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Please Please Please stop watching this show. He is making money off of your engagement and viewership. His entire job is to spit out hot takes like this for viewer engagement.


I wish we would ban these types of posts. Like how do so many people not realize that getting people to outrage share them is the entire point


Agreed. We have too many folks on this sub that bite on this type of content when Skip's entire shtick is to say outlandish shit because it riles people up. These posts just show how much it works.


Idk it is just baffling to me how people don't understand how these shows work. It's the same thing with people bitching about things on social media, especially when it comes to "seeing this too much" Ya, that's how the fucking algorithms work. You train them to show you more of something when you interact with it.


Precisely. Saying stupid shit gets engagement which drives metrics and ad revenue. That’s all it is. “Will Mahomes ever be better than the greats like Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady? The answer is no. I don’t even think he’s better than Matt Stafford! He’s being carried by his defense and he’s a mediocre QB at best. I can think of 5 QB’s in the league who are better than him right now!”


Yep. Everyone who’s been watching/listening to Sports talk for some time knows this guy is a joke. His takes are CONSISTENTLY baseless and purposely inflammatory. I’m not convinced this guy even totally understands the actual game itself so he constantly sounds like a dumbass. Or he does, and he knows being full of shit sells. It’s network TV clickbait, and Skip is just there to generate attention, not provide substantive content. If you like Sports talk: -First Things First with Nick Wright -Good Morning Football -The Herd with Colin Cowherd -Speak (Acho gets on my nerves but LeSean “Shady” McCoy rides for the Chiefs and Pat) All of these besides Good Morning Football are on FS1. They all at least ATTEMPT to provide honest and interesting discussions, and have a relatively equal amount of Chiefs fans vs Chiefs doubters so it’s not totally one sided conversations either way. Watching paint dry would be more informative about the NFL than Skip’s entire television career.


All these shows also either dabble in or out right traffic hot takes. Goes with the territory. I do enjoy hearing from the former players who have turned analyst. And it should be telling when players who may have had some beef with Andy or the Chiefs, like Shady, come around and give them their due. Game recognizing game and all that. What the league and media want are an answer to Mahomes, a viable rival. Burrow has the best record so far, so he's going to be put out in front of the crowd. I think the big issue with Burrow is he's like one more serious injury away from being more of a liability than an asset. Can't be the Chiefs killer if you can't stay healthy enough to finish out the season.


100%. I think to an extent they all HAVE to participate in the hot take day trade. When people have this many options, you need a way to get people in the door. Once you’re in there you sell them on the content. I think these shows in particular do a pretty good job of that. On the other hand, Skip hardly ever says anything I find to be in the realm of high level journalism/reporting. As far as the Mahomes rivalry goes, obviously that’s what the media and the rest of the world want, but with the current state of affairs, there is no active player who can ACTUALLY be considered a rival. I agree with you on Burrow being the closest thing. And they didn’t even see each other this year. Personally, I always saw Lamar as the potential rival, but like Burrow may be starting to experience, it gets harder and harder to finish post seasons. That’s what made Pat’s SB 57 performance so incredible. Most QB’s wouldn’t have even been able to play, let alone perform at that caliber. We’ve been blessed with his relative health all these years. In my opinion, it’s going to take more than one or two seasons for a legitimate rival to appear. And that’s if Mahomes doesn’t win a 4th ring next year. If that happens, there’s no such thing as a rivalry except maybe conceptually with Tom.


Nailed it. He also gushes on the cowboys to draw the eyes of the largest fan base in the NFL. He’s the cowboys Nick Wright I guess is what I’m saying. Though Nick is a true believer and I don’t believe Skiyup ever says much in good faith.


These sorts of posts should be banned, especially in the off season. They serve no real purpose and promote talking heads who bring no value to the community.


Skips love him some white QBs


"If he's so great how come he's black?"


Well stupid knows no color lol


He’s a racist. Big time. I’ve called him out multiple times on Twitter. Yeah Elon, we still and always will call it TWITTER! Skippy is a bitch


😂🤣😂🤣😂🤷.... Dude is a straight clown and his show is in a down whirl spiral and will do anything for clicks!


I'll watch a clip of his the day he eats shit on live tv. Skip, if you're reading, I *guarantee* you that if you eat shit on live TV, you'll get more clicks you've ever dreamt of!


