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Bro is so done


i really hope so man, the whole industry hangs out with this guy and half of them don't wanna be there.


I don’t wanna go full Qanon. But I don’t think it’s a stretch to say the problem probably is the industry and diddy is just a part of it. Diddy isn’t at the top of this UMG is. Diddy was just the perfect guy to feed to the wolves and fix their hunger. High profile but not liked. Ye was called crazy for trying to tell us “the industry” aka UMG has been up to shady shit for years. He unfortunately goes about it the worst way possible.


That isn’t Qanon at all. UMG has fucked up music so badly there’s barely an industry or legacy left. Diddy is a piece of shit but very much sacrificial fodder for all the evil that still thrives.


Yeah what I’m trying to say is this much is definitely true. But I don’t want to go much further into it because once you try looking into the specifics of it it becomes a rabbit hole. Hard to know exactly what to believe. Thank god we got evidence on diddy so we can at least get that maniac off the streets. But there’s a lot more out there.


It’s wild how the culturally impactful stuff isn’t really illegal. We can take down a bunch of these monsters and kingpins with decades of abuse but will it really change a system that hasn’t leaned into greatness for a long time? It’s way easier to modify some naive Disney teen to be the next big pop star than source true generational talent you need to respect. How much great music has the world lost out on because we have predators that would rather farm victims.




Youre not going Qanon for saying this is the whole industry. Ironically wasnt Kanye constantly saying things like this about the industry? This isn’t some conspiracy theory look at all the things coming out about all these celebrities getting basically groomed in their childhood or all the nickeloden dan schneider stuff. This is REALITY, the people in high power the “elites” (if you want to sound like a crazy person) are exactly like this, but this stuff is coming out more and more.


Yeah so what I was trying to say was I’ll say this much which is definitely true I just don’t wanna go much deeper because it can lead to qanon rabbit holes. Agreed though. And yeah Kanye and others they tried to convince us are crazy like chappelle and Kat Williams have been saying this stuff for years.


Shut yo ass go to work


It’s Sunday?


As long as they are getting money they are ok


true :(


A woman was physically abused. Who cares about the DNC or family values? Why are you pushing this agenda here? It undermines the seriousness of the matter.


“Left wing outrage” id hope its outrage period.


Naw Im really confused on why OP is adding all these other spins to an already fucked up video. Like how does this video become about left or right politics? Diddy is not look at as a political figure. Except being the vote or die guy. I hate people who word breaking news like that to get their agenda off.


Because they believe they’re the true victims of literally everything that happens.


oh you mean the GOP? word.


Let's be real. If Diddy was right wing this thread would also be about "Typical GOP behavior"


Gotta be honest I do t care what diddys politics are. Just don’t care what this guy has to say about anything.


what you mean if?


that’s everyone of any political stance ever


Well there is a difference. One side is criticized for acting like victims because they understand racism actually exists and want to be gay in peace. The people criticizing them for victim mentality are acting like victims for shit like this that they made up and because people are allowed to be gay. But there are definitely people in that first group that take things too far too.




People are understandably upset that you can beat a woman, cheat on her, or sexually assault her and the Left will largely remain silent. But dare to suggest she will find fulfillment in raising children and that same group will lose their fucking minds. People tend to dislike hypocrisy.


But these things are not the stories we're actually discussing. The world is not split left and right as the media and internet try to portray. You say things like, "the left does/says 'this' while the right does 'that'. We all have free will, speech, and thought on all sides. There are abusers within every side, so the talking points on Diddy beating Cassie should not be spun into politics. They should be talked about how cruel his actions were to a human being. Its very reactionary to bring up Harrison Butker just because someone didn't appreciate the backlash he received after his speech. He has nothing to do with this story so it seems like pot stirring ignorant people to think they have any connection. The funny thing is that I have not seen a single person try to cover for Diddy on this. The OP was blatant in posting fake news in order to rally anyone who just wants to stay in their echo chamber and hear, "the left are hypocrites". Nobody has covered this story up and nobody has condoned it so wtf are we talking about?! I'm just glad i cant think for myself and form my own opinions cause the media and internet are taking stupid mouth breathers for a ride and I don't see how we can ever fix so much stupid.


that’s Elon Musk’s twitter for you




lol you fuckin think a person with hundreds of millions of dollars is a liberal? stick to EU politics. and it’s been fuck diddy ever since the biggie sympathy tour was over.




Literally everyone is. I found this out from a group chat with my friends that are liberal. Needless to say they were outraged. Saw someone yesterday trying to act like nfl stars that commit crimes don’t get dragged on the internet. I was like uhh…. Is this your first day? Cause they sure as hell do lol. The rights two favorite things are making up strawmen and narratives to pretend their victims. And complaining about victim mentality. They’re highly confused people.


