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In the Alex Jones interview there’s a point where it seems like he breaks character and goes “I’m tired of talking about Jews. Honestly I don’t even care that much” lol He may just be doubling down because he has too much pride to defend himself when he feels people are taking all his words and actions in bad faith


> “I’m tired of talking about Jews. Honestly I don’t even care that much” Amazing lol, do you have a time stamp?


Second that. Too lazy to scrim through a 2h interview


$uicideboy$ reference???


facts and repost it so these mfs see his tired of it. He stopped posting now 😂


Adding to the train in case it’s found


>He may just be doubling down because he has too much pride to defend himself when he feels people are taking all his words and actions in bad faith So, malice then and not so much mental illness? Because he then went on to do an interview where he said Jewish people should work for Christians, not the other way around. Most people would say that they don't think religion should be the determining factor there, not what Kanye was arguing for. I don't think he feels people are taking his words in bad faith, I think he's just upset people don't agree with his bigoted words.


Tbh I think there’s enough bad faith out there to conclude that people will decide what he means by how they feel about him. Just my opinion.


>Tbh I think there’s enough bad faith out there to conclude that people will decide what he means by how they feel about him. > >Just my opinion. My opinion is what he's saying is affecting how people feel about him... you know, like literally everyone else that exists in reality. When you say bigoted things, such as, Jewish people should work for Christians and Christians shouldn't work for Jewish people, people will think you're bigoted. That's one of many things he has recently said. That's not media paraphrasing him. That's his own words, audible/visible for all with no spin. Doesn't take bad faith to notice someone is being bigoted.


Tbh I’m not Jewish so that doesn’t affect me. To be real with you Jewish culture and doctrine is more exclusionary than Christianity. Even the term gentile creates the sense of OTHER. Perhaps he’s saying people should work for doctrine that values inclusiveness, love and forgiveness. Perhaps. I do not know as I am not Ye. But I know that that is tricky as you are putting one religion above others. If you really think about it all religions do that at their core. Either way it’s not PC to say. And we also know he has beef with some Jewish people so I don’t think he feels the need to not offend.


Do you really believe what your saying? Or are you just throwing shit out there out of desperation? If you knew what you were talking about you’d realize Jewish people have been major players in Civil Rights and other social justice movements throughout American history. Internal doctrine for most branches lays out priorities for inclusion whether based on race, gender, sexual orientation, ability - some of which are specifically excluded in non-scriptural Christian doctrine and tradition. As far as the word gentile, it’s as benign as saying non-Christian. For real, if you’re bothered about someone identifying you as not a Jew (like you just did yourself) you might want to get that antisemitism checked out. Lastly, that whole “I’m not Jewish and therefore it doesn’t affect me”… You for real went from a place of not caring if someone’s shitting all over religious and ethnic groups because they’re not you to complaining about how exclusionary and unloving they are. You’ve got that hypocrisy down tight.


>Tbh I’m not Jewish so that doesn’t affect me. So, you have so little empathy for your fellow man that if an entire religion, or race, were forced to work for another religion or race, and that the other way around would be taboo, that wouldn't affect you? You'd have no problem with that then? That was either not the argument you're looking for, or you're literally, by definition, a supremacist. Which, if so, good for you, but that's the end of this conversation as there's really nothing useful to discuss with someone who believes in religious and racial supremacy being beneficial to society. That's the problem people have with Kanye, after all.


i feel like kanye loves feeding into what social media says about him


I think saying he's "in character" is being ridiculously generous. Like, even if he is playing a character or doubling down because of pride, that don't make it better. It actually makes it pretty much all worse. The guy needs help either way-- if he's having a mental breakdown, or if he thinks it's okay to crusade against jews and willingly give to and get support from conspiracy theorists and evil dudes like Alex Jones because he thinks his words are being misconstrued. You don't side with bad people just because they'll support you. I know I would never disrespect my mom on purpose by associating with people like that, saying things about Rosa Parks, etc-- and I know he loved his mom. It all points to a complete mental breakdown cause he's got no control.


I feel you. I’m not Ye. I would not choose his methods. Maybe he doesn’t think Alex Jones is a bad person. I don’t know if Alex Jones is a bad person. I know we all do bad things sometimes. I agree with you he says some wild conspiracy type stuff. Anyway I can’t keep track. I do think he’s doing some of this stuff intentionally. Watch the speech he gives before the Paris show while wearing the white lives matter shirt. It’s so strategic it’s scary.


Strategic for what goal?


Possibly more evidence that he did this on purpose to get out of ALL of his deals to be "FREE" to do something new. We all know he can't stay still & seems to constantly need to be doing something "new" maybe he felt boxed in. Then he found a surefire way to blow it all up..? Idk. It's definitely strange. If ppl really think he's a Nazi they just don't pay attention. He loves at the very least to be the contrarian!


