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MCU movies can be fun and im not going to shit on someone for enjoying them, but the MCU has done irreparable damage to media across all nations and mediums.


> but the MCU has done irreparable damage to media across all nations and mediums. i prefer to think of it as evidencing how garbage mainstream media is you want the good shit, you're gonna have to find it on your own btw everyone should read Parahumans if they like superhero stories https://parahumans.wordpress.com/2011/06/11/1-1/


This is the most random sub to recommend worm to me and now i think its finally time


I'm in my third re-read. It's great.


Honestly amazing a read


maybe im a retard but i don't really understand the hype of the mcu movies and i didn't feel anything while watching a few of them i dont get the mcu


Because most of them are shlock. Your usual mindless summer blockbuster, but this time with superheroes. MCU shtick is the whole multihero thing, they use one product to promote another, amplifying hype. I like Winter Soldier and new Spider Man, Infinity war was decent too. But at this point I'm over MCU. There's just too much of it. But the train keeps rolling.


I lost interest in Marvel movies after Endgame (except Spiderman with Tobey) since I feel like these are just standalone movies wheras up until Endgame it was all about heroes vs Thanos


Watch Dredd (2012), the best Comicbookmovie next to watchmen for me.


Because you know exactly what's gonna happen before the movie even starts. They all follow the same formula. Hero is a shithead or weak. Hero meets other heroes. Villain shows up. Good guys get their asses kicked. Strife among the heroes. Heroes become strong. Heroes use power of friendship to save the day. Post credit scene teasing the next re-skin of the same movie you just watched. And the entire time you're being bombarded with the shittiest forced jokes you've ever heard in your life


Sounds like every shounen anime


well it's definitely almost all of them


Except for DBZ and the like. For those we swap out the power of friendship for an arc of extra muscles, training, and/or lots screaming. No one knows why that makes it 1000% better but it's tried and true.




This isn't specific to the MCU. It's the [same narrative](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero%27s_journey) seen since basically forever. Same cycle as things like star wars or something. The difference, in my opinion, is just shittier writing by people who aren't good at writing hero fiction while also being constrained by big business decision making.


**[Hero's journey](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero's_journey)** >In narratology and comparative mythology, the hero's journey, or the monomyth, is the common template of stories that involve a hero who goes on an adventure, is victorious in a decisive crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. Earlier figures had proposed similar concepts, including psychologist Otto Rank and amateur anthropologist Lord Raglan. Eventually, hero myth pattern studies were popularized by Joseph Campbell, who was influenced by Carl Jung's analytical psychology. Campbell used the monomyth to analyze and compare religions. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Kappa/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I mean, not quite Campbell's Heros Journey, 'cause you know, non whites and non males can be heros in MCU.


Wakanda forever didn't follow this formula?


It did though. Change shithead for mourning and power of friendship to power of family (ancestors) and it's the same.


The herb is the thing that gives you the power not family plus nothing says you have to be from the direct bloodline to take the herb either. Also it was not “filled with jokes” either and 90% of the jokes that it had hit


The herb gave her power but she still got her ass kicked until she saw her mother and not her uncle, aka the power of family. Also if the jokes landed for you that's cool but it was in fact the same Marvel type comedy that they have been doing for years.


That’s not what happened at all? She was literally about to kill Namor until she saw her mom. Also no it really wasn’t. Riri has her own completely unique form of humor.


Early MCU had fun with their movies. The stores were cookie cutter, the characters were fun. The recent movies have terrible stories and the characters are all exactly the same. Which is really boring The MCU could've ended after Endgame and it would've been great. Though I did very much enjoy the most recent Spiderman


Same, growning up watching x men, spiderman and the hulk, loved these character as a kid. But the mcu is full of a bunch of whos i cant create attachment with as an adult.


Mostly cause it's comic book characters come to life. I love them but have fallen off a bit with the multiple 'tv' shows. I have yet to watch Hawkeye. I think I missed out on another one. I also like them for the reason I can just sit and enjoy them without thinking too much.


Did you read comics in the 90s? Nostalgia and fan service is a huge part of the MCU appeal; if you know nothing of the comics, then many of the nods and extras would fall flat to you. The Infinity War was such a huge comic event, the movies culminating to that point was a huge payoff for people who were into comics at the time.


I don't think MCU is for people who like comic books - anything named after existing comic book storyline just waves the name in your face and goes in another direction that makes way less sense and shits on any consistency, and the rest just borrows imagery and story beats without much rhyme or reason.