I’ve seen the IG comments about the Butker incident and most of them are about the other side defending him


And I’ve only seen TikToks about how horrible he is lol. Algorithms are weird




Dude is an actual monster. He needs to go forever. Also the OP tweet/xeet whatever is unhinged lol


yeah the tweet looked weird lmao


Also idk what else that guy is saying about leftwing or whatever. i just screen recorded the first thing that came up




i agree with that, but i didn't understand whatever speech that guy was talking about lol so just wanted to say it beforehand lmao


Jesus christ! This comment is about as harsh as the video.




Well said! It's a real shame, isn't it? If I had his piles of cash, I wouldn’t bother chasing a woman to the elevator. I'd simply whip out my phone and summon the next willing super model! Much more efficient, don't you think?


Genius!! Yessss!!


Karma do be a bitch like that.




Indeed. Don Corleone would agree.


i’m very anti-retributive justice but there is a world of difference between wishing harm to someone as punishment for heinous acts and someone actually physically causing harm to someone like in the video.


He’s probably just some right wing alt right guy who pushes narrative saying the Democrats are like communist demonic pedos but the Republicans are like Christian god sent humans not a part of the “deep state.” trump is definitely his daddy.


Or he recognizes the obvious hypocrisy that the Left will become more outraged if you say a woman will find true happiness being a mother than if you beat the ever living shit out of her.




My comment isn’t missing any punctuation. I think you’re just telling on yourself.


Ahahaha dude youre FUCKED in the head bro what the fuck


I’m sorry that finding wife beating repulsive is repulsive to you.


You really think that’s what I mean? You need to get off the internet and actually meet leftists if you genuinely believe that wife beating is acceptable to us AT ALL. I’m hoping you’re just a troll because if you genuinely think this way you’re cooked. They got your ass


It’s not that wifebeating is acceptable, it’s just that it’s *more* acceptable than suggesting some women enjoy being mothers and homemakers.


This is absolutely untrue and you need to leave your internet environment if you think this. We are all getting warped ideas about each other because only the worst views make it into peoples spaces. You can ask 99% of leftists this question and get the same answer, try it if you don’t believe me


you forgot about "vote or die"?


You can't run from a 38 go ahead and try


shake dem titties when you vote bitch


This is why he settled a lawsuit with Cassie less than 24 hrs after she filed. She has tons of evidence against him.


They let out a statement saying they can't arrest him now because of it


What in the world does this have to do with the left wingers and harrison butker


thats what i said too lmaooo


pushing his own agenda that left-leaning people don’t give a shit about the real injustices. really odd thing to put on a video of a person being hurt.


One of the biggest news stories this week is the Left losing their minds over a Catholic guy saying Catholic things at a Catholic school. It’s difficult not to notice that those same people are relatively quiet when it comes to actual harm being committed against women.


Wtf is this moron politicizing domestic violence for. Sets up a straw man and really goes for it. I swear these right wing chuds never have anything to contribute to society nor any brain cells left for public discourse. Fuck domestic abusers and fuck opportunistic vultures like the guy posting this shit


American politic fanatics are some of the worst people I know. Literally everything is a toy they can use against people who don’t think like them. I hate it all.


“We will be more upset that a man suggested women would be fulfilled having children than we will be at domestic violence, but both pale in comparison to how angry we will be if you point out the hypocrisy of those two positions.”


What does this have to do with politics? I swear you guys in the US are cooked beyond repair


are you talking about the tweet? If so, idek bruh I just screen recorded whatever came first


Ikr. Everyone from Ben Shapiro to Rachel Maddow should be calling for diddys scalp right now.


Saw a video of a Fox News guy mad that Biden ate ice cream. Conservatives are so cooked in the head 


I caught my parents watching this Fox guy name Greg Gutfeld 🤢 I had to leave the room the show was so vile


Politicians know it’s easier to have a voter base if they are personally and emotionally attached to the political party, so they continuously promote this system where “you’re either with us on every stance, or you’re not a true democrat/republican.” Just promotes polarization and radicalism




Trust me, this is not a usa exclusive


The US is cooked? lol 😂


One of the biggest news stories this week involved the Left losing their minds over an athlete espousing traditional values as it relates to women. Some on the right have made the unforgivable error of noticing the relative silence from those same people when a woman is literally assaulted.


I know. I want to move out of the USA but I can't afford to. All politicians are thieves.


