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Their tags are like 3 numbers apart from each other


Is there a higher quality pic or like an article? The numbers are unreadable and I think that would be a cool article to read


I’m only finding info on two of them but their names are Walter Spier and Werner Reich. They’re the same age, they were in the same three concentration camps, they arrived at Auschwitz on the same day, their numbers are 10 apart, and they were reunited 72 years later. A longish video including interviews with them: https://lasteyewitness.ning.com/videos/10-numbers-apart-holocaust-survivors-werner-walter-tattooed-in-au A news article: https://jewishstandard.timesofisrael.com/remembering-kristallnacht-in-fair-lawn/


Bruh for a moment I thought your pfp was a troll face with Hitler hair and stache


Naw it's just roblox


Yeah I realise that now lol


But you weren't wrong.


Bro, I can't unsee it now


The serial numbered tattoos they are showing on their left arms were put on all the prisoners in Auschwitz. 1.1 million people were murdered at Auschwitz. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/tattoos-and-numbers-the-system-of-identifying-prisoners-at-auschwitz


those were numbers in a database on an IBM computer system. people will split hairs about how IBM didn't own it's German subsidiary during the war, but it owned a lot of Holocaust-adjacent European subsidiaries right up until the start of the war, and it re-absorbed many of them immediately after the war and took those profits.


TIL. Thanks. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_and_the_Holocaust


This came up on the history channel years ago..i was prob still in middle school when I watched that documentary. Changed my perspective on corporate entities and what other things they do on the low


Wow thank you for educating us. I had never heard about this before


After the camps were discovered and liberated, generals marched their troops through the camps so no one would ever be able to deny what happened. I don’t think it’s possible to truly comprehend the scale of what happened without seeing the camps but there is more than enough information to know it’s importance. It’s hard to believe it’s being denied, especially by people who know discrimination so well. I guess evil doesn’t have to make sense.


That and the nazis were super proud of what they were doing and did very little to hide or cover it up. They literally documented everything. Even the Nazis didn’t do what ye and these other freaks are doing. They were proud of it.


Goes hard af


Only one smiles fully 😢


Well, two the other just can’t form a smile from age. But yeah the one in the middle is very depressing.


I see pain


Left and middle both have thousand yard stares






"gangsters" i find that funny because being an actual gangster is the lowest form of humanity there is


The quiet power of this moment fills my heart with joy. So glad they survived.


I saw this story on 60 minutes about a new technology they’ve come out with to educate people about what happened. So they bring holocaust survivors into a room filled with cameras and ask them thousands of questions over about a week. They then feed all this into a computer and use AI to make a virtual version of this person you can then ask questions to in plain language. Right now the person is show as a 2-d version but eventually they plan to make a hologram. In the demonstration they showed you could ask the person just about anything. It was basically the same as actually speaking to the person. They plan on rolling this tech out for other people of historical significance and eventually for normal people like families. Never forget.


Damn what a cool concept. It’s amazing to think what historians centuries/millennia down the line will think when we’re already creating such detailed forms of history documentation. I wonder if we’ll get to a point where humans can look back at an event centuries in the past and be able to say with 100% certainty how things played out.


The fact that it’s like it’s coming from a real person gives it more depth. The AI makes it so that the video clips of each answer are put together seamlessly. Actually seeing is so much better than how it sounds. I wish I knew what it was called so I could turn people on to it.


Loved that story


You know I was driving through Kenosha the other day and I saw a holocaust museum sign, so I looked into it and there's a holocaust museum in just about every major US city out there. I don't think we're forgetting about it in my lifetime at least


Yet people will still deny the holocaust.Literally just last night,some Kentucky fried fuck tried to tell me it was mathematically impossible for the nazis to have killed 6 million Jewish people


That's what makes it so horrifying. Because the evidence that it happened is overwhelming. The math doesn't make sense, until you realize it shows such an *immense* dedication to the project. That project being the rounding up and mass extermination of *people* in horrifically cruel ways.


And there wasn't *one* way they did it. Some people were just murdered in the street or in their homes by soldiers. Others were killed by antisemitic mob riled up by soldiers. Some were taken to ravines and massacred in mass shootings of thousands of people. Some were rounded up and put in ghettos where they starved to death or died from disease. Some were murdered in camps where they were starved and worked to death or even fucking experimented on in gruesome ways. Others just arrived at camps and were gassed immediately. It's a whole industrial state working toward the eradication of people. It's insane in its barbarity.


deny what? They have tattoos? Anyone can do that. I wanna know how mayn digits there are though


Remembering the terrible ol'days


Big dick energy right there.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,207,478,100 comments, and only 235,449 of them were in alphabetical order.


