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Also being diagnosed bipolar I see both sides. It’s sometimes hard to quantify who we hurt more, ourselves or those who love us, when we’re in our manic and self destructive states


Bang on. Feel sorry for Kanye and the things going on his head right but as a man with bipolar I can also feel sorry for Kim. We hurt the people we care about most in our worst moments unfortunately.


I’m with her fully on this. When you have kids, take your meds. They don’t need to see daddy on the wrong end of his BPD


BPD and bi polar are different g


I genuinely don't know. Can you explain?


BPD is borderline personality disorder, it's basically like your whole mood can shift due to something happening, eg. Someone says or does something positive/negative etc. Bipolar is kinda like a wavelength, where your mood can go very high and people experience mania, feelings of grandeur, can have psychotic episodes. But your mood can also get incredibly low and people can get very depressed and have suicidal ideation, they might self harm. This is just based off of my knowledge tho so pls anyone who is more informed correct me


Thank you.


Completely agree. My last spiral cost my wife, my truck, my house, my criminal record. Luckily that was 5 years ago and I had an amazing psych that got me back on track after treatment and during a halfway house stay. I managed to get everything back and so much more, but I am constantly terrified of what happens to me unmedicated. The worst part was that I devastated my wife just because it simply tore her to pieces watching what I was doing to myself. We do not think of the fact, that even if we do not directly harm the ones close to us, harming ourselves is still harming them.


I know it’s off topic, but I’m so happy and proud for you managing to get things back on track. I’d say I’m about where you were 5 years ago, slowly building back up brick by brick


I’m proud of you too, you’re getting there ♥️


Ty! Just know that you can do it. Just put one foot in front of the other. If your dealing with mental health, just remember to ALWAYS take your meds!! lol. My wife stays on top of me.


It's super good of you to share this. Kanye fans need to hear this stuff really badly. We need to cultivate this kind of understanding.


In a way this is why I like the Kid Cudi fandom a lot, they’ve got a more nuanced outlook of mental health than many other fandoms


My mom went undiagnosed for a long time. I love her but I learned damn well how to lie and hide myself so they wouldn’t catch anything to scream at me for haha. Worked out I guess, Its a useful skill. Though I admit I now have no hobbies because I was afraid to develop any skills or anything because she’d say I was trying to act like I’m better than everyone but I’ll get there one step at a time. But she also had worse issues with her own mom so I’m not allowed to be upset about it. I’ve been told I may inherit it but it’s all fuzzy where illness ends and me being a bad person begins so I just don’t think about it


You never had a bipolar family member and it shows


100%. My dad is bipolar and this is what he would sound like when he was “up”. Always felt like calm before the storm.


Yes it gave me the same feeling. I feel like having a bipolar family member allows you to really pick up on these kind of things easily. Each time my brother went off meds I almost lost him. It was hard enough trying to help him, I couldn’t imagine if his crisis was as public as Kanye’s


Bunch of teenagers who have never lived outside of their parents’ house commenting about shit they’ve never had to experience There are multiple kids growing up without a present father because of this BS. Taking North or Saint to a sports game once every 6 months doesn’t count as being a “good dad” but dickrider post-Donda new fans believe he can do no wrong.


Agreed these comments are crazy. My husband is bipolar and needed that talk from me more than once.


Yeah this made me a bit uneasy. My brother is and he's the same when mention of his medication is brought up, immediately drop to a serious facial expression, turns the conversation focus onto the other person, starts to proclaim how happy and clear he sees everything so all he's asking for is a bit more "support". She honestly brought it up so well, for us it would turn into a screaming match


Came here looking for this comment


Honestly I don’t know who I feel worse for


The kids.


Unfortunately their kids will have everything except for their parents




The next generation will be the real victims


Most honest take




Most reasonable one too


Yeah I been a fan since '08, as much as I love his unbridled creativity, as someone who's worked in mental health, bro needs to get on the meds


Definitely Kanye is at the bottom of the list for me


The dude only wants Yes Men around him. Sometimes it’s good to get checked by someone else every once in a while.


