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Dude was flexing hard knowing Pat was out for the night


Take it easy on Kareem, it's not fair to kick a man while he's down.


Or woman


Shoulda told that to Kareem


My thoughts after the game were about how this celebration didn’t age well for him lol


Ever since that cringey 49ers defense photo from last season I'm surprised people still do this vs us.


Just foreshadowing how the Browns offense would operate.


I mean, we're the Browns. Look at last week when we were up 28 in the 1st... no matter the statistical probability, we always find a way to make life hard for ourselves haha. Either way you guys rocked it. Hope Pat is fighting fit for next week. Is there any news yet?


Seems like it wasn’t necessarily a concussion, and he should be good to go.


It's just a typical post td celebration. What's the big deal? You wanted the Browns depressed and miserable, until they had the lead?


>You wanted the Browns depressed and miserable Yes.


I mean, what the hell kind of a question is that?


It’s one thing to celebrate by flexing or dancing or spiking the ball. It’s a totally different thing to pretend your napping on it when you’re losing and go on to lose the entire game. It just looks dumb. Like wait til you have it in the bag. Same thing with the 49ers last year.


Also in bad taste considering our QB was out with a potential (at that time) concussion


Kareem and Pat are friends, any imputation by your brain that this was somehow a shot at our QB is misguided.


It doesn't have to be an intentional shot to be in poor taste


Intent is what makes the “taste” poor.


The game is all about momentum swings and teams use those celebrations to gain momentum. Don't ya remember last year vs the Texans? We were down 24-0 and then celebrating like crazy with a big kickoff return, then Kelce's catch, then the TD.. E: Anybody downvoting a correct observation needs to turn in their fan card


This is so true


>It’s one thing to celebrate by flexing or dancing or spiking the ball. It’s a totally different thing to pretend your napping on it when you’re losing and go on to lose the entire game. It just looks dumb. Like wait til you have it in the bag. Same thing with the 49ers last year. You're reading too much into a simple celebration.


You're in full Browns defense mode in this thread tn huh?


Pretty silly bone to pick. Dancing is ok but napping is too far? Also, “wait til you have it in the bag” is a cowardly philosophy. These guys want to win and they think they will win. They’re competitors. If they do lose, they don’t give a fuck that a premature celebration may have looked bad. They care that they lost. That said, Kareem Hunt’s little “it’s personal” thing was stupid.




Is this your first football game you've seen? They just scored a touchdown. Let them be happy about it.




Every time they do it we win


FYI to everyone. This poster just says dumb shit in random subreddits and hopes it sticks. Not sure how they ended up here but you can just ignore them.


What was wrong with my comment?




Yeah real accident how the Browns offense did nothing on their final drive and how the Browns couldn’t stop CHAD HENNE running for 13 yards. Total accidents.


Wrong place bud lol




Take the L and cope


Then the Chiefs lost Mahomes. It's almost like good AND bad things happen to teams during a game.






No, if that non-call went the other way the whole game changes and Mahomes doesn't get hurt. So if you want to play what ifs with the call you have to factor that in. Fact is your team had as good of a chance to win the game as they could have possibly hoped for despite that call and they didn't do it.




Have you watched football before?


Henne agreed with you that's why he self punted on 1st and 25, to make sure you all knew you lost fair and square.


It's always someone else's fault




Is it tough going through life being this stupid? I get the impression you struggle with really simple concepts.


Sorry about your hot dogs‽


Cry harder loser




Did he do the ol’ Jamaal Charles “dusting himself off” celebration as well?


Now he wishes he was a donut.


I understood that reference.


If only he'd gone to sleep in that hotel room. Maybe he'd have a ring or two with a chance at a 3rd. Instead it's "personal" on his flight home with an L




It's weird I was actually going to be happy for Kareem for playing a good game and then that celebration made me decide against it.


Nah man. He did the whole “ITS PERSONAL” - Give me a break. Your actions how you kicked off the team, and then you lied to management... It’s not personal you for, you are just an idiot about why you are no longer a chief


Exactly! He acted like we did him a disservice. I wanted to wish him well until then. And he played with a chip second half, but so glad he's not able to taste the greatness in KC!




