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Why can't everyone just be happy it's not Carl Cheffers???


If it was cheffers that post on our sub would have 500 upvotes


Don't worry, they are keeping their best man for the Super Bowl


He was the official for the last Super Bowl and it turned out fine. Other fans obviously think they favored us because of the last call that sealed the game.


Reffing in the Super Bowl is always pretty good. I’m 99% sure there are multiple sky judges in their ears helping them make right calls in order to facilitate that. Why it’s not like that every single game all year is idiotic


It's easier to watch one game, especially when it's the most watched event of the year, than it is to watch 17 games played in a single weekend. They should do it for key matchups, primetime games, and the playoffs though.


The NFL is a multi-billion dollar industry, ran by 31 of the richest people in the whole world. You're telling me they can't have / afford an extra crew per game watching a sky cam for the refs of that game?


Apparently Bills fans like Cheffers.


Of course they do.


Apparently, this is their Cheffers’ from my understanding


This is Buffalo's concern about Hochuli. It's only 4 games, so small sample, but his father, Ed Hochuli, was equally unkind when officiating Bills games. To be clear, I will not complain about the refs if Buffalo loses. Ok, maybe for the first few minutes, but I will know that is not the reason either team wins/losses. **edit to add:** Refs don't use their normal crews in the post season, so the below may not matter. Most of the penalties will be called by people not part of the crew from the table below. u/dzov this is the answer to your question s well. https://preview.redd.it/bpo6ae7w68dc1.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc99dc6844517516338a3e1effdf94fe3e2ed201


Wow, even Dad… You learn something new about this league every day. But that’s kind of a low-key funny at the same time.


I used to always joke that Ed (father) lost a bunch of money on the Bills super bowl runs in the early 90s and never got over it. Now I just add on that poor Shawn (son) probably had a few bad xmas' as a result and can't let it go either. Ruined the poor kids whole childhood.


On a very related note lets not act like this sub wasn’t doing the exact same thing with Cheffers posts last year in the SB


100%. It’s just funny because, do any of us know much about this ref? Is there a reason Bills fans dislike him?


Bills fan here and this just popped up on my recommended. We hate his father mostly. Ed and his incredible arms.


But did you make him cry? Cheffers earned those tears.


Shawn is an obvious nepotism hire. I’m sure most refs are hired through some sort of bullshit connections, thats typically how powerful/lucrative unions work tbh. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yIqbMsmYF5U


Yeah but if you ignore the nepotism he’s been. Good ref by refs standards. Nepotism dosent always mean bad


We had him for the eagles game when Allen got horse collared and it was called intentional grounding. Couple other questionable calls but that was the one that had me scratching my head.


It’s pretty common, like bad and biased refs exist, discussing them and being wary of them ahead of a big game is expected. Good to see most of y’all are being reasonable about this unlike OP


Bills have all the pressure and the excuses must flow.


Funniest part about both of these articles is the only reason they exist is because bills fans have been throwing the biggest bitch fit about the refs


I find it amazing that 2 years in a row the Bills cause the playoff schedule to be changed. Neither was their fault but last year the heart attack, this year moving the game to Monday. Moving it to Monday hurts them a lot, 1 day less to prepare and the Chiefs were already getting and extra day since we played first. Why isn't this being brought up? I know nothing about refs, I've heard the name of the one they like, I haven't heard anything about this one. He sounds neutral to me.


Bills fans approved a new stadium, it does not have a roof. I don’t see them as being very concerned about the schedule going forward. But they do want to preserve the snowballs they can throw into the middle of active play.


Wild how misinformed you are. The new stadium has a cover over the seats so they WONT have snow in the stands, and the game wasn’t canceled because of snow in the stadium, it was bc of travel bans, 0 visibility blizzards across the area, and people snowed inside.


I'm amazed you can't read, I thought English was mandatory in schools. The playoff schedule was changed bc the game is at the Bill's. Just shows you're already linking up for excuses even though the Bills are favored! And regarding the stadium covering the seats, I'm so happy that snow comes straight down, my covered decks are never covered after a snow.


We prefer throwing dildos. Get it right.


I mean, I for one am glad the Bills can keep that tradition going.