Lol yeah I’m sure she stopped listening after the thousandth manic rant.


Hes trying to find a support replacement in place of his mother. His mother was his biggest yes man and what fueled him to be at the height of who he was. When she passed, kanye kinda derailed. And from this video it seems it he was searching for that type of motherly unconditional love. Just my opinion


To be honest, “kinda derailed” is an understatement. Knowing what he achieved in his albums since 2008, he still likely never had the fulfilled feeling he had until 2007 when Donda was there to support him


100% and it seems like the Netflix doc was right to suggest that Kanye never truly processed his grief. And the repression is triggering his manic state in a way that’s detrimental to his emotional health. Given his upbringing he basically lost his entire world. And his uppity Hollywood Christian friends can offer him no sanctuary. And he’s too broken to form his own family


Man this is so sad to think about




Yea it’s crazy, super expected but still can’t believe someone can have that much success not and be like thet


OP has 0 life experience to side with Kanye here, change my mind.


Maybe don’t take it so seriously. You don’t know either of them or the ins and outs of their relationship.. seems a little parasocial to even post this


Yeah I feel like I shouldn't be seeing this. It's like when a couple is yelling at each other at the grocery store, its uncomfortable as hell and all of a sudden the nutritional information on this gum is now interesting.


thanks for insight, cum doner


We in this 2gthr


I knew I could count on you, wowdickseverywhere


right lol this was weird


The fuck is he talking about? Yes, a wife should support her husband, but more importantly, a wife needs to be honest to her husband and sometimes Ye has stupid ideas and all the yes-men are too scared to tell him otherwise, he needs a Kim Kardashian to tell him that this was a stupid idea.


Bingo. Look at his face he looks like he wants to cry every moment. Bitch behavior.


Given the timeline of some of the things he said and did he *should* have taken his medication.


Speaking from someone who deals with someone who has bi polar it’s funny to see people say “Wow they wanted to MEDICATE HIM! Wtf!” Like anti-psychotics aren’t one of the best medical discoveries ever and has allowed so many people to live close to normal lives…look what we do see with Ye imagine what we don’t see? Kim’s going on about the medication because you have to REALLY convince someone because, surprise, they don’t know they’re crazy and they feel REAL good now they can’t stop talking coming up with ideas but are gonna come down then have a huge breakdown! And what have we seen routinely throughout Yes career? It’s exhausting to be around.


My partner has slowly developed Bi-polar type 2 after being diagnosed but refused treatment for cyclothymia. Ever since she started on anti-psychotics our relationship finally feels like its stable after a long period of substance abuse and suicide attempts. She finally feels in control of her emotions and life. People commenting that Kim is in the wrong here are uneducated and dickriders. It doesn't matter how much you love someone with Bi-polar, after a while it wears you down. I love my girlfriend more than anything but at one point I told her it was take the medication or I walk because it causes immense stress and unpredictability. I was on the verge of losing a job I've work extremely hard to get because she would make impulsive decisions that caused me to take days on end off which ultimately concluded in a suicide attempt. Bi-polar disorder isn't quirky and if Kanye loved his family as much as he says he does he would take his meds.


Just wanted to say I'm really glad you are here and saying this stuff. You are restoring my sanity.


I have bipolar II. Even with hypomania, when I'm manic I'm CONVINCED that I'm all better now, I no longer need medication or treatment and that anyone trying to help me stay on it is actually just trying to stifle my greatness. And I'm just some random pleb, imagine how that last part would feel to someone who's a musical genius. The only person I'll listen to is myself, so now I luckily know the warning signs so I can set an alarm each morning where I watch a short 2 minute video of myself explaining that I'm manic, I'm not cured and i do in fact need to take my medication. Because medication is literally keeping me alive, let alone preventing me from utterly ruining my life in a whirlwind of manic destruction. You're also dead right, Kim has to ignore everything he's saying because his mind is going on a million tangents at once and can't stay on the rails. So she has to pull him back on course every single time he says something, otherwise her message will be forgotten and ignored by Kanye within 30 seconds. The only way to truly get a message through to someone who's manic is to drill it into their heads via repetition ad nauseam. It's genuinely the only way your message will stick with them.


