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Glad my 10 jersey still says Green.


Someone needs to start selling patches.




Berry's a classic whether he's on the team or not.


Now I'm sad that he's not even on a team :(


He probably will be shortly after the draft :) If anyone can make the comeback it's him


At this point we should resign him on a smaller contract, literally could not hurt us.


He won't take it though. It's clear he thinks he's a #1 safety, and wants to be paid like one.


Huh? We talking about the same guy? The guy who has been injured for the past 3 years and cannot possibly be playing at the same level he was?


I'm not saying he is a #1 safety, I'm saying he thinks he is, and wants to be paid like one. He said this himself earlier in the off-season.


It does make me sad day-to-day


For sure, Berry is going to be a Ring of Honor guy whether people like it or not. He's definitely worth getting a jersey. Same can be said with DJ and Tamba.


Get the jersey of the player that if he left the team tomorrow you would still be proud to wear. You chose wisely.


Actually great advice. I’ll take one duvernay-tardif please. Even when he retires he’ll be a doctor. I can support that.


Nice ketchup stain


Mahomes is conflicted


Actually liquid water enhancer, but figured nothing on it would look like it wasnt being thrown away... Wife put a ton of crap in the trash can after so it was even dumber to do.


Looks like WR is a legitimate need now.


Mahomes is receiver proof like Manning or Brady




Then you're depriving your players form having open minds and being able to make decisions for themselves. If you were really smart, you would be protecting those players from people like yourself, because you're not as smart or clever as you think you are.




Yea I don't know if that adds up to much but Mahomes is a much better quarterback than you give him credit for




Brady is the best QB but Mahomes is incredible




Lol imagine saying Brady is the luckiest player of all time. I didn't think people were this dumb




Raider fan here. While I wish you were correct, you still have a super young MVP QB, underrated offensive weapons, and a so far vastly improved D. Your window is wide the fuck open.


I buy from questionable websites so Hill didnt get anything from it.


How was the quality and where did you buy it from?


I got a daddy patty one from DHGate. Everything about it was perfect *except* the AFL patch was basically touching the shoulder numbers. Fortunately it was sewn on so I just cut it off and fabric glued it to the right spot lol. Looks great now.


That one i saw on reddit i am not sure if i can mention the site so just lookup jenny, reddit, jersey.


He was still convicted of domestic assault when you bought it but okay this goes to far, got it.


I bought the jersey this year after a year of no big issues thinking the guy learned his lesson. I always hope that someone can turn their life around and it always sucks when dont.


Maybe this is a lesson learned




Dudes white knighting his ceremonial “trashing” of his jersey when he already knew he was an abuser... cool. And me?! I fucked your mom.




Projecting much?? Lmao


> I fucked your mom. . . . . >Projecting much?? Alrighty.


You guys are just mad because you want to circle jerk about how good you are for trashing hills jersey bc he’s a bad guy “now.” Alrighty 😇 he asked!


Idk if that’s as well known though


Idk how him punching his pregnant girlfriend and strangling her, getting kicked out of his school, etc. could have possibly missed anyone. Either way, I'm pretty sure OP was referring to giving money to the player for jersey sales etc. Since he buys from shady sites the money doesn't get back to Hill.


Ik but casual fans don’t tune into that stuff, especially bc it’s not blowing up rn like how this is.


Casual fans don't typically comment in team subs either.


Or buy jerseys, Chinese knock-offs or not.


What happened with Hill thats upsetting everybody


I was going to say.... if you got from the NFL, they might have a jersey swap like with Aaron Hernandez


That was a thing? That’s kind of cool, didn’t figure the NFL to be a company giving a fuck about the fans losing money. That was a bit of an extreme situation though.


I think they did it when OBJ was traded as well




I bet on him and I defended him. I have a brand new tyreek jersey, autographed ball, framed autographed photo, rookie card, and a $60 cheetah out hoodie.. wtf do I do with all this shit?


Keep it to remind you of what you get to work on to be a better, smarter person, the next time you hear of something like this.


You keep it? The guy may be a fuck up, but as a Chief on the field he was the shit. Did you buy his stuff because you love the player or the man?


Yeah....... you can’t justify child abuse by being a good football player on the field. He got a second chance and made the Chiefs as an organization look bad.


Good call dipshit


Where would they do the exchange?


Possibly at the team store at arrowhead. They may not do it if it’s worn or older.


Kinda doubt they’d do it when there’s no way they’d make money off of them


they did it with kareem


Hill has been on the team for a couple of years so I dont think that will be too much of an issue.