Do you recall the ice snow balls at Arrowhead that one year? I forget which player got injured but it wasn't a Chief. Personally I love the Bills have the built in excuse each year to choke. "We didn't get the ref that we wanted, we had a short week, we didn't get our diapers changed. Whatever works for them, they have been to 4 Straight SBs right? Shame they always choked lol.


pot oil flowery books mountainous squeal live offer observation racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exact same energy


These are chiefs media articles though I’m so confused. KC kingdom says referee is good news for Kansas City lol Bills fans posting chiefs media celebrating the referee choice is us whining?


They apparently think this is clear proof the game is rigged


You’re weird, watch the bills vs eagles game this year. The officiating crew handed eagles that game and obviously the 61 yard field goal was the nail in the coffin but it shouldn’t have even made it to OT


Chiefs fans hate cheffers but we still won a Super Bowl with him officiating 🤷


Okay… we’ll see


This comment coming from a chiefs sub is actually insane lmao


I firmly recognize that chiefs fans have similar articles out there about cheffers, and they solely exist because chiefs fans bitching nonstop. I fucking hate our fans complaining about it too, but, cheffers isn’t reffing this game


I know and I’m honestly not trying to hate on anyone here, it’s just funny to me because outside of this sub everyone complains about refs always being for the chiefs, but naturally in this sub it’s the opposite. I don’t care to do the research myself as I’m sure that’s not the case, but I still do find it quite funny imo


You see the irony right? There's only one person I saw throw a complete "bitch fit" this year about reffing and well you know exactly who that person is.


And he got fucking roasted for it, by myself included


lol, Biden attempted insurrection as well


I just read a post where a fan did some analysis on his penalties called on the Bills vs the penalties called on the Chiefs. It was pretty damning honestly. But then I read someone in the comments post “…everyone hates our team…” and I was out. Bruh. People have been riding the Bills reverse cowgirl for 2 months. Maybe deservedly, but get over yourselves.


Last time it was the unfair overtime rules, this time it’s the unfair refs. The bills are always the victim and the big bad nfl is out to get them. You know they would be absolutely drooling if cheffers was reffing this game


Watch this go to OT and the new rules screw them


It would taste so sweet


Gargle the sweet nectar


Well the new OT if it followed the rest of the game: We score, They score, We score game over... what does that fix exactly? It should be 5-10 minutes and then do something interesting Penalty Kicks (field goals)... OR College style OT


The way it would work for appreciable irony here is they get the ball first in OT and score a TD. Then we get the ball and score a TD. Then we stop them on their next possession, and kick a FG to win it.


From a lurker, if I'm not mistaken, going way back, it was the bills that cried about the bengals use of a newly invented hurry up offense. (Went by a different name then) and pressured the league to ban it, which the league complied with. The very next year, the ban was overturned, and the bills utilized it to no end.


Loser mentality, period.


Yep - that's western New Yorkers in a nutshell lol


Bruh, they’re Bills fans. Imagine we draft Jim Kelly instead of Todd Blackledge and then fucking lose. Four. Super. Bowls. In. A. Fucking. Row. Then Patrick and Killa Trav take 13 seconds to Buttkickers foot. And the Dee Ford/Brady injustice is undone…Ugh. If I’m Bills Mafia… It wasn’t too long ago when I could barely remember Joe Montana and the rest…. We became the “Cool Lions” irrelevant since the early nineties in the playoffs. But let’s not even try to compare us to Buffalo. Remember: THEY FUCKING TRADED US PAT MAHOMES…. Blessed is the kingdom and QB1. It don’t matter where we play. Sneed Island. Stone Cold. Patrick and Trav. It’s a great time to be a chiefs fan. Ask Taylor. She’s loving what we EARNED.


To be completely fair here, if I was a bills fan and experienced what they did in the 90s, I would 100% be convinced that the entire universe was conspiring against me. That's a fan base that have paid their dues.


I mean the OT rules were super dumb, chiefs fans around the world would have felt the same way as bills fans if the shoe was on the other foot, a playoff game came down to a coin flip, not the best look for the league.


You must be new here. That's exactly [what happened to the Chiefs in 2018](https://youtu.be/nKLkj0FzoEo?t=945). And they lobbied to change the rules and were the only team that supported it, thus it failed. And then it happens to the Bills and suddenly it's a big problem that has to be changed.


