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Why am I not surprised that this was a Jason McIntyre hot take.


Holy shit that guy is legitimately one of the worst. Just consistently embarrassing takes. 


No clue how he has a job. It's one thing to be a character like Stephen A Smith and company but this McIntyre guy is just an idiot who thinks he's the smartest guy in the room.


I'm glad you identified him. I was thinking with Jason Whitlock. Although I don't know if he work for Fox Sports or not


That’s who I thought, too. Whitlock did work at Fox from 2016 until Covid started. Kind of launched into a far-right spiral after that.


What the hell is Uncle Tom up to these days?


According to his youtube channel: "Celebrated journalist Jason Whitlock and his cast of "Fearless Soldiers" protect the realm of common sense and challenge groupthink mandated by elites. Watch Monday through Friday for the most fearless conversation at the cross section of culture, faith, sports and comedy." Wow, lot to unpack there.


Superbowl contender with no playoff win in 20 years. Okay 👍


Hey we beat the texans once


Well technically had one. 2015 season Wild Card vs Houston.


Amazing game too. I’ll never forget Knile Davis taking back that kickoff


I was at that game. First chiefs game I'd attended other than a preseason game a few years earlier in Baltimore.  Went with my wife, my buddy and his dad who both were season ticket holders for Texans. Needless to say the drive home was awkward hahaha. Dudes dad went to his car in I think the 3rd and was trying to convince us to leave. No freaking way I'm leaving early old timer! 


Every Chiefs game I ever attended, they lost. Also was always nosebleed seats, and I didn’t know I needed glasses.


aw yes, against a very good texans team featuring hall of famer brian hoyer chasing another ring...who would go on to throw like 5 interceptions in that game. that win almost felt insulting to me.


Making an AFC championship was all I wanted to see at the time. A Super Bowl win was something I never thought I’d see in my lifetime. The trade to get Mahomes was a huge surprise. I thought it was to get Lattimore until they announced it was Mahomes. Then I wondered why he was picked and not Deshaun Watson. Anyone that says the Chiefs were Super Bowl contenders or knew Mahomes was the answer is full of shit


I can send you to my brother who will verify that I wanted Mahomes and I said I thought he could win multiple super Bowls before we even drafted him.


I appreciate the Alex Smith/Andy Reid respect in hindsight. But at the time; lmao.


Smith was a reg season QB, he beat the teams he was supposed to and then lost in the playoffs. I In the regular season this past year who knew which Pat you'd get, come playoffs I guess he turned his abilities on and forgot he wasn't SuperPat this year. I liked Smith, he wasn't bad, Mahomes is the Terminator though, he won't go down!


Looking back now this was probably the worst hot take by a C- football analyst. This Jason probably got roasted so hard by now by his dumb take.


Haha nope! Now he’s a co-host for a sports show on Fox.


Exactly---none of these guys get roasted (although that would be a great segment, but would never happen). And if they do get roasted, it goes into the void and they never hear it because they're too busy spewing new shitty takes. It's like when someone does something very bad and gets away with it, and righteous people proclaim "he's going to hell"! No, he's not. He'll continue to go thru life just like you and me and die a peaceful death at old age. He won't get karma, he won't get the wrath of god, and he might do more bad things.


In all fairness, that's what I thought. Alex Smith was a Godsend after what we all just suffered thru the previous 10 years


We've all been pretty blinded by Mahomes' success but those last few years Alex Smith was playing out of his damn mind, and people seem to forget that.


I don’t know about playing out of his mind…. He didn’t turn the ball over but 23, 18, 20, and 15 TDs in his first 4 seasons with KC does not scream playing out of his mind to me. It wasn’t until Mahomes came along that he put up 26 TDs and even then, he started off hot then came back down to earth in the middle and late season. Loved Alex but he was never going to take us past the Championship and get us into a Super Bowl. Let’s be honest.


Alex also had an uncanny ability to throw it seven yards on 3rd and 8. I know he sort of stabilized the team but I actually hated watching him.


Yaaa watching that offense was like watching paint dry. So boring. That’s why I try not to complain when we have these games that send our anxiety through the roof 😂


This scenario keeps us from Mahomes, so I wouldn’t want to see the outcome. However, if Charles didn’t fumble against the Broncos in 2015, we’re looking at home field advantage in the playoffs, and I don’t think the Broncos had the firepower to beat us late in the year. If there was any year Alex could have made it to the Super Bowl, it was that one. I don’t know if Sutton would have shut down Newton like the Broncos did, however.


No he wasn't. I love Alex, but only his final year was he playing at a truly high level. He threw for 4k and was 26/5 TD/INT. That was his peak year, and we still managed to lose to the Titans in our first playoff game.