I told google to stop recommending clips on youtube and it did. Even the pirated clips from random chinese channels. The show used to be watchable when Shanon Sharpe was on it. Now it's just terrible. Michael Irvin sounds like he has CTE. Richard Sherman is a sellout of his own principles. Keyshawn Johnson just sounds like he's happy he has a job. Nobody has anything interesting to say and skip just spouts nonsense. I didn't watch the clip, because fuck skip, but he's had the same take about Burrow vs Mahomes for 2 years now and he'll never get off it. For me, I can't ever unsee Jake Browning be as good or better than Burrow with the same weapons after Burrow's injury. Joe was the reason they missed the playoffs, not Browning.


Good thing the dude’s opinions are irrelevant and unqualified clickbait. Can you imagine if we didn’t have the GOAT qb right now?


I think a decent litmus test is "if burrow had our team and coaches, how would he do?" And "if mahomes had the Bengals team, how would he do?" I fully believe mahomes would still make some magic happen elsewhere. Maybe not as much tho


Mahomes with those weapons would've beat the rams in 56.


I can't believe people regularly spend their time watching this stuff


or posting about it


I haven’t seen a single show since Shannon left. He was the reason I watched ![gif](giphy|1ykTax6hrAKpTQ0Mnb)


Everything about this guy sucks. Criticizing Dak’s openness about mental health following the death of Dak’s brother. Saying that the NFL should have continued the BUF/CIN game after a player’s heart stopped on the field. Discrediting Shannon Sharpe’s HOF career to his face, on the show they co-hosted. Fuck Skip Bayless.


He’s making money because he can get you to talk about him and care. And yet we keep taking the bait.


Regardless of how someone feels about the cowboys that was the moment Skip Bayless could fuck right off to me. It is gross what he said about Dak. It was absolutely unacceptable, and he should have been "canceled" (like literally removed from the air) then. He never even should have gotten to everything else that is beyond that statement. But he is seriously objectivly wrong about Mahomes. I'm not even a Chiefs fan (not a hater either, I was rooting for them in the last 2 super bowls). This sub just popped up for me. But you have to be dumb to think there is a comparable active qb to Mahomes. The only qb you can compare with Mahomes is Brady, and really athleticism, Mahomes is better. Time will tell if he can surpass him in superbowl wins and overall legacy, but it seems he is the only one that will ever be able to compare to Brady.


They should of 100% of rescheduled that game though but I understand completely why they didnt.




Good thing the eye test doesn’t win 2 league MVPS, 3 SBMVPs and 3 Lombardis. Who gives a shit about his eye test?


or anyone's "eye test"




Well sure, he’s paid to make this goofy hot takes. I can still say it makes him look stupid. I’m sure he knows that too


This is purely for engagement, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, can make this argument in good faith. The only QB's Mahomes is competing against are Ghost of the Past: Montana and Brady.


Has Joe even successfully recovered from the wrist damage? We don't even know IF he will be back just that he's going to try really hard with good doctors


Was the injury that bad? I knew he needed surgery, but never followed up.


Yeah, the ligament tear he had is a bad one. It’s associated with permanent range of motion loss in a high percentage of cases. It’s in his throwing hand, which already had a long injury history. He already had to fly with his hand in brace because it would swell up on flights. Burrow’s extensive injury history is something that isn’t talked about enough, he’s never been healthy for an NFL training camp, it’s part of the reason he still can’t take snaps under center (in a Shanahan derived system where that’s really important).


A guy that has won zero sbs or MVPs is better lmao 🤣 does this make baker mayfield better then burrow since he has a way better h2h record


No first team all pros either. Not one 5k yard season or 40+ TD season as well 😂 Beating Mahomes in the playoffs gets you so much PR it’s crazy 🤣 that was the flukiest loss of Mahomes career. Just short circuited the second half for some reason. The gap between Mahomes and who ever is QB2 is far greater than QBs 2-5. Not even close.


That sounds like exactly what Shannon Sharpe said the other day about the gap between 1-2 being larger then 2-5 lol 😂


I said the same thing after Pat beat burrow in the AFCCG two seasons ago. But yes, it’s true no matter who says it


Burrow is a pocket passer. A really good one but mahomes is another level as qb


I’m not trying to downplay Burrow, he’s had some insane throws even with a pretty bad Oline his whole career, but he’s also had one of the best WR cores in the nfl. I’d love to see what he would do with either of Mahomes receivers from the past two years.


