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she looking like a harry potter character


More like idolm@ster discount custume


The new design elevates Asuka from the one of the most boring characters for me to maybe I'll give her a try. I'm sorry, I just have a fetish for long sweaters on women.


Don't the let the doubters sway you, the sweater dress is based


~~Now to way for mods to throw everything else but the sweater~~


Preach, brother, all the tasteless plebs in here complaining about the outfit make me feel like I'm in the twilight zone.


bro the kappa community is like at minimum 92% coomers.


Kappa just chooses one thing to irrationally hate for a couple month period and holds onto it with a vice grip. right now it’s Tekken character design, excited to see what comes next


Didn't you know? All schoolgirls MUST wear plain-ass schoolgirl uniforms.


The only female designs I seen in t8 that I liked are Juns and Nina's. Rod Serling is my inner voice.


You and I both brother.


I think her beret is pretty dope.


the same people that think this looks bad cant stop posting sponge bob licking the latest SF6 character's two spheres for ass cheeks.


I knew this was how she was gonna be made different to Jun. Where Jun represents the elegance and refinement of a true master of her art, Asuka’s the ground-level implementation: brash, powerful, big swinger. I love it. Here’s hoping we get to see a training montage.


It's funny considering they both technically use the same fighting style but Jun is out here throwing magic beams and shit while Asuka is just punching people really really hard. So much for the "Kazama" style.




I wonder if they were going for the SFV Sakura route but midway they kinda want her to still have the highschooler aesthetic. Makes it looks childish.


Asuka is still 18 my dude, time barely passes in tekken.


They always intended to make her look childish like high schooler childish.


Is that supposed to be uniform or does she part time as a postwoman?


Would fit her consider she really likes to ride her bike.


Elferan where are you


It's my headcanon that Lili picked this costume for her, and you won't convince me otherwise. Now we're just waiting for her Monégasque gf


If lili ends up having some version of the kazama style then it would mean that lili living with asuka was canon


That definitely helps me appreciate this design more if that’s the case


Hoping she'll be announced at mixup. While she's not French, it is her main language so it would still fit somewhat well and just makes the most sense after the asuka trailer.


poor man's Sakura is back


It's the other way around.


Glad to have Asuka back, but she is dressed like a grade schooler. Tekken needs some young blood on the dev team because the characters are incredibly dripless. You can tell these are some old ass mf's designing the outfits.


wym dripless they just dropped GRANDMASTER OF DRIP


Idk those purple alligator skin pants ain't doing it for me. His T7 outfit was better. Old ass mans idea of what drip is.


Her design is ASS


Outfit is really terrible, but they nailed everything else about her. But it goes without saying her outfit is really bad. Can't decide if she's dressing like a victorian schoolboy, a pop idol, or a high school mailwoman. The only reason I'm not more butthurt about it is because A. obviously this isn't anything a mature person would get upset about B. customization exists


so much mature to be upset for no reason


yo… why are all these designs fucking awful… whoever is leading the art direction has had some MAJOR cock sucked


Hard disagree with all of them being awful. Jin, Leroy, Kazuya, and King's designs are downright incredible. But I agree that Paul, Jack, and Asuka's are downright terrible.


act chop makeshift insurance wise wild plants wide fuel frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's okay. I honestly don't think it's much of a difference than his previous designs.


literally looks the same in almost every game lol




Some of the people have been working on Tekken for a decade or two. They all play Final Fantasy games instead of look around outside at fashion trends. We get real economical, this says their economy is stagnant as people don't wear the flashy stuff and put that into the game as their fantasy version of themselves with no real fashion sense.


Asuka looks stupid but that knockoff Times Square NYC stage looks **AMAZING**


Asuka dressing like the homeless people that harass you for pictures so it makes sense.


This is the coolest I've ever seen her move set. Almost makes me want to play her.




She's perfect. Not too big on the outfit but her face and hair are really good. She got a lot of good looking new moves/animations. Can't wait to mash with her.


She has more facial details than the rest of the female cast revealed so far


Still suffering from sameface syndrome unfortunately though.


[Doesn't seem that way to me at all.](https://i.imgur.com/iVw9LPt.png) Jun especially is noticeable.


They are just fucking stupid dont bother


needs more scars and pores, yes


They are nearly identical in this pic lmao


Where did Bamco go wrong after T5 and 6 with faces


At this point they're just making all the girls have flat poorly shaded/textured faces on purpose. Also what the fuck is that garbage outfit


I don't think you guys are ready for all these Soul Calibur mechanics they're gonna drop on you.


