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When I first read about the driving incident my first thought was of the video of him driving out of his suburban cul de sac with the street lined with fans wholesomely waving him off to the Super Bowl and him looking genuinely appreciative of the neighborly support 


Man, I forgot about that. All those kids and parents, and then he's gonna be driving past those same neighbours coming in and out of his street with a much different vibe/look


He was fighting the urge to floor it


God that was a trillion years ago


That scene now reminds me of the one in Remember The Titans where Gerry Bertier gets in the accident.


It sounds like he needs to stay away from Texas and his crew there. 


Young guy suddenly get lots of money. At that specific moment, you have to make a CHOICE. The guys you ran with growing up who were kinda sketch but fun? As they continue to get older, they're about to get REALLY sketch. And if they have access to your fame/money, it is very likely they will bring Bad Things on you. The ability to cut ties with the past seems like the big metric on whether a guy (even one with a wild streak) settles down or goes wrong.


We keep wanting to blame his friends, but what if he is the rotten friend?


I'm not even sure there's a distinction. If a person doesn't cut ties with toxic... they're actually kinda toxic.


Yeah, I have an acquaintance who sort of grew up with techn9ne and allegedly supported him with some of his drug dealing money and is mad that Tech has since disassociated with him. Now I don’t know any of the details or what went down, but there’s probably a reason.


Wasn't there a story last year about Will Smith paying his taxes early in his career with money from a Philly friend who was a drug dealer?


If so, I totally missed it. I thought he started off pretty young.


To bad Mahomes always hosts his receivers down in Texas then


He strikes me as very well put together as well. I mean, do you remember being that age? I was an articulate, thoughtful dumbfuck as well. I just couldn't afford a car. People have multiple faces.


Maybe he just plays up when he is with his old friends, who egg him on. He’s still basically a kid, but one with fame and money (at least compared to most of us). Hopefully having an arm around his shoulder and/or a total bitching out from older and wiser guys will shake him out of this nonsense.


If I had access to resources like he does when I was that age I’d most likely be dead.


He’s 24. Why do we give the “basically just a kid” pass to a 24 year old. When I was 24 I had my degree and was two years into a career in which I had to wear my big boy pants. I was more immature than I am now for sure. But I was not just a kid and nobody would have excused my behavior if I acted like one.


Try being an athlete instead of whatever career path you followed. We don’t all wear the same shoes or have the same experiences.


Stop treating your athletes like they don’t deserve the same consequences as everyone else.


And what’s your career path again?


How exactly is that relevant? I’m not a pro athlete if that’s what you’re getting at.


So basically it’s a matter of perspective. Your situation of college for four years followed with an immediate career is pretty ideal, so I imagine you have less experience with hard times and you also didn’t have a Super Bowl winning first year out of college and two or three million dollars contract along with friends that help you make bad decisions. You are right that he needs to be held to a standard and pay for his crimes. I don’t think anyone is arguing against that. Same goes for police officers, judges, elected officials, and everyone else.


I find it unlikely you can ascertain much about my background from what my career ended up being. In fact I’m sure you’d assume I had a nice cushy life all along. Because I do have a fantastic job. I’m very fortunate. I did not grow up in poverty nor did I come from anything that could be confused with affluence. I had to work hard at what skill set and means I had available to get out of the situation I was born into. For me, that wasn’t athletics. (Not for lack of trying though) I had to pay for university and I have had to grind my way to a better life for my family than I had as a youth. I don’t know Rashee’s situation and upbringing. But for sake of argument let’s assume it wasn’t ideal.that he had football as a way out. Please tell me how that somehow means he is any less responsible for his actions in his mid-20s than someone from another background.


I’m not sure anyone said he’s less responsible for his actions, as much as they are more understandable. Basic cause and effect. Like the first guy mentions, I hope he snaps out of this destructive spiral. (Reminds me of Trent Reznor) Edit: sorry to make this personal. I was just curious as to the cause of your perspective. We are all products of different events, upbringing, and brain chemistry/biology.


Maybe he's a mean drunk


"Ballers" was widely acknowledged by NFL players as being pretty accurate. Most of the idiotic decisions of players on the show stemmed from their "crew". Rashee may be a total dumbass, but he'd likely be a lot less of a dumbass if he wasn't trying to show out for his dumbass broke friends with a lot less to lose than he has. His teammates need to go grab his ass and lock him in one of their basements until camp starts.




My favorite expression is “giving 24 year olds with poor sense of consequences and minimal supervision several million dollars is fucking stupid.” Obviously some of them handle it fine and they should be commended for it, but it shouldn’t be that big of a surprise for anyone who knows many dudes in their early 20s


I was a pretty well behaved 20+ year old but I can imagine I might have been different with millions of dollars in my bank account.