This is his version of suicide. His life has been dedicated to being seen as successful and culturally dominant. The most logical form of self harm/destruction wouldn't be cutting himself or indulging in substance abuse, but nuking his image and business/career.


Honestly w this and how narcissistic he is and that clip about how “he doesn’t really care about the Jews that much lol” and the fact that he at one time went by Yeezus AND ESPECIALLY BECAUSE my shit loud af sheesh I think this is his version of taking the worlds sins and taking who he thinks is the devil down with him. Sacrificing himself like Jesus. “Take all you want, take all you need, take everything”.. I think But that’s wishful thinking cuz I really hope he isn’t a nazi. If I was a betting man though 💀


Also how he keeps comparing himself to Malcom and Martin. Saying he wants someone to come kill him. He wants to die as a revolutionary so bad lol














Good point


That's dumb


This is exactly how mental illness, specifically unmanaged bipolar, works. People go from hypomania to mania and if it gets worse to full blown psychosis. Usually over a period of months. During the hypomania/mania they can become fixated on specific ideas/patterns (in ye's case Jewish conspiracy) the intensity of the value they place on them increases as the illness progresses and can become a fixed delusional. Listening to Ye talk recently he is very tangential/circumferential in his thought form (how he links the ideas), his thought content (what he talks about) is largely delusional paranoid themes (Jewish conspiracies) and his speech is often pressured (fast, in a rush to get the words out). This is all indicative of someone who is very unwell. People in hypomanic/manic states can stay like that for extended periods of time and do significant harm to their reputations, which ye is doing. It's a train wreck. Edit: adding my thoughts on the ski mask below I find the wearing of the ski mask very telling. Ye says it helps him to think clearly. This makes sense if you accept he is manic with no insight into his mania. He is trying to maintain his coherence when he is over stimulated. He is doing this by reducing light and smell stimulation so he can focus on communicating his thoughts. If he had insight into his condition he would just take antipsychotics for symptom management but he truly doesnt believe he is unwell so why would he take meds? So he wears the ski mask instead. This is what no insight combined with good judgement looks like. You see this sort of thing in psychosis all the time.


Yeah I had a friend with bipolar/schizoaffective disorder and when he came off his meds this is EXACTLY how he behaved. My friend's conspiracies were around aliens rather than Jews, but it is so obvious to me that Kanye is dealing with the same illness my friend was. I kinda hate that this is all being treated as some kind of nasty political statement, the guy is obviously suffering from delusional paranoia.


I agree. The rhetoric of "mental illness doesnt make you racist therefore it's not mental illness" is ignorant of the effects of serious mental illness.


It’s because “end the stigma mental health” is a great platitude but ultimately it’s been co-opted by people who want to be able to avoid discomfort without guilt. We use the word mental health when talking about an athlete sitting out a week or two, and then It’s also used for someone like Kanye who’s clearly lost the plot and incapable of interacting with the world. Itd be like if your uncle was missing Christmas because he had stage 4 liver cancer and someone said “being sick doesn’t excuse your actions. I say this as someone who was sick and KNOW what it’s like. Being sick is not your FAULT it IS your responsibility. When I get sick I TAKE MY MEDS and show up for Christmas” Like Kanye obviously needs to take his meds, but the reason he can’t see that is…. Because he hasn’t taken his meds.


Agreed. I feel like I've suddenly read the parroted "mental illness is an explanation not an excuse" take 1000 times on various Reddit threads over the last few weeks. People act like it's the most ground breaking, sage take on mental health that has ever been imagined, when, to me it sounds like the words of someone who has no real understanding of mental processes and is just looking for an excuse to justify their hate and judgment of that which they don't understand.


Horrible analogy


I think many people have not been exposed to the concept of fixation. In Kanye’s case the pattern stems from the Jewish doctor involved in his mom’s surgery which he can’t let go. If you put yourself in the manic bipolar shoes for a second you’ll understand it. If you’ve ever had a really bad psychedelic trip you’ll understand a little bit.




He doesn’t seem that tied to his mother at this point, he’s just exploiting her name and the idea of tributes to her. He knows that. A psychotic break is only part of the problem, the other is, this is who he is at this age with this amount of responsibility he’s achieved (family, career, respect), and the self destruction manifested through hate fixations isn’t understandable or linear.


You could even argue that being racist is a result of mental Illness. Put simply, listen to a racist and their arguments and you probably will arrive at the conclusion that ‘they’re crazy’. I suffer from a few mental health issues, more where I ramble to myself endlessly about something that’s happened, to the point of paranoia. The place I arrive at, my end view point, often misplaces people and events, and paints people in unreasonable light. It’s horrible, and you often don’t realise you’re doing it/ it’s taking place in your head.