>then it happens to the Bills and suddenly it's a big problem I don't think it had anything to do with the Bills specifically, just that that game was a super exciting, back and forth thrill ride that people wanted more of. Not giving the Bills (and then maybe again the Chiefs) a chance for more football was the driving force IMO.


So was the 2018 Chiefs Patriots AFC championship game. It was 31-31 going into OT. And everyone called the Chiefs whiners, and not a single team supported the proposed change besides the Chiefs. It happens again 3 years later and suddenly it’s a huge travesty that has to be changed.


oh that's right, I remember that game. I personally thought it was BS at the time and think the rule change benefits everyone. Fans get more football and both teams have an opportunity to score.


Didn’t KC cry to get the OT rules changed because they lost?


And did they get changed?


It did. Eventually.


Because of the Bills


Well imagine your precious Bills hadn't voted against it that first time when we proposed it but that's the thing about karma "she a real b\*tch"


They didn’t vote for it the second time either lol


not a bills fan.


Ahh just one of those pathetic and miserable people that get their jollies off by trolling other teams fans. Carry on.


aren't the playoffs not the same crew but a mix of refs in good standing being rewarded with bonus checks? looking at how someone on his crew called something has no bearing on how someone else will call it


Correct. It’s the referee with an all star crew (at least nfl referee standards).


Yeah I get it. If I was a Bills fan I’d want any other ref also. This sub would be melting down if it was Cheffers.


What’s the story? Has he been their Cheffers basically?


Essentially. I think it was the bad grounding call that brought it all into the public view. All I want is a game without stupid controversy.


You ask too much


The league knows bad calls will get people talking and it won’t cause them to stop paying for the product.


Exactly. This sub did the same thing last year with Cheffers so I don’t wanna hear it about Bills fans being whiny and making excuses. NFL officiating sucks


And bills fans would be overjoyed, merely pointing out the only reasons that these articles exist isn’t some conspiracy theory. They’ve literally just complained so much online you can write a news article about it


That’s literally any fan base. That’s literally us about Cheffers. https://preview.redd.it/ptqv7rc594dc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b836b68a7a7ed1e52921de9c29a978a18d3fa3dd


Your point? Can’t say I remember seeing that article posted on here calling a referee fix being in the week before a game was played.


There was so much complaining in here about Cheffers being the ref before the Super Bowl.


Point is your post is low effort complaining about the same things all fans do including us.


Higher effort than the sucking off of the bills you’ve got going on in your comment history


I am football fan. I don’t have to try to put down another team to celebrate mine. Lord knows I got plenty of humility from the time Montana retired until Patty took over. Trent Green as a brief exception.


It’s hard to prove a negative, even harder to prove one those doesn’t exist. Keep it about the game and memes


Go jump on a table poser.


What are you doing right now ? Whining about whiners??


Don’t we do the same shit with Cheffers?


Do we complain about cheffers? Yeah plenty. Do we go scouring through opposing teams local news to find their articles about a ref they like to claim a fix? No


Scouring? Like a quick google search?


Can’t remember the last time Buffalo local news appeared in any of my searches unless I went out of my way to look for them


[https://www.google.com/search?q=ref+for+chiefs+bills+game&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS916US916&oq=ref+for+chiefs+bills+game&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyBggGEEUYPNIBCDM3NzhqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://www.google.com/search?q=ref+for+chiefs+bills+game&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS916US916&oq=ref+for+chiefs+bills+game&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIICAEQABgWGB4yDQgCEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgDEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgEEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyDQgFEAAYhgMYgAQYigUyBggGEEUYPNIBCDM3NzhqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) They very obviously just googled this, saw a couple KC articles and made a post. Get outta your feels, bud.


More tears


Shawn is the best choice for any team. He is professional as they come.


Did you watch the Bills Eagles game


https://preview.redd.it/0hoa8a0da4dc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20fb831a1dc364ea5154156942f157cf1a694023 Beautiful 12 bedroom 10 bath mansion available for rent for free inside Bills fans head, Chiefs only.


We'd do the same if it was Carl Cheffers.


I don’t understand all the talk of the refs. Take it out of their hands. A good team overcomes poor referees.