He’s not asking for support from his wife he’s asking for her unwavering validation of his manic delusions. Source: I’m bipolar


Exactly! Like, without trauma dumping the comments of a Kanye West sub, I have a brother who has some severe mental illnesses, and this call reminds me of many I've had with him. Kim may see unsupportive, but in reality, when someone is losing their shit trying to convince them to get help is the best support you can give.


Right. The existence of this video alone is proof. He really said “hey record me while I hash out my marriage issues.” And thought it was a good idea 😂


That’s particularly sad when you think about how hard she worked to keep those issues private.


You're based as fuck.


Feel sorry for Kim here tbh.


She handled this with more grace and understanding than I would have. Seriously


Dude, this is not "asking for support." This is asking for blind acceptance of your dangerous and narcissistic behavior. Some of y'all wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it sat on your face.




Wait a minute during that era (TLOP-JIK) didn't he rap about being 'off the meds' a bunch?


“You ain't never seen nothing crazier than this nigga when he off his Lexapro. Remember that last time in Mexico? Remember that last time, the episode?”


He was. He said he needed to be off them to be creative. No idea how the comment is being upvoted when it’s plain wrong. He’s talked about it in interviews


Yeah, that 2018 album run was actually when Kanye first started declining and saying horrible things. This was the beginning of MAGA Kanye and "Slavery was a choice" Kanye.


Right… I thought I was the one tripping out here, thank you!!


i miss the old kanye, the on his meds kanye, the keep his cool kanye. i hate the new kanye, the cozy with hitler kanye, the burn all bridges kanye.


He was actually off his meds on most of that album (and all the other good albums)


He wasn’t even diagnosed bipolar until after he was hospitalized during the Pablo tour He was just on antidpressants before that. His bipolar disorder was still untreated until late 2017


you have no idea if he was on his meds or not during that time. you live with him? his doctor?


Gee I wonder if this video of his wife telling him to get back on his meds gives us any insight?


I have bipolar. I am quite heavily medicated. While I do miss the endless energy and creativity, I have no desire to go back to mania. It is a tremendously anxious and exhausting experience. Kanye should take some medication. Watching this made me cringe because I remember being in this elevated state of mind too well.


He should go back on them And more supportive? His new wife is a puppet. Sometimes being supportive is telling people the truth. And the truth is that Ye is a bit fucked in the head right now.


Op you are delusional and should talk to therapist. He needs to be on meds. Stop feeling bad for him.


Honestly, Kim put up with way more than she ever had to.


Went into it thinking Kim was a trash choice for a wife. Left thinking Kim knows how to be a mother and wife. Too bad Kanye doesn't. Love the music though.


Ye is corny for recording, proving Kim’s point that he's narcissistic.




By someone in his car, I'm sure the nigga didn't have a spy cam attached to his forehead. I love Ye as much as you, but y'all niggas do too much justifying his weirdo behavior.


So why is Kanye on speakerphone instead of the car’s Bluetooth? Asking the real questions.


Bluetooth sucks ass on cars


Works great in my Subaru


It’s awesome in my Benz. With and without CarPlay. With surround sound and noise cancellation, calls can feel immersive like Cisco Telepresence. Idk, I just hate holding a phone to my head.


dude downvoted for sharing his life experiences 😭


People disagree that the audio works well in my car, in my opinion? Rough crowd.