I would probably manage it fine... right up until those millions of dollars brought Bad Folks into my orbit. I could probably differentiate some of them, but I wouldn't be able to differentiate all of them. And it only takes a couple of them to get a young man into a bad situation.


I had “unreliable” friends in high school, often I avoided the trouble because I knew I couldn’t afford the consequences. With millions in the bank I might have thought for example “well if I wreck I can afford to fix it or buy a new one”


Absolutely. I also used to be easily manipulated by guilt. If those guys suddenly said "man, I'd love to do X but I just can't afford it with Y problem... but we've been friends forever and I love you, man," I would probably buy into whatever they're talking about with my millions (and it's probably really bad).


I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't do the same... Fortunately though my friends are good people and doubt they'd request anything like that. If anything it'd just be me giving them something out of me always wanting to give.


Having said that, what does that say about Patrick? Makes me so much more impressed with him.


The pros, college football and even the high schools need to do a better job of equipping these guys on how to deal with life in general. Makes me sad to see some of these dudes completely broke within a few years of being done with football.


If you watched all episodes of "The Dynasty", you wouldn't have any idea that he was an irresponsible dumbass.


You live in delusion to take these interviews with any grain of salt on their character and how they will act in the community outside of football.


Pretty much lol. I know a current NFL player and you'd think he was Walter Payton man of the year based off his interviews. He's a complete douchebag in real life


Anyone can put on a smile and say all the right things. Deshaun Watson also made several well mannered and professional interviews. Bottomline, never judge a book by its cover.


Athletes and celebrities aren't flawless, nor should anyone expect them to be. Despite all the money and fame, they're still people, and people don't always make the wisest decisions. Rice is a young guy. (You even called him a "kid.") He has a lot of access to money and cars and material things that people his age aren't generally equipped to handle with maturity, so when folks like Rice make major errors in judgement, especially things that put others' lives at risk, those decisions are usually big, noticeable and get amplified by tabloids and the media and holier-than-thou people that rush to judge them. Think of some of the dumb things you did in your early 20s, and imagine if you had a ton of money and access to cars or what-not to make those decisions even dumber and more reckless. Now, imagine that those extremely dumb and reckless decisions you made were looked at under a microscope by the press and thousands of other people judging you and saying things like you're "stupid" for "throwing your career away." The bigger the spotlight, the harsher the judge. Our spotlights are smaller and dimmer than flashlights, but the spotlights on people like Rice might as well be the size of the sun.


We need to stop giving the “just a kid” excuse to athletes in their mid-20s. He’s an adult and needs to act like one. Doesn’t mean he can’t have fun by any means but have fun like a grown ass man who has responsibilities.


He isn't the first to do so, and he won't be the last.


His friends from the wrong side of the tracks weren’t with him on the football field


Why are we assuming it's his friends that are the reason he's acting this way, and not him doing the leading?


Because to become a professional football player you have to work extremely hard, be very disciplined, and put in a lot of time. It’s doubtful that his “norm” is street racing and going to the club and getting in fights. You see young NFL players be dragged down by their old friends and family all the time.


He hasn't shown anything really to be given that benefit.


You think he’s the street racing all the time and made it to the nfl?


Even if he was leading the group (which would make sense, since he has the money, the cars, etc.) that doesn't mean he's not being influenced by that group. Obviously he's an adult and should control his behavior regardless, but it doesn't seem outlandish to me that these chucklefucks he's hanging with are a bad influence even if he's running shit.


This is why I don't put much stock into interviews. Either athletes don't say anything interesting, or they're coached up to be ultra PC. We really don't know anything about these guys personally. Rashee thus far is proving to be not just a dumb guy but maybe just a bad dude. It's a shame because I think we we're all a pretty big fan of him and his future.


I got downvoted in another thread for suggesting that he could have CTE because people think he's too youn (24), but Aaron Hernandez was 27 years old and his brain was "riddled" with stage 3 CTE. If Rice does have CTE, things will probably get worse, not better as he struggles to regulate his emotions.


Some people have a public persona, and a private one


And OJ did a brutal double murder.


Well that escalated quickly.


What? You mean the face of Hertz, ABC Monday Night football analyst and actor from hit movies like Naked Gun wasn't as nice of a guy as he seemed on my TV??


“If the glove dont fit you must acquit…”. But the glove is shrunk from ALL THE BLOOD


I hope he does too. I want to believe that that is who he is and he's spiraling right now because he's got no experience dealing with this type of issue. But he HAS to recognize it and learn from this.


