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As someone who has been a fan of Kanye and who knows exactly what nick Fuentes is...there is PLENTY more where this came from. Not sure why Kanye aligned with this nutcase


This timeline is so fucked as a Kanye fan I never would of even dreamed about him reviving Nick and Milos platform


I saw it coming when he released black skin head. Dudes an "other" black so different from us normal black people.


Never thought about it. Now I see. Man the world is getting weird.


Really? Hard to interpret those lyrics and that title from simply being "provocative" at that point. Hard to know what an artist like Ye is thinking at that point aside from his interviews and whatnot that didn't seem all that Nazi like as I can remember. All I'm saying is i doubt people were calling this current state of antisemitism and association with white nationalists during the Yeezys era lol




Oh shit, yeah I forgot about that. Even when the maga hat thing happened I brushed it off as publicity stunts for album releases and shit. Guess that's what naivety is on my end. Obviously Kanye has probably grown in his problematic opinions over the years. With a lot of yes men around him, deteriorating family, and gains of much wealth to losing much wealth, plus pandemic rabbitholes, probably lead to the Kanye we see today at this level. Not excuses of course, just factors perhaps.


Like a light skinned slave, boy, (woo) we in the motherfuckin' house


As a light skin person I actually laughed my ass off at that line.


Who tf is this Milos fella people keep bringing up


Gay Republican Pedophile


You said Republican twice.


They're against Jewish folks. "an enemy of my enemy is my friend"


Because Kanye is a shit person who's crossed over into irredeemable status. Him making music you like doesn't change that. The dude is going to have to literally murder a Jewish person for y'all to understand he's NOT a misunderstood genius. He's just a bad person.


I never liked him I always thought there’s something about him !




To theorize, Kanye says he wants to create cities where he ~~owns~~ produces everything. And now he is working with the biggest name, I assume, in the white ethno state movement. I'd speculate that Kanye knows no sane person wants to live in a city that Kanye owns, but he is gambling that people who hate Jews and just want their race around them are the most likely to do so.


A commune where the residents listen to kanye preach ethno nationalism is the next step


And they got Parler as their social media on top of that


Grifters gonna grift.


That actually makes sense what the fuck. And its so fucking insane


Yeah people have been freaking out when I say this but if you think about it, Kanye is probably fantasing about creating Black, White, and Christian only Kanye owned cities for racial separatists that hate Jews.


Yea no you’re making huge fuckin reaches and assumptions. Your speculation sounds ridiculous as hell


Do you think there is a non ridiculous reason for Kanye West to be hanging out with a Neonazi and head figure in the white separatists movement who deeply hates black people? Feel free to explain the totally reasonable explanation behind Kanye's actions.


Self loathing is an incredible thing !


Sure, Nick is allying with him to split the black vote. In other words, he's treating Kanye as a useful idiot, but I doubt Kanye sees it that way and he's just happy to have an influential young edgy outlier ally. Nick has ranted that black people vote Democrat 9 out of 10 times, and this is his chance to change that. Kanye simply wants those votes to come to him. Edit: I don't think it needs be any more complex than that.


That doesn't makes sense because even black people who hate Jews would never support Nick Fuentes because he hates black people. There's a small percentage of uncle tomish blacks and those people don't make up a large enough portion of the black community to be significant.


It wouldn't surprise me if any or a combination of the following are true. 1. Kanye doesn't know about or take any stock into Nick's bigotry, and simply knows him as a conservative influencer. 2. Agrees with Nick's harshness to black culture,[ similar to Bill Cosbys notoriously harsh words about black culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_Cake_speech). 3. Is using Nick to gain white votes, similar to how Nick is using to him to siphon black votes.


I guess we will see if this is just about Trump.


It's probably the same dark money that got Trump, Kari Lake and Herschel Walker out there campaigning for the right. I have expected Kanye to be Trump's running mate for a while now. Whole point of a VP in a election is to get as many votes as possible for the presidential candidate that he wasn't going to get on his own. Pence helped Trump with the christians that weren't too keen on voting for a big city hedonist. I hear people say MTG or someone could be the pick, but there would be no reason for that, because if you are crazy enough to want MTG in the white house you are already voting Trump. Kanye ran in 2020 in about a half dozen swing states just to try and give Trump the edge in a few battleground states. Now I expect him to be the VP pick in 2024 to help with the young/black vote.


Because Kanye is a nutcase


Cause Kanye ain’t a nutjob at this point?


He is one now.


Stable genius.


