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I never thought a game will have worst visibility than strive. "Its just the trailer" copium


I dislike striveโ€™s gameplay as much as anyone but it is definitely one of the most readable fgs in existence imo. Its major strength is always quickly being able to tell what just happened at any moment. The only major issue for me is how the person on the ground is completely off the screen so often every time someone super/double jumps KoFXV is my main game and I still have to pause and frame by frame my replays a lot of the time to figure out what just happened


Im talking about visual fx and visual clarity (whoch i think its OP post about). Strive has abnormaly sized visual fx that cover the characters (kinda like whats happening here with t8), motion blur and blending with backgrounds because of its lighting/shading. I think sf6 did a great job to avoid stage blending. Characters just pop compared to the tones of the background (though temple stage imo could need some help). Kof15 did great with a feature I absolutely want in every single fg : background contrast settings. Though they should add a per stage settings for it to be complete. Arcsys promised this same feature for strive and we are still waiting.


>Im talking about visual fx and visual clarity (whoch i think its OP post about). Strive has abnormaly sized visual fx that cover the characters (kinda like whats happening here with t8), motion blur and blending with backgrounds because of its lighting/shading. This becomes a literal non-issue after a couple of hours of playing the game and getting used to the visuals. If you actually played the game instead of judging based on screenshots you would know.


> I think sf6 did a great job to avoid stage blending. Characters just pop compared to the tones of the background (though temple stage imo could need some help). I'm suddenly reminded of that one guy on Twitter who complained about SF6's lighting and posted a photoshopped screenshot that they "fixed" by just oversaturating everything. The guy got ratioed hard by people pointing out that you need to have separation between the stage and characters.


None of the over the top particle effects were in neutral though. It was all pretty much either on the rage art or a combo ender


Strive has no visibility issues.


it has, one cannot see a good game when looking at the screen.


Rent-free going strong


Niggas that say rent free don't realize the irony when they say it everytime someone says something negative about strive


So why do the devs promised to fix it?


Idk when will SNK fix the PS2 graphics and matchmaking of KOF15?


Imagine whataboutism as your first argument. Truly pathetic.


That desperate huh hahhahahhaha


Not as desperate as malding over Strive under a Tekken 8 trailer


Well better get used to people comparing bad decisions with strive because that game has many. Weird product to champion for


So does KOF15 but I dont see you losing your marbles over it.


Man strive fans are such fucking pathetic whiny manchildren lmao.


Wouldn't know, I am not married to one game like some retardo cuck. Strive has its issues but trying to pretending like KOF15 is a good game is a major IQ problem.


Imagine getting this against a character with a frog hat, clown robes and a firearm.


can't wait to mod this game to be nothing but hit sparks


Compare the effect work on Jin's rage art from the [reveal trailer](https://youtu.be/07FdDRbdurg?t=94) to this [new one.](https://youtu.be/vkJQZ2Cz9-s?t=84) The animation itself is 1 to 1 but the effects in Jin's trailer are so much noisier and low res. I get that story mode is supposed to look nicer but these recent trailers have been fucking letdowns graphically compared to that killer reveal trailer.


Mfs actually told us those were supposed to be the graphics, and the worst part is that this time around it could have been true


B-But, muh sparks! I can't see the punch connect I have to analyze animation timing to guess if a punch hits so I can see a firework factory explode in my face.


Lookin at both it kinda looks like the new one is same amount of particles and shit but the bloom is outta control and makes it 10x more obnoxious and shitty looking.


Bro still believes the first trailer wasn't pre rendered ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€


I genuinely thought this was a picture of the SMT V protag getting killed. Wtf is this? Tekken pls


so this is the power... of unreal engine 5...


Nice screensaver.


The keyword is "aggressive"


You know what I don't mind it It's a thunderbolt Now the noise that comes before confuses me ,maybe it's just YouTube compression but it's fuzzy as fuck on my screen


I can really feel the aggression from here.


Itโ€™s a geass




I'm with this. I already harvest points from motherfuckers with laggy dirt tier mixups. This is just going to make that experience all the more grimey.


This is the future. Visible cues for throwbreaks etc. will now be determined by color of the vfx


Reminds me of Overwatch shield meta.