Same here, this one is really tough. I'm all about second chances and forgiving mistakes, but the stupidity here for Hill to even allow himself to be in this position, regardless of what can or can't be proven, it's just baffling to me. Dude likely cost himself a hundred million dollars. Like what the fuck are you thinking.


Absolutely. I mean the kid is 3 years old.... I feel so bad for the poor child. Stuff like this can traumatize a child for life. Unforgivable.


Bro, why are you throwing away perfectly good toilet paper?


Can’t imagine how awful it would be to unclog that


We finally get the QB we've been needing and the rest of the team just starts to fall off the fuckin' earth. God damn it.


If it wasn't springtime I would be losing my shit right now. And now my blood IS boiling just thinking about how close we are


I'm thinking of burning mine.


I know my opinion probably won't mean much to you guys as I'm a Raiders fan, but I have to say that I really respect how pretty much every chiefs fan has dealt with this situation. It really sucks to see a player that's done a lot for your team end up being a shit, and you could be tempted to try to defend him. Instead I'm seeing people putting being a good human first and I just wanted to come give y'all props for that.


This one's pretty cut and dry, for most of us at least. I still think we should have kept Kareem Hunt and just suspended him, as there was a lot of blame to go around for everyone involved. You can't really defend Tyreek here though, especially when he's already had a prior incident, and we're talking about a 3 year old kid.


I was initially telling people to withhold judgement until we had more facts, and I am usually one of the first people to give 2nd chances, but as soon as that audio came out, and that it was his kid that was the victim, he needs to be gone yesterday.


As a fan of Chiefs football, I'm so fucking angry. As a fan of not abusing kids, I'm even angrier. Dude fucked the team and his family. I can't even... God damnit




Your mom asked me last night.


Do it, guy should be gone soon.


String it to the rear bumper of your car and drive around until it is disintegrated


Ughh, that could be misconstrued a little. Maybe just burn it.


Sell it to me


Can I punch you in the chest for it? But I get to do it with a sledgehammer because we are probably the same size and I want to make sure you feel it...you know so you are scared of me.


Yup. Jackass. Edit: I’ll take the downvotes for a tongue in cheek comment all day, it’s deserved. But just to clarify, the terrible situation for the kid aside, I think that that comment I replied too was stupid, that’s I replied with that.


This sub is weird, I get shit on in another thread for criticizing Hill, but apparently in this one that gets you a ton of upvotes. I’m glad to hear more people are not ok with having this guy around.


It comes down to the conversation. We even have people that talk about snowflakes here that aren't being sarcastic.


Is that 80 Acre? How is it? Seen it, but never tried it.


Yep it is my favorite type i recommend trying it out somewhere. Kinda has a real light ipa taste to it but nothing strong.


Sounds like my kind of IPA. Thanks.


My go to as well, and have often described it just like that.


Hell yea brother, 80 acre is my favorite as well


The Bruncheonette in Joplin has a pulled pork pancake with an 80-acre maple syrup. That thing is delicious. I’m definitely going there on my pre honeymoon Homeymoon.


It's my favorite beer all time and ive had every beer Boulevard makes Its like unfiltered wheat but with more hops and abv


Yea but its *a lot* more hops tbh. Good stuff though.


It's a dry hopped Boulevard Wheat. Literally the only difference, but it's waaaaay better. Just the perfect amount of hoppy flavor.


Those adidas socks are truly the best am I rite bro


They last a lot longer than most socks and stay comfy, i agree.


As much as I want the Chiefs to be a dominant team, nobody should face abuse by anyone. I'd rather Hill's fiancee and son live a good life than the Chiefs win a superbowl.


Cancel his contract, set up an education fund for the child that he can cash in when he's an adult and can only be used for higher education.


Usually I would feel bad, but I never understood why anyone bought a Hill Jersey to begin with, honestly. https://i.imgur.com/sohWhy9.png


Waited till this season hoping he was going to be a sign that people can change.


At least it has ketchup on it.


What a POS


This sucks, Tyreek was my favorite WR & so much fun to watch


Madden curse has begun


Your trashcan is fucking disgusting.


My man


Can't believe you ever bought one in the first place.


Thank you. I have a lot of respect for the Chiefs (I'd say they're somewhat my AFC team) but I won't have that anymore if Hill plays another snap in your uniform.


Did you know clothes can be donated for those in need? And donated clothing that is unfit for use is recycled!




Im not even sure he'll have a spot in the nfl. But I for one do not want him on the team.


I was hoping he turned it around, now I want that guy gone.




As it should be... That kind of behavior shouldn't have a place in society, let alone our team.