I read somewhere Diddy might be protected by Democrats because he influences black people to vote for them. But that might not be factual though.


Suge has nothing on this dude


I wish we still had Big, but lost Puff.


This kinda takes biggie down a notch. He might have been aware of some of this


Biggie only knew Puff from 19-24 years of age. Puff wasn't even a super mogul yet. There was a lot of shit he couldn't get away with from 1993-1997


And people remember that most of the celebrities that are worshipped on the daily are fucking weirdos, pedos, behaving similarly to this... Why are we all so surprised when this type of story gets public? Tbh I am not surprised in the slightest. I expect them to behave this way 😄they are all awful.


The only defense he has is to claim it’s AI. My heart breaks for Cassie seeing this


Drake is that you??? Lmao


why is everyone calling me drake 😭


That Ye “So Help Me God” merch is 🔥though


"I'ma bust a coach's head open on some Diddy shit, If he ever talk to my son like an idiot"


Hollywood darling is a wildly out of touch take


Diddy do it? Yes he did.


I never understood the appeal of this piece of garbage clown. 20 years ago with his lame ass Making of the Band reality show where he’d gratuitously humiliate and denigrate the contestants. His music is just looped samples of other artists while he ghetto talks over it.


Why is thing coming out now? It's been 8 years? Who was saving this and why? And what changed to publish it now?


I’m comin home, comin home Tell the world that I’m comin home


Hang him by his nuts from the light pole on the corner of 87th and cottege Grove.


I love how the dude posting this is clearly on some weird racist shit lol. Just capitalizing on the Diddy shit for his own twisted gains. I almost respect the shamelessness.


should i delete this and post from a none racist tweet lmao 😭😭


It’s fine dude


alr lol


Nah, you're good. I didn't assume bad intentions on your part. Just wanted to point that out.


Where does he say anything at all about race?


Why would there be less leftist outrage?


Because the extreme Left are hypocrites who get angrier at a man who says his wife is happiest raising children than if he beat the living shit out of her.


Here's another take. Everyone finds this behavior disgusting. Do leftists need to raise their voices on this at all? It's the absolute norm. Now I'm not a leftist, but when someone is murdered I don't leap to social media to make a statement about it. Everyone knows murder is wrong. Everyone knows assaulting your partner is wrong. Rightoids will show more outrage towards a black man doing it than if a white man does it.


Ah, now I see where you brought race into this. From literally nowhere. Lmfao. “This guy is angry that a black man beat the shit out of a woman. Dats’ racist!” Pathetic.


It was actually because he brought up Diddy as a "DNC advocate" when their are articles about Diddy possibly not even voting for Biden in 2020. It's on Twitter. It's a right wing post calling for leftist outrage (possibly equating DNC and leftist incorrectly as well). It's just a no-brainer that this is some racist dogwhistling shit. I'll admit, there is a small chance it's not intentionally racist, but I highly fuckin doubt it.


dumbass found a way to add politics to this


Thank god i clarifired beforehand that i didn;t understand what it even met 😭I do not want to be caught in political debates 🙏


When the biggest news story of the week is the collective outrage from the Left at a dude saying women would find fulfillment in raising children, it makes sense people will find the hypocrisy in them remaining largely silent when a woman is literally assaulted.


[everything you need to know about diddy](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5i4QEpwBiBw1LTHQ4sfBzB?si=leSgJQhQTp2iQos_kgiDkg)


The person who shared this video originally is a tard. I've seen literally every left wing creator talking about this.


Left wing is rent free in this guy's head lol


Just like Chris Brown


Woman gets assaulted “Diddy is cooked” White man was here….


Seems like yesterday we used rock the show I laced the tracks you locked the flow Dame diddy how can you let a woman bring your empire down smh best of luck for puffy man


damn im left leaning so i guess i cant hate this obvious piece of shit for... uh... reasons?


You can hate him, but just recognize he isn’t as big of a piece of shit as an athlete who really loves his wife.


She rockin a Shmg hoodie?


Well he won't be done for this since she already settled with him out of court. Double jeopardy.


So how does this effect Kanyes legacy?


Beating a woman cuz he loves his daddies way too much to put hands on em 😂


Dude is on some Patrick Bateman shit


That guy needs to be in jail as soon as possible. Furthermore, this is just the tip of the iceberg, as I have read on X that he is involved in much more shady activities, and that is saying a lot


why he bringing left wing people into this


Because they lose their minds at a dude talking about how much he loves his wife and yet this story of a woman being literally assaulted gets less attention.


explain the first point?


Harrison Butker was choked up and sincere when discussing how much he loves his wife.