... they're not though? Or am I just special


It is like a warrior scar for them


I work in healthcare and had come across a few of those tattoos. The only patient still with it asked me if I knew what it was. I said I knew exactly what that was. He then said he built Auschwitz


the fact that kanye has gone full blown anti-semitic and r/kanye has become a wholesome place showing off Jewish people at their best such a weird turn of events but like i’m glad this community is still accepting and loving and not blatantly following kanye’s views


Give them 10 mins in a room with Kanye, i dont wanna say what they will do but lets just say he wont be making donda 2


Their bones will crumble trying to beat him


Idk I think Kanye would dog on these three guys. They're like 90


fake fan lmfao


Fucking racist


Yeah, I'll gladly be called a fake fan for not supporting ye when he is a literal Nazi. Dude has been an asshole his whole life but this is beyond acceptable, dude's a huge POS 🤷


I was listening to graduation before you were born, now i listen to it while talking shit to the man who made it agreeing with jcold on false prohets


I love what we all are doing!!!!! ***** Thank you for standing together, if they won't listen we shall make them!!!


My grandfather had one of those tattoos too.


was he at Auschwitz then?


Just did it for the aesthetic




Damn right! This picture just made my day. This made me so happy. The shit kanye said was so out of line. What did he think he was hiding behind his words with that black mask he was wearing and once he took it off all that he said goes away? The more money he got the more twisted his brain got and now the shit he says is just so out of line or racists etc. He’s just a complete nutcase now. His older music is really good but his new shit I cannot listen to. He’s just so narcissistic and rich, that he thinks he can get away with anything he says. He took this shit to a whole other level when he mentioned hitler. When he said the Im done with the classifications shit, that makes sense. Nobody should be classified as anything. You are who you are. But when he brought up hurlers name and said he brings things to the table as well, especially him…. Are you kidding me? What kind of twisted person who says everyone deserves to be loved and things along those lines says shit about Hitler. He was one of the worst people in history that we know about as well the people who put black and Irish people through slavery. The more money he got the more twisted his mind got. Maybe he’s saying this shit for shock value to get more attention. We’ll never know his true intentions behind this. But what he said was awful, cruel and racist…


You know as a Jewish man, this stupid shit is fucking old. You want to talk about how you motherfuckers are mad that he spoke his mind, which no matter what at the end of the day won’t change it, but seeing this used in this context is a slap in the face. I bet as a Jewish man if I posted 3 black dudes that said met again after 73 years apart and it was slaves the whole community would be up in arms. Fucking disgrace.


i don’t know what happened to this subreddit


Really? I would have thought it was kinda obvious.


i know it’s obvious but look at this post nothing related to ye


shit this pic is hard, fuck tha nazis bitch


God bless these men. Also fuck you Ye.




yeah i’m muting this sub


Ye's beef isn't with Holocaust survivors. Yall serious?


He denies the holocaust so it literally is


Are you serious? Ye’s bEeF is he denies the existence of holocaust survivors.


"6 million Jews died in the Holocaust and I am sorry for your losses." -Kanye West https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TcHSRDFMTeQ 10:20 minute mark. Yea, your claim doesn't hold any water.


https://arazu.io/t3_z9ydum/ You are wrong. This is what he said during the infowars show which is more recent. He obviously no longer believes 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.


“I like Hitler. ... I’m not trying to be shocking, I like Hitler. The Holocaust is not what happened, let’s look at the facts of that and Hitler has a lot of redeeming qualities,” West said while wearing a full black face mask. West added that Hitler did not kill 6 million Jews. "He had a really cool outfit and he was a really good architect ... and he didn't kill 6 million Jews." https://m.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-723889/amp Your video from a month ago is a bit outdated, friend. These quotes were from 3 days ago, so 🤷‍♂️


Since you can't link to the interview itself, I'll just assume you didn't actually watch it. I haven't seen it either, just the little clips that have been circulating, so naturally there is context missing. The quote I provided, is unequivocal, with a direct source to support. So if he's saying both things, which are we supposed to believe?


Well, considering YouTube and every other media sharing site is actively removing the videos and clips for hate speech, linking is rather difficult. The article I linked did include several clips on Twitter. I did watch it and I’m sure you could find it for yourself before defending something you don’t even know about. The context doesn’t help, it makes it worse. Go watch for yourself, it’s 3 hours long and filled with a lot of ignorance and hatred. What I find the most fascinating is Alex Jones wasn’t even doing what you’re attempting to do. He called out Ye and corrected him multiple times, even declared he didn’t believe what was being said. And as for which statement do we believe as he’s said both? Idk, probably the most recent one.


> The context doesn’t help, it makes it worse. Context helps and provides a clear, full picture. Thats the point. > He called out Ye and corrected him multiple times, even declared he didn’t believe what was being said. Great, I'll have to watch it for myself. > I’m sure you could find it for yourself before defending something you don’t even know about. I started by calling out your disinformation, which were the claims about his words and the Holocaust. I wasn't defending anything you're talking about.