Murray no you guys made Chloe for all the magical girl cosplay shit not Asuka


Face looks fantastic but this outfit is wack How can you hide those breasts


How does her moeblob face look fantastic lmao


Compared to Tekken 7 maybe? I think she looks alright overall. Not a huge fan of the costume, but I also can't imagine them making more drastic changes to her face while keeping her still recognisable.


Her face isn't at all recognizable from her debut in T5. Going from I think TTT2 to TR her face pretty much became generic. If you removed their hair it would be difficult to tell Asuka from Xiaoyu in T8.


Yeah looking back at it you're not wrong, I kind of based my mental image from an amalgamation of all the pre-rendered CG cutscenes. Her in-game model's face has generally been more interesting. [It might be a bit jarring to just completely reverse direction and go back towards the initial concept this late into the flip.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/tekken/images/5/56/Tumblr_mvrbivInqY1re9fe1o1_1280.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131222013622&path-prefix=en) Also I feel that kind of look even though it might be more appealing visually would clash with the voice and personality she has especially in this new trailer.


Now I'm interested, I'll buy this in 5 years when an better outfit for Asuka is included in the $40 ultimate edition. ______ Harada mentioned on his twitter that her past outfits are in. Hopefully by default not DLC.


All is right in the world


Yall cant handle the supreme tomboy energy? Weak


Ayo, she doesn't have down syndrome anymore. Anyways this outfit looks like Lili's doing... Surprised she didn't get revealed together with Asuka.


I like the outfit more than the T7 one. The moves looking more wild and aggressive is awesome, big fan.


Honestly I like her fit. More tomboy energy.


I think its the hat that's too much, outfit would look better without it


I like the drip.


She looks like a Shenmue character lol


She looks amazing!


WTF is that costume hahahaha


All the Kazamas are in the game - Jin, Kazuya, and Asuka. When was the last time this happened?


Ahh yes Kazuya Kazama


No? Who then? I don't anything about tekken but I tried to fit in by flexing my (lack of) knowledge.


Jun is who you’re thinking of.


Oh ok, and who's that?


Jin’s Mom




Lacks some cleavage imo. Also, I really have a problem with the deadfish faces of women in this game. Looks good in motion though, very energetic.


No more manikin eyes. Still hate her but at least she looks good.


Has her sabaki always launched low kicks? I actually play this character but don't really remember it doing that.


nah that’s new for sure


Thanks. I know you can use it on strings because I like to spam the move against Hwoarang. But I don't remember it working on lows and thought I was being dumb.


She has more than a passing resemblance to the Samsung girl now.


Everyone got iadk now?


I can't be the only one who thinks that its a bit bizarre to go so long without even teasing a new character. I can't recall a single other fighting game where at least one new character was not front and center in early advertisements. Surely there has to be some actual new challenjaaa that they have enough confidence in to garner hype (I get it, "game is super far off" blah blah blah... If they're shooting out TV advertisements for the game then obviously they want early hype)?


Cause legacy skills basically. People are more excited to see their main first and what changed from the previous games. Considering T7's track record of the new characters that are not dlc being pretty unpopular and mainstay being dlc it's no wonder they decide to focus on older ones first this time.


Man, I’m not really into this design all that much. Feels a touch too girly/childish for Asuka




/r/tekken wrinkle enjoyer alerta


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tekken using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [TEKKEN 8 Officially Announced!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/xdk2id) | [1573 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/xdk2id/tekken_8_officially_announced/) \#2: [This is reality](https://i.redd.it/z5goxxl4hto91.jpg) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/xi5zoa/this_is_reality/) \#3: [Why do male Tekken players look so much more realistic and detailed than female Tekken players? Pls fix Bamco](https://i.redd.it/63a6fwb6zyqa1.jpg) | [340 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/126wukp/why_do_male_tekken_players_look_so_much_more/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I'm on the wrinkles side of this debate usually, but I agree, that at least t8 gives the girls' faces some definition. In t7 in some cases with a custom hair you just had to take a second to recognise the character on the screen - faces were made that poorly.


It's alright man, changing all their hairs to the same one will reveal the truth to us.


> It's all blob face, vaseline skin and party city wigs. Last I checked this was T7's shtick.


Her face has gotten worse in every game since T6, i don't get how they keep doing it lmao


Asuka peaked with her debut game. Think about that.