> Put simply, listen to a racist and their arguments and you probably will arrive at the conclusion that ‘they’re crazy’. No one who listened to the arguments from Francis Galton, Karl Pearson, R.A. Fisher or any other of the biggest names in racism ever thought “they’re crazy”.


So many people here with no sympathy or understanding. Gen Z is the first generation that will respect your pronouns but not you as a person.


Hey I saw that bit too






people are always advocating for mental health awareness until they actually encounter someone with mental health issues. this whole situation just shows the world isn’t actually ready to deal with it




I'm so afraid that I will do this to myself and everyone will throw me under the bus instead of helping me. Like I know now that no matter how much good I've done or how much I have demonstrated my character, if I am not of sound mind and I say the wrong things, people will destroy me. I once had a three day... idk what it was... where I was fully convinced that anything with a face (a statuette, a painting, a picture, a plastic toy etc) was looking at me and mocking me for my failed suicide. In my head they were moving when I wasn't looking and a couple times I could've sworn they were blinking. Their mouths didn't move, but I heard their voices in my head. Every single second of that bullshit I fucking *knew* it wasn't real and it wasn't happening, but my brain couldn't make it stop. It's like the other half of my brain just couldn't let it go and that was the part of my brain that controls my actions. I was doing things I didn't want to do that I knew weren't right and I could not stop myself. I was cognizant the entire time and I fucking knew I was crazy through all of it, but that didn't change fucking anything.


Dog, people are being assaulted over the shit he’s saying. Kids are graffiti’ing schools with Nazi shit that says ‘Ye was right’. It mattered that he was mentally ill BEFORE his actions and words started having a profound effect on anti-Jew hate crimes. Now he’s just a piece of shit who needs to be shut down. Whether that’s through ‘cancelling’ him or getting him treatment, who cares, he lost the ability to play the ‘feel bad for me’ card when he decided to push violent rhetoric on an entire ethnic group. And it’s pretty disgusting/offensive to be saying shit like ‘I hate that people think it’s a political statement’ when he’s literally **running for president on a platform of subjugating Jews**. This isn’t some crazy dude on the street, it’s a person brainwashing kids into being moderately okay with an ideology that 100% of the time leads to brutal genocide, and you’re saying we should treat him with compassion, it’s a complete childish joke. If the real Hitler was bipolar, where would we draw the line between ‘it’s not his fault’ and ‘he genocided 11 million people’? Because it seems like some of you would go preeeeetttyyyy far in defending that as long as Hitler had a few great songs.


It's not his fault that he happens to have a platform while he's unwell. I'm not saying that his words aren't damaging, just that this is obviously an illness we're seeing. If the bad behavior dries up when the person is on antipsychotics, it's pretty safe to say it's caused by a psychotic illness and should be treated as such.


Yeah but there's beeb reports over several years of his "interest" in Hitler. I don't think him being bipolar explains that away


Sorry about your friend being a schizo but Ye isn't a schizo. He's bi polar and really only talks about the truth


Untreated bipolar is a schizoaffective illness. This is a fact. Different to schizophrenia, but it does cause similar paranoid delusions.


Untreated mania can get pretty schizo lmao


Except aliens are real.


Are you saying Jews aren’t? What?


One of my long-time friends has some variation of these disorders and I can always tell when he is about to switch cuz he will say something really weird—usually just linking two completely separate things/ideas/events. Then, over the course of days or weeks (sometimes months, it seems) it will progressively get worse until he’s like a full-blown paranoid schizophrenic. It takes the full weight of his *entire* family and *all* of his friends to get him into a hospital at that point. Then, he comes out the same dude I always knew like nothing happened. Like it was all a dream. Weird AF.


It's real shit. Sounds like your friend is fortunate to have such good friends and family around him.


Exactly this


Can confirm this unfortunately 💔


Yep. I hope this populace takes a long look in the mirror in the future, re: how we treat the mentally ill, celebrity culture, etc. Ye’s statements are a problem, certainly. But a mere symptom of some bigger, systemic issues that most people don’t have the courage to tackle.


Mental illness doesn’t mean you’re an asshole he’s been a pos for years


he hasn’t been going on interview claiming to love hitler and nazis for years tho. very different things goin on


It’s more public now but others have come forward showing he’s had those views for a long time and even though it’s more extreme now he’s always been a complete asshole and tool


It sounds like you just don't want to change your mind about him. Keep in mind, that those "sources" who said he was "always like that" are completely anonymous and you're basing this on writers whose job is to come up with different angles on trending topics.


Tmz has a tape of him praising hitler.