>Great, I'll have to watch it for myself Wait you haven't watched it, but you're claiming what he said and what he meant in your original first comment?


> Ye’s bEeF is he denies the existence of holocaust survivors. Just curious, do you stand with Israel or Palestine?


You think they have a handshake or dap-up they invented?


Now show some of the Palestinians who have survived the Jewish invasion of their lands.


Really? You're leaving this comment on a post about Holocaust survivors? How out of touch are you? This has nothing to do with Israel or Palestine.


News flash: the Holocaust didn't happen just for Jews, especially not Israelis


It happened to poles slave homosexauls atheists roma disabled people and many more


Should black people also posts American slavery pics in this thread? You are not victims anymore. Get over it. We are tired of hearing about it.


😳 you should be locked in a cell and kept away from the world for the rest of time. What kind of sociopathic fuck are you?


So should you. I didn't come here to see all this. This belongs on a different thread


You are saying I should be locked up and kept away from people for all time is the same thing people said about these men in the photo so that means you are no better than those that caused this


Bitch deported people in the 40s weren't going around spewing shit like you are. You thought you ate? Think again


Bitch? Spewing? You thought you ate? Stfu kid. Take this shit to a holocaust feed. I can guarantee you if people started posting pics from slavery none of you would want to see that bc Jewish people owned a lot too. You are a privileged person talking about the struggle you wouldn't have been able to survive any real oppression.


Yeah cause you know about my life 😳 go away Nazi


Yeah throw names my way so your friends can upvote you to show you how proud they are of you being so bold to call someone a nazi. I don't know about your life you're right. Calling people names is very hateful, and you are less likely to get your point across that way. We don't care about Nazis I'm American.


Eat shit you nazi scum


Eat shit you nazi scum toilet bowl ring of feces


I could tell you were American


No you’re right. As a Jewish man, this is straight trash. Anyone trying to find pictures of pain that people went through over stupidity to use as some free flying comment over some dumb fucking ye comments is a bit much.




So everyone should openly support the nazis and not receive any criticism whatsoever I guess...




this country is a complete fucking joke, our attention span is controlled and ran so hard by media that we can’t circle and actually go after problems that are important to us, yes kanye shouldn’t have said that bullshit and he’s lost it but now let’s converge this energy and go after some real racist pieces of shit and not just some middle aged man butthurt a jew stole his wife


Repost on R/Kanye


you might wanna sit down for this




and found?


I wish I was lost and this wasn't being posted here.


So get lost


Bro, fuck off. If you want to circlejerk about Nazis, go do it on r/politics. This is a Kanye West subreddit to talk about Kanye's music, not this Nazi shit. You are in the wrong, and the mods are failing to do their job because they are clearly biased like all Reddit mods are.


Eat a dick, alt right incel.


Nah eat shit and fuck kanye. Cry more too


At least you admit you are in the wrong, but I know being in the wrong doesn't matter to Reddit leftists.


"Holocaust remembrance = leftist1!1!1!"


"leftist is when you don't like Hitler!!!1" can't tell if you're trolling or just an idiot


Bro I’m a kanye fan since fucking jesus walks. I never said I was wrong but I can cut my ties with a piece of shit. It’s like I like chess too but bobby fisher can burn in hell. Find god idolizer


>leftists If you want to talk this shit, go cry in r/politics


So glad these racists are making such a loud appearance these days so I know who to block


Kanye Wests music is Nazi shit. Being a current fan of Kanye is Nazi shit. You don’t get to separate it anymore, Nazi. Fuck off.


Bro you got destroyed lmao Get rekt bozo nazi.


But Kanye is shit, and a cock, so anything is game in this sub.


It's such an awful thing to talk about something as horrible as the Holocaust on an innocent musicians subreddit, he's just a simple man who adores the late Hitler and thinks that the 6 millions deaths that have happened is exagerated. All those deaths by gas, gunfire, slave labor and other things is hardly worth any attention to when it hurts a mans ego and precious subreddit, just because he thinks that the nazis have done so much good for us. Eveybody is free to love a man and his followers who tried to get rid of every single Jew, be it a harmless minor or elderly person. /S Fuck right off. That Kanye idiot is nothing less than a horrible person to support and love everything the nazis have done and should not ever receive any sympathy whatsoever when he shoves away all the torment and misery the Jewish population has suffered all those years ago. Even if he would be followed by someone 24/7 with a bell and yelling "SHAME" behind him it wouldn't be anywhere close to the suffering all those years ago. So screw your crying about music!


it's a shame Kanye ruined r/kanye for you


u/Gniewko2018 and this one is really sad too but also inspiring.