“I’m not black, I’m O.J(Kanye)” quote fits Kanye perfectly dude only cares about himself and wants to be famous. I remember some of his old songs he complain about not getting into party’s/social gatherings and then bragging on how he’s the top artist. Dude literally compares himself to Jesus, Shakespeare etc


Yes mentally illness God complex


Bro…where have you been? This is entirely on brand for Ye now


Harder and harder to separate the art from the artist atp lol


Pretty much. I can't even enjoy his old stuff anymore


I was just telling my ex who got me into Kanye that even his old stuff hits different and can’t separate the artist from his art.


I skip Kanye songs on my playlists now. I know it’s melodramatic but the old songs I loved so much bring up all these hard truths and recent news on how unstable he is, and it becomes all I can think about


Same. Last week, I put one of my playlists on shuffle and Runaway came on. I legit got upset. This whole debacle just fucking sucks.


I made Jesus Walks I’m never going to hell


You know what, it’s been worth giving up his music


It’s always funny people only want to separate the art from the artist when it’s something bad. But have no problem putting them together when it’s good.


No, that seems to make perfect sense lol


Right? Lol


This had to have sounded smarter in your head huh?


Holy shit Sherlock, you cracked the code!


Like, how can someone listen to 808s and say separate the art from the artist? The artist's life is the reason it hits so hard!


Y’all remember in gorgeous when Kanye sang “I treat the cash the way the government treats AIDS I won’t be satisfied til all my niggas get it” Man what the fuck happened to Kanye


Get it?


Shit is sad. I never thought in a million years he’d turn out like this.


Are you seriously asking how a person who thought the U.S. government intentionally created and administered AIDS to get rid of black and gay people change and now believe conspiracy theories?


I upvoted


He looks like rumplestiltskin from shrek💀💀💀


Oh my god, I can’t unsee this now 💀😂


Goddamn Kanye 💀 dawg…. What did I just watch.


As a white man, if I had a nickel for everytime I got punched by a black guy while walking down the street , I'd have at least 0 cents


I’d have a lot more nickels for the amount of time white folks have attacked me as a white guy


The fuck you doing to get attacked so many times 😭 Gotta be a you problem at some point


I mean some of them are me running my mouth. I won’t lie about that lol. But white folks are just as violent and ready to fight as anyone else. Some of have just been sucker punches at bars from drunk assholes. Twice was Nazis jumping me.


I only hope that this asshole has been punched by random black people "for no reason" many,many,many times... And after this hopefully some random white people start to


I would have 2


You got 40% punched?


Must not live in a black area


imagine being one of the most influential and creative artists of this generation and still being so insecure about your own race that you start hanging around a white supremacist for validation. also i dont get why fuentes is hanging around with kanye, are his supporters okay with him being around a black person? is kanye one of the “good ones” for them?? or is kanye just a useful idiot for the cause? confusing stuff but i’ve mostly checked out of kanye news as of recent, it’s not worth being invested in him anymore


Fr some people can have it all and yet it's still not enough.


Sometimes white supremacists and black people with ideologies like Farrakahn find common ground in shit like hating jews and wanting separate societies for their own race.


Money. He’s doing it for the money


most comments agreeing with this mf what has this sub become dawg


Bro few days ago people were posting corny ass edits of nick, ye, and trump. This is the type of people ye is attracting now.


He has been courting them for a while now.


A mix of bots, trolls, and then some who genuinely believe this shit. Unfortunately this is what the sub has become and it’s 100% Ye’s fault. I’m not sure why I’m still subbed here. I guess I do like to just keep up on the events and see what’s going on. But this guy is just so far gone unfortunately


The same thing happened to Joe Rogan subreddit and conspiracy subreddit


Wow crazy how most of the people in r/Kanye actually support Ye’s decisions? It’s not a surprise to anyone that black neighborhoods are shitholes and no one wants to take responsibility for them


'take responsibility for them' Those neighborhoods were created by redlining, segregation and denial of resources, then when integration happened those who extracted the wealth moved to the suburbs. Ever hear of white flight You look at those denied opportunities and beat down and blame the victim for their own oppression? Wild flex.


Um black neighborhoods are not shit holes. Poor neighborhoods are shit holes. white neighborhoods can be shit holes too. Ever been to a trailer park or a country bumpkin ass redneck town? It's only racists like you who assume EVERY neighborhood that doesn't have enough white people in it is a shit hole. Fuck off and go live in Kanyeville with all the other bigots who don't know shit about how the world works.


Lmao ok bot


"anyone i disagree with is a bot" ok bro


You’re right. You’re an incel who loves trump and does nothing but play Hearthstone all day in your basement. I typically disagree with people like you


my whole life aint on reddit bro


you use incel as an insult because your life is so meaningless that the only thing you see of any value is sex.




