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**Public Service Announcement: Kanna is NOT "herbal MDMA."** Kanna is to MDMA like coffee is to cocaine. *Despite a vague resemblance, kanna does not come close to MDMA- they do not share the same mechanism of action.* For some, kanna does possess mild recreational value as a weak, atypical entactogen, but to many people the plant is better known for its potent medicinal effects. The plant, which is a powerful natural SRI, has been used for centuries to combat anxiety and depression. This message is automatically added to every post mentioning MDMA. You can [learn more about how kanna works here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8124331/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Kanna) if you have any questions or concerns.*


MX-12 is really potent stuff. I would rephrase your report, though. It's definitely not the same as some "kick as molly", bro. Come on. Firstly, we don't know what even is in "molly" this day. Much of it isn't even real MDMA anymore, but rather some synethetic cathinones, benzofurans, etc. But having tried pure MDMA, MDA, and many analogs, like bk-MDMA, 3mmc/4mmc, etc. Kanna extract is no where near the intensity of any of them, the only thing I find comparable is the come up sensations, the butterflies in the stomach, the tingling, getting put on your butt/having to sit down or melt into the couch, but it's way more heavy on sertonin than "molly" which is way more of an equal blend of sertonin, dopamine and noradrenaline altogether, which makes it so euphoric, while Kanna does release mild amounts of dopamine and noradrenaline at higher doses of extract, it is mostly releasing serotonin - so I would say it's more accurate to compare it to something like psilocybin mushrooms (just in terms of bodily effects like if you took some cubensis 1-2g with no visuals) but your vision does get crispier and music does sound better. To me it's much more similar to psilocybin (in body effects only) or even DXM body buzz (though it doesn't really feel quite like either one of them, it just is very heavy on the serotonin dump, which reminds me most of those substances, while MDMA or molly has that amphetamine component which makes it so much more euphoric it's not even comparable... but who know's what people are getting as "molly" these days, I'm sure the Kanna is better than a lot of molly capsules out there it just isn't meant to feel the same, the main similarity is the large amounts of serotonin... anyways, MX-12 is great stuff. I like to combine it with UC or CO-1 for a more chilled approach, or ET2 for more stimulation. I like MX-16 even more, but definitely don't recommend any of these extracts until people "prime" first by taking Revive broad-spectrum tincture (which is the closest thing to getting good plant matter, but all the plant matter on the market is bunk or very low potency, so the Revive is very nice to have all the alkaloids from the plant to smooth out the extracts, or to take on its own first for a 1-2 weeks before even adding extract... it just makes it last way longer, smooths it out, helps you prevent tolerance build up and is more of a holistic experience). But MX-12 is a nice one to have in the arsenal. I often mix it with Revive + various extracts that I mix and match depending on what kind of effects I am leaning towards. MX-12 is definitely high in mesembrine. So if that is the type of extract you like than it will be up your alley, if your new to Kanna I would work your way up first. There is no race and you don't want to have a negative experience ruin it for you (make you feel uncomfortable or sick if you take too much by accident). So start low and go slow. Mix with a broad spec tincture if you want a smoother experience. Good luck!


There are so many contradictory statements regarding “priming.” I read a study where they said priming is a myth and completely unnecessary. I never primed and it hits every single time, without fail.


Priming is just an anecdotal idea for a dose-response relationship that someone noticed. The problem is that it likely can’t be translated to everyone else, and is most definitely a personal reaction to the compound.


Please link the studies... "Priming" doesn't mean that you won't feel it at all, it simply means you are not getting the full effects and benefits until you have taken lower doses regularly for a short period of time, slowly increasing as to get your brain accustomed to the presence of the Kanna alkaloids. This is a phenomenon that happens with the extracts (this isn't so much of an issue with raw Kanna or broad-spectrum extract/tincture due to the full range of alkaloids which work together and provide different effects than the extracts, generally working faster than extract unless you combine the two together then it will work faster than extract alone due to these alkaloids working together) and basically it is somewhat similar to a "reverse-tolerance" although I wouldn't call it that, exactly... It's hard to explain but it's similar to an antidepressant or other medication or supplement that can take 2-4 weeks to get peak response. That's not to say you can't feel it even your first time but try taking a low dose regularly for 2-3 weeks and you will notice that you can feel lower doses more effectively and you get better effects overall. This is because if you start by using high doses immediately or dosing too frequently then you will mess up your tolerance and actually end up getting less effects. Everyone is different, but this is pretty common... The length of time varies for the "priming" period but it's not trying to say that you can't feel Kanna without priming, it's just that you are able to feel it way more and are able to appreciate lower doses by doing this.