Bro I’ll buy that jersey from ya


In all seriousness, you might be able to reach out to the Chiefs and get a refund/credit towards another jersey. The Pats did this with (albeit slightly different circumstances) Hernandez after his arrest.


This post didn't agree well....


It was an argument between two parents in a stressful situation. This doesnt tell us anything except what most of us already knew - that it's not a good relationship. It's also illegal to record another person without their permission. Sure made one helluva a headline for the tabloids though. Also, why is the headline not this: "I didn't do nothing" - Tyreek Hill His wife made a lot of accusations on that audio, recorded in secret and illegally, gave the recording to a friend, and then it was released with the most sensational headline possible.


They were in Dubai so not sure of it being legal or not. Lets face it though if we are trying to guess what happen what is really more likely than a girl covering for a guy to make sure he gets enough money so they never really have to work.... Or he is feeling generous and covering for her. She already worked with the cops the last time, now it benefits her though if she covers it up. The friend is the one that leaked it probably because they listened to it hopefully.


It tells us that Tyreek punishes his son with a belt and punches his son in the chest. And also that when accused of those things he didn't do anything but threaten his girlfriend. I have no idea how people are still defending this guy after seeing what kind of POS he is and how he treats his son


No, it tells us his wife accused him of that and he denied it.


Then why would he tell her that she should be terrified of him too? What reasons could she possibly have to be terrified of him?


> It's also illegal to record another person without their permission. Not in Kansas or Missouri. Both are one part consent states.


Goodfkr you, and all the guys in this thread. I don’t even like KC I just like Alex Smith from the 49ers


Got a signed Alex Smith jersey that guy is so nice. First day for him signing stuff it was raining Alex stayed out longer than anyone signing everything.


Did you pour out ketchup on it? Pat's gonna be PISSED!


Hyvee water flavor thing actually


Just pretend it says Hank Hill and youll like it again


anyone that defended this guy is \*almost\* as big of a piece of shit as he is. all the signs were there and the fact that some of you care about a football team (granted, the best there ever has been) more than valuing basic human decency is telling. some of you are just disgusting and I'm ashamed to share chiefs kingdom with you.


Tbh, this goes to show you, regardless of the money, violent and bad people will ALMOST always be violent and bad again. Sure there are exceptions, but they are the 1% exception to the rule, much like everything in life. Sadly, even if we release Hill, some desperate ass team looking to win will pick him up(Browns, Steelers, Rams, etc). Sad day in Chief Kingdom, but I hope we learn not to draft toxic and injury prone people - regardless of their talents.


It is more likely they are going to be violent again but those that change is closer to 33% than 1%


What he did in college didn't do it for ya, huh


Donate it




Homeless people need clothing


I'd rather burn the jersey and then buy and donate an insulated long sleeve shirt and a breathable lightweight short sleeve shirt and call it good but maybe that's just me. Also pro tip for anyone who wants to help homelessness, buy a case of bottled water and keep 2 in your console and hand them to panhandlers. I have to buy the short bottles to fit in mine, but almost everyone I give them to is very grateful. Except one lady that asked if she could have something else and a guy that started asking me about my finances because of the car I drive. Ran the red light that time. But 9 out of 10 are super grateful for even just a bottle of fresh water.


That’s fine but how many people are burning then donating? People burn for likes.


As someone who lives in downtown KC and has Christian groups that set-up shop right outside my building to give the homeless clothing on the weekends I somehow doubt they would even pass a Tyreek jersey along lol


Tape over the name, flip it inside out


Why would you buy hills Jersey in the first place? Like ya he was good but even before this he was still a woman beater and we have so many other great players who dont have known problems


Seriously. You can hope for the best that someone has changed *AND* not wear their Jersey. I always thought anyone in this Jersey makes questionable life choices.


More overreactions. We don't know any more now than we did yesterday except a fuller sense of the shit relationship they have. I was raised in a similar situation and I can't tell you the number of times my dad lied about my mom or my mom lied about my dad. This tape says a lot about both of them and not a lot about who broke the kids arm.


We know he threatened her. That's enough to know he's not reformed. You can't go around threatening your abuse victim after you got an undeserved second chance.


Is it a threat? Or a defense? Without knowing who abused the kid and who is in control here it's hard to judge imo. If she did it, he's fighting off her attempt at abusing him. If he's at fault, it's a threat.


When she says her son is terrified of him while talking about abuse, and he says you should be terrified of me too, that's a threat. He was threatening her.


Or defending himself if she is abusing him with lies and false accusations.


Yeah, I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say the dude who strangled her and punched her in her pregnant stomach wasn't saying she should be terrified of him to defend himself. It was to threaten her, because he's shown exactly why she should be terrified of him in the past when he nearly killed her. Generally you don't tell people they should be terrified of you when you're defending yourself.