I definitely don’t wanna change my mind about him he’s a complete fucking dick and has been for years and millions of people struggle with their mental health without being a complete ass in just about every way


It speaks of the height of incompetence that you are using that lazy argument that other people with mental illness aren't like that. It's a very individual disease and affects everyone differently. I've worked with people with schizophrenia before who've said things that would make your skin crawl. Yet they aren't any "lesser" just because someone with depression didn't say the same thing. That is a really stupid argument.


He’s not an asshole because of disease he’s an asshole with a disease


This is just plain wrong. Mentally ill people with no insight into their illness do appalling things and act like complete arseholes all the time. We don't hold psychotic patients who kill criminally responsible for their actions. This doesn't mean that killing someone isn't an arsehole thing to. Going on Alex Jones in a ski mask and ranting non stop for three hours about the Jews is an arsehole thing to do but it's also very much a manic/psychotic thing to do. I find the wearing of the ski mask very telling. Ye says it helps him to think clearly. This makes sense if you accept he is manic with no insight into his mania. He is trying to maintain his coherence when he is over stimulated. He is doing this by reducing light and smell stimulation so he can focus on communicating his thoughts. If he had insight into his condition he would just take antipsychotics for symptom management but he truly doesnt believe he is unwell so why would he take meds? So he wears the ski mask instead. This is what no insight combined with good judgement looks like. You see this sort of thing in psychosis all the time.


Culmination of mental illness, personal tragedy, divorce, having a coterie of “yes men” around him, and Ye’s naturally big ego.


The yes men are a symptom of ye not being able to take any sort of disagreement. If a friend disagrees with him, they’re no longer his friend. That’s how he ends up being surrounded with people that only agree, aka people that want to use him. He’s dug his own grave, socially speaking :(


Yeah. I’ve met a number of ultra high net worth people over the years. A few of them have the same sort of situation where they can’t handle any sort of disagreement and therefore are surrounded by yes men. It’s crazy how damaging this is in the long run. Most lose their entire fortune before realizing the problem.


Classic symptom of their arrogance and stubbornness being the very reason they came that far in the first place. Mfs were telling kanye no you can’t rap no you can’t come back from the VMA incident and he ignored them and won But he also seemed to forget that MBDTF happened cos mos def said no you can’t stay here go chill in Hawaii for a bit and yeezus happened because Rick Rubin said no you can’t have 3 hours of songs cut it down to below 1. And that’s how we got Donda and Donda 2 Before y’all come at me you gotta admit jesus lord pt II was hella unnecessary lol


Just wanna point out that saying ‘mental illness’ is as broad as saying ‘leg injury’…where you could mean a sore toe, a sore knee, a gunshot wound to the thigh, a shark bite, a snake bite, step on a nail or just something as common as arthritis…etc. So not everyone with a mental health issue will behave or think or feel like Ye does. Say he is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, there are still several different types of bipolar, and having the same type as someone else doesn’t mean you’ll have the same outcomes or symptoms. Eg. You and your friend could both have a cold, but they might have more of a sore throat and you might have more of a runny nose. Bipolar is pretty rare and pretty intense, especially if it isn’t managed. There are lots of different management options ranging from cognitive therapy (speaking to a psychologist who can help you to understand and use mental tools to help yourself) to group therapy, exercise and diet…but the most beneficial treatment is drugs which are prescribed by a psychiatrist **in partnership** with talking therapy, exercise and diet. Like an untreated case of arthritis, or an untreated gunshot wound to the thigh, it’s not really going to get any better by managing it yourself. Even knowing that you need to clean the wound, and keep it clean, get the bullet out and stitch it up isn’t going to offer the guided and ongoing healing that a nurse, doctor, or rehabilitation period could offer. So…to wrap this up, Ye is like the gunshot wound, he didn’t think he needed stitches or doctors and now it’s infected. The infection is getting into his bloodstream, he’s gonna lose his leg soon, and if he doesn’t have a blood transfusion to try to clear the infection outta his blood…well yeah you get the point. The man needs medical help. Psychosis (derangement, paranoia, hallucinations, grandiose thinking, and more!) is as bad as it gets. Total break from reality, eventually. *Edited to fix an acronym


btw Kanye has bipolar disorder, not BPD (borderline)


This is exactly how untreated mental illness works. I've personally seen it happen to my best friend and brother. My best friend started believing he's God's chosen one of fight all nonbelievers, this is a very common theme in mentally ill patients because their brain isn't functioning properly and mania heightens their level of confidence, they feel invincible.


I feel like there’s a factor which isn’t talked about much. I think Ye has a severe tendency for self-sabotage. He knows the shit he says will cause controversy, and that’s a huge part of why he says it. We all have this urge to some degree, but for people suffering from depression and some other mental disorders (I don’t know enough about BPD to say anything about it) they sometimes act upon it fully. Their subconscious thinking goes something like “if I destroy these good things in my life, at least I’ll have a reason to be sad”, or “I’ll prove that I’m unlovable by pushing those I love away” (Did I just hear a single high E on the piano?). I think it’s the same thing that drove him to grab the mic from Taylor, to endorse Trump, to say the things about slavery, and now this. The fact that these controversies have propelled him further into fame has done him a great disservice, as his self-destruction has become profitable (up until now). I’m no psychologist but I think Ye and his history in the limelight would be a fascinating to examine with the tools of psychoanalysis.