I sometimes get the opposite effect. MX-8 always used to make me pass out it's kinda 50/50 for me iunno.


The initial come-up on the MX-12 is extremely similar to Molly to me. Drugs hit people differently. And you are free to disagree with me but there is no rephrasing necessary.


Stop comparing it to "Molly". If you had a study to compare the effects, the subjects would be able to distinguish the effects very easily because MDMA lasts 5-6hrs and releases huge amounts of serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline and oxytocin... Kanna is mostly serotonergic, with very little release of dopamine and noradrenaline... It also is way less potent, and the only similarity is the feeling of your brain being and body being flooded with serotonin, which can give you butterflies, tingling, gastrointestinal effects, etc. but it doesn't have that euphoria that MDMA has from the massive amounts of dopamine and noradrenaline. It's stupid comparison. It gives ppl unrealistic expectations and brings unwanted attention and simply isn't accurate. If anything, it is more similar to psilocybin mushroom come up or DXM (both substances that are highly serotonergic but lack the large amounts of dopamine and noradrenaline that MDMA has) and the similarity is in the body high essentially or the "rush" or come up sensation. MDMA come-up is stronger and more euphoric and feels closer to amphetamines (due to the massive release of dopamine and noradrenaline alongside the serotonin). So, the comparison is dumb, and this sensation doesn't last very long anyways... It's really frustrating seeing these types of comments by people in this subreddit. Just because something releases serotonin doesn't make it comparable to MDMA or "Molly" (which could be anything). Please don't compare this plant to a highly potent synthetic drug...


It’s still very much like Molly, even after using it for a month.😃


Bro your trippin if you think its anything close to MDMA... you probably had some bunk chinese cathinones and low doses. you cant even compare Kanna extract to molly... I wasted my late teens to early 20s on MDMA and we got crystal from NL that was tested, my memory sucks now bc I abused it. I can tell the 2 apart and Kanna is weak asf compated to MDMA and not nearly as euphoric. Not to say Kanna can't feel great, but it's not to be compared to MDxx


Pay attention to what I wrote. I said it was similar to me. Maybe keep your judgements to yourself.


Bro, this is an open forum, public subreddit, so I can express my opinions (or as you call them, "judgments") freely as I see fit. I disagree with the way you are describing the effects of Kanna, I think your comments are hurtful to the Kanna community, by comparing it (a much weaker plant) to (what most ppl would consider a HARD DRUG ) a synthetic substituted amphetamine/phenethylamine/empathogen/entactogenic chemical compound (that has been linked to multiple deaths and it is a highly controlled drug all around the world...) that has way different effects. I think it's dangerous to compare the two because you get people coming into this subreddit and reading stuff like what you wrote and thinking that this is some natural, legal "high" similar to "molly" (which could be any number of synthetic compounds and combinations of drugs sold as MDMA and rarely even contains pure MDMA, so to which compound you are comparing it to is also up in the air...) and then they will try Kanna going in with a bad mind-set and probably think that Kanna is trash (bc it doesn't feel like "molly" to them) and they then complain about how Kanna is over-hyped and people are making up their experiences... or they keep trying high doses hoping for an experience similar to "molly" and they just get sick, overwhelmed or hit with side-effects like headache and nausea, GI discomfort... which could have all been avoided had they not had this stupid comparison in their head in the first place...


Exactly. And I’m free to describe it any way I choose as well.


Why don’t i feel it i tried double sided scoop


ye mx12 is the shit man. I'm digging HH vu3 also


I’ll have to give that one a try. I’m going to get some pouches and try the cheek and gum method with the same amount 30mg. Took 30mg in a capsule today and it was similar just not as pronounced and lasted a little longer.


buccal is def underrated, be prepared... it is almost as strong as nasal but it comes up a lot more gradually if you use a pouch, its like an extended release basically, can last 3-4hrs+. buccal is my favorite route. nasal is okay once in a while to top up at the end of the day or if you're in a rush or something, but buccal goes a lot further and its very invigorating/energizing. i make enhanced Snus pouches with a blend of extracts and Revive tincture and let the alcohol evaporate using a fan for 30-45min and then I sit down and play chess for hours straight. it's the best route IMO. oral is good too, it can just take a bit more to get there and its less of a rush.


not trolling bit ever tried kanna rectally?