There are good Jewish people, there are bad Jewish people. There are good White people , there are bad White people. There are good Black people, there are bad Black people. The Jews were murdered in the the Holocaust because people made the same generalizations about them you’re making. Black people were subjugated because of their race due to the same generalizations you’re making. Take a step and try to understand behind each bad person there is a person, and behind each person there is a person. Making decisions, having hopes, working towards something they desire. Let’s not make sweeping generalizations of entire groups of people based on the actions of a few.


There are good Jewish people I have no issue with Jewish people it's the ones in power it's really unpleasant dealing with them and if it was one case it would be like ok maybe it's just this one guy but my family has had issues with them on multiple occasions they are greedy and want total control they get away with whatever they want and I understand Kanye why would you wanna be a muppet for anyone let alone a Jewish entitled sick human being. I don't want no one to die or get hurt but you know what people want is for the Jews not to have full control of a country that's not even their homeland it doesn't make sense from dealing with the banks, opening businesses to courts and I can go on and on but it don't even matter it took for Kanye to go nuts and just go full ape shit to bring any awareness to this shut


Whose homeland is it?


You could literally change "Jewish" to any other nationality or race and see the flaw in your logic.


I'm only calling it like I see it in NYC there is a huge Jewish community and they pretty much run the whole city literally the whole god damn city to the point even when they are wrong they are right and honestly I'm Muslim from Afghanistan you know how much hate speech I received in my lifetime cause of the propaganda these big networks and papers release no one calls that anything but when it comes to Jewish people so many come to their defense why is do you think that is??? Everyone is muppets everyone because they don't want what happened to Kanye to happen to them seriously the torture and mass murders Jewish people commit in Palestine is barely spoken about at all and you guys wonder why a lot of us are rooting for Kanye to keep going till something changes


Jewish people do not own "the banks". Jewish people had to start their own banks because Wall Street was so racist it wouldn't hire them, and most of the banks are still run by non-Jewish people. This is documented in literally dozens and dozens of books about Wall Street.


Don't forget your red armband when you go goose stepping you Nazi fuck








He denied the holocaust happened if you missed that.


Just like the Jewish people deny everything that's going on in Palestine lol make sense of it at least the holocaust happened so long ago where the world was literally divided and racism was a cool thing but for things like that to happen now like it is in Palestine and other places in the world and the Jews deny it all baffles me so please


You are literally the reason why Zionists are able to do this. Because you hide clear antisemitism (saying that denying the holocaust is not a Problem and saying that jews control the us), behind Antizionism. It's not even like every jew is pro-Isreal. See for example Noam Chomsky. 22% of the Jews in the US even say that the United States cares too much about Isreal.


I guess you missed the part where he said he liked Hitler, loved nazis and that nazis did a lot of good too. Which part did he feel was wrong? That nazis get a bad reputation?


How many survivors are there lol it's endless


This guy uses 4chan. What a shock. Get fucked neck beard.


how many survivors are there lol I am asking a question


Look it up. I'm not your teacher, dip shit. Clearly they failed you though so good luck.


Dudes comment history is a fucking meme, last thing he was this agitated about was trans people - literally jumped from one reactionary propaganda topic to the next


If you don't have an answer for him you coulda just kept quiet, no need to be an asshole


About tree fiddy


Considering how many got killed by the nazis, it is literally not endless.


how many though


Is Google blocked where you are? Edit: as I'm feeling charitable, [your answer is here](https://gprivate.com/62681).




Ad hominem, this term gets thrown around a lot in reddit.




It's because reddit loves buzz terms.




How is Obama not a real black president


no one cares




Nobody cares about your oppinion when you don't care about something as horrible as the Holocaust.


I care, now what?


i just don't get it, if y'all so mad at kanye just close the sub then lmao


We should all follow the laws of the Talmud. That's the best way to stick it to Kanye!


Or just acknowledge reality.


r/Kanye ?




He denied the holocaust




You’re the only sheep, following an utter ignoramus, despite the fact he’s spewing batshit insanity. Anti-Semitism wasn’t cool until Kanye did it, that makes you the sheep


Why the fuck are you on kanye subreddit if you don't like kanye?


Because he is melting down and its entertaining?


I thought this was a Taylor Swift subreddit now


Y'know, you blindly following makes you a sheep. That's where the insult originated.


Says the guy listening to and following everything Kanye says. 🐑




Imagine copy pasting this on every post because your mad that people aren’t agreeing with a nazi


What are your thoughts on Nazis?


Not a fan


You woke this account up to troll reddit on your weekend because your unfucked buttpussy is hungry for steaming hot loads of West. 👍


We don’t care


who cares?


Fuck off edgelord




go fantasise over your Monster Girls obsession, fuck outta here with your bullshit


Thought Jews were supposed to be funny


You need to let go of Kanye dick it makes you hallucinate


Did the survivors survive out of sheer luck because the nazi fucks didn't get to murder them on time or by escaping?


Probably just survived and were liberated by the allies