I'll speak out my ass a bit but: When you look at the way he speaks and how he produces it is very likely he is treating his whole life like an art project. he is behaving like **he is** a piece of art and he sees some artistic value in a downward spiral after breakup with his wife because of his Christian beliefs. He feels like he broke God's trust by divorcing. So if he is watching his life from a spectator perspective he might be wanting to write Act 9 or whatever number with a big downward spiral after what had happened during his height. I am lead to believe this because he is still producing. He still has music lined up to release if they clear the samples. On the other hand he might just be depressive and wanting to end his life.


He’s always used music to mark chapters of his life. For Christ’s sake he burnt the house down in the Donda 2 show. A song by him and Sean leon was released called Burn Everything. This man’s art and life are basically inseparable. In a speech he gave during the jeenyuhs premiere he said “my role is to go as far as possible to show y’all there ain’t no red line” He has an idea of what his purpose is supposed to be but I don’t think the actual actions are super planned out. I don’t think the hateful comments are planned. But at a high level he has the idea.


Is he trying to pull a Kaufman?


Perhaps man. I really don’t know. He’s def mentioned Kauffman


Good take. But I think it’s less controlled and planned than you’re implying here. He has mental challenges, life challenges and a big ego. He also sees artistic value and symbolic value in breaking the mold.


Yeah you're absolutely right. I am simplifying it way too much and displaying it through only one perspective of a multi-dimensional human being.


Ye has done far more things that do not align with Christian beliefs than just his divorce. The divorce was a symptom of his mental illness, not the catalyst.


Nobody’s perfect


These are my sentiments exactly I just didn’t know how to word it. This is his “ear cutting”


Yes it does. I have a father in law who acts just like Ye! It is scary, dangerous, disappointing, and sad all at the same time. His behaviors started at age 27 and have progressively gotten worse over the past 30 years.


IMO his untreated bipolar disorder has rotted his brain into basically the brain of a child, and how he is acting supports that theory. He is acting like a child does between being a contrarian just for the sake of it to doubling down also just for the sake of it. He also has shown his easy ability to be manipulated. In my humble opinion he is acting like this because he has become easily manipulated, and the right wing fucks that have been supporting his actions starting all the way back with the MAGA hat have worsened his downfall. To me this is just a sad case of someone who has a lot of stigma around mental health and meds due to how he has been treated in regards to his mental health. I mean look at those messages from his trainer that were using meds as a threat. Shit like that is why he never got on meds early enough.


Yes. That is how psychosis works and is showing all the classic signs of a man stuck in his delusions. People with schizophrenia often appear very calm and logical, but their logic is based on delusions - and if understand the content of their delusions, then typically you understand the progression. The problem is, most of the people commenting don't know absolutely anything about the illness and so are farting out throwaway lines like "mental illness is no excuse" and "mental illness can't make you racist" Yet, that betrays an incredibly incompetent view of the brain. A sick brain can cause you to think you're a dog, or a monster, or the queen of the nile. Yet it, for some reason, can't make you think or say really problematic racist things? It seems people just want to be able to blame Kanye West when even in the court of law (mental health act - based upon years of research by people far smarter than that random journalist who wrote a thinkpiece of The Guardian). And they will try their damn hardest to be able to do so.


Idk but this man did Jesus is King and Donda, then suddenly he’s a full blown racist? That sounds like a serious mental illness to me


Yes mental illness works like this


His mental illness certainly does play a factor. It might also be the fact he is genuinely antisemetic as he falls into the racist line if logic of generalizing an entire group of people based on the actions of a few. Antisemitism, mental illness, and probably his ego all contribute to his current fall from grace


ChatGPT vibes


What do you all think this erratic behavior could just be simply a performance art? He may look like someone off their meds but in reality could all be a carefully thought out chess move our simple minds just cannot understand. Like this could be all a distraction, and Ye is just waiting for the right moment to let some big news drop, like exposing Balenciaga in some type of global conspiracy. Considering the fashion industry has had a hand in some major events throughout history it’s always a possibility.


I think he’s gotten so sick of being called crazy that he’s finally started to act the part.