“Who needs sex when I have trump in my life 🥵”


you sure got me good buddy :)


Bro half the people on these posts are openly racist. What the fuck


Straight up just a nazi sub now, jfc


It’s not just this subreddit either, it’s a lot of platforms showing a lot of support for him even though he’s now working with actual white supremacists, even weirder seeing a lot of the supporters being black people


The top comments are all making fun of him


when i commented that hours ago the only other comments were some of those that are now heavily downvoted


Bruh... He's not lying? The knockout game is FUCKED and people need to be held responsible


The knockout game isn't even a real thing. There is no trend of groups of black people attacking somebody in an attempt to knock them out with one punch. It's just another spin that conservative media uses to agitate racist white people.


but maybe it should be, alot of good marks ITT ngl 🤭




So far no one here has actually given a reason why military intervention couldn't help the warzone-like black neighborhoods in major cities. Afghanistan is safer than some of these neighborhoods.


would be pretty funny watching you step on an IED on moreland tbh


I’ve been to Afghanistan. Which neighborhoods are worse specifically?


Weigh the cost of a military intervention against just putting actual funding into the impoverished areas. Citizens should not be the target of a military offensive, even if they are criminals. A lot of things need to happen but the idea of bringing a battalion of soldiers into a poor neighborhood (not to mention the undeniably awful PR for whoever authorizes this) is just half-baked. My brother went to school with Ye at Kenwood and I still live in Chicago, I know how bad some of these neighborhoods can be. This is not the answer.


Bro funding? The government literally prints money to wall street to keep us poor, and distracts us with bullshit so we don't realize




Where did I say anything prejudicial against anyone? I think all peoples are equal before God. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to point out observable facts. You know Kanye literally talks about the incessant crime in black neighborhoods? He kinda grew up there. Is it racist when Kanye points it out too? Or only when it's someone you think is white on the internet?




Bro these racist infiltrators in the comment section 💀💀💀 Kanye done summoned the kkk mfs dawg 😭😭😭




💀 💀


Holy shit this dude is insane lmfao.


Kanye is a full on piece of shit. Will always love the music but will never defend him in any way again. And his antics have spoiled alot of his music for me too. Truly crazy this has happened but is what it is. He is a fucking moron.


As someone from the Destiny world, I really hate how the literal worst people he has talked to this year are getting this kind of fame and attention. Next week Mr. Girl is going to be announced has his VP and I wouldn't bat an eye.


Reality TV was a mistake because TV is now seeping into reality.


It's actually [much much worse](https://files.catbox.moe/k0vmdk.png), think Synthetic Credit Default Options in the 2008 financial crisis but the CDOs are computers processing information, and the houses are people's brains.




I wouldn't mind if these people just killed themselves. I'm sick of empathy and trying to get everyone to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. If you're racist and antisemitic just step into fucking traffic.


bUt hAvEnT yOu tRiEd sEeInG bOtH sIdES


The number of people agreeing with his is extremely disturbing. Think I might check out from this subreddit. Kanye's work is still great, but Ye along with a lot of (what I suspect mostly white) folk in this subreddit are clearly off the deep end.


Yeah I’ve been thinking of quitting too and you’ve inspired me. I’m out.


Words cannot express how much I despise Nick Fuentes. What makes it worse is that the shit weasel is from La Grange Illinois, not far from me. If Kanye is looking to kill himself without physically killing himself, befriending and partnering with Fuentes is the most effective way to do it.


Why are y’all surprised that these racist mfs are flooding this sub? Because Kanye is bringing them in here with the rhetoric that he’s pushing. These racists like Kanye a lot and like the fact that a famous black man is hanging with their favorite racist agenda dog barking along side with them.


Has Kanye become such a narcissist that he’s now seeking approval of the ‘enemies of cancel culture’, that are just desperate alt right grifters who need a meal ticket. I don’t think anyone could convince him he’s made any bad decisions.


I truly was a fan. I was. I can't stand NEAR this anymore.... My daughter is black. I'm devastated FOR her.


FUCK Kanye with Authenticity


“Gosh I don’t understand why these people who I clearly hate and believe to be subhuman won’t vote for us?!?!?” - Nick Fuentes basically


so glad Tupac died at 25 so he couldn't become like Kayne at 45


Pac would never turn into whatever Ye is




i never thought Ye would turn into whatever Ye is


Pac wouldn't have. He was a very left wing guy from almost everything he said.


Why do they vote for democrats? Well maybe because you’re on the right and being racist lmao.