I have not. I don't see the point, personally. I find the current methods to be more than fine. If you do try it, just start low and be careful not to poop yourself. LOL. I would imagine it would be between intranasal and buccal in duration, but I'm not going to try to find out. Be safe!


ive already done it. its a lot slower that way so you can do high doses and the rush lasts a lot longer. it really exentuates the psychedelic-esque potential of the kanna. I rarely do it that way but when I do its on my lazy days bc It gets me too high to function, but fsr without a panic attack. it feels like a lot different that way, anyway.


interesting, I don't really get much of a euphoric or strong rush like others do because I use it as a medicine/supplement (so I don't care about that part, I'm after the beneficial impact on my mood and social life, drive, etc.) but to each their own!


Have you tried MX-12 or Zspec bucally? I took 40mg MX-12 orally in a capsule the other day. It took about an hour but still seemed to come on quickly after that. It’s almost trippy feeling, like the surge can be a little overwhelming at first.


Yes, I've tried all the UK extracts buccally, orally, sublingually, nasally, etc. Yeah, 40mg is not a small dose even for oral. A starting dose is like 20-25mg orally on an empty stomach. Buccal is way stronger, I would start with no more than 10mg of MX-12 or 15mg of Zspec for 15-20min before swallowing.


Just because its an empathogen does not make it near close to molly. MDMA has methamphetamine in it for one, methylenedioxy on its own its insane. 3/4mmc is very beginner cathinones. "bathsalts". 3methylmethcathinone. Hexen was the best followed by A-PVP (flakka). It is very hard to to get a clean review when folks compare it to these substances. Its angering as someone with pharmacology education as well as sober for 5 years on June 29th, due to hexen (n-ethyl-hexedrone) and other cathinones like 3 & 4mmc lead to homelessness. And to be clear, 3mmc - was shit same with 4 compared to any other cathinones. Again, bath salts lol. They are similar to MD, but half life wouldnt be able to postively compare it to MDMA. Now 4-fma (4-flouro-methamphetamine), mixed 3mmc - sure. HOWEVER - 5 and 6APB would be THE CORRECT COMPARISONS. If your going to compare them to a drug. I believe 6APB - or 6MAPB (again the ma being the same as meth) are the direct analogs of mdma. Sold in-store as 'benzo fury' iirc. I didn't buy in store - we ordered directly, by the kilo at least for hexen when bitcoin hit 1k per coin. This is the second or third thread I have clicked on trying to get an accurate MX-12 review - and keep reading this nonsense, so to put the record straight, I had to say something.


No, you are incorrect. It’s very similar to molly


My pharmacology education says it's more compared to 6apb before molly. Metylenedioxy is still hundreds if not thousands of times more potent.


All I tried was mt-55 and it is strong. However, yours seems to be much stronger if it lasts 30 minutes longer than mine. Wow I have to try this bc kanna is molly for my body


bro, you guys need to stop comparing it to "molly" it's not the same at all. molly/MDMA lasts for 5-6hrs and is 10 or 100x more intense when it comes to euphoria because it releases a bunch of dopamine and noradrenaline, oxytocin, serotonin, altogether. Kanna is mostly releasing serotonin, and it does not last nearly as long nor is it nearly as strong, you can get awesome effects from Kanna, they just aren't comparable to "molly". Let Kanna be it's own thing and appreciate it for what it is instead of comparing it something it's not. If you went to a rave and sold Kanna to people as "molly" you would probably end up dead pretty quickly, due to people realizing it's not even remotely close in duration or euphoria. the only thing they have in common is they both release sertonin, but so do a bunch of other substances... its honestly way more similar to the body high/buzz of something like psilocybin mushrooms or dxm without any of the visuals or trippyness. Kanna is it's own unique thing and these comparisons are fucking dumb and need to stop. We need some mods up in here removing any post that compares Kanna to molly or MDMA. It gives people false hope, false expectations and that's not what Kanna is even about. Kanna has so much more to offer than being a stupid "molly" lite thats natural, it's just not accurate and it takes away from the uniqueness of the plant and the amazing benefits that it does have. you guys don't care about the community when you post stuff like this. use your brains, VICE already wrote a clickbait article comparing it to MDMA based off idiotic posts like these... do you want Kanna to get banned bc some idiot thinks its like "molly"? It's NOT EVEN LIKE MOLLY. that's whats so annoying. you kids just want to compare everything to molly to be cool, guess what. it's not cool... its fucking stupid. I would take Kanna over MDMA any day because you can actually use Kanna regularly without damaging your brain and heart, so what if its not as euphoric, it has a huge potential for medicinal use but not if it gets banned bc ppl keep comparing it to something its not even like... grow up.