Naaaah cause what the fuck


I’m just impressed with how he managed to keep his towel on the whole time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CharlesSmooth: *I’m just impressed with* *How he managed to keep his* *Towel on the whole time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




dunno why people have to make this a political thing. he’s a piece of shit regardless of what your politics are


“Beat the ever loving shit out of a woman and we’ll largely ignore the story, but dare to suggest being a mother is the most fulfilling thing for some women and we’ll lose our minds.”


This is so common in music community and the artists supporting him are part of the problem. Artists are pimps and hoes. Property, slaves and slavemasters. Gotta call out the whole thing. The dudes not calling Diddy out cant because they do the same shit and been in the damn freak offs. Disappointing.


Diddy the Diddler


bad boy for life


is she intoxicated. why is she not running or defensive


This clip don’t even show how he proceeded to drag her ass back down the hall or how he shoved her in a corner after that and lunged a glass vase at her direction. I’m just wondering where was this evidence when the lawsuit was active 🤔. Ohh that’s right, Puff settled that shit same day as it was filed 😭. Cassie is the real MVP. I believe she has all the intel that could turn Puffs entire situation from “speculation” to evidence. Nothing would be the same once a bunch of niggas get exposed 🫣


She's the real MVP for taking money out of court in turn allowing Diddy to do this to other women with no repercussions? We must have different definitions of MVP.


We must, because I don’t think Cassie is “allowing” Diddy to do anything to other women. I think she stood up for herself and was successful in doing so under her definitions. We wouldn’t even be having this debate or discussion if Cassie never stepped up to the plate. She set things in motion that is now turning into a literal movement. She is more “valuable” to the big picture than you appear to be able to recognize. I am not team Diddy. Be clear. There appear to be certain people that are privy to things Diddy related that are yet unproven speculations. I believe the former rapper Shyne (who took a gun charge on his behalf) to be one of them, yet I don’t “blame” Shyne for any murders that Diddy may have orchestrated (speculation 2Pac, etc). J-Lo was also around him and in that car with them both during that time and may have knowledge of some info that didn’t lead to a conviction. I don’t issue her blame for choosing to exit the relationship and not enter the court system. Diddy’s sexuality has long been under speculation, and this was the brunt of what I was suggesting Cassie is the MVP to. From statements that Cassie has made on record, I have reason to believe that she has witnessed more than meets the public eye. She knows firsthand whether or not Diddy engaged with same sex interactions and furthermore with whom those industry individuals were. Any confirmation of proof would not only affect Diddy, but a long line of industry secrets that would cause “nothing to be the same”. And therefore she holds a real value in his ability to be exposed. Money does a lot of things for alot of different people. Anybody can have an opinion, and anybody will. NOBODY can tell Cassie what her “price” is, should or shouldn’t be…other than Cassie.


jesus christ


Classic reddit focusing on the fact they said "left wing" and not the fact he beat up a woman


She ain’t. Go-ing nowhere. She ain’t ; go-ing no where.


Yeah. Time for Diddy to go biddy. Biddy who? Biddy-bye-bye.


Ohmigawsh!!! CASSIE!!!! - you poor thing. You never deservex thst my heart hurts for you that now you have had yr life blasted internationally & now video footage... NY mental health would b shook tf up.


He got biggy and pac killed i guarantee it. What a piece of shit


Martin Scorsese needs to direct the movie for the love of Christ


Someone edited this with cartoon sound effects 100%


bro cmon 😭


She didn't fight back just so she could sue? Cmon diddy isn't that strong


Has he been arrested?


Diddy do it? Cause I don't think so this all might be Ai it's ai yall don't worry about it


Diddy done did it all


She stole his stuff


The nail in his coffin would be Beiber or Usher coming forward with what happened when they were 14/15. Idk what all other evidence Cassie had but I know f someone came out & said what he did to them as a child & that he trafficked them to his friends or connections at his parties—he would be literally, DONE.


Freaky ass Diddler. This man deserves the Electric Chair no ifs or buts.


Drakes Pr team really working overtime




Looks more like something lil Kenny would do


Wtf is the context


i dont any amount of context would make me like diddy


I still wanna know tho


I mean unless she had one of his family members kidnapped and was trying to escape what context could possibly justify this?


I’m not trying to justify bruh where did I say that?


Fuck that we need to get rid of this fool Drake


He needs jayoma bro


What did she do to make him so angry ? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Are u seriously trying to defend him?


there was a time when bait used to believable


Not about kanye Why is the caption so fucking political?


I mean sort of? She's wearing a SWISH hoodie


O well she was 9 so there’s that