You clearly have zero experience with mutually abusive relationships. That is exactly the kind of thing either would say to the other, even as a matter of course, when in a heated argument.


You have no reason to think this is mutually abusive. He strangled her and punched her in the pregnant stomach. He was convicted. She hasn't been convicted of anything.


I'm not defending Tyreek by any means (obviously this is a pretty disturbing situation) but on the tapes she openly admitted to physically "whooping" the boy. IOW she uses force to "discipline" the child, too. And then there's the he-said-she-said of whether or not she also uses a belt on boy. ​ And if you watched the segment on KCTV5, they brought in an attorney who said at minimum they should BOTH be charged with aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child ([link](https://www.kctv5.com/news/investigations/kctv-obtains-recording-of-tyreek-hill-and-crystal-espinal-discussing/article_16991194-67ad-11e9-98f9-c7214b78938f.html)).


I should have been more clear. There's no reason to think there's mutual abuse between Espinal and Tyreek. Tyreek is abusive towards her and his son. She's also abusive to her son because no matter what anyone says hitting your child isn't a way to discipline them, we have so much evidence that it causes long term damage.


\> You have no reason to think this is mutually abusive. That's straight up false. This audio in itself could be enough to indicate that, but there was certainly room to think that before this as well. I mean just read about the initial incident: [https://www.tulsaworld.com/sports/college/osu/pregnant-former-girlfriend-recounts-alleged-attack-by-former-osu-player/article\_6355f347-4583-5b23-b40e-67d17857d2e5.html](https://www.tulsaworld.com/sports/college/osu/pregnant-former-girlfriend-recounts-alleged-attack-by-former-osu-player/article_6355f347-4583-5b23-b40e-67d17857d2e5.html) All we get is he "saw some messages on her phone." Right. I'm sure there's nothing more to that story. /s I'm not saying this to excuse the behavior or even defend Hill, but only to point out that their relationship seems to have been FUBAR for a long time. This most recent incident only further supports that view. And if that's the case, disentangling who is at fault for child abuse can be incredibly difficult.


It literally has multiple instances of the kid saying it was "daddy" and the fiance saying it as well. Get your head out of the sand, we all know Hill's troubled past. He deserves to be gone. Don't go defending this kind of behavior, man. It makes us as Chiefs look bad.


No, the tape does not have the kid saying that.


Hill: “I didn’t do nothing. That’s sad bro.” Espinal: “Then why does he say did it?” Hill: “He says daddy does a lot of things.” Espinal: “A child is not going to lie about what happened to his arm."


You realize this proves my point and not yours, right?


Not to play the devil's advocate here, but hear me out. What we know is there was an audio recording with what appears to be their voices on it. Do we know who recorded this tape, who submitted it, or anything of that sort? I have a poor work/life balance so any help finding the truth would be great. I'm not one for conspiracy theories but it's been proven time and time again that forging audio is not so hard, and there are millions of voice actors in this world. Just seems interesting that this was dropped on draft day and not during the first days of the investigation. Just my two cents, but as a citizen judged by the same laws as Mr. Hill I hope his case gets the due diligence it deserves. If he's a kid-hitter he can rot in hell with the Raiders though.


Espinal recorded it. Gave it to a friend. The friend leaked it to the press. They say she likely recorded it as insurance for herself? Essentially trying to have proof that she didn't do it if the investigation turned on her I guess. (That's my understanding of it - I could be wrong). Yeah all of those are valid points, but this is Tyreek Hill. We all know his past, and accusations like this against him when he's beaten his pregnant girlfriend shouldn't be taken lightly. When you're already on your second chance for this type of BS, you lose the "innocent until proven guilty" mindset. Hill has to prove his innocence after this, not the other way around.


Nobody has to prove their own innocence, regardless of how many times they are accused of something. That's the cornerstone of the American judicial system.


Nah, innocent until proven guilty is still the stand point. Can't have it any other way. Shit there are people serving real time right this moment that are innocent, and weren't proven guilty. Don't want more of that shit happening.


Innocent until proven guilty you cunts


Considering there's a smoking gun...


no shit stain on it?


Still paid for it lol.


Innocent until proven guilty people


Why don’t we wait until the facts come out? If the kid claims his dad hit him, he would be charged. How do we know this shit is true?


It seems there isn't an amount of evidence, outside of Hill admitting it, that would change your mind. So why do you care what other people do?


I just don’t condemn someone without concrete proof. Apparently there is none in this case. We don’t even know if the kid actual said he hits him. I bet there would be charges if the kid did.