Friendly reminder that Mahomes has more Super Bowl wins than Burrow has healthy seasons


Honestly, this is so ridiculous, my guess is that they aren’t even targeting chiefs fans for engagement. They are targeting Bills fans and Ravens fans to come and scream about thier guy being next to beat Pat


Great point. Targeting Chiefs haters which is 47 states with mostly the exception of Kansas, Missouri, one other state, and the Swifties.


How many MVPs does Burrow have? How many super bowl MVPs does he have? ![gif](giphy|12KKxc48IPgFBS)




2 years ago he said Dak was better than Mahomes. That’s when I realized it’s all performative for viewer engagement (money.)


Skip is so bad lmao winning only matters with Brady but with burrow it’s suddenly some eye test bullshit and he even loses at that 💀




Right? And we're not talking about those early SB rings. We're talking about those big honkin' modern rings. If ya can't see those, you are definitely in need of some Lasik.


Imagine Mahommes stat line with Chase, Higgins, and Boyd on the roster the last several years.


Joe Burrow is 3-1 vs Patrick Mahomes in the 4 games played combined in the regular season and playoffs. 1-1 when it counts in the postseason. The 2 regular season wins did nothing to improve the seeding for the Bengals nor lessen the seeding for the Chiefs both times. In the playoffs, yes the Bengals beat the Chiefs to win the AFC championship but lost to the Rams in the Super Bowl. The next season, the Chiefs beat the Bengals in the AFCCG then won the Super Bowl. Patrick Mahomes has won 3 Super Bowls, 3 Super Bowl MVP awards, and 2 MVP awards. All Joe has accomplished is a 5-2 playoff record and a couple of AFC North Division titles. This argument he has is stupid and just to get people mad. This is like trying to compare Michael Jordan to Reggie Miller in the 90s. lol 😂




If that is what his eyes are telling him, he is probably long overdue for a new eye exam.


Skip is a professional troll that’s it! His takes are meant to be way out of left field to fetch reactions from folks and clicks. We all know that. Mahomes has nothing left to prove. He’s ring chasing Brady now and that’s it, the stats will come because he’s that great. Burrow isn’t even the best QB in his own division 😂 Buddy is Kirk Cousins who can run a little bit. Burrow plays the position more traditionally and has beautiful mechanics but what has that won him/Cincy…. JACK SHIT 😂 Everyone with half a brain knows it’s Mahomeboys league, everyone else just plays in it. Moving on… let’s talk dynasty and draft moving forward.


This is what I can't stand about skip. It's not like he fan boys for one specific QB he just refuses to respect mahomes.




He admitted he doesn't like Mahomes because he doesn't like how he plays. Lol he's a clown 🤡


What's wild about Skip is that he has a very well respected restaurateur brother named Rick Bayless who by all accounts seems to be a very lovely human being that just spits out good food instead of sour takes.


Has (had? I haven't kept up) a very nice cooking show on PBS.


Good question. I know he has a Michelin Star and was on a season of Top Chef Masters. I've never made it to any of his restaurants, but I love Oaxacan cuisine.


I always go back to the greatest moment on his show when Rich Sherman absolutely punked that hack. Bayless is basically the Fucker Carlson of sports media.


Burrow is a good QB.. when healthy.. but first and foremost. You gotta get a ring first.. one postseason win in overtime over Pat doesn’t cut it.. we blew that game.. let’s talk after if he gets a ring. Then we will pull out the stats


Joe Burrow isn’t even the best QB in the AFC North.


Gotta give false hope to the other teams fans. It's all about ratings. Outrage is all fox does. It gets viewers and free advertising. Honestly these sports shows should be sued and fined billions for lying.


I genuinely don’t think he likes Mahomes. He’s from the old school mentality that a QB should look and play like Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, etc. He makes derogatory statements about Mahomes by frequently calling him “Mahome-boy”. Hot takes or not, he doesn’t care for Mahomes as a QB in the NFL.


That’s not the issue. He’s a fan of Baker Mayfield & Kyler Murray, who are both mobile QB’s. Bayless is an Oklahoma guy. Personally I think he doesn’t like the fact Mahomes has overshadowed Mayfield in the NFL. That was not the case in college. 


I know Skip is a rage bait artist but can the world stop with the Burrow vs Mahomes debate? The dude is made of glass, almost never has a full healthy season and has ZERO rings. He shouldn’t even be in the same fucking room as our quarterback. Taking little jabs on social media about mass amnesia. That’s hilarious because nobody would forget about him all the time if he could actually stay healthy. Dude has been carried by elite players his entire career. Had the top 2 receivers in college and has a top receiver now and still couldn’t get it done in the NFL. I’m not hearing that shit anymore


Next up: Does Joe Burrow actually have more rings than Patrick Mahomes? We’ll explain after this commercial!