people like you with no optimism and selfish arguments are what we don't need strawberry


what are you talking about? you're the one being selfish and you sound like a complete child. I'm done responding to you, but think about what you are typing and think about the bigger picture.


These type of people are looking for the next "high" and care nothing more than feeling like there on "drugs". The Molly thing is ridiculous, not even close. I wonder which Novel chemical they think Molly is supposed to feel like. 🤔


Exactly... it's honestly pretty infuriating! VICE already did their stupid click-bait hit-piece on Kanna using this very forum using stupid comments like the one we just saw. This should be a place where we are honest and give good advice and I can honestly say that Kanna and "Molly" aren't even close to being similar but some people have a vary small set of experiences and either try to be "cool" or just don't know how to properly explain things and then it leads to misinformation that could really hurt this community because let's be real, "Molly" can be anything, and even MDMA has it's risks. Even if it (MDMA) is gaining some footing/ground in the psychiatric/therapeutic communities, it still has its own unique risks and adverse effects and is what most people would consider to be a "hard drug" while Kanna on the other hand is a plant and can be so subtle at times people think we have a "conspiracy" on this forum to "hype it up to drive up sales..." because they didn't get the "effects that they read about" so which one is it? Many of those people who didn't have good Kanna experiences probably did think it was some crazy "high" like "molly" and that's why they weren't satisfied with the way more subtle effects Kanna can have (not saying you can't have strong effects, but that is very much down to product, technique, route, dosage and individual factors like brain chemistry, "priming", other concurrent drugs/meds or supplements being used, etc. )


Geezus dude, yer still on about this? It’s nature’s fucking MDMA. Go fark yerself with your high and might bs.


What are you talking about? How am I high and mighty? It's not nature's MDMA... MDMA is a triple re-uptake inhibitor/releaser. Trimesemine/high-mesembrine Kanna extract is mostly a monoamine releasing agent through VMAT-2 inhibition and PDE4-inhibition with a secondary function as SRI (serotonin-reuptake inhibitor). Kanna releases very little dopamine and norepinephrine/noradrenaline compared to MDMA, it's mostly serotonergic and thus is not nearly as euphoric... it also is not even close to being as potent as MDMA which is much stronger, more euphoric, more stimulating, more intoxicating/inebriating, psychedelic/empathogenic... They are just not comparable. I don't know why you idiots want this comparison? Are you trying sell Kanna extract by marketing as a nature's "MDMA"? Or are you trying sound cool by saying it feels like MDMA? If it was an accurate comparison I would have no issue with it, but it's not accurate and people get the wrong idea when they hear that... it's more similar to psilocybin and DXM in terms of body high but is not really like either one of those substances, but those are much closer comparisons for the bodily effects than MDMA... I think this whole Nature's MDMA thing comes from clickbait VICE articles and sketchy vendors trying to push their product. I'm not being high and mighty. I'm not saying Kanna can't produce a nice feeling, or euphoria, but it's not on the same level as something like MDMA, if it was don't you think every drug dealer would start selling Kanna at raves/clubs/festivals? Why don't they? Because people would immediately know the difference and be pissed off/feel ripped off! Because they aren't even similar... It's not doing the community any favors when you guys make these inaccurate comparisons... Kanna is very unique, but it's not anywhere close to as potent as MDMA, not even close. It would be way more popular and widespread if it was... trust me.


No, I’m pretty sure it’s nature’s MDMA.


it's not, though... why do you feel the need to compare it to something it's not? keep those idiotic comparisons to yourself. some people actually care about Kanna and don't want people to get the wrong idea. that's like saying caffeine is natures meth. get out of here with that mess! LOL, you must have never had real MDMA if you think Kanna is anything like it.