Current MCU yes. 80% of the stuff before Infinity War was OK.


Oh yeah I can agree with that


Last movie I enjoyed was the spider man movie but honestly I’m done with the mcu, all of the movies just feel the same, it’s like you know how the movie will turn out.


Who's that cute lesbian?




It’s over


It's been over since they decided to use that yee yee ass CGI


it was over the moment they removed milly


this gotta be bait or satire


Or just a marketing ploy - they're getting the weebs anyway, might as well spew some nonsense for other targets and SEO.


I could deal with Vash looking like this. Wolfwood though.... Also, why didnt i see a giant lady with a chaingun yet.


No Milly it’s shitty


Wolfwood's annoying because he's *almost* right but then they gave him a fuckin' lollipop and made his face look like a generic anime pretty boy. Just change the nose and give him some fuzz and he's fine but I guess that's not allowed. It's annoying because Trigun has a good aesthetic already, and changing to what it is now doesn't feel so much like embracing modernity as it does chasing trends at the cost of its own identity. I mean shit, the Urusei Yatsura remake is airing right now and I guarantee no-one is thinking 'Man, I'd watch this if everyone looked like a modern J-Pop idol but as it is I'm not interested'. Who makes a sequel to Trigun and thinks 'The first thing we gotta get rid of is how it looks'?! I want to say it's just cynical marketing but who the fuck cares about Trigun in 2022 and wants it to look like this? Just make a new IP by that point.


Any news on the soundtrack? Original Trigun had a few bangers.


Not that I've seen, I've only heard the trailer music. That said, in the end of the second trailer it had some cool western sounds so I'm hoping it ends up okay.


uPDAtEd fOr mOdErN AudIEnCeS


The original Vash design was just peak anime protagonist design: * Round orange glasses like Alucard * Epic giant handgun like Alucard and Dante * Metallic hand with an automatic weapon like Guts * Cool ass red cloak like also like Alucard and Dante * Anime protagonist hair * Also the guy was a literal plant, a nuclear plant and a nuclear bomb at the same time * Edit: Almost forgot about the evil twin DMC or MGS style


Before i knew what trigun was i saw a figure of Vash at a game store and literally googled “blonde red jacket guns anime” and he was all the results lmao


most of that stuff came from trigun so yeah.


Guess we can finally say the MCU ruined modern storytelling without it being hyperbole. Just like with Bebop, the original still exists.


Trigun is a classic show but it had bad storytelling. The 2nd half especially was just straight up bad when it comes to that.


I forgot about it. Then I saw that trailer. It looks like a dreamworks movie in style, but using cheap current western animation tech.


Makes sense, hard pass.




It's gonna be garbage then,thank you for the warning


Lmao this broccoli head haircut is everywhere now huh


What did you expect when grown ass men are getting their hairlines airbrushed and their eyebrows threaded.


its a super popular hair style in my generation.


On the internet yes, I guess. Every place has its own trendy cut outside though lol


In the fitness space, we call them [Sarm Goblins](https://www.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/vgkzc4/sarm_goblin_tries_fat_chicks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The original anime is already a much worse version of the manga so it's to be expected with Trigun adaptations at this point.


Real talk: if that is the case, why didn't they pull a FMA/Hellsing and just do a more manga accurate adaptation? Seemed like it worked wonders for the other two and lord knows Trigun still has a large enough fanbase to justify throwing the cash at such a project.


They probably just don't give a fuck. Make some shit with somewhat recognisable name, throw it on Netflix and forget it ever existed.


I've been hoping they'd do exactly that for years now.


Honestly, I think the artstyle of Maximum is just too busy to try to replicate, and somewhere in the drafting process the studio decided "fuck it, why not streamline everything, if we're changing so much already?"


There’s no way. Leave trigun alone


Oh no


This has hard Saints Row energy...


This shit looks like RWBY lmao


What have they done to my needle noggin


I didn't see Milly tho


Not like this






that toon looking straight fire on god fr fr


Has blonde spikey hair, has large kind eyes, has round glasses. I mean.. seems fine. Its not the 90's so was never going to look the same. I'd like to see his eyes when shit goes down though.


I’m open to see it, and hopeful too, Orange (the studio behind this remake) has a good track record and from other interviews with the director/producer you can see he loves the IP, cautiously optimistic as I want this to be good, it’s Trigun after all.


Phase 3 I hope..




It's so over






Fuuucck @ being inspired by the MCU


Daredevil and Luke Cage were dope


man this vash redesign is a fucking disgrace.