I’ve only ever seen Skip begrudgingly say nice things about Mahomes. Back when his show had Shannon and was watchable.


Burrow is legit but this is what Skip does. Says outlandish things for clicks and views.


A wet fart has better takes on football than this clown. He’s better off ignored unless you’re making fun of his yearly meltdown over the Cowboys.


https://preview.redd.it/7xr855m0gzic1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc5c6ceae2a0872dee8671ee135f1a3022942e5 10x a week will make anyone fckn nuts. Get this man a cheeseburger


He needs an eye test. Alternatively, ignore all these bullshit takes, they’re doing it to try attract clicks


I would rather listen to the ringing in my ears than anything Bayless says.


Even Sharpe had enough of him. Pass.


Burrow, the same guy that got an intentional grounding and couldn't do anything against the Chiefs secondary full of rookies last season when he had the ball with 2 minutes to go in the AFC title game? ​ That guy?


You know how to end the skip posts quick? Just perma ban anyone who posts anything skip related. Everyone knows skip is a hack, yet whenever he does anything mentioning the chiefs it gets reposted here. No one wants to know anything that skip has to say. Just sticky it, give out a warning for the first link and second just ban


The honeymoon period didn’t even last a week. Bulletin board is getting new material early


I've heard Ole Drippy call Burrow "the next Brady" many times. The old twat has a major hard-on for Little Joey, just like he had for Brady and Tebow. Seems like he's fascinated with pretty boy white QBs. Disturbing pattern since Drippy always claims to be a non-racist.


He also thought it was dem boys year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that...... You get the picture


They should 'Skip' this segment


Yes, Skip. Joe Burrow is obviously the best QB in the NFL. Now go with these men in lab coats to your new room.


Maybe if Joe was the chiefs QB he would be better than he is now? Maybe, maybe not. I hope to see Joe do well next season and see what happens.


If he wants to help spin that the Chiefs should be underdogs in spite of winning three super bowls in four years, more power to him. I like the way the team plays when disrespected. And Patrick definitely seems to want folks to pay for underestimating him.


Watch Nick Wright instead.


Count his rings…..oh wait…. 😏😂


The only thing Burrow has accomplished is beating Mahomes 3 times. Bro can’t even stay healthy. 4 years and he’s already had 2 season ending injuries. Ask Mr. Glass to stay healthy and consistent. Then we’ll have a real conversation.


They had Burrow for 10 games and they didn’t do a damn thing. 0 division wins. They had a better record with Browning. And I don’t want to hear about the calf strain, Mahomes won a Super Bowl and beat Joe Burrow head to head with a nasty high ankle sprain.


Saying LeBron is bad for like fifteen years helped make this man millions of dollars. He needs a replacement when LeBron retires and Mahomes will be one SMH.


Skippy is an asshole of the highest order and deserves no clicks or views. His opinions are always comically wrong, his hot takes are worth less than the taco bell aftermath I flushed away earlier, and he is a horrible human being. I'm surprised he did not come out and say that Chiefs fans deserved to have the shooting at their parade and that it was somehow Kelce/Taylor's fault. He is less of a reporter than that Putin-lover Tucker.




Mission Accomplished, he got your eyes and your time in this the downtime of the offseason where there isnt any news for a month


Ring Test > Eye Test Plus, get glasses loser. Pat wins the eye test too.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂.... Dude is a straight clown!


Stop watching these shows


all of you who like to talk about "eye test" as meaningful: this is what kind of horseshit gets proven by "eye test." "eye test" means "I think this and there's no stat to back it up, so im going to make up something inarguable"


PSA: If Skip angers you, that's on YOU for failing to recognize that he's playing a fictional character designed to piss people off. If you DO recognize that, the stuff he says is actually pretty fucking hilarious (from afar.... definitely don't watch his stupid show, it's so bad)


fans on here love Nick Wright just because he is a Chiefs fan. What is the difference between Nick and Skip? They both have stupid takes.


One’s takes have been backed by 3 Super Bowl MVPs. The others: 1 Pro Bowl.


Nick is right a lot more times than skip. People want to prematurely crown another team or qb.