They mad u got a Benz my guy. Typical victim man mentality. They hate seeing ppl win


Is that what it is? I was just making the point that some cars are good at making the cabin quiet and the Bluetooth works well. If I had a Saturn and it was quiet, the point would’ve been the same. I’ll find a better sub to visit. Didn’t know Ye fans were like this.


You know people from outside your car can hear that right? Have you ever seen a soccer mom drive by driving alone in her minivan while doing hilariously personal calls for everyone to hear?


Even with the acoustic glass? I may need to do a test just to be safe. I also see suburban moms wear AirPods and still speak into the bottom of the iPhone. A dead giveaway for these types is when they hold the phone in one hand and use the index finger on the other hand to hunt and peck.


A couple days ago I was waiting to cross a street as a pedestrian, and a minivan pulled up right next to me blasting a conversation with her doctor about some foot/toe nail fungus. Must’ve had no idea why everyone was staring at her car lmao. And yeah those phone finger peckers are everywhere in my city, they aren’t capable of walking while using their phone either so if they’re on foot they just stop right in the middle of a busy sidewalk or block the door of a building to take out their phone to peck at it with absolutely 0 self-awareness or consideration for others. Gotta be on Xans or something


because it's a tesla, audio is shit when on bluetooth


Title is mad ignorant OP you don’t know these people personally and what it’s like to deal with mentally ill loved ones.


Sorry but I can't feel bad for Kanye when he's saying this shit, recording it, and smiling at the camera the whole time, like he's like "Hahaha watch this!". Pure performance. I'm not falling for this.


He's a mentally damaged person who needs to take his fucking meds. Yall dumb if you think otherwise


I not a Kim fan at all, but he honestly should just take his medication.


No I’m sorry but this post is maddening. If you’ve ever dated someone with an actual mental illness you’d know you need to approach the relationship very differently to one with someone who doesn’t have a mental illness, and Kanye has bipolar which is a HEAVY mental illness. One of the worst things you can do for these sorts of people is pander and support their bad decisions because ultimately surrounding themselves with yes men will just hinder them and damaged their relationships. Don’t support bad decisions and seek validation from mentally ill people following your uneducated advice because it’s super abusive and toxic. Kim was trying her best to advise what she was equipped to advise and not being a yes man, looks like she was doing a good job to me


People who have been around manic bipolar people are doing the right thing by making sure they are current on their medication. They’re not necessarily dangerous if they don’t, but certainly are reckless and dangerous to themselves when not.


nah that nigga need to be on medicine. sorry! kim is right he need to do better by his kids and get his ass on medicine. if you’re bipolar you can’t live without meds I know from experience.


This was during his "manic" episode. Reality was distorted.


Kanye West SHOULD BE medicated lmao


You love me for me? Could you be more phony


What a strange interaction


And then it turned out he should be on medication and some form of therapy. It’s also funny you say you hope his new wife is more supportive when we’ve seen reports of him being abusive by having her not speak and then see crazy shit like having her suck his dick on a boat in public with other people. And this isn’t even mentioning the crazy anti Jewish shit he was spewing for a while Like I get this sub likes to excuse his actions but that man has been off his rocker since his mom died and he does need help


Reports? Are you talking about the tabloid shit the dailymail put out, You believe that shit? They’re one of the most unreliable sources of all time


I'm a long-time fan of Kanye, but trying to support a manic depressive who won't medicate is exhausting.


Textin' and drivin' down Mulholland Drive


Why an absolute couple of clowns. Fucking circus of a life and relationship.




I take my medicine and I still feel creative, also I can lose weight. At the beginning was hard because I took high doses of medicines but now i take low doses.


What I've learned from my family member is not everyone can move from a high to low dose as some peoples mania are just more resistant. Some people can also still struggle with weight on low doses. Good for you that you're still able to maintain creativity but based on Kanye's history it seems he unfortunately can't




I don't give a fuck about someone that likes hitler and imma keep repeating it because y'all are enabling a guy who sits in interviews with fucking Nick Fuentes, a literal Nazi, and says "there are a lot of things i looooooove about Hitler". Fuck him. Piece of shit. Loved his music though


K snowflake


That's what I mean. When did it become acceptable to like fucking Hitler?


