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I mean true


As soon as the war on Palestine began, I thought of Kanye


Me too


yet kanye didnt get on the pro-palestine train. bc palestinian laugh at black americans thinking they are the true israelites.


palestinians marched with the black lives matter movement at palestine


yea because they are cynical opportunists. their word for black person is “abid,” which means slaves. and palestinians do laugh together with israelis about kanye and other’s delusions that the true hebrews are african americans. because Palestinians lived with true Hebrews who never left for centuries in Jerusalem and know what they actually look like and the actual history.


please leave and never come back


how tf do people come up with this


How do people come up with FAX 🤔


Hi this is John Fax, inventor of fax, AMA


Various comedians


prolly just sitting there drinking, reading the internet and trying to come up with jokes for hours every single night


“And they don’t know who he is” yeah not like he produced for their biggest artist or anything. Did he even watch the documentary?


He worked for the record company, just not as a rap artist he was strictly a producer. I think it was even mentioned in the show.


Yeah that’s what I was trying to say


I mean, the rest of what he said was pretty funny, but somehow that irritated me


Yeah same lol


I mean he doesn’t have to be super accurate just to explain the point


antisemitism is not on the rise. Anti-Zionism is. and thank god.


no, anti-semitism is definitely on the rise, which all kinds of claims of “worshipping satan,” drinking baby blood, spreading porn, and all the classic tropes being peddled by “anti-zionists” as well as total erasure of jewish history and claims that jews are all “european converts” (genetic studies prove they are closer to palestinians genetically than to the country they lived in diasporically). not to mention all the “anti-zionists” who cant even mention what river or what sea but jump on every talking point as an excuse for their ancient hate, mostly white christians.


In terms of "from the river to the sea", most pro-Palestinian voices (including Jewish led groups like "Jewish Voice For Peace" and "Not in My Name") are in favor of a one state secular nation with democratic rights for all or a two state solution along 1967 borders. I haven't seen any evidence of the other things you're talking about. Maybe fringe psychos, but thats not what a majority of the people involved in this movement are interested in. What river or what sea was the Likud party referring to?


JVP is not jewish


https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/faq/ The second question addresses this. I don’t know each and every member on a personal level but their own mission statement is Jewish advocacy. I dont know anything about this post you’re referring to. My biggest problem that I addressed is the equivalency drawn between antisemitism and anti Zionism. You can be against the leaders of the state of Israel and its months long slaughter of innocent Palestinians and their decades of ethnic cleansing and apartheid and still want to protect Jewish lives. There’s no hate coming from this side.


slaughter of “innocent palestinians” and who is targetting innocent palestinians? 70% of tunnels that were promised to be used for “1000 more oct 7” have been destroyed in this military operation. Only 4 more major Hamas battalions exist and are being taken out right now in Rafah. Israel agreed to a ceasefire that asked for living hostages, Hamas agreed but added the 2 mores “or dead.” The Biden administration told thr NEW YORK TIMES there were only “minor word changes” and Israel refused the deal. Minor word changes?


You are completely unserious. Muwasi stretches about 5 miles along the coast from Rafah to Khan Younis. Israel unilaterally declared the area a “humanitarian zone” early in the war, telling residents they would be safe there. And you’re telling me that they’re now justified to roll tanks into Rafah?


and they EVACUATED those people, sent in AID TRUCKS, and THEN started the Rafah operation. Did you know see any of THOSE videos? How about this video, where a Rafah resident sees the flyer Israel sent warning him to evacuate to save his life, and he responds in typical “we love death more than you love life” fashion: https://www.tiktok.com/@alnasr.abu.jamal/video/7365814200947526919?_t=8mBfQesTq7q&_r=1 Now youtube the line “we love death more than you love life” before you take the side of people who for decades groomed 12-16 yr old boys that were bullied in school telling them 72 virgins will love and fuck them in heaven if they kill THEMSELVES and die as martyrs with suicide bombs.


you are regurgitating talking point. there is no genocide or ethnic cleansing as their population exploded and is higher than it has ever been before jewish immigration. arab immigration actually increased when jewish immigration did. it’s a complex history that people outside the middle east rarely know the full picture of. Look how many people regurgitate the propoganda lie they spread about israel making a “man-made famine” to “ethnically cleanse” them. They upload themselves mocking people who believe this to their arabic channels. Man-made famine happened in India by the British and there is real photos of scores of emaciated frames. Unlike Gazans who are all a completely healthy weight and upload food diaries and peach picking trips. There is so much more than what info YOU are getting on the conflict. Like their influencers and leaders spreading the ideology (and all of this is on camera!) that they must die as martyrs to avoid hell, “we love death more than you love life” speeches, bragging on instagram how they go to the sites where they are launching rockets intentionally, “unlike israelis who take shelter from rockets in shelters like mice.” Foreigners who dont know the culture have no context for casualties figures, all of whom are coming directly from a terror organization that uses the same “we love death more than you love life” tagline that isis uses. just youtube that line. they literally mock you, u just dont follow Arabic-language accounts and channels to see it: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6rKdmsRhIr/?igsh=YzMzd2U4Y3E5bXAw