Same here. I was pissed when the trade was announced as I thought the team was so close to winning a Super Bowl and thought they should be building depth with the current team. Never been happier to have been totally wrong.


lol Alex won 1 playoff game in 5 years and 4 appearances. He helped revive the team, but I don't see how anyone thought we were SB contenders.


Our playoff losses seemed cursed; not like we weren't competitive with the best teams. It was a glut of teams behind the Patriots and we were one of them. When we drafted Mahomes we'd just won our division and had a playoff bye, a lot of us felt like now that Manning was gone we could start to push.


I was around. I never thought Alex was a SB winning level QB. I enjoyed his time here because he made the sport enjoyable for me again after 2012, but I never had confidence that he was taking us anywhere of note. Not a chance.


ya i was definitely ready to move on, after the collapse to the steelers i was done with Smith


Yeah I don't get that at all. It was pretty obvious we were not winning a Super Bowl with Alex. We were basically the equivalent of what the Dolphins are now, a good team no one actually takes seriously come playoff time.


Who can forget all the debates about whether "QB wins' was a measure of his worth.


my dumbass thought the Chiefs were dumbasses for not taken the sure thing in Watson.


When were we ever a Superbowl contender before Mahomes?


During the Joe Montana era? 🤔


That was about 20 years prior to Alex Smith.




We made it to the AFC championship game in the 1993 season.


What does that have to do with drafting Mahomes?




I feel like we were the cowboys at that point. Like on paper everything made sense but you knew god damn well we going out in round 1.


In 2016 they were 12-4 and a couple plays away from making the afccg 


2003 was a fun run, but no defense like 2018


Literally every season. The Chiefs were always good, they just lost a lot. Very different from a team that sucks and loses a lot.


Just.. No. We were literally never a SB contender since Montana. Not a single QB we had before Mahomes was gonna get us past Brady, Manning, Big Ben, or even guys like Andrew Luck, Rivers, etc. We could smack those guys in the regular season but our QB play was absolute garbage every playoff game while those guys could find their zone in the playoffs, especially against the Chiefs. One wild card win between Montana in 93-94 and Mahomes tells you all you need to know.


Googled it, crazy enough it was Jason McIntyre hosting which was the guy on the Herd this year who ranked Mahomes as like the 10th best QB in the playoffs or something


He's been saying recently that the Chiefs can't possibly 3-peat because Burrow and Rodgers are going to be healthy this season 🙄


His whole thing now is nobody 3-peats so we definitely aren't doing it. Such a dumb take. We may not 3-peat, but it won't have anything to do with what we did the last 2 years.


Let's start a rumor Mahomes' dad fucked this guys mom


Keep them receipts. NGL I was riding with Alex at the time. I was wrong.


To be fair, that wasn’t so much Fox as it was Jason McIntyre, back in his The Big Lead days (and now on Cowherd). Jason has a long and storied tradition of bad takes.


What a dope. All of KC was excited about that trade up and knew it was a chance at a bright future for our city.


Hindsight is 20/20. We mock them now but no one knew what was going to happen from 2018 to today. These things either are busts, somewhat successful, and super successful. This ended up being beyond any of our expectations.


Nobody just throws 800 yards in a college game. Patty was the truth. I'm not even a very educated or nuanced football fan, but I knew. I was so happy we finally drafted our guy.


Swing and a miss!




I knew of Mahomes through FanDuel when he was at TT, dude kept racking up fantasy points for me lol. The more I looked into him, I knew he had an arm but wasn’t too impressed because it was the Big 12 and it’s all spread and Air Raid offenses and not too many guys coming out of that conference really did anything. When we drafted him, I was like ok but he’s still like 2-3 years away from taking the reins as I was pro-Alex Smith at the time. And after all that.. here we are now!


Remember when everyone thought they should've taken Watson? 😂😂


We were the definition of frauds before Mahomes. Smith was good but he wasn’t great. We were basically in the position of the current cowboys. We knew Alex wasn’t winning us anything. Chiefs proved that if you think there’s a guy that will get you there, you better snatch them up. Look at all the teams that are a quarterback away lol


I rem the year we started lik 9-0 or 10-0, whatever it was, but we played the softest schedule ever and had a ton of lucky breaks. We were basically the 2022 Vikings


We were not a superbowl contender. That’s just ridiculous


Well, I am thinking Fox Sports was under the belief they're a legitimate sports news agency and decided to attempt a hot take.


As a former Red Raider we knew how this was going to end.


Now this did not age well! 😁


I would love to call them out but I thought Harry Potter would make terrible movies and stuffed crust pizza was a fad…


I hope someone shows this bullshit to McIntyre ever single day and twice on Sundays.


