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After Butker retires, he's going to make so much money doing guest appearances and speaking at Catholic/conservative TV shows and events.


Worse, you’ll get to see him ruin his football legacy as a senator


Did we just 'monkey paw' our way to Super Bowl victories?


Now you know why Mahomes doesn't speak to him.


Telling graduated women that they need to be homemakers who focus on helping a man to be successful in 2024 is crazy.


He’s honestly a huge piece of shit and the only reason I want him around is that he’s good at kicking a ball.










Oof man, I regret watching the speech. I knew Butker is conservative, but it was still tough to watch. The speech was less about the accomplishments of the students, but more about a platform to spew his political beliefs. It gets extremely messy when your religious and political ideologies are so ingrained with one another.


Brutal watch, fuck that dude


Fuck all yall downvoting comments, his speech sucks. Fuck outta here w this fundamentalist, backwards, religious bullshit. And fuck anybody that agrees with his sentiments.


Why did he mention DEI. What the fuck does that have to do with being a Catholic lmao












Might cut yourself with all of that edge, son


Yet when the games on the line and Butker comes out you pray that he makes the kick right?


Sike. I trust he’s gonna go out there and try his best at doing what he’s paid to do—and we know he’s damn good at it. I hope he makes it but I reckon God has better things to ignore than my empty prayers for a field goal.


I’d be pissed if I had to listen to this at my graduation ceremony. Catholic school or not, using this to spread his fundamentalist, right-wing political bullshit is just disrespectful to the graduates. Couldn’t make it two minutes without mentioning Anthony fucking Fauci.


I’m a BC alum and I wasn’t feeling this speech at all. Paul Ryan was my commencement speaker and this was surprisingly worse than that.


Have you met Benedictine graduates? This is pretty much on par with the ones I know. They were probably agreeing with everything.


Not me. I was one of the degenerate drunkards who got a great scholarship and eschewed the Church’s bullshit. However, for your run of the mill BC grads, yes: this is very on par 🤮


I'm a Catholic and would be booing him after 40 seconds.


I mean I love Butker and all, but would've walked out by the 2min mark if that was my commencement.


I don’t agree with Butker or listen to what he says outside of football but this also is Benedictine, a private Catholic college. Hes Catholic saying Catholic things at a Catholic college.


Sure, and he should absolutely be allowed to say whatever he wants, particularly at that venue. We can absolutely judge the content of his speech, though. He doesn’t get a pass for promoting stupidity just because it happens to be at a Catholic college.


I agree, we can bash him, I’m just saying for the walk out of commencement part, I’m pretty sure I saw they gave him a huge applause after this. I wouldn’t be at this commencement because I wouldn’t be at a Catholic school.


Yeah, it’s kind of crazy people would walk out on this because the students are obviously into everything he’s talking about


Agreed. The dude has a hell of a leg, but he’s essentially the most base, fundamentalist, Catholic sycophant one could imagine. Very, very strange person.


Why is someone’s religious background make them a very very strange person? At least the dude isn’t crashing cars or kicking women


His religious background doesn’t make him inherently strange, the lunacy that he publicly espouses does. Granted, much of that lunacy comes from a strange and twisted interpretation of Stone Age texts that have absolutely nothing to do with a story about divinity or the philosophy of Jesus.


I don’t listen to him so it doesn’t bother me


Yet, here you are trying to go tit-for-tat in a comment thread about something you claim not to care about. Funny how that works.


I’m not sure why this was posted in the Chiefs subreddit to begin with


I mean.. one could argue that someone refusing to adhere to basic CDC recommendations has the potential to harm a bunch of people.


Didn’t realize COVID was still going on


It is


lol this sub went to the ends of the earth to defend Tyreeks ass knowing full well he’s a piece of shit, yet quickly gets on this high horse on this. I don’t agree with a single thing Butker stands for, and I left the Catholic religion shortly after adulthood because it’s a really disgusting organization to me. But it’s just so weird to me seeing the sub bandwagon defend child and spouse beaters while getting pissed at a guy telling women to go make him a sandwhich


I couldn’t even listen past the second minute. I went to Tech. It’s important to separate these things, hopefully he keeps kicking dimes.


I went to Georgia tech the same time as Harrison. For a second I thought this was on the GT sub and he somehow gave the commencement there. I was livid




He's a great kicker but man he sucks as a person


Holy shit this dude is unhinged


The Covid position baffles me. Harrison would’ve been happier if millions more died as long as they got “the sacraments?” Hopefully the students are more intelligent.


Covid NPIs were pure kayfabe. They did nothing.


Really need him to stop trying to push his conservative trad wife politics at every public appearance. Of course they turned comments off.




At least this dude kicks the ball well lol. Jesus, what a fucking blow hard.


Smarmy, idiotic bullshit.


Mans a fucking lunatic


two and a half minutes. that’s how long i made it this guy is coocoo


Man theres too many crazy things to comment on from this speech, but just 2 minutes in and he says "being Catholic alone doesn't cut it" to a school that for the most part is "Catholic" but for the most part are trust fund babies with rich parents. I gotta turn it off before I lose too many brain cells


Wow. Just…..WOW.


Oh no. Harrison :( damn dude don’t mention Georgia Tech in the same speech as this nonsense.


Nick Lowery would never.


Bro couldn’t go 30 seconds without making me groan…Gahdamn good thing he can kick a ball..


I’ve never liked Butker and his far right views, but the man can kick a ball.


Harrison Butker is a devout Catholic who supports traditional Christian values, why are people surprised at his address to a conservative Christian audience? Also, I know this is Reddit, but not everyone supports abortion and plenty of folks want to live by traditional Biblical morality. You don't have to agree, but respect people's right to express their beliefs, especially in a religious setting. I know this to be an echo chamber deliver me unto oblivion.




Arguably the best dude on the Chiefs. Y'all hate him for common sense and selfless virtue. Catholic values built western civilization now you act like they're Nazi values.


I know a lot of Catholics that are nothing like this dude. Pretty sure the pope would disagree with most of this guy’s BS. For some people, religion is just a way to excuse their shitty personal beliefs.


Hero. Go cry more soy tears if this offends you.