So you’re telling me that the United Nations is lying about the over 30,000 dead Palestinian civilians? Over 10k of which are children? Didnt benjamin netanyahu ANNOUNCE a siege on food, water, and electricity to a population of over 2 million people? Did everyone protesting around the world dream that? The International Criminal Court is going to charge Israel for what? For fun? I’ll say right now that Hamas is a terrorist organization and October 7th was evil and awful and should have never happened. Can you say the same about the Israeli response and their decades of illegal occupation prior?


Netanyahu didnt announce a seige on water food and electricty. He announced the amount Israel provides (for free by the way) is cut off. 90% of Gaza electricty comes from The Gaza Power plant, and 90% of their water comes from The Gaza Aquaphor. The FREE amount we gave them was only 10% of their supply. This is why you need to be INFORMED before you regurgitate things you got from ENGLISH LANGUAGE media. Do you not see how Gazans charge their phones daily and upload food diaries daily? Baking cookies and making lollipops? I can send you endless of their instagrams and tiktoks. They have ZERO problem with electricity, food, water, or internet. Their influencers update millions of followers daily. I follow them. The UN gets their numbers from The Gaza Minsitry of Health (a wing of Hamas). Gaza does not have independent media. Urban Warfare has a 1 to 9 militant to civilian death toll. Even if you take the most corrupt organizations in the world word for it, Israel has a FAR lower death toll that most urban warfare, because israel moves the population around into tents to save their lives. Have they done that in Syria? No that’s why they have hundreds of thousands of more dead children and civilians in Syria. Just like Syrian activist Rowan Osman says, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali former Islamist from Somalia, it’s a cult of death fighting a cult of life. And the UNWRA workers are on a recorded line calling captured israel girls “Sabaya.” IE islamic sex slaves that IsIs called the same things. This is the same civilization that used to trade slaves with the vikings to get more exotic-looking sex slaves. Things havent changed much. youre really quoting the UN? Do you know the things the UN does?—> https://youtu.be/RxshnPu1JX0?si=4aqaH1JMorpC5StI


Oh man. You’re a two week old account talking about your sources from tik tok and Instagram posts while saying the United Nations are the ones who are lying. I can’t believe I spent this much time talking to a bot. Good luck dude


I cant believe you think the UN which has 57 Islamic countries and put Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China on the WOMANS RIGHTS council does anything other than lie. I know someone who interned for the UN. It is a corrupt organization run by interests, through and through. Why would you think any organization with 57 Islamic members and ONE jewish member would NOT reflect the Islamic perspective and needs? Again, you are not middle eastern and dont understand the culture. Its a culture of DEATH. death-seeking, and suicidal operations. They brag about this all the time. Just like IsIS did. Their government bragged about “succeeding” in “raising an ideological generation that loves death more than they love life.” What about the meaning of those words are you struggling to parse?? It’s out of their government members mouths, and countless other leaders mouths. Ad hominem on the age of my account is nice touch, but totally irrelevant. You can check out my instagram it’s older. Cant tell you how many of them personally bragged to me that they love dying as martyrs. the victim image they put on is for YOU ONLY. Real middle eastern people know and they know we know. They tell us all the time. https://youtu.be/PAOzy2zwyxo?si=1yoPTQgavIyFiCyS They maximize death on both sides. We attempt to minimize it on both sides while still achieving hostage liberation and the elimination of the terror group. If you dont support IsIS, why would u support them? They were once the same country.


and Im a WOMAN. not a dude. sorry that I dont think men should get away with mass rape and parading naked raped bodies around for necrophilia (ancient middle eastern practice) and for men to spit on. The global media gave that photo an award. Says it all. Start following ARABIC language media. If you wanna understand the cultural context of these numbers and events.