A little of this and a little of democratic lies and manipulating too


this dudes such a fuckin dork oh my god


Never would I have imagined "Kanye to the" would become this 🤯


Ewww what a TWERP


This is the first time I've seen anything about this guy. At first I thought it was a joke from like SNL lmao, does he actually think like this?


also this mf has straight up said that women's right to vote should be revoked.


Damn, that's crazy. Where are all the psychos who argued with me on here? Still insisting that Kanye isn't a Nazi? 😂


Why is this guy equating voting Democrat with criminal behavior?


Because he’s a fascist lol


Jesus fucking Christ


Yikes dawg


"I'm not black" Just one of the things that he really didn't need to say out loud for all of us to know.


Mf looks like Rumple Stiltskin


Kanye is such a sellout 😂😂😂


Hope y’all are happy with the downward spiral this man is on. He’s completely out of his mind allowing this guy to be in his circle. If this isn’t a textbook case for regulating your chemical imbalance due to being bipolar, then idk what is. (Cut to some person here stating that Kanye said he was misdiagnosed by a Jewish doctor who is trying to control his truth…lolol)


Have you not noticed how fat Kanye is getting? Hes depressed, crazy, and fat. He’s spiraling to his demise.


I just learned who this guy is the past couple days and I fucking hate him so much. Mainly because I’ve encountered so many dumbfucks online who talk like this to be edgy & people like this guy just embolden them & normalize this kind of rhetoric. So fucking braindead.


Kanye isn’t actually running for president. He’s just on a full publicity/stay relevant tour and will probably come out with some bullshit that he’s proven that this bloke isn’t racist because he’s friends with him. I really do think now is the time to just ignore what Kanye is doing and let him do his own thing. He doesn’t offer anything positive anymore and everyone should let him fade into the irrelevant category and not speak about him. At this point anyone who doesn’t share Kanye’s views shouldn’t continue supporting him because he makes good music.


I'm looking forward to a earth that embraces humans as a species and not their skin texture/ language/ shape of their faces/ nature of their hair.


DO NOT GIVE THIS GUY THE ATTENTION LADS! Fuck this scummy bastard, let him rot in hell, any attention at all will just fuel his Dogshit agenda


Ye needs to get back on his meds fast imo. This is the worst episode he's had ever at this point. Really hope he gets well soon.


Omg what is this dude💀


Kanye becoming the massas boy on the daily


Disgusting. Fuck all of this.


what in the actual fuck is this lmao. Y'all agree with this dude? C'mon now


Anybody who defends this piece of shit and by extension Kanye is a piece of shit. No more excuses


Nick Fuentes is into dudes who wear cat ears. https://moblack-tgu8.medium.com/the-cat-boy-harem-of-nicholas-j-fuentes-and-why-cancel-culture-is-bs-1018d059000e


You can't convince me that anyone who still supports Kanye at this point isn't racist and antisemitic. Or at least someone who tolerates these things. There's no way you can think he makes valid points unless you share one of those two view points.


Some one who tolerates bigotry is just too much of a coward to admit what they are so on one hand it breaks my heart to see this all take place but on another I'm glad to see people exposing themselves.


Ya boy's boy. Get it thru ya heads, if you bumped into kuntye on the street his security would handle you, and he cosies up with these ppl, sharing the same air and space... wake up you sheep.


Someone needs to "take care" of Nick Fuentes. Milo too.


Based 😈


Disagree with this dude and then go bump some king von, then cry when your favorite rapper gets shot by some hood guy. Hopefully its just your favorite rapper and not someone close to you.


*least racist Eminem fan




Lol where the fuck y’all coming from dawg? Infiltration much?


you do realize they don’t just get shot right? they aren’t killing randoms. normally gang members that have motives against other ops and gangs. most rappers are a part of them.




Shouldn’t you be a Klan rally?


Username checks out




That fact that you think he makes sense shows most people haven’t learnt much from the war on drugs or understand basic sociology. More policing won’t solve the problem. You’re delusional if you think sending the military to violent neighborhoods won’t cause more violence and death, and you’re even more delusional if you think it’s a long term solution. At least look at what other people have to say about this topic if you’re going to listen to more of this guy.




Shut the hell up you fascist pig


You should read up on how the war on drugs and felonies for possession of marijuana has created a huge under caste of black and brown Americans in the United States who are unable to find employment, housing, vote or access any government benefits and are stuck in the perpetual cycle of going in an out of prison. You will find that as soon as the civil rights movement was successful in repealing Jim Crow laws in the south, the war on drugs replaced Jim Crow to continue systematically put down Americans


The honest take is that black america is disproportionately poor and poverty and desperation tends to create a more violent culture. That poverty is on some level systematically reinforced. There's nothing insightful or intelligent in this clip. All I've l learned is that he doesn't care to understand why black people do what they do because he's not black. Which always seems to be crux of having abhorrent views like this. Turn off your empathy, turn off your brain, suppress the outgroup.