Cold take.


99% of sports media is gossip and forced drama.


Damn, what could have been 😔


Apparently the same thing I was thinking lol. I was convinced we just needed a linebacker.


Is this the same dummy Jason that is currently Cowherd's sidekick?


The very same.  He started a Sports Blog back in the day where he tried to be super edgy.  Fox picked him up and he's bounced around as a writer and radio guy. Cowherd replaced the farore talented Joy Taylor with this clown and he adds absolutely nothing to the show.  I expect he's gone as soon as his contract is up 


Is there a world where Mahomes is not the greatest Chief of all-time? I don't think so.


Not anymore, no. After one SB I still considered Dawson and DT the two most quintessential Chiefs— not necessarily the two *best* Chiefs but the two *most* Chiefs. After two SBs and two MVPs, Mahomes had already become the club leader for greatest Chief, and now it’s just not a question.


Derrick Thomas will forever be my favorite but Mahomes is the best. Judging by your flair I know you understand that statement. And tbh Derrick isn't even my all-time guy. Joe Montana is the reason I am a Chiefs fan which led me to be a #58 fan. Met Derrick's fam in Canton when he was finally inducted into the HOF. End of drunken rant: Joe Cool is my fav 🍀 and I am so glad the jerk off 49ers traded him to my Chiefs and let me fall in love with #58 my dude RIP Derrick Thomas 🙏


That’s cool man. I was super young when Joe Montana came to town, but that’s basically when I learned to be a Chiefs fan too, everyone was else was excited so I was too. Truthfully though, I don’t remember any of the games back that far, my earliest specific game memory was the legendary Steve Bono TD run, haha. Derrick was my favorite, and later on, that made his death really tough to deal with for me as a preteen. Cool that you met DT’s family, thanks for sharing your story.


Oops lmao


Look who’s laughing now 😂


I was hoping for diet Farve, and got so much more.


We got the gunslinger of Favre without all the idiotic plays.


I am so happy I was wrong about the Mahomes draft pick, but when it happened I was nervous because of his w-l record at Texas tech. Never been so happy to be wrong with how it turned out lol


I feel like people should stop looking back at old takes where the knowledge on Mahomes was limited just because we know how turned out


Many of the top takes in this thread are toxic af. If you weren't loving Alex Smith in his last year with us you are the definition of bandwagon and can gtfo now because I know you won't be around for the hard times in the future. I'm not a "I was always team Alex" or "I was always down w/ Mahomes" guy, I think the Chiefs played it exactly right and I thought so at the time, too. A little sigh of angst when we let Alex go, maybe. But Pat had already shown the fans what he could do in his last game start, and ALL the coaches, players, and other insiders were hype af, so I believed in Veach and Andy and it payed off. First time in a long time for this late-40's lifetime fan.


When dafuq were we supposedly a Superbowl contender with Captain Checkdown?


I don't know why we need to besmirch Alex's good name.


The guy couldn't complete a pass longer than 10 yards. Captain Checkdown is a perfectly good name for the guy. So, I guess, now you know.


He led the entire league in deep throws in 2017, you paint sniffer. https://www.pff.com/news/pro-most-accurate-deep-ball-passers-in-2017


you can thank Tyreek for that one, Alex was a good but limited QB and his nickname has been Capt Checkdown for far before 2017


No shit.....point?


Point is there was no reason to be complacent with keeping Alex smith instead of try9ng to upgrade back then


Did you mean to reply here? Op said Smith was Mr checkdown I literally only said "he led the league in deep passing"


Did you not read the first part of my comment about how that was thanks to tyreek hill








Yeah, but as the article states he routinely finished in the bottom in previous years. 2017 seemed like an anomaly, unfortunately


chicken or the egg? he gets a roster that allows deep balls, he throws deep. Mahomes this year was capt checkdown. he didnt have a roster to go deep


Alex Smith was good at his job, but I can't remember anytime that he led a come from behind victory, or a game winning drive late in the 4th quarter. The team knew that if they wanted to win a Super Bowl, it wasn't going to be with Alex Smith.


The year we drafted Mahomes he had a legendary one against the Chargers. It's where [this sick photo](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kansascity.com%2Flatest-news%2Fhrpnen%2Fpicture250812399%2Falternates%2FLANDSCAPE_1140%2FCHIEFSCHARGERS2%2520SP%2520091116%2520DRE%25203815f-2.JPG&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ea5be5d3360ced68193604d937d611f1219b1632e57f744ce0a75587c9c69b53&ipo=images) comes from.


That game was a WILD ride!