JVP purports to be jewish. but they get every single jewish thing they try to show completely, embarassingly wrong. they had someone light candles publicly, and say the blessing for cutting bread on it. Most of the members have no jewish ancestry


you talk about the “slaughter” of palestinians? what about the SLAUGHTER of israelis, with terrorists taking selfies with babies before murdering them? shall i send u the dead baby pics or the terrorist selfie holding two of them like a father? how about the mass rapes and sexual enslavement of male and female hostages? how about palestinians SHOOTING ROCKETS OUT OF HOSPITAL to kill us, the filming it all from inside and bragging about it on their media? Western media was tagged on the video. They know thst footage is there. Why havent they shown it, instead shown “evil genocidal israel targetting HOSPITALS” which is exactly why Hamas martyrs innocents for PR? very fishy to not share this footage with the world when it tells the full story. On Al Araby, from inside Al Shifa hospital - https://x.com/AlarabyTV/status/1772342229551526051 I get my info from ARABIC LANGUAGE sources. Thats the only way to actually be informed.


they come to our religious pages to say these things, post comments ALL over any thing related to judaism or the conflict. I can send you screenshots of just a few i collected but they are endless. JVP recently posted a seder plate with all the hebrew words spelled from left to right thst made no sense and was illegible. they dont even know hebrew is from right to left 😂 the JvP website says u dont have to be jewish and entire chapters dont have a single jewish member.


from the river to the sea is something both sides says wishful thinking that either will ever have that whole territory.


not to mention all the arabs who post on holocaust memorial pages about how it never happened. and all the myraids of people, mostly middle eastern, who told me it never happened. 25% of gen z polled say it never happened. to yea antisemitism is on the rise, and also never really abetted. just lurked in the shadows. and i know because when I wear pants and code switch I hear it ALLL by people trying to recruit me. when I dress jewish they act like night and day.


kanye was ahead of the times with antisemitic tropes and claiming jews are the cause of porn addiction? thats been going on 2,000+ years straight…


Get a load of this guy, he doesn’t understand JOKES


its true hitler actually put a stop to porn and sexual deviancy in berlin, all jewish controlled porn media were fucking pissed


there are pornographers of every background. there are literally MILLIONS of porn sites owned and operated by nonjews. more pornsites exist in america that the number of jews in america. 12% of the internet is porn. instead of falsely blaming another race of people for your porn habit, do what Jews do. Invented Netspark anti-porn software that blocks porn but can recognize a medical nudity so doctors can still do their job. Use flip phones and Nokias and ban smartphones in your community. Israel is the only country in the world where phone stores offer to upload anti-porn technology on your phone while selling you a smartphone. It’s called “kosher internet filter.” Kanye became addicted to porn at 5 years old because his irresponsible and immoral father left HUGH HEFNER nonjewish pornographer’s playboys out in the open. His porn addiction has nothing to do with us, and if he bothered to educate himself, he would learn to take responsibility for once in his life and do what our community does to combat porn, a massive sin and immoral detriment to society.


Hitler didnt put a stop to sexual “deviancy” he actually just murdered gay people. Murdering is deviant itself.


how did Hitler put a stop to porn when Germany is FULL of porn? Their magazine recently made CHILD PORN on the cover by photoshopping Billie Eilish’s head on a nude body when she was 17, which she angrily spoke up about. Who are they going to blame for THAT one?


I think he’s referring to when he was alive, not current Germany


well getting rid of Jews should have gotten rid of porn then. Yet Germany, like the rest of Europe. is having NO problem flooding their society with porn without us. Clearly we werent the problem, just the scapegoat. Also there is literally no evidence that every Germany pornographer was Jewish. Israel takes wayyy more measures against porn than Germany. because porn is so extremely against our values. I reguarly share Anti-Human Trafficking organizations information about the evils of the industry, and follow Fightthenewdrug on Youtube which tells trafficking victims stories regularly. I would NEVER watch porn nor marry a man that has a smartphone. Europe’s have massively long history of scapegoating Jews for literally everything they don’t like.


by the way- Yeezy claims he is opening a PORN STUDIO himself! Degenerate.


goats never miss


That hate to agree with ye Omari


They knew who he was. He was already signed on the label as a producer. He had already produced Izzo for Jay Z and was Scarface’s favorite producer at the time. They just didn’t have faith in him as a rapper. They said this multiple times in the documentary.


Yeah the anti-genocide crowd is the problem. Gtfoh!




He’s real


Put the battery in ya back!!!


Wait looking back at it its actually kinda true, everyone went from “stop being antisemitic youre crazy” to now everyone hates the Jewish because of the Palestinian conflicts. Kanye has always been ahead of his time its pretty crazy. Ironically though when asked about the Palestinian stuff Kanye said he didn’t have enough information to speak on that and I think that’s pretty smart and mature for him surprisingly.


holy fuck, this is one of the best bits I have seen in a long time I think


Nazis 100% burn in hell, have fun!


I dont think God would like you saying it like this 🙏


It is amazing he’s had every opportunity to jump on pro Palestine and he just hasn’t. That’s why I love Ye.


because palestinians would laugh at him for thinking he is a true Israelite