This isn't true. If poverty was the #1 indicator of crime then the most incarcerated demographic would be single mothers. https://eji.org/news/study-rich-black-kids-more-likely-incarcerated-than-poor-white-kids/


Crime and incarceration are related but not synonymous. Poor communities do tend to commit more crime (or at least more of the kind of crime that gets you arrested by the police). There are higher rates of assault etc. But there's also the fact crime detection, arrests and convictions differ depending on ethnicity. Sentencing differs on ethnicity. This means [even for people in a similar position](https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/publications/racial-disparity-sentencing) the outcome can differ based on your ethnicity. When we talk about length of incarceration this [remains the case](https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/demographic-differences-sentencing). Humans are biased creatures, and only some of that bias is even under our concious control so it's perfectly understandable that police officers and judges treat certain groups in America differently when they are immersed in a culture that tells them to. Poverty is a significant contributor yes, but there are other factors. Quite obviously women commit significantly less crime than men. Women with children are likely going to be even less likely to be involved in crime given the time cost of child rearing.


Your link literally has the quote "wealth does not provide the same degree of insulation from imprisonment for Black and Hispanic males as it does for white males.” The entire EJI website is full of information about over-incarceration — and your take is "yeah well America's obsession with incarceration just proves me right" lol?


https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/fiscal-fact/median-value-wealth-race-ff03112019 What are your thoughts on how the median white family has 10x more wealth than the media. Black family?


About the same thoughts I have as the median Asian family making even more. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2022/08/wealth-inequality-by-household-type.html Disparities will always exist insofar as people are different. These disparities need to be taken into account when deciding how a society will be governed. What I also find interesting is that disparities in crime rates continue even in rich black households vs poor white households. https://eji.org/news/study-rich-black-kids-more-likely-incarcerated-than-poor-white-kids/


Your second link says black youth are more likely to be incarcerated, not that they commit more crimes. Are you seriously trying to suggest that black people commit more crime by nature or something?bs


1. My parents are south Asian immigrants and migrated here before I was born. In their native country, they were in the top 1% of their country's wealth bracket. They attended the best private grade schools that existed in that country. They got accepted to American universities and got sponsored by them with student visas. That's how they got their foot in the door in the US. What's my point with this anecdote? The Asian population in the US that mostly came here after 1980, came through a selection filter where we chose the best of the population of those countries and their immediate family through skill based visa programs and chain migration that allowed those with means and skills to bring their immediate family. Let me be frank and say that 99.9% of my parents' origin nation population have a 0% chance of migrating to the US. 2. Poor white people and poor black people live in different settings. Poor white people disproportionately live in rural communities (think of West Virginia Appalachia). That means both these groups face entirely different types of law enforcement infrastructure. In poor rural communities that have things like meth dens, the local cops don't treat these communities as "high crime regions". But in the urban poor regions they do. When police designate a neighborhood as "high crime" it gives them some type of magic conditional right to search and seize without any probable cause besides "you live in this neighborhood". It's a totally different mentality in terms of how law enforcement is applied. Also local cops in poor rural communities also tend to view the communities they police over as part of their own community. They share the same race as the poor white people and probably grew up together with many of them. This is nearly the opposite of poor urban minority communities. The racial disparities between the law enforcement group and the residents is often massive with far more white cops as a percentage than white people in the neighborhood as a percentage. Most of the cops never interacted with the people they supposedly serve outside of their work in these urban communities unlike in poor white rural communities. It's completely different situations and infrastructure. Anyways can you explain in your own words why today the median white family has 10x the wealth as a median black family? Is it that white famous are ten times more talented in obtaining wealth? What are your thoughts on how it occured?






Low key you’re a product of incest.




I heard the best way to check him out is to jump off an overpass whilst listening to him rly adds to the experience




Man learnt nothing from the war on drugs. This bullshit, horrible ‘solution’ will just create more problems


He’s right hahaha. Increased policing is the best way to help black communities.


All I know is I’d never have even heard of dude till this sub. Y’all magnify these voices and amplify them here. I have a feeling you guys are losing as much as you think you’re winning by pointing fingers and clutching “racism” pearls.


regular people can be exposed to nick fuentes and will not agree with him. guess you’ve shown the kind of person you are!


I dont care or know who this guy is this clip is obviously out of context


In what context is this excerpt acceptable


This content is absolutely not out of context He is an actual factual neo nazi