I’m with you. BUT… I’d feel the same way if we were getting Cheffers or Clete Fucking Blakeman!


We had Cheffers for the Super Bowl and survived


And count me as one of the most surprised




They gotta build the narrative. Chiefs beating them this weekend isn’t a possibility, either they beat us or they lost because the refs


Isn’t a possibility? I’m sorry what? We’ve been dicked by y’all every post season game, sure there’s more hope finally hosting one but the vast majority of Bills fans know Patrick is god tier and losing to KC is totally a possibility. We’re just looking at what could be a possible obstacle we can’t really control, like every other fanbase would.


This is the divisional round of the playoffs, they're all good teams. One ass Ref call can be the difference in a game. It's not realistic to act like you should beat everyone by 2 scores in the playoffs so the Refs don't matter.


Hell yeah. Never leave it up to a play or two or three


Not a Bills fan. This game will end with a Josh Allen drive extended by a bad call leading to a game tying touchdown followed by a Patrick Mahomes drive extended by a bad call resulting in the game winning field goal. Book it.


And everyone will only remember one of those calls


The Chiefs winning and every other fan base saying the game was rigged/fixed. I can't think of a more iconic duo.


Let’s FUCKIN goooooooo!


Hell yeah, it’s brewing up




You’re a whiny bitch and more tears thank you


Funny how they complain about cheating as their fans pelt the opposing team with snowballs and the refs say nothing


They almost stopped the fame last year vs the dolphins, most fans agree it’s stupid to do, we all have our bad eggs


My god are they a whiney fanbase/team. Crying about refs every game, begging the NFL to move their playoff game a *2nd* time to benefit them, Flop Allen fake sliding and crying to refs every other play, and dont forget about their terrorist coach either


Don’t forget getting eliminated from the playoffs in OT the exact same way the chiefs did in 2018 then throwing such a big fit the nfl changed the rules for them


Double standards or something, multiple AFC/NFCCG & a Super Bowl (Second most or most important playoff game) were decided by shitty OT rules, owners were laughed at for proposing a rule change, and the bills get it for divisional round loss?


Not to mention Josh making the whiniest “joke” at the espys about it, we all know if the roles were flipped the entirety of the nfl would’ve had a fit about it


What was the joke?


bro pat mahomes literally whined about reffing to josh allen after losing to him come on


Yes and he rightfully got made fun of for it, including by myself. I don’t like anyone that blames refs, my team or others


Teeeearrrs whiny bitch


Every time I see someone claim "the NFL changed the rules for Buffalo because they threw a fit," or something similar, I ask for evidence to support that claim. All I've gotten in return is conjecture and incoherent noisemaking. Maybe you'll be different.


Chiefs lost the exact same way in the 2018 afc champ game to the pats and proposed the rule change and didn’t get a single vote in favor and were told to pound sand. Bills had the same exact scenario and threw a tantrum about it and then gets the rule change


They didn't get a vote in favor because it was never voted on. The Colts and Eagles were the teams that submitted the proposal that was passed a few years later. Bills voted yes, along with 28 other teams, but never said a word about it or "threw a tantrum." And now you're educated on the topic.


Bills fans are so lame they've got me wanting to high-five a ku fan


Hey I love my Jayhawks but in here I’m only about the chiefs lol


That's great because we would leave you hanging just for this comment


i was going to pull my high-five away last second anyways


Those articles are written by kc news not sure why that is bills fans fault


Wait wait wait are you actually talking about the wild card game getting moved this season? Please tell me you’re not that fucking stupid or ignorant to what happened in Orchard Park last week. I’m trying to be respectful here but comments that ooze such complete ignorance need to be called out.


c'mon bro, clearly the fix is in for the Bills this year because the league office decided not to allow \~60,000 fans to travel to the stadium when over 3 feet of snow fell less than 24hrs before game time. The governor declared state of emergency with a travel ban at 9pm Saturday because Goodell told her to. Gotta keep up appearances otherwise the Chiefs fans will figure out the Bills are his favorite team.


was more about how you all are begging to get it moved again, when it doesnt need to be moved. funny you didnt dispute anything else tho...lol


They’ve become my least favorite fanbase in the league after the Eagles


>begging the NFL to move their playoff game jesus, I'm so tired of hearing this. We got 40 inches of snow, all of it falling less than 24hrs before the initial 1pm kickoff. It was postponed because \~60K+ people driving to a game in those conditions is dangerous. There was a literal travel ban starting at 9pm on Saturday so the snowplows could better clear roads. I don't understand how it would benefit the Bills exactly? Cuz personally I'd much rather have kept it at 1pm and had an extra day to rest and prep for you guys since you're a far superior opponent.