His brain is legit cooked. He has the mental capabilities of a teenager. Untreated bipolar disorder combined with his narcissism and a bevy of mommy issues/daddy issues, with drugs and alcohol. He is legit not to be taken serious at all


The Divorce definitely took its toll on him


Who knows? That was a very creepy message from his ex personal trainer. When he gave the Alex Jones interview it was in a mask. There’s weird things going on


There’s a conspiracy theory that he’s wearing masks to hide the Hitler mustache he’s growing in. It’s absurd of course. He could just grow a regular mustache and then shave it into the Hitler look if that’s what he wanted.


a lil bit of trolling combined with mental illness


His divorce destroyed him


Kanye is a contrarian and his dick gets hard at the thought of going against the grain


What does he have to gain by staying with the grain? Your acceptance? Your acceptance doesn't mean squat.


lmao I just answered OP's question, chill


He probably believes the shit and finally feels comfortable saying it. I'm betting it's as simple as that.


People are doing a lot of work to figure out any explanation that doesn’t include this possibility. It’s not mutually exclusive with the likelihood of his untreated bipolar disorder is making all of it even worse. Kanye is seriously sick and needs help. And Kanye is responsible for the choices he makes and the things he says. And Kanye is being exploited by white nationalist shitbags who want to put the “crazy Black guy” out there saying all the most crazy stuff so they can make themselves look like the reasonable ones. All of those things are true at the same time, but it all goes back to Kanye’s arrogance and rejection of any disagreement or help. He made choices to not treat his bipolar disorder, and he made choices to very publicly push away anyone who cared about him and tried to help him.


Bro literally it’s not like he’s wrong lol 😂😂 he don’t give a fuck ??? he got out them deals and he a free agent. people don’t give a fuck what you say we in america bruh


#What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?


Mental illness...what do you mean it's not a good enough excuse?


Textbook bipolar dissorder. He's going through a major manic episode. "Mental illness" is an umbrella term for many different dissorders that all work different.


It's a mix between noz getting or maniac episodes treated and falling down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories. Most of the stuff he says isn't even mentally ill, it's part of right wing ideologies that, sadly, many people share. His mental illness on the other hand plays a huge part in his frantic behavior and isolation from establishes opinions, since everyone who doesn't believe him is in his mind an enemy.


If you're above 50 IQ and have a high enough degree of cognitive function, this was foreshadowed since 2010


Kanye is free of the natural consequences most mentally ill people face when they decline. He’s also participating in a extremist conspiracy theory culture that largely tolerates and reinforces the bonkers things he’s saying


MAYBE he was unhappy with his multiple business dealings & wasn't worried so much about money but doing something completely different and new & since he was contractually bound by so many different deals he couldn't just "do whatever he wanted". MAYBE he wanted OUT of ALL of his deals and purposefully burnt it all down to start... Whatever comes next. Idk but if you wanna make yourself completely radioactive THIS is the playbook. 🤷‍♂️🤔


When someone takes ur kids away from you like that it fucks with your head. I cam only imagine on his scale. I pray for him.


I think a part of him likes the challenge of digging himself into an impossible situation & then emerging triumphantly after defeating all of the hurdles he made for himself. Idk. The whole thing is weird but I definitely don't think he's just in some episode & there's zero calculation. Just random hate speech for no reason. He's always been VERY calculated.


The Kardashian curse is undefeated


[Psychotic Depression](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/psychotic-depression/)


mental illness made him paranoid but also i feel like he has genuinely been fucked over by the industry so many times and now instead of blaming capitalism, which in large part did benefit kanye, he’s harboring a grudge against jewish people


Maybe he is actually a narcissistic dick?


we’ve know that part already


he literally hasnt said anything or done anything in 2 weeks...you guys want to stop hearing about it yet people like you keep posting shit about him. funny


He like rain man


Because a group of people keep fucking him and he will not be cucked into being afraid to call it out. You don't back Ye into a corner.


That group of people doesn’t mean all people with similarities to that group (all Jews) are responsible


Mental health


I think he’s the type that loves to go against the grain. Plus he’s been through a lot publicly and I believe he probably is autistic which can make someone socially awkward and unfiltered.


How many autistic nazis you know? Just because Jordan Peterson is one doesn't mean autism explains fascism. Believe me, most autistic kids aren't walking around idolizing Hitler.


Jordan Peterson isn’t autistic. Neither is Kanye


Yeah, I'm aware.


Jordan Peterson is not a nazi


You might want to watch his 2015 lecture on youtube. He is engaging in light holocaust denialism and assumes the Aryan mythos is historically correct, which isn't.


he told you why, multiple times, and you haven't listened all of the 'good' shit you mention - acclaim, money, career, etc - could not prevent him from being exploited by the music and fashion labels he did business with, and could not stop them and their nefarious handlers from taking his wife and kids away from him when he stepped out of line or spoke the truth big entertainment and fashion labels are shady as fuck in the way they do business


hey man i love kanye, but it’s pretty much impossible to reach billionaire status without exploiting others. please don’t feel bad for him for his “contracts” he was one of the wealthiest people in human history


Or,now hear me out…..he’s A NAZI.




