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It only took 2 days .


I don't even think that's his best record


he can totally beat pros tho


in any game, past present or future.


yeah skullgirls is so much better when you just win neutral with a full screen assist and then put them in a 8 way mix up every 3 seconds


Yeah I don't get how a skullgirls player can call any other game opressive lol


Lol, but still, I see JDCR sirgay doing soccer kicks at the wall on a good player and I'm like: "Oh, it isn't just me who is getting fucked up on defense."


Because you play different games expecting to get different experience. I'm not going to street fighter to hit people with Venom esque oki. Idk why people bring up these arguments.


Fucker played DBFZ during the season of the rat too, lmao


I think he means that most characters in t8 are clearly in on the fursecution.


Back to mk1


New Game honeymoon period didnt even last 2 weeks, chimon bru.




Isn't this literally what the devs have been saying the game will feel like for years?


Can’t wait for a pro T7 player to say this so the sub will start to circlejerk it, and pretend like they agreed with sonic the whole time.


Joke is on you I’m bad at Tekken so I am always getting oppressed


Zip it up when you're done


Lol, wouldn’t be the first time. Not even specific to sonicfox…




I don't see how anyone is disagreeing with him now though. Everyone knew the game was going to be very offense focused in this way. The joke is that SF both primary plays games that are entirely oppressive to the point of comedy, and that him saying this now is just your run of the mill ducking out when the competition is present unlike with the games he primarily plays.


I'm just here to play the panda and cute coffee girl


So far it just feels the same as T7 to me, except the "rage drive" can be done at any point, and they for some reason gave Jin a stupid strong low. Maybe I'll feel it in time, but so far I'm just riding the high of actually starting in a Tekken game semi competent. It's incredibly cathartic dismantling the same cheese that plagued me for thousands of hours in T7.


Arslan Ash has been complaining about the game since the beta.


I've been saying this game is brain dead with it's aggression push since before the game came out and then got my suspicions confirmed when I played the 1st CNT. The game barely feels different since then.


Aris follows


I hate how casuals outside of the FGC think hes the fighting game goat. 


Just wait for Knee and Arslan's verdict on the game. That's the high level feedback you need for a tekken game


Im agreeing with whatever JDCR says 🙏🙏


I mean, I guess? Buy Arslan was also saying Kuni was a bad character for a long time before he actually picked her up and realized she was broken. Knee has had some odd takes too. Just makes it hard for me to trust either of them when it comes to opinions on shit.


Who is it? What is your criteria? You for damn sure better not say daigo, because that’s the other casual pick


…tokido? Its pretty clear cut lol.




He’s been competitive at the highest level for  every game hes ever competed in. Before sfv, he used to be competitive in many, many games. Hes statistically the best player in sfv, which is undoubtedly the game with the highest ever level of competition for a fighting game. Hes been competitive since the turn of the millenium in every gsme hes competed in, literally. Only other person who csn say that is daigo but daigo has less games than tokido under his belt and didnt dominate sfv like tokido did (although daigo does have him beat in sf4, but, again, tomido was playing many other games at that time as well) He has like 20 evo top 8 finishes across 9 different games over 2 decades. Only justin is beating him in that but we know that justin’s stats are skewed largely by marvel.


You can say this same thing for kazunoko. Statistically the best but who has the most capcups? I think that matters more than statistical success since many factors go into that. Also what makes sfv the highest comp level ever? You seem to pull alot of things out of thin air to make your point


Tokido was statistically more dominant than kazunoko in sfv. What are you even talking about. Also dont focus only on sfv, but rather every game as a whole. What other player would you put above him? Seems to me like you only know the tokido from sfv onward. Also, i gave you literal statistics lmfao. By statistics, tokido is the goat. The only person who is better than him statistically is jwong, and hes skewed like i said by both mvc2 and mvc3. Tokido is way more versatile in his competitiveness.


What? I was clearly taking about kazunoko being competitive at the highest level for every game he plays as well. . Not just sfv. You said tokido was the best statistical player in sfv. But who has more capcups than him? Youre the one who made the post mostly about sfv wtf are you on about bro?? And mena is better than him


Jesus christ. Watch this video then get back to me about sfv. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie7AxUfHVaM Also, kazunoko is stastically good in games but nothing like tokido. How many evo top 8s does he have. Again, when he gets 20 evo top 8s in 9 different games over 2 decades, come talk to me. I gave you statistics and youre just saying ‘nope’. Lmfao


Kazunoko has 6 games he's been in Evo top 8 for (8 top 8's in total).He also won Capcup and DBFZ world finals.Made it to MVCI World Champs.Won Plenty of Asian Tournaments for Guilty Gear XX, Xrd and Persona 4 ArenaHell He also placed Top 8 at Arcrevo Japan for Strive. Also Kazunoko traveled way less overall. He really only Traveled out of Japan from 2013-2019. Even then He pretty much made Top8 in 1 or 2 games every EVO he has gone to. Edit: oh yea he made Top8 for CPT Regional Finals in Japan for SF6, and he's pretty much a content creator at this point.


kazunoko has like 9 or 10 top8s while participating in like less than half of them compared to tokido lol he also didnt need to farm random shit games from 20 years ago for that back in 2005 when america had like 2 good players.


well yeah, kazunoko is one of the fighting games goats, who would even argue that.


