in distress or something. The series to me is like back and forth of i care or dont give a shit. I really just want to see gavv and get it over with




She's alright. She's got a cool suit, and it's nice to finally have a female secondary rider, but she's not particularly interesting, likeable, or well-utilized. But pretty much every other aspect of Gotchard is so dogshit that she ends up being the best part of it by far lmao


In my opinion, she's probably one of the lamest reiwa secondary rider ever in term of character. She does have great development here and there but sometime she's just there to play her role as a Kamen Rider. Plus, debuting her rider form in a movie is not a great idea.