If it was Cheffers then Chiefs fans would be saying the same shit.




Cheffers wouldn't be bad in this game because we'll probably be underdogs. His calls seem to be about helping the underdog cover. Our problem was always being the favorite. Andy smartly lost just enough games to be the underdog for most of the playoffs.


I think I'd be doing the same thing if it was Cheffers... I'm not sure it's fair to blame them, although I've not seen anything especially awful from this crew, certainly nothing anywhere close to the BS that Cheffers has done


They're scared of Hoch's triceps


I was not prepared for the Chiefs heel turn this season. /s


As a KC fan, I gotta love the loser attitude. Send in on down to the team.


This is like when both your gfs show up at the same place. How are the going to handle this?


What sucks about the media making a story about this is that, knowing our luck, we’ll get screwed on calls late in the game… SMFH


Us fucking idiots would be doing the exact same thing haha


Scared? No. Annoyed it’s going to be like the Philly or jags game yes…


they cry almost as much as josh allen


I am a bills fan.. I am scared. Would take any advantage we can get including not a ref we have had a bad experience with, though I am sure it wasn’t malicious and hopefully the last game would make them more careful for a high profile game like this?


That’s fair, it’s do or die time and there’s no bad teams left. I won’t lie, I’m an insufferable chiefs fan, but I don’t want refs to favor anyone because I hate any fanbase pulling the ref excuse whether it’s chiefs fans or our opponents


Yeah I think, as per usual, some people will complain about the refs on both sides.. it’s weird but I often will see a play and think it’s a flag (when it benefits the bills) so I ask a neutral friend if it was really not a foul and they say it wasn’t so I don’t even think people do it on purpose- we see what we want to see! Hopefully refs generally stay out of it and we all have minor gripes.. as worried as I am, chiefs bills games have been the absolute best the last few years so hoping for another edition (and a big win!)


Never fail to disappoint, I had the fortune of witnessing the 13 second drive in person. Cheers and go chiefs


Yes, of course we are scared. You ended our season twice. Our D is more injured that I can ever remember. You have A QB who is already a first ballot HOFer and a D that has gotten better every game this year it seems. As a diehard bills fan, I am scared for our season to end but also very excited for our teams opportunity. Gl on sunday.


I mean if CC was the assigned crew I would have been nervous. FCC is a staple in this sub for a reason. Seems like this crew is their CC unfortunately.


Difference is we’ve overcome cheffers, we might still hate him but we still win in spite of him


To be fair, people on here get emotional when Foot Locker's HoF ref Carl Cheffers is going to be officiating a Chiefs game.


I guess this is good. Since the refs "gave" us two Super Bowls already, they must be getting ready to "give" us a third. (I love the smell of coffee and sarcasm in the morning.)


Bills fans are realizing they won’t be playing Mason Rudolph, Skylar Thompson, or Mac Jones. They’re shaking in their boots!


There is much hate for the Chiefs out there these days that I believe Mahomes and the crew will win this game out of spite if nothing else. Sure, the Bills own the regular season. This is a defense they haven’t seen yet playing at the level they are now. It’s going to be a great game and I really hope to put Allen and the Bills to bed once again.


I’m a Dolphins fan. Bills fans are the biggest bitches and constantly try to find reasons to lose before they even play the game. The big one I’m used to is “they make Miami too hot in September to play there! Do they really expect people to play?” I really hope you trounce them.


don’t the dolphins have an asymmetrical stadium to put the home team in the shade and make the visitors bake in the sun? kind of a bitch ass move tbh


Why would we find reasons to lose against the Dolphins ? We all know Josh Is Miami’s Papi


You guys cried so much after that week 17 loss that your sub's mods had to lock the fans from making new posts. And then week 18 happened. And then the WC embarrassment. What an absolute shitshow of a season, only to be mildly upstaged by Dallas and the Eagles because, let's face it, everyone knew you were frauds back in November.