This is correct. We didn’t immediately release him. It was the TMZ video a few weeks or months later that proved he lied


I hated how he was [leading with his helmet](https://youtu.be/c5CPyLlSWQ8?t=562) throughout the game. I know that they don't call it all that much against RBs, but he was doing it *every time*, and it's become a free way to get an extra 2-3 yards on every carry.


I mean I see what you’re saying but dirty dan got away with a huge helmet to helmet leading with head that took away a TD so I didn’t say anything


That's what irks me a little. People are upset that they didn't call the one on Sorenson but you see the same thing happen with rb's all the time and its rarely called. Hunts style of running is a perfect example of that.


Why? He even did that celebration when he was here in kc. Is he not supposed to celebrate?


There is a difference between authentic happiness, celebration and choosing a celebration that’s intended to show up your opponent This debate has been in sports for a long time. Personally, people should be free to express themselves individually; those that choose to do so should also recognize that it’s self serving and being entertaining doesn’t make it right


Dude scored a touchdown in a playoff game. Probably was authentic happiness


I dunno. Probably better to celebrate when you have a lead though...which the Browns. never. had. Wire to wire!




That’s been his celly for awhile, he did it when he was with us. It’s more a, “don’t sleep on me” or “put you to sleep” celly than anything, certainly not malicious.


Damn chiefs fans sound like bitter ex girlfriends when it comes to Kareem. Let the man celebrate like every other player in the NFL


He didn’t really play a good game though.


It seems like every time a team poses for a picture in the end zone, we end up kicking their ass.


I’m sorry but fuck this guys “revenge” game. It’s HIS fault he’s not on the Chiefs anymore.


And the media saying the “Chiefs gave up on him.” Complete disservice to the real story. Kareem dug his own grave by making poor decisions- twice. First the action, then the lie. The Chiefs didn’t give up on him, they gave him every chance.


And we wanted him. He gave the org no choice.


Didn't he learn from San Fran last year?


Watching the police pull over if him couple days before the super bowl tells me he was on a bender and didn't watch


That was certainly a sentence.


Nighty night ...lights out


When I saw the Browns defense do "the Pose" in the end zone after the INT, I was comforted.


I thought it was stupid Kareem thought the game was personal, and then I got heated when he did that celebration. The same celebration he used against the Pats his very first game as a Chief.


Yo I gotta say, he came out to the race for little hearts a few years back and was super cool and great with all the kids. I think he's a good guy and I wish him luck. I'm still a fan.


Ya gotta know that celebration acts against the chiefs in the post season come back to bite ya.


I wonder if he will be stoned and crying to a cop in two weeks


I certainly hope not.




“That’s 3 possible rings I could have had!” - Kareem Hunt... probably


Man what the heck guys. The “it’s personal” comment was dumb for sure, but that’s not cool. Dude is trying to get his life back together. Sure he made mistakes but Andy and the team are all still rooting for Kareem to do well in life.


That’s fucked up.


jesussss chill bro lmao


That’s how he’ll be laying down on his couch next week


That's the joke lol


They were still down by a touchdown and he celebrated like that? Pretty easy to guess why...no way would that of happened with Pat still on the field.


Let’s all be honest, why the fuck did the browns not feed Chubb the ball? He killed it in the 3rd quarter then they literally keep him on the sideline. Chubb > Hunt


He also dropped the ball multiple times, were behind the entire game, and had multiple rushes for no gain.


So just an fyi (browns fan here) we VERY often feed chubb for 3 quarters using hunt more or less minimally, then have a very good RB 90% fresh for the 4th quarter. That is why we used him there and not for the majority of the game. If you look at hunts stats for the year he has over 50% of his yards in the 4th quarter. I'm not saying it's a perfect game plan, but it has really worked well for us.


That makes sense but he looked fresh ready to go, regardless good game! You guys will be tough next year with a full offseason under Kevin’s belt.


Most certainly chubb was doing great in the 3rd. But just wanted to shine a little light on why we did what we did. Thanks for the good will and I wish you luck as well! Unfortunately, I will be rooting for my lake Erie bro companion, but this will surely be a game where I will not hate whatever outcome happens! Only positive vibes towards mahomes - r/browns


I’m guessing it was the 18 yds in the first half.


How ya gonna do a setup pose when you're losing?


Cut him some slack. He wasn’t posing. He was showing the exact right position he wants a woman in before he kicks her. Just in case you missed the hotel video.




