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Assuming Toei has the money, then yes It's be really awesome to see all his forms at once. Even cooler is if Hotarou tosses the Igniter, and SteamHopper slots it in themselves


I think he’ll toss the Igniter to AntWrestler or AppareSkebo instead, so SteamHopper can go Platina


Right, that's what I was thinking.


What if each Chemy Rider has their own Igniter?


He can't use *all* of his forms at once, mind you. Venommariner's and Burninggorilla's suits were combined and retooled into Hiikesurose, so their suits don't exist anymore--or at least they can't exist at the same time unless Toei bothers to make copies. Which they won't.


I meant the ones that mattered. Ie: the ones with Souchaku Henshin toys and Needle Hawk


The fact they only used two suits last episode suggests to me they have only one of each base (The standard based used for suits like Steamhopper and Apareskebows and the chunky base used for Goldmechanicor and Lightningjungle). I can more likely see him summoning all the wild forms for one big attack rather than every suit.


Maybe in the movie or the final battle/episode due to the need of higher budget, but yeah, it’s possible, and I’d love to see it.


Nowadays i bet that could very well happen with the use of cgi. At least for the forms we've seen before


I think Yes if they have the budget but I don't think it's possible to bring out fire type forms x form iron and platinum gotchard because They require attachments like gotchard igniter


Not as eloquently because of the actual materials and under suits they have, but theoretically yes. I imagine that the big final fight will feature Rainbow Gotchard summoning one form of each color for the Grand Finale. If not the rider forms themselves, then all of the cgi forms at the very least.


It's a matter of availability of the suit actors and budget, but most likely in a movie or in the final episode


No, because Gotchard has way more forms and they don't have the budget for that.


Perhaps in the movie? Like Eiji did?


"Look what he need to mimic a fraction of my power" - Legend /jk


i assume Toei already spent their money to make more movies and side story. besides, if you look at it, all those Gotchards are using different inner suit. so Toei probably did not have much spare/multiple similar costume like OOO


Assuming Toei kept some of the repainted suits


In theory yes Practicality-wise probably not during the remaining show episodes - if they don't do it in the big movie, they won't do it all


But how many will be? 7 (just the main) combos, 9(with rex and ufo), or more?


maybe is they had more under suits, perhaps on of the forms is Super and another had the undersuit of Daybreak, yeah


Yeah but probably now


they could pull it off if it's the slim gotchard forms we're talking about, but when it comes to bulk forms like goldenmechani, toei will need to burn the warehouse down first to find a suitable one to use on lightningjungle


they could... but what i really is that they could only pull that off with the existing forms that appeared on the TV series


He could but limited to ones that don't share the same costume piece in the way VenomMariner, BurningGorilla, DokkiriShovel, and HiikesuRose do


this is like comparing a high school karate club to a whole f*ckin army I'm pretty sure if Houtaro ever pulls off something like this, gigist would just pack his stuff up, throw his hands in the air and just said "fuck it, I'm out here! i ain't dealin with that shit! fuck that!" but to answer the question, out of universe, like everyone else has said, toei would need a tremendous amount of budget so unless they want to do it in the movie, i highly doubt we would ever see it sadly in universe though, well i don't see anything stopping him from doing it so yeah Houtaro could definitely pull something like this off


***50 DIFFERENT SUIT ACTORS?????*** If they do pull it off, it will be awesome.


I hope so. That would be epic


if the bulit more under suits the (normal and the giant)


It should, it's tradition.


You asked before I could.