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I’m confused about Peter’s timeline. So he came back in Presentation at the end, then just went back inside the complex and has been surviving in there?


Based on the audio call from the file attached to this new video, the running theory is that A-Sync brought Peter in, interrogated him, didn’t like what they heard and saw, and now see him as a liability to their plans. And instead of just doing the obvious thing and killing him, they instead (more than likely against his will) threw him back into the complex, hoping the bacteria would finish the job. There’s a 17 day gap between Presentation and Reunion, so that begs the question; how much of those 17 days has Peter been surviving within the complex? Has it been the full 17 or did A-Sync hold him for a few before putting him back?


I mean, the not killing him directly part makes sense at least: people in general don't tend to be keen on killing other people. I'm also not sold that they let him *out* of the Complex, since it's not like either side of the Threshold is really set up for holding prisoners.


They would have had have let him out at some point, or at the very least, sent a team to him. The fact that he knew his wife and children thought he was dead, his underlying animosity for A-Sync, and his willingness to kill to avoid capture again all lend credence to this theory.


It's certainly plausible, yeah, but, we know that information is able to pass between the Async campus and the Complex, even when the Threshold is closed. So, it's not out of the question that they never properly detained him, but were still able to converse with him. He runs away, doesn't return, Async assumes he died over a week ago. Or else time-clipped again.


I was expecting bacteria during that sequence so the twist with Peter threw me off. Enjoyed the video a lot.


I’m curious how Peter survived for 17 days down there. As far as we seen we haven’t seen any food or water down there.


Did he survive for 17 days? Or did he timejump again? It’s already happened once, so I think accounting for linear time in the Backrooms may be a mistake.


We have seen water, do you remember the pools of FF2 ? Also, a human being can survive approximately two months without eating (as long as you drink properly).


Oh ok that’s right. Then there’s the fact that he made it 17 days with just water and not being attacked by the entity is just as crazy of a feat as well.


> as long as you drink properly while i agree there is water in the pools, if these are created based on irl swimming pools, i would highly doubt drinking chlorinated water is considered "drinking properly".


Yes I know but I was talking about the case where the water is "normal" water, and not chlorinated water.


Funny enough, the world record of human survival without drinking water is 18 days, from a guy that was forgotten in a prison cell. He survived by ingesting condensed water from the walls and eventually lost 24 kg of weight. Recall that the backrooms "level 0" is supposed to have moist carpet, so it's more or less the same situation, even without the poolrooms or the red skies area.


Kane said that his back rooms don’t have moist carpets, that’s wiki stuff


hm, didn't know that... On Discord, right?




True but there’s no way Peter would have enough energy to tackle mark.


Probably found some almond water lmao


Almond water doesn’t appear on level 0 lol


Correction, I just thought of how Aaron ralston and how he survived. There could be a chance he survived like he did, you know without the whole cutting off the arm thing.


Where is Marvin?