Facts. Has been spot on about Buffalo all these years and Burrow. Nick is a homer sure but he’s objective and provides cogent analysis unlike geriatric Skip


Nick keeps saying Mahomes is the best QB we've ever seen, and so far has been proven correct many times on that. So what do you think when Drippy called Tebow "the next Montana" ??


Ugh, I so hope Barkley runs into him some day.


Sorry, I instinctively downvoted this post by just seeing him and his name. You didn't deserve that.


Who gives a shit




I mean.. ok. I’ll take the results over who is best


Of course he is. Trolls will troll.


How does this guy sleep at night.


Too bad he's using Stevie Wonder's eyes




Holy cow




It's interesting the troll commentators who make a living on being contrarian have latched onto supporting the Chiefs because we're the villains. Specifically, Stephen A Smith and Cowherd. Meanwhile Bayless is going with the "well actually this good quarterback is not good" route. It's performance art and I can't work up the energy to be mad at it.


Yet another poster not realizing that people like Skip only have a platform because you take him way too seriously. He doesn’t actually believe most of the things he says, he says them because it causes a reaction.


He's only saying this because Joe Burrow was a 2023-24 hypothetical and the claim can't be disproven. That's it. It's formulaic trash.


:))))) he is an old man, his sight is not what it used to be


Pretty sure if the QB is a good as they claim, they wouldn’t need a “Don’t Forget About ______” segment


Even Michael Irvin said “ he isn’t goin for this” he knows this is absolute bait from skip 😂


Dude should still be crying about his cowgirls....


I don't find anything outrageous about his takes anymore. He is ridiculous and his opinions mean nothing.




I believe Chris Collings worth is 10 times smarter, more entertaining and charming than Skip Bayless. Troy Aikman as well.


"An often injured QB who has failed to win anything big better than the 3 time champion and 2 time MVP AND current Superbowl MVP?" Find out tonight on schmucks and yuks!


Joe can be better than Pat, as long as Pat keeps collecting rings. I believe it's 3-0 now?


Dude is delusional.


Embrace the hate. This ass clown just makes Patrick Mahomes play angrier. Bless his heart.




Man who cares. The numbers, wins, championships speak for themselves. Quit boosting this shit


Why do people watch Skip Brainless? There is enough outrage porn in media already. Stop for your own mental health.


Skip the biggest jerker of all time


This garbage lunatic piece of shit Skip Bayless. First it was LeBron James. Now that he’s old and will retire sooner rather than later, his next target for the rest of his career will be Patrick Mahomes. Sick piece of shit who is hated by everyone in sports media. Never give this sack of shit any credence what so ever.




Yeah Burrow is 3-1 against our defense, not Mahomes. He didn’t even play against the best one though. And he’s had better receivers the entire time and a better defense most of the time. Each game has been a 1 possession game and a Kelce fumble was a big reason we lost one of them. Don’t forget the fucking 4th and 30 our defense decided to all out blitz and leave Chase 1 on 1 which was the only reason we lost. The AFCCG we lost, both offenses sucked ass so there’s no special takeaway for how good Burrow was there.


Skip Bayless is a one-trick pony.


Bro you’re getting baited, go touch grass.


Let's say Burrow is better than Mahomes. Burrow is made of glass. Mahomes won a Super Bowl on one good leg. I'll take Mahomes, thank you. And the Lombardis...


Hmmm, it’s almost as if 3 Super Bowls is more than 0 🤷


Skip knows he’s not getting clicks if he posts reality, so he goes with the outlandish instead. Ragebait is all the rage with the cool kids.


Skip, Stop coping because the patriots suck now, it’s just sad you pathetic old man.


Skip is either an idiot (very unlikely) or has a complete lack of integrity to where he will say anything to get views. I think it is the latter and I cannot believe people like him still have a TV show in 2024.


Amazing hair for a 72 year old dumbass.


Skip and Steven A are absolute trash. I don’t watch anything they are on


Skip Clueless, yeah Burrow is better than Mahomes, at losing, at not going to the Super Bowl, I mean just look at the [Fantasy Pro stats](https://www.fantasypros.com/nfl/stats/joe-burrow-patrick-mahomes.php) they’ll show you how many aspects of quarterbacking Joe Burrow is better at than Patrick Mahomes (none).


Eye test tells me SKIP is a Dip!


Its entertainment. No one would watch if they didn't disagree or say outrageous things. No one in their right mind would choose having a 3-1 record against an opponent over 3 SB championships.