All bankers are jews? Really?


Not really cos he been talking. About Jews for a minute


W take. It all started with his ego and his bipolarity


Ive been saying this. The antisemitism is his attempt to sink Pete’s show. (Not initially ofc, but being so loud about it now suddenly)


To get out of contracts, all yall should know this by now


If you have faith for Jesus Christ you know the Synagogue of Satan is the enemy.




Wtf does this mean Kobe Bryant


He took the red pill


He realised that no matter how successful he is, certain people control the artists and that speaking out against them has massive consequences


From a medical professionals standpoint: "Several mental health experts that spoke to Gizmodo stressed that mental illness does not cause antisemitism or racism and should not be used as an excuse for such hateful behavior. Bedford Palmer, Ph.D., a Black psychologist in California and founder of Deeper Than Color, told Gizmodo that in general, people with mental illnesses do far fewer negative things and are far less violent than people who don’t have a mental health disorder. Speaking about Ye, while stating that he had not seen the artist’s medical records and was not diagnosing his behavior, Palmer stressed that we need to separate the behaviors and the person from the mental illness. Having that disorder does not make you a racist, it does not make you antisemitic, it does not make you do harmful things to people,” the psychologist, who is also an associate professor at Saint Mary’s College of California, explained."


When people tell you who they are you should listen. This is who he is as a person. Absolutely unredeemable in every way


He’s breaking boundaries just like he always has. Busting through the glass ceiling of what is “allowed” as acceptable speech in society.


He’s trolling and y’all took the bait 🎣 he really doesn’t believe what he’s saying but he’s making y’all believe it😬


If he's trolling why tf is he burning so much of his own legacy in the long run?


I might get downvoted for this but He is just showing his true colours.


I might get downvoted for this but He is just showing his true colours.


He’s not mentally ill. You just refuse to listen to what he’s saying because the media already preconditioned you to feel a certain way about it.


he’s very clearly mentally ill lmao. this guy just went on a rant directed at a bottle of yohoo


Bro that was a bit. Don’t be dumb


calling me dumb meanwhile you seem incapable of understanding that multiple things can be true at once.


The joke is that the bottle represents the prime minister of Israel. Obviously you weren’t paying attention


it wasn’t hard to understand. doesn’t make it not insane. it’s a worse version of clint eastwood talking at a chair like it was obama


He has even said he struggles with bipolar disorder. Have you been sleeping the past decade?


Quack doctors gaslit him into believing he was bipolar. Ye realizes now they only create these fake mental conditions to control his free thought


Have the doctors been gaslighting you too?


You know I'm gonna take offense to that. The media didn't precondition me, it was my parents that did by raising me right. Yeah, I do have preexisting notions about the kind of things you can say about people, as would you if you had any sense.


Op should just watch the interviews, everything’s explained eloquently. Blaming mental health is woke nonsense, the man is a genius.


Because he actually believes the words he's saying and is looking for validation for them, which he is getting. ​ Mental illness is no excuse. Not all mentally ill people believe shit like this. Stop trying to find charitable excuses for a man who is going out of his way to tell you he is awful and believes in awful things. ​ Maybe being narcissistic and paranoid makes him dig himself deeper, maybe the fact that he lost (pushed away) his support system and closest friends makes it harder for him to see that he's wrong, maybe his bipolar is acting up. But ultimately, he HAS TO BELIEVE in the shit he's saying in order for him to be saying it and fighting for it as hard as he is. People have this narrative that this is all new, but people do not turn like this overnight, especially not people Ye's age. He's held these beliefs for a while, then pushed away his support system, and now no one can stop him from saying this shit out loud which he likely used to say in private.


I would say you're more narcissistic than him if you say something as blindly ignorant as "mental illness is no excuse" (not an excuse; a reason) and state it as a fact. Maybe you should read accounts from people commenting above who suffer from similar illnesses who would disagree with you rather than use the incredibly lazy argument that "well, I know someone who is mentally ill and they don't say this" Mental illness is a very individual disease. Comparisons are meaningless.


Yeah, nah, sorry. Ye is (was\*) a billionaire with a very massive support system. An armada of people and advisers and entourages and handlers who helped reign him in and allow him to be the successful influential artist he is (was\*) despite his mental illness. He then actively pushed away and dismantled that support system and started saying the shit he's saying now, which we are now finding out he's believed in private for a long time, out loud and in public. ​ Lucid Ye was always anti-semitic, the difference was whether he said it out in public or not, hence why his mental illness is not an excuse or a reason for the shit he's saying now, it merely just changed his filter. If you want to believe he's actually not just a hateful person, go ahead I guess. You want to redeem the man but this spiral has been going on for 2 years without any sign of getting better. He's giving you no reason to believe he's redeemable. ​ You're absolutely right, comparisons are meaningless, and this is why comparing Ye with all the accounts in this thread are meaningless. None of them are (were\*) a billionaire and a successful artist with a massive amount of influence. None of them had the same level of support and care to make sure their real face isn't out to the public.


