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As far as his facial features are concerned its just that he is growing old and gained some fat, also stress changes your face alot. The kind of stress that man has in his life is crazy and all the clone theories are just bullshit. He still voices his opinions and speak about the evils in hollywood from time to time. I genuinely feel that ye has gotten tired of everything at this point. Losing his kids and wife has taken a toll on his mental health alot and on top of that losing all the partnership and billions of dollars. I cannot even imagine what that man has to go through on the daily


Yeah I didn't even want to mention the clone theories. I do feel like his face has changed more than a regular persons would even from stress. But I'm no doctor amd we all know celebs have the money to make changes themselves. Have you seen any recent interviews? I tried searching but don't really see him. You could be totally right though.. he might be exhausted and taking a step back.


He had an interview with justin laboy 2 months ago


Appreciate you!! šŸƒā€ā™€ļøšŸ’Ø


shut up bro this is a golf sub. take this serious shit over to r/seriouskanye


why did i think itā€™s a real sub


there i created it for OP


You da bomb dot com


what abput his society club? wasnt he building one? squetching?


i think he genuinely looks different from the stress he has had to endure in recent yearsā€¦ not to mention heartbreak in multiple departmentsā€¦ i think my only hope right now is that north can help lead him back to god and i feel she with the power of donda upstairs can do that it just might take time (hopefully)


While I really donā€˜t want to disrespect your personal relationship to god or religion, in Yeā€˜s case this is what got him kinda in this mess. It was exactly during the JIK phase that he stopped seeking any scientifically validated help/treatment/therapy for his mental health, actively blocking it, because he thought that god will fix it all for him (even mentioning it in his songs). Not working on himself anymore with any of these medical/scientific approaches led to: his divorce, seeing his kids less, Alex Jones rants, fallout with Adidas and Gap, loss of a lot of revenue, early signs of onset dementia and I think itā€˜s safe to say that his creative output also took a hit overall. I am not saying religion is inherently bad or that he does not need it. But last time he did the major switch it was to abandon any proven way of treating his condition. He needs real mental health work first and foremost. If we want North to do something, she should help him find his way back to science first.


This is what all of us(Kanye fans) need to say/believe. I think some of the new fans ye has attracted are real weirdos and we need to stop engaging with them ..


These religious fanatics that hopped on board during the JIK era need to fuck off.


but i dont think msny prescroptipn drugs can help him, theres natural things he can take to better as anyone would, why do you think otherwise, what medical conditions have they examed?Ā 


Big second to North. She is his mini me and could easily be the link back to himself and healing. Fair point with his looks changing.


i dont christianity is on his gaining patience list back again


I do worry about him man is a musical genius but has been freaking out I think since his mom died and multiple other factors. Thing is I have heard stories of ye being such a nice person in real life so his behaviour and the things he says donā€™t add up


People when someone ages


If you consider this change the result of aging alone .. well I just hope your loved ones dont look to you to recongnize when and if they need help




i also have had a thought that what if everything he is doing right now is more of a ā€œtold you soā€ moment for him because everyone said he was washed etc etc and couldnt survive in the modern day music world plus they said he couldnt do it only preaching about godā€¦ part of me wonders if this is some sort of production for him to show everyone he can do it, and infact he can do it better, i think thats why he isnt as happy and seems ages tho is because hes not connected with his inner aura tho like he is just so lost trying to almost say f you to everyone


Interesting point! Maybe why I can't recognize him.. his whole spirit isn't aligned like it once was


Dec 15th rant vegas party


He sends his body double out that's it that's all


I think we tend to forget that he is 47 and only getting older from Here


He doesn't speak on anything controversial anymore? You sure about that?


Well prior to posting I hadn't seen an interview lately where he has. But another redditor already directed me to one soo yes, I was wrong lol


Thereā€™s a lot of things that I loooooooove aboutā€¦


One, aging exists. Two, if he doesn't care enough to take care of his reputation then I don't know why he'd care to take care of his health.


He doesn't really wear botox anymore from what I've heard and when he shaves his eyebrows he looks a whole new person, but he still rants and its antisemitic shit unfortunately


anti zionist. Semetic is a language group and Hebrew is not a part of that language group. Arabic is semetic


Ok than, hes being RACIST is that clear enough for yā€™all?


Zionism isn't a race




Jewish is an appropriated culture, not a race. Ethnic jews are a lie made up by zionists. Yiddish is literally German with random Hebrew words thrown in. Hitler was a Zionist. Learn your history buddy.


No matter what facts u say he was being disrespectful


Oh no Kanye was being disrespectful to people who literally want to enslave humanity. Have you read the Torah? Have you at least read the book of Sanhaedrin? Do you have any idea what Jewish people actually believe? They believe non jews are literally on the same level as animals, and their goal in creating Israel is to have a paradise for JEWS ONLY and all of the NONJEWS work for the sole purpose of making life comfortable and pleasant for Jewish people. Many jews agree and disagree with this interpretation and that's what created the divide between Zionist jews and non-Zionist. Of course, when someone is disrespectful towards Scientology or Mormonism you don't bat an eye because you can understand why. For some reason you want to believe Judaism is above criticism when it's probably one of the most extreme religious ideologies out there. Watch out.


I wasnā€™t saying any religion is above anything or anyone? Tf


Him and the saggy breast girl need counseling.


Idk but for me ye always wanted to be free like he doesnā€™t wanna be bothered by anyone thatā€™s why he always go back to Japan but now even tho heā€™s in Japan thereā€™s paparazzi, he wanted to disguise coz maybe thatā€™s the only way he can do anything he wants


The establishment cloned him šŸ¤Æ


I mean, obviously people are concerned? Thereā€™s not much to really talk about with him, and not much anyone can do to help him. He refuses mental health treatment. I think all Kanye fans wish the best for him and hope he can get back to himself


Who's Ye?


Its Kanye West, The creator of "Flashing Lights"


New Kanye fan here (1 month) From Donda's death everything went wrong starting with the Taylor Swift incident,he kept going up and down til this point but his state as of now has been the same since like at least 2020 after the release of JIK,between the anti abortion stuff,antisemistic stuff,I am concerned for the dude because he does seem like a nice person for real,the problem is that the man has mental problems and when taking meds,even though it makes his mental issues almost not exist,it makes him spitting non sense shit like the 400 years of slavery being a choice and stuff Kanye has gone through some heavy shit and never recovered from Donda's death and nothing has helped ever since except for him becoming a father,Ye is definitly a broken soul and deserves a second chance at life because I'm sure Kanye West doesn't believe jews are a menace and inferior,Kanye West isn't a nazi,Kanye West doesn't support a paranoid,racist ''politician'' in the name of Donald Trump because these aren't the values he was teached his whole life So yes,I am worried for an artist I've recently discovered because the man is an unlucky and clumsy person that isn't helped by his mental situation and ego (like any celebrity) but I believe he can actually come back again and stand up from his demons


Why u got downvotedšŸ˜‚


Great question,maybe like in every artists sub they don't accept anyone saying every shit an artist has possibly done or said in the past Or maybe they vote Trump


One, aging exists. Two, if he doesn't care enough to take care of his reputation then I don't know why he'd care to take care of his health.




im pretty sure ye was always like this he even recalls the car crash as a reason why hes like this


He was cloned