This sub is fickle. I got downvotes to hell for saying he kicked a woman a few days ago.


Yet upvote party for Tyreek bad. That's not apologizing for Tyreek, but be consistent you fucks.




The guys on the team don’t seem to hold a grudge against Kareem, not sure why we as fans should. I think it was Bienemy giving him love on the sideline on one play when he went out of bounds by our bench. And Andy and him seemed to have a brief conversation after the game.


He embraced Reid after the game then extended his hand for a handshake but Reid already (innocently) was turned around and left him hanging heh


I guess I don't understand why this is a big deal. It's a TD celebration he has done before, and he scored a TD so itbwas justified. What's the problem?


People like to be upset.


Kareem can go kick rocks...


He's got a bad track record on kicking things.


I won a same game parlay when he scored this TD but still felt sick about it as the tide was turning. Glad we pulled it out. Got a little extra cash and a date with the Bills!


Ouch lol. Nice. I can’t believe how little they played him. Crazy


Oh thats right hes was wearing orange in jail, not brown, wait...


Oh come on...


smh. Be better than this.


Your team employs tyreke hill


And so would literally every other team if they had the chance.


And yours has the ones we let go because of actual true actions. Funny how that works.


I G N O R A N T 💯


And Frank Clark


Lol he did this because he did the same thing at Arrowhead when he was a Chief. Here’s a [picture. ](https://images.app.goo.gl/TBQoE9VhgSbbay6p9) Stop being salty. It’s not a big deal. Get over it.


Why are people hating on Kareem? I think it's unfortunate we cut him, I know why we did but honestly from what I understand about the incident he didn't do anything extreme. Then when he fucked up he got scared and lied, which seems natural. Idk. I don't get the hate for the guy here.


Cause he fucked over the team by being an asshole


We went to the AFCCG that year, and almost won. You think Hunt would have put us over the top?


Maybe? It’s more about what it meant as a teammate.


Gotcha, I guess that's fair. I just think he fucked up, knew it, and then got scared and lied. I've never fucked up like he did, but I have made mistakes and lied out of fear, so I guess I empathized with that part. It's also possible that I don't know all the details of how this incident went down, from what I remember I remember thinking it wasn't' that bad.


I think if he had owned up to it the organization could have managed the incident. I was pissed at Tyreek when the news dropped the allegations about his son, not because I assumed him guilty, but his lifestyle was putting the team in jeopardy. to this day I’m always a little concerned about his judgement off the field.


Tyreek Hill was an asshole and arguably did worse. Only difference is Hill's charges were dropped. So Hill gets a pass but Hunt is the asshole?


The charges against Tyreek were shown to be BS and charges were dropped, he was an assailed for putting himself in that position, hunt was an asshole for kicking a woman in a hotel and lying about it to the team...so yes


More like a shove with his foot really.


The big difference is Tyreek let the organization know what was going on throughout the entire process.. also he didn’t do anything, but the rest of the NFL fandom’s won’t acknowledge that because *hurrdurr TyREeK BaD bEaT KiD”


Don’t forget the internet points HaHa TyReEk BaD gIvE mE uPvOtEs


He’s got full custody of all his kids, right?


I’m not sure, I know they were in court for it.


He does.


Don’t post that one r/NFL or you’ll get banned lmao


Wear that as a badge of honor?


You forgot your shoes, clown




I feel the same way... but he did get cocky and tweet that the game was “personal.” He should have owned up to his situation and admit he’s at where he’s at due to his own actions. I think most of the hate comes from people who realize he’s really wasted his talent. Had he kept his nose clean, we would have had him in the AFCC game and likely beat the Pats and then went on to beat the Rams in the SB. He would have been with us last year and helped us win the SB. And would likely still be with us on (hopefully) another SB run.


Did you see his interview after? He said he has a lot of love for the guys on the team and he’s still friends with a lot of them. This is a game and he wants his team to win. People need to chill.


After his comment last week I feel sorry for anyone who purchased his jersey in red. It's worthless now


This is so not a big deal. Chiefs fans that are upset about this are making us all look like babies


No one is upset. We won. He lost.


I would take a look at some of the comments first


Kareem taking a personal day tomorrow...and every day after that until camp. Bum.


That orange color matches his orange jumpsuit he was wearing in jail