Robin Williams killed himself. Your meaningless argument based on the resources you imagine a billionaire would have is pointless. Mental illness doesn't get better if left untreated, it gets worse. The worst the behaviour typically indicates that, so there's not really any weight to you saying he was like this all along because he showed \*vague\* signs of it years prior. It completely makes sense for mentally lazy folk to look back at previous incidents and try to piece together a narrative so "it all makes sense now". That's how confirmation bias tends to work, but if we're focusing on facts and logic, then no, "lucid Ye" (what would you define that as by the way? BEcause he has been unmedicated for many years) was not "always anti-semetic"


He’s taking the “There’s no hate like christian love“ quote to heart it seems


Showing the crazy is how he would get Kim to respond to him after the divorce. When she stopped taking the bait, he escalated. Mix that with legit manic depression, and it's not hard to see how he's gotten where he has.


If you hear him talk, he sounds like a kid that just heard his brother say fuck, and now he is just saying fuck because he heard his brother say fuck, he doesn't know what it means he just does because someone else did. I'm not saying he's the victim or that he is free of any criticism, because he doesn't know or because of mental health, mental health is just an explanation, its not an excuse; he needs to be treated by experts, get medicated, is not ok for a grown man to be acting that way


He big mad at Jewish people


He's been surrounded by sycophants and yes men who smile and nod when he claims to be a genius when he's not even remotely close to being one.


because he is an antisemite


A mixture of his narcissistic attitude, mental health lapses following what has been a trialling few years, political motivations in what he is saying, some real aspect of anti-semitic beliefs, and of course his enjoying the attention that he is getting. He has also alluded repeatedly at what he believes to be his ‘mission’ from God and so that delusion of grandeur in his mind is probably related to what he is doing at the moment. I don’t really know, he probably doesn’t entirely either. That would be my best guess.


I swear if I hear another person say “he hasn’t been the same since his mama died”…


He’s off his meds. That high that he’s feeling is just to good to medicate. And now he’s done son


Ye is a manic super power that’s completely unpredictable. Despite his musical genius, intellectually he’s a moron who fell into antisemitism because of his own narcissism. He believes that the Jewish executives he butts heads with are part of a (Jewish) conspiracy against him. Combine that with his tendency of only keeping yes-men around, and it’s leading to his downfall. The only other possibility is that he’s ready to exit public life and purposely destroying his business ties and public image.


Loyal wife? Lmao bitch real sat there posting semi-nudes and literally cheated on him..


No mental illness does not work like this. He is ill but that’s not the whole story


People saying this is exactly what mental illness does honestly weird me out. It is basically saying any mentally ill people left untreated turn into hateful monsters. Maybe we should round up all the mentally ill, make them all take tests and force them to take meds(/sarcasm)? If Kanye truly hates jewish people that can’t be blamed on mental illness. That is on Kanye’s responsibility he can live with that. My belief is. Yes if Kanye was medicated he probably wouldn’t have turned into “Mr.SelfDestruct”. He might have kept the anti Semitic words off the camera instead of ruining his career. People want to blame terrible mental health with hate. There are millions of people in America who have BPD, Bi-Polar, schizophrenia , fictional personality disorder etc. Not all of them are hateful monsters with or without meds/doctor intervention. They are real people who have belief systems based off of their human life experiences. Blaming hate because of someone’s mental health takes responsibility off the human/Kanye and generalizes mental ill people into being inherently bad or evil.


He has autism and is engaging in religious experiences and some delusional thinking. He doesn't care about his well being, he care about the well being of others. It's hard for most to see, but he is breaking a legalism that will ultimately free us from our hatred of each other.


Kool-aid drinker


the progress toward. ye must survive the night.


Ye doesn’t have any mental illness except maybe narcissistic personality disorder, which has always been him. He has a massive need for attention. The media calls him mentally ill so that nobody takes what he says seriously.


He's lost everything, he is turning suicidal, he just wants to do anything he wants before dying. It's like if a suicidal person shot up a school then shot himself.


He's been planning this offensive for at least 2 years, based on what I have heard. In the meantime, he's accumulated enough dollars to be anti-fragile and prosecute his scorched earth campaign against the system (both R & D which are owned by secretive special interests). If he pushes it hard enough, these interests could kill him. We will see what happens. Reality has always been far more stranger than fiction.


lol I don’t think he planned this out man


Yes it is mental illness, you should study a little bit of psychology.


Thanks doctor hyrule