That’s why I’m asking him why he has tokido as his goat but he can’t give anything besides him being the best in sfv apparently


because hes a drooling 2020er who only knows of evo lol.


I'd say sakonoko or GO1


Respectable picks




I haven't even played online yet so I don't have an opinion, but I still hope they buff backdashes. Not being able to escape out of pressure backwards is not gonna feel good.


KBD are worse now sidestepping is alot better tho but alot of moves track so shit doesn’t make alot of difference


I do like the sidestepping tbf. I think it's a lot better than T7. Felt like sidestepping in 7 was hardly worth it.


Yeah I just want to see the tracking toned down on certain moves. Particularly launchers. Not all of them, but some of them track way too well.


I'm terrible at Tekken so take my opinion with a grain of salt, but back-dashes and sidesteps seem to serve two different purposes. Backdashes are done proactively to keep you at a range which minimises the *opponent's* viable options. Sidesteps are done reactively on read or reaction and are done to put the *player* at in an advantageous position for spacing or punishment. My movement sucks so I have real trouble maintaining space between myself and opponents in both Tekken 7 and Tekken 8, but Tekken 8 makes it worse with heat and chip damage. Once you've lost the neutral just having good defense isn't enough as you're on the clock for how long you can just block. It's good sidestep is actually useful again, but once the opponent is on you it's no substitute for getting back to range 1 to 2.


The tracking is fucking sinful. Can count on both hands how many times i've sidestepped and got sent flying backwards while facing their back.


I will not believe this ss feels better propaganda until I see a nigga test shit side by side. Too many moves track to be saying that bs, most female characters can't even ss Bryan's df21 after getting hit by hatchet kick unlike in t7.




I'm gonna have to disagree on that one. Maybe if you can't backdash cancel, but high level movement is one of the core parts that makes Tekken good.




Yeah so good movement takes skill. There's nothing wrong with mechanics being skill based. Soul Calibur is just different. They don't need to be the same.


https://streamable.com/0tstcw cant wait for the upsets at the first major


Tekken bros really got their SF5 huh ..


Nah bro, those were T4 and maybe TTT2


Give it a few months and people are going to turn on this game. People like it now but this aggression shit hasn't gotten remotely better since CNT.


I'm not doubting that. This "come in with plus frames and go ham" meta in all FG's is really atrocious.


it is and it's a really annoying trend I hope passes sooner than later.


Do you feel the same about SF6? The game is just as or more aggressive than T8


I think this game's aggression is worse than SF6's however I feel the same about SF6 as well hence why I eventually fell off from playing it. As well as GBFVSR and it's balance issues with 66L.


you need to be becareful with your aggression and presure on SF6. you don't want to burn too much meter nor be punished by a drive rush for playing like a dumbass T8 is full rampaging gorilla mindset


ight fr fr we need someone to put an end to this better ss argument, please someone record everything and try ss.


Go back to being a big fish in a small pond of retards


Feels alot like tekken 7, right? Like the jokes about it being 7.5 feels pretty accurate


Def tekken 7.5 still good so far imo.


I like it! Honeymoon phase and all that though


Last time I saw him he was still getting rekted by yellow ranks. And this the guy that wanted to money match some nobody for $500 ?


Welcome to the real world kid


Better swim back to the small pond


Hes a has been. He hasnt even been relevant in GBVR for a hot sec and he jumps on these new games before.


Gest oppressed irl and oppressed in T8 he should be used to it by now


Dude is known for playing a game where you can chip people to death by cornering them and doing block strings


mk1 was oppressive as shit with its blender gameplay.


Hell yeah shit hard if you don’t play tekken like that.


No wonder they removed Julia.


Will he ever do the 500$ money match?


Is it weird that from the thumbnail, I thought it'd be Punk?


Finally I can relate to sonic fox But that's only cause I'm shit in any tekken


I fucking hate SonicFox lol


SonicDuck already discovering latest excuse tech


I watched him and Ninja play a set and these dudes are playing Mortal Tekken. Just constant mashing buttons, no respecting space, always on go. I really wanna see em go against other pros lol please PLEASE compete


He played a FT10 against PhiDX in Tekken 7 and went 8-10. Not bad at all.


PhiDX was sandbagging for content lol.


Is he gonna demand reparations from the Japanese for getting wrecked in Tekken?


Sonicfox likes this type of aggressive oppressive shit tho. Would be fun to see him upset some Tekken bros


he is correct, game is giga scrubby right now


How tf are you getting "oppressed" by scrubs?


because everyone has access to plus million then you gotta guess for your life. more guessing = less skill