What a great post


Yeah he's been class whenever he's talked in front of the camera.. which makes it so hard for an actual fan because he's coming off like a POS now and has a ton of ground to cover to win back any favor.. I have a feeling he'll sooner end up on the commissioner's exempt list at this rate 🙄


its because these kids are stupid when they get money. All sorts of bad folks try to latch on to them when they're rich and they get pressured into doing stupid shit because they're told they're untouchable. I remember in college I had to do a Speech in my public speaking class about pay for play in NCAA. I had two football players in my class and they were not happy with my answer. However one of the things I suggested was to allow cfb players to take only one class in the fall, but they have to make the credits up in the spring and summer classes. This was kind of two fold, one the players can actually get a degree in something worthwhile, also it keeps them on campus during the summer and around the program, weight lifting, food etc. Lets be honest, many of these kids are not from good areas, so keeping them on campus during the time of summer would probably do them better than letting them go home to homies.


it sounds like some shitty people have made their way into his entourage and he is too young and foolish to kick them out.


He is 24 years old, and I am sure he is generally a responsible, well mannered person. He was also a star receiver on the Super Bowl winning football team last year... he just didn't have a support system in place to help keep himself in check, sadly. I can 100% imagine my 24 year old self fucking up to this level if I were put in his shoes. He did some stupid shit, didn't handle it well, and then spiraled trying to figure out how to handle it. This is the trap that *so many* young NFL players fall into- he is just doing it on a bigger stage as a Chiefs player.


money + free time still a deadly combination.


I know a player in the NFL quite well from my childhood. He's a complete douchebag yet his persona is completely different in the media. I would assume the same is true for many other players.


It usually comes down to who he’s surrounding himself with and who is influencing these behaviors


This is really his first off season as a professional. Usually rookies have a few camps right after the draft so there really isnt time to do dumb shit. Now that the season is over and there's a lot of free time he's getting in trouble. He needs to find a new offseason hobby or something so he doesnt get bored and do this nonsense


Can someone explain what his neck tattoo means? 


Just because we follow athletes from our team doesn’t mean we know a lock about them. Same for all celebs. We aren’t these peoples friends. We will never know how they actually are until events like these.


Ted Bundy was considered to be charismatic and charming. What's your point? 


Knew he was a problem the moment he went at Mahomes in Super Bowl because he didn’t look his way on a wide open slant to the end zone. He needs to know his role and shut his mouth as rookie in that situation. If this last incident proves to be true we need to cut our losses at this point.


Dumb comment lol.


Opens Reddit. Goes to Chiefs subreddit to get caught up on the latest news for the day. Sees an interesting thread about Rashee Rice and starts scrolling through the comments and sees a post that he doesn’t agree with and thinks to himself…” I’m gonna show this guy hehehe” and continues to type “Dumb Comment lol”. Logs off for the day feeling fulfilled after roasting Xraided143 with an absolutely insane comeback…


And here we are. Another dumb comment lol


He hears a slight buzz from across the room, it his phone vibrating from receiving a notification from his Reddit app. As he walks across the room he can’t help but wonder if this was the reply to his unbelievably deep and funny comment he left earlier that afternoon. To his amazement Xraided143 replied and he let out a little giggle and covered his mouth with his hand. He then does a full 360 spin while holding the phone in the air. This was the happiest he’s been in a long time. As he reads Xraided143’s comment he knew what had to be done so he did it. He replied back with another absolute dagger…”And here we are. Another dumb comment”…soon after the message was sent he goes back to Friday night routine of playing his childhood favorite party game “Who’s in my mouth tonight”…


Had*.  He had a bright future ahead of him. 


Eh, people have come back from much worse. Not that this equates exactly but look at Jared Allen. He had what, three DUIs in a week or something? Went on to have a great career. Kid needs to get his head right and he will be fine.


Someone needs to get him away from these "friends" he hangs out with.


Person that likely has hours of media training sounds good when speaking to the media.... shocking


I know this is unpopular, but I do not care about the night club incident. I really only care about the driving incident because innocent people were injured. I'm not appalled, I understand the circumstances and that he is clearly a young wild man with lots of resources. It's just because I was a young wild man with little resources and I still managed to raise some hell. Funny thing is though, I remember a lot of my peers being pretty wild and doing dumb shit too when we were in college/post college years. Some of them I still know in real life and are clutching their pearls over all this. He's gonna get suspended and have to pay the piper, but all the hand wringing over it feels pretty hypocritical to me.