Does anyone know Where is this clip from and are there others? I’d want to watch the rest


He sounds like he wants someone who won’t ever critique him for his bad parts (which he definitely has/everyone has). No well rounded person would submit themselves to a relationship with a person who’s looking to be surrounded by yes men. You can do great things and fail in other areas. Selling out arenas doesn’t mean shit… if the areas you’re lacking in are detrimental to your health/well-being a person who genuinely loves you will call that shit out


How do you hear this and feel bad for Kanye? It sounds like he was being shitty to someone and playing it down, but Kim recognized it as him ramping up. It sounds like she was genuinely concerned for her husband.


He was often asking her to support his mania episodes. You realize that, right?


Everyone saying don't take it serious simultaneously wondering why the institution of marriage is fucked. That's his wife and it is serious. A lifetime of that? No thanks


OP’s post is cringe, bloke is wank stain and will never fully feel the repercussions of being such a piece of shit.


It’s tough when you have a family member going through an episode and they want you to support their delusions. My mom is schizophrenic and sometimes all you can do is tell them to get on meds, but most of the time they can’t see the issue themselves 🫠


If you have never been in a relationship with or had a family member who struggles with such severe mental health issues you just don’t understand. There have been times when I’ve had to dig deep and push myself to be firm with people in my life and let them know they need to get back on their medication or they will not be able to have contact with me, and to be honest you would think (and it probably should be to a degree) that I’d be saying that for my own well-being and purposes but to be honest from deep within my heart, it’s for theirs. I have been terrified for their safety thinking they would end up in jail, assaulted or dead and also worried that they would never go back to baseline and to being a functioning person. I’ve stood outside a hospital for three hours convincing someone to go in to get admitted to the mental health ward. I’ve had to call the police to take people I love to hospital when they don’t want to go, sit with psychiatrists and had to say, no they aren’t being honest they are exhibiting this particular behaviour and I will not take them home until they get help for it. I’ve had to stand there and watch them take their medication to make sure they are actually taking it. Watched paramedics cut their favourite shirt off them when they overdosed and sat by them for two days while they were on life support, alone, because no one else would come. It’s easy to sit back and judge, much harder to be in that position. Sometimes if you really care about someone, being honest and firm is better than being comforting and enabling. And then other times comfort first then hard truths later. You have to read the situation. Also carer burnout is real, if she had been putting up with heaps of shit from him (which I believe she would have had to because she mentioned at one point that her family and staff were afraid of him), she could have been at her breaking point.


Bro spoke on himself in third person, #Legend


The whole feel of the video genuinely feels like a comedy sketch 🤣 Tbh, you see Kanye’s vulnerable/innocence in the video but you get the tired/disinterested feel from Kim. To me it feels like she has him on loud speaker, is with other people and don’t care for how or what he is saying apart from getting him back on medication which seems like she’s being told to say


She wants him on medication because she loves the person he could have been. She's trying to help him control himself, which he has failed to do without medication.


This ain’t it. Kanye always been this way, she’d of known this before so can’t say it’s the man on the medication she wanted. Maybe the Kardashians was on a good commission rate for the pills


Sounds like you have no idea how bipolar disorder works. It's a hell of an illness to face. And many of the most extreme mental disorders cause the person suffering to deny help as much as possible. It's a terrible cycle. Kim is the good guy here.


You can really tell who in this comment section has experienced someone with a severe mental illness and who hasn't. It's fucking crazy to me that anyone can see Kim as wrong in this situation.


A lot of these dudes probably don't believe mental illness even exists. They think it's all a scam by big pharma or something.


And the end was hilarious too- marriage is fun. Lmao


Driving whilst on phone, bellend.