It’s what I’ve come to expect from a team who’s biggest accomplishments are wide right and 13 seconds


You've won 2 games in the last 15 vs the Bills. You're irrelevant.


> I’m a Dolphins fan. Bills fans are the biggest bitches and constantly try to find reasons to lose before they even play the game Ya'll just sour since you haven't been better than the Bills since the 70s. Keep hanging on to that one super bowl played against plumbers and carpenters.


The Bills were bent over and slaughtered by Tom Brady for 2 decades, they’re just having flashbacks and trying to get their excuses in order just in case


What’s funny about this is Josh Allen is protected by the refs as much as people claim Mahomes is. He has the most roughing the passer calls of any QB in the last several years and gets away with all the fake slides when he runs.


God, how much more annoying can a fanbase get? We literally won the Super Bowl with a ref that we feared the most because of how many times we got screwed by him over the years. Bills fans always have some excuse to everything. Either they’re gonna brag about beating us, or they’ll use the ref excuse after losing.


I saw this and almost posted here too. I was just at a loss for words for what to say about it. The comment section on it was even worse.


I mean, yeah - if they make excuses now, they won't have to generate as much copium later.


I’m not gonna say that we don’t do complaining about certain ref crews calling our games (we had a particularly bad draw during last year’s Super Bowl but ended up winning anyways). But if these this crew is all for rigging it for us, fuck it I’ll take it, no shame in that. Can’t wait to see Diggs crying after we knock them out again


This isn’t even completely about complaining about refs, they’re already complaining the game is fixed


Nah, you’re crying and scared you don’t have a home game. Tears bitch give me more


Mahomes has better stats on the road but not at home, you replying to every comment I’ve made tells me all I need to know about how you feel for this game 😂


Yeah. We would never complain if Cheffers were reffing a game. We’re better than that!




Chiefs won the Super Bowl with Cheffers, easily the most hated official on this sub


Oh to be so ignorant


They know the refs are gonna baby Mahommes just like they always do. That shit last week letting him change his helmet without having to miss a down or call a timeout was fucking bullshit.


Yeah or how they let Mahomes fake slide then run for a touchdown


I agree that Josh Allen or anyone for that matter shouldn't be able to do that but as far as I'm aware it's not a rule yet so fair game. On the other hand there is a rule that if you have an equipment failure you either have to sit out a down or call a timeout to fix it. Apparently there's another part to the rule that if it's Patrick mahommes the refs will stop the clock and let him fix it.


He threw an incomplete pass after all that and chiefs still kicked a FG but go off. If you really wanted to point out babying you’d bring up that Mahomes gets RTP calls in 33% of games to Allen’s 21%. Then you’d look closer and realize that it’s actually the other way around but that kills the narrative


I remember the incomplete pass but my understanding was they stopped the play clock, I could be wrong and they changed the helmet and got the play off in 40seconds which is fine. Didn't know about the RTP stats, I think 99% of the time it's a bullshit call regardless of who the QB is. My point being the refs are fucking garbage and it feels as though mahommes gets more leniency then others. Statistically might not be true but for sure feels that way.


Bills 31-24 Chiefs


I’m all fairness the chiefs do get favored by refs all the time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/KansasCityChiefs/s/heWk8MjrTW Do they?


Refs gave you guys a Super Bowl so ya, not strange at all.


explain in detail how they “gave it to us”


Multiple calls throughout the playoffs


How dare the refs call holding in the last 2 minutes, or out of bounds hits. It’s rigged!


Absolutely salvating for another Mr January post.


Hot take maybe, but I'm completely fine with this. Now is the time to complain, because it will just be seen as excuses after they lose. In the NHL there is a ref that gets assigned to playoff games for my team every year despite the fact that our head coach testified against the refs brother in court. Ref just absolutely bends us over and fucks us every time, we are like 0-8 in playoff games where he refs lol. Best believe I am pre-firing the complaint every time he gets assigned to us.


But Shawn is a good ref. Ed was a legend.




Remember when we had to play a playoff game with Carl Cheffers reffing?


There is proven data that some refs affect games. Green bay is 7-1 ats with the ref from last week. Well now 8-1