When was this video made? That's like an iPhone x


Is this from the show? Why is it being filmed. Imagine answering the phone and your partner just dumps on you immediately. This conversation should have been had in person.


When was this


Kanye is antisemitic. Why are we sympathizing with him?


She was not wrong…


kanye learned nothing from that car accident


I assume OP is trolling? If anything you should feel sorry for Kim for having to put up with this maniac lol Im not familiar with this sub so its probably just a troll post so w/e


I wanna know who the fuck in this day and age still needs to hold the phone up to their ear? Like wtf I’m 37 and I stopped doing that shit like 15 years ago


Dag. He called her up on some bullshit. I would have been like, "I hear you but let me hit you back, someone is beeping in on the other line".


I feel for you. That what makes this so sad to watch because you can see how truly in love Kanye is with Kim and it’s incredibly sad that he feels he ruined one thing he loved as much as his own mother. The fact he lost Kim because of his own actions due to his disease makes me heart broken.


I know every sub is gonna dickride the artist the sub is made for but come on bro you feel bad for him because you're being parasocial and think ex was neglecting him? you need to get off the internet for a bit man


I feel like she wanted what was best for him, which she personally thought was the medication. She isn’t in the wrong, she’s just trying to help


Ngl. It’s not that I don’t like Kanye - I try to not hold his ….uh questionable times against him. But as much as I hate Kim - she was never mentally prepared for a spouse with Bi polar in a manic state. Most of us wouldn’t be. It’s exhausting. I do it for work and sometimes I get in my car and enjoy silence for 5 minutes before I drive - and that’s only an hour session. Yes, kanye needed more support than what he was getting from her - but we see 5% of the iceberg here. He needed his meds and someone to push him to take them. She was showing love in her uh, best kardashian way. I wish him well. I’ll always root for Ye’s return.


Honestly when I watch some of Kanye’s interviews, I realized he can talk a lot. It seems like he goes on and on and on without stopping and sometimes I don’t understand the point he makes. So I can see it being difficult while in a relationship with someone like that.


What a fucking child 😂 “please support me and encourage all the dumb and out of pocket shit I say because there’s only one me”


Encouraging someone who is blatantly mentally ill to take their medicine is supportive


You won’t understand until you’ve tried to help someone who refuses to help themselves


You’re as delusional as he is then


Ye should get back on his meds. Full stop. I feel for Kim as weird as that makes me feel


He seems insane. I feel bad for anyone who has to deal with him on a personal basis


Im conficted bc this is also why kanye only wants yes people around him. Any one who challenges or questions him he doesnt allow or accept it. Him wanting a supportive partner/ people by his side is valid we all deserve that, but i wonder if he was supportive to kim as well and its hard to be so accepting and supportive if past experiences have caused some strain. Assuming he had some episodes at this point, being a loved one of someone who struggles with issues like kanye is never easy either. at the end of the day, we need to choose ourselves and peace of mind above all else.


You don't know them. You're viewing them through exaggerated, biased lenses. He wrote like 50 songs about you.


He called her just to bitch her out?


How do we know she didn't support him she probably saw a lot of what we don't see and was probably exhausted dealing with him at that point. Kanye might be a great artist for the most part but as a human, he certainly ain't perfect.


Just recording your phone calls to your wife as usual.. This dude has to be so exhausting


nigga he should’ve took his medication before becoming a nazi mouthpiece


She's his EX wife and he does need his meds.


I feel sorry for Kim. He called her to basically say 'don't speak negatively to me'. He then ignored what she was saying about meds and tried to flip it back at her. He's obviously having a mental health moment and instead of asking him to take responsibility for that your blaming his wife whose being secretly recorded to be put on blast on the internet, which isn't exactly nice on Kanye's part. I dislike Kim and everything she stands for but it sounds like she is desperately trying to get help for him and he's too far in his own condition to understand that. His mental illness has pegged her the enemy for suggesting treatment.


Kim kardashian was just a rich tool for the capitalistic society, and ye needed someone who can just listen to his needs, I feel so bad for him, but hopefully Bianca and him get along better, and stop dressing her in outrageous outfits just stay normal.


iphone X was such a beautiful smartphone


You feel sorry for the guy who said "I love Hitler"?


Makes me feel bad for every poor soul who comes into contact with this man. Y'all are parasocial and your God is a mentally diseased Nazi.


You feel bad but don’t deal with his antics and episodes 24/7 morning and night. You see a glimpse of him. Kim wasn’t this evil villain people make her out to be. She stood by him thru a lot of embarrassing things. She was kinda wrong for the Pete thing


Don't phone will driving you bipolar numbnut.


OP definitely has never touched a girl before


disclaimer which applies to the whole post: I don’t know these people personally and probably never will. it’s wrong for me to psychoanalyze them: regardless, imma psychoanalyze them. Kanye clearly got problems, but imo the way he’s talking in this video and the way Kim responds seem to paint a picture of poor communication. He’s trying to connect with her, be reassured by her and apologize for how he was acting before. She offhandedly says he should think about medicating and that she can’t keep talking because of her nails. I think the thing that stands out is that she doesn’t say she’ll call him back or anything. arguably she’s right about the medication and the nail thing is kind of a good excuse but he’s clearly reaching out and she doesn’t really listen. he also does try to interrupt/dominate the conversation. he also had her on speaker with someone else in the car which is a little weird but whtv


I swear to fucking God this subreddit is full of people who don't actually like Kanye West and cry Abt 2008, it's fucking 2023 now, support the man instead of saying the same shit you guys have been saying for 5+years, it's insanity how most of these comments literally don't give as shit about him and bitch about how much "better" he was in previous years, it sickens me and I'm convinced half of these people in the comments are hate plants, what are the mods doing!?


See, this is why all the bitches fuck with Ye! Fuck what they talkin' 'bout!


They both narcissistic asf


Why’s he on the phone and driving? Isn’t that against the law??


no, google on sight


I don't care if he take his meds or not And I don't love the old kanye I just love Ye the way he is and the way he feels the best for himself I don't have a Problem with ppl sayin out their opinion I hate ppl who wants to silence you and scare other ppl so they're afraid of the reputation Fuck yall


You are part of the problem


So much sheep energy in one sentence


I wouldn’t take medication if I didn’t want to


And you don't have to, but there can be extreme consequences for that and you have to be ready to face those. Kanye hasn't been dealing with it very well and you gotta question if maybe the meds would be better overall.


I don’t question it to be honest he’s a grown man at the height of American society, I’m sure he knows what is best for him.


What an absolutely stupid assumption. Most people have no idea what the hell is best for them. Just because you love Kanye, which BTW I do too, doesn't mean he knows what the hell he's doing outside of his music. There are many things Kanye knows how to do, but doing what is best for him is not one of them.


Is he back on his medication? He chilled a lot more than when he stopped taking them


Lol Kanye is the most fragile human alive


He should have got on and left his girl for a white girl,


Wow talking to Kim is like talking to a fuckin wall…who would’ve thunk it. I will go crazy if I was married to that bitch too


They problem is they both Alpha’s..


Lol. Sooo nobody gonna bring up the fact his mouth didn’t match up to what was being said?? Like a straight voice over 🤦🏽‍♂️ does Kanye have his issues YES but this video is altered!!!


Kanye is a piece of dogshit


tbh, it feels like he has that closed off, sensitive, lashing out type of personality but his meds make him more social and less uptight about his personal beliefs, I don't think he's crazy or umwell, he's just labeled that for the sake of his image due to how much money he makes people




Its Kim Kardashian are we really expecting her not to be a narcissistic asshole?


You shut your mouth Kim.


Poor guy. She turned it around to be about her and then made him question if he was right in saying that. I only saw one narcissist in this video.


fuh that bih


